Pathfinder SKYRIM: Land of the Linnorm Kings (CLOSED)

Started by Quasar, May 20, 2017, 05:58:35 AM

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Close to the blisteringly cold Crown of the World is nestled the seven kingdoms of the Lands of the Linnorm kings.  Sveinn Blood-Eagle has long been the most powerful king in the realm, ruling over the expansive Thanelands, but now no more.  Slain in single combat by the newly crowned Linnorm King of Hagreach, his death has thrown the realm into a time of turbulence as the enormous power vacuum sends shockwaves throughout the lands and for the first time in decades, it seems that the peoples of the Linnorm Kings might actually wage open war against one another.

Yet, whilst the realms of men squabble, the mighty linnorms, once dormant, stir to bring madness and death to the weakening nation.  Rumours even abound that the legendary father of all linnorms, Fafnheir, has been seen outside his ancient demesnes in the Grungir Forest.  Meanwhile, agents of Irrisen – Land of the Winter Witches – walk the land with mysterious motives and offering aid to the beleaguered inhabitants.

A time of unprecedented change is about to shake the Lands of the Linnorm Kings.

Welcome and thank you for looking in for this Pathfinder campaign into the Land of the Linnorm Kings!  As any of you who expressed interest in the Interest Thread will know, I'm starting this campaign because of by my immense enjoyment with the Elder Scrolls: Skyrim.  Knowledge of the game is not necessary.  For those of you who have played it and want more, you've definitely made the right stop!

Please do familiarise yourself with the following so as to ensure that this is the sort of game you want to be in.

Please note that this will not be on a first come, first served basis. 

Warning/Disclaimer: Time will pass between major adventures.  Secondly, time is capricious in the fey realms.



  • The realm lies above a dormant rift to the First World of the fey, and the Lands of the Linnorm Kings is full of subtle enchantments, strange magic and supernatural effects the further one moves away from civilised areas.

  • Despite a prevalence of magic in their lands, the average Ulfen (a.k.a. Nords/Viking people) are a highly superstitious lot and don't take kindly to overt displays of spellcasting, especially arcane magic.  Martial skill, however, is highly respected; especially strength and toughness - they won't sneer at a finesse-based warrior, but such skill won't garner as much respect.  Priests of Gorum and Desna are respected, whilst priests of other non-evil religions are judged by their deeds.  Druids are almost held in awe, but with a healthy does of caution (like watching a spectacular bonfire - majestic, but you don't want to get too close)

  • The land of Irrisen was once part of the realm, before the legendary witch, Baba Yaga, wrested it away to form her nation of winter witches.  The two nations have been on poor terms since.  Most people of the Linnorm Kings have come to terms with the loss, though but it is a grudge that rears up from time to time.  Skirmishes are common along the border, but there has been peace between the two, albeit a (ahem) cold one.

  • This campaign takes place after the events of the Reign of Winter adventure path have resolved themselves.  Most people know a new queen now sits in Whitethrone, but little else other than that the new monarchy is attempting to reach out to its neighbors with a large number of ambassadors.

  • Currently 4 of the 7 kingdoms in the realm have Linnorm Kings (gender irrelevant): Broken Bay, Hagreach, the Ironbound Isles, and Southmoor.  In theory, anyone can take rulership of a kingdom if they succeed at besting (traditionally killing) a linnorm in single combat - people of Ulfen descent would be the obvious favorites, but outsiders could do so as well - present case in point: Hagreach.

  • The Land of the Linnorm Kings is quite rugged compared to many other places, so being prepared for environmental challenges is a must.  Whilst the people of the lands are a simple people, they are not stupid and nor is their internal politics any less vicious than anywhere else in Golarion - disputes, however, are likely to be settled by duels rather than trading words and insults.

  • Taken as a whole, the Land of the Linnorm Kings is Chaotic Neutral with regards to power centers.  Most people are Neutral in alignment.  Other details include:

    • Common Expected Enemies: Animal, Fey, Humanoid (goblinoid, human, orc), Magical Beast, Plant, Undead
    • Less Numerous Enemies: Dragon, Humanoid (giant, shapechanger), Monstrous Humanoid, Outsider (chaotic, evil, fire, water)
    • Common Terrain: Cold, Forest, Mountain, Plains, Underground

    • Popular Religion: Desna (CG), Gorum (CN), Gozreh (N)
    • Less Practiced Religions: Cayden Cailean (CG), Erastil (LG) Pharasma (N), Shelyn (NG)
    • Strong Cults: Lamashtu (CE), Norgorber (NE), The Eldest (varies)
    • Racially Practiced: Calistria (CN; Elves & Half-elves), Torag (LG; Dwarves, some humans and half-elves)

    • Common Languages: Common, Orc, Skald, Varisian
    • Uncommon/Racial/Regional Languages: Aklo, Aquan, Draconic, Giant, Goblin, Sylvan, Tien, Undercommon
    • Rare Languages: Thassilonian

    • Useful Skills: Climb, Knowledge (arcana, dungeoneering, nature, local, nobility) Perception, Sense Motive, Survival

I love writing sex scenes, but I'd prefer if it wasn't the whole point of the game; my main motivation for this is adventure, camaraderie, and danger.  Inherently sexual characters are not prohibited (welcome in fact!) but please read the mood.

When smut appears (and it will), I'd prefer if it flows logically rather than be forced or
"I'm afraid I'm going to have to pull you over for speeding ma'am." -> Sex scene

"Anyone seen my wrench?  I'm sure I left it on the table." -> Sex scene

Pizza man knocks -> Sex scene

"Doctor!  Can you do anything to save the life of my dying husband?" -> Sex scene ('dying' husband joins in, cue cheesy 70s porno music)

I won't lie and say I'm down for whatever.  A good, well-rounded (and believable) character always has my interest, as does one that integrates with the story and setting at hand.  People who make an effort to apply the knowledge they've learned are also good in my books.

Whilst it doesn't hurt to get creative and unique with character creation, whilst pumping up their credibility as a potential hero, one of my pet peeves is failure to note character vs. in-game competence and ability, summed up with the following:

Player "From a young age, my character could do such and such and has vanquished 5 bandits who ambushed her/him on the road whilst s/he was helping to find the missing miners.  After saving the miners from the giant beast, s/he traveled a long and perilous journey to the campaign region to seek further fortunes."

Me "... but you're only a 1st level character..."

I won't claim to be entirely free from bias when it comes to choosing characters, and just like anyone, I do have things I like to see.  Here are some concepts that instantly get my attention, and help improve your chances of having your PC chosen for the game.

  • Have a goal.  A goal they are willing to die for.

  • A new take on a time-honored cliche.  I like cliches - they're an easy shorthand for what we want.  Now, just find a way to make it fresh.

  • A quest for justice vengeance!

  • Searching for a loved one who was captured.

  • Escaping their old life due to some crime, deformity (supposed or actual), or special (socially unacceptable) devotion or belief they might have had.

  • Earthy grounded types in tune with the highs and lows of their nature.  On the other extreme of the spectrum, visionary mystics who spout cryptic poetry.

  • Sex cult practitioners.

  • A pregnant woman looking to make a better life for her unborn child.

Short story: by boat.

Joking aside, for whatever reason, your character was heading north towards the Lands of the Linnorm Kings.  The boat you were on was attacked and plundered by veteran Ulfen pirates who enslaved the crew and passengers.  After several days in the slave pen, one night you hear an unearthly roar and the ship is thrown into chaos.  The boat is rocked violently under the assault and begins to tear apart... after that, there is only darkness.

When you next awaken, you are on the shore of a rocky beach with some others around you, amidst the timbers and remains of the boat.  After salvaging what you can (i.e. your starting equipment) its time to get moving.

[float=right][img padding=2 height=350]Image[/img][/float]
[b]Name:[/b] [url=charactersheetlink]Character Name[/url]
[b]Age:[/b] Any.
[b]Gender:[/b] Any.
[b]Alignment:[/b] Any non-evil.
[b]Race:[/b] Campaign restricted.
[b]Sexual Orientation:[/b] Any.
[b]Deity:[/b] (Who do you pray to?  If any.)

[b]Physical:[/b] Even if you have a picture, tell us about (what you feel) is their best qualities.  Others need to know what to pay attention to!
[b]Personality:[/b] Tell us how we can expect your character to act.  But no irredeemably selfish or atagonistic characters please.

[b]In 2 Sentences:[/b] Summarize your character's identity, goals, and dreams in two sentences (approx. 40 words).  Basically, this is your sales pitch.

[b]Ons:[/b] Sexual and non-sexual.  Let others know what you want.
[b]Offs:[/b] Sexual and non-sexual.  Let others know where to draw the line.

You will have noticed that there is no background/history detail in the above.  Do not insert it.  This is deliberate.  No one would know these just by looking at another.  I believe that a characters background should come out during the course of a story (piece by piece at appropriate times; not an expository monologue please!) - here's a chance for you to wrack up bonus XP.

If your PC has a background that you want to have crop up/explored in the story (such as searching for a loved one, a personal nemsis, etc...), send it to me by PM and we can work on that (but only once I've made final selections).


  • Starting at 1st level.
  • 20-point buy
  • Only Paizo-published material, no third-party content.
  • All classes allowed.  Barbarian, Monk, Rogue, and Summoner uses the Unchained versions.
  • I reserve the right to approve a particular archetype.  Generally, I'm looking to preserve the theme.
  • Starting wealth per character is the noted average.
  • All core races acceptable.  Plus Catfolk, Changeling, Dhamphir, Drow (Standard), Skinwalker, and Tiefling.  Aasimar are also permissible, but do not gain +2 to two ability scores, only one (choose between the two offered).  Those of you who want to trade the spell-like abilities of the aasimar or tiefling for another, let me know and I'll roll it.
  • Characters may begin with 3 starting traits or 1 bonus feat.  No flaws.  For those taking traits, remember that only 1 trait per category (combat, racial, magic, social, etc...) can be taken.
  • Max hp at 1st level + Con mod.  1/2 at every level thereafter.
  • Background skills permissible.
  • For those with animal companions, familiars, or other similar companions; they will be NPCs under my purview (though you may define their personality and alignment when applicable) during non-combat situations, though you will still be able to order them around.

Current Submissions:
Quasar's Bangs (Requests; Updated 2017.08.25)
Quasar's A/As (Updated 2017.08.12)



So, I did a little browsing on the Lands of the Linnorm Kings, looking for a suitable character concept.

I was thinking of playing a Snowcaster Elf, the sole survivor of his tribe (right now, I'm thinking ambush by another Elven tribe, though I'm happy to replace it with a calamity more in line with the GM's tastes). He flees south, only to be captured by Ulfen raiders and brought aboard their ship. This goes a long way to reaffirming the traditional Snowcaster suspicion of non-elves.

In terms of build, I've got this really weird idea for a two-weapon fighter specializing in hand-crafted stone throwing axes. Basically elven tomahawks. The build doesn't use any 3rd party stuff, but it might use some  weird feats like "Sliding Axe Throw" and "Relentless Shot", and the "Disposable Weapon" and "Splintering Weapon".


No worries on being unorthodox.  Just have fun with it.
Quasar's Bangs (Requests; Updated 2017.08.25)
Quasar's A/As (Updated 2017.08.12)


I love the ideas and the way you've presented this.  Currently working on a Changeling Oracle, possibly the Seer archetype, who spouts cryptic poetry.  -grins.-


Quasar's Bangs (Requests; Updated 2017.08.25)
Quasar's A/As (Updated 2017.08.12)

National Acrobat

I will submit a gnome Druid with either weather or storm domain.


Name: Howling Wind
Age: 120
Gender: Male
Alignment: CN (Not the crazy kind! Just a stranger in a strange land)
Race: Snowcaster Elf
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Deity: Findelalara

Physical: Howling Wind wind is a Snowcaster elf, hailing from the Crown of the World. His hair, skin and eyes are all frost white. He is built sturdily for an elf, and at a distance might easily be mistaken for a tall human. His face is is lean and angular, and tends to be impassive and stoic.

His gear is certainly much "wilder" than that of typical elves. His weapons are crude stone axes, and his clothes are fashioned from furs and hide. His chain shirt is the only modern looking piece, and that appears to be a well-maintained relic, rather than something made for him.

Personality: Howling Wind was taught all his life that outsiders are not to be trusted. Other elven tribes are bad enough, but non-elves are even worse. Being captured by the Ulfen has done little to dissuade him from these suspicions, but he at least feels some solidarity with his fellow captives. At the same time, he realizes that he must adapt to his strange new world, and that might mean placing his trust in these outsiders.

In 2 Sentences: For the time being, survival is enough. However, Howling Wind's tribal homeland is sacred to him, and one day he knows he must return to cleanse it of the evil that has taken root therein.

Ons: In Character: Hard to say. I think his views of sexuality were tied up closely with his role in the tribe. Now that his tribe is gone, he's caught between a desire for closeness and community, and his peoples' own code of secrecy. He would be drawn to people who prove adept at navigating that tension. Out of Character: Camraderie and adventure. My character's definitely pretty aloof and distant to begin with, but I'd really like for him to find a new "tribe" amongst his companions. It would be really cool for him to bond with someone enough to trust them with his real name. Sexually, I'm fairly open. If it's not on my hard offs list, then I'm probably willing to give it a go.

Offs: Scat. Gore. Hardline non-con. Also, no dual-wielding scimitar drow rangers.

Edit: Changed faith to Findeladlara. Did some more reading, and I've decided religion is probably more important to my character than I first realized.


Interesting! Gonna have to narrow down my ideas before i present a concept though.

Side question; is Torag not also one of the main deities of the LLK? I thought he was up there with gorum and desna, mostly in the aspect as a honourable father-figure (not-Odin), in contrast with Gorum's battlelust and Desna's wandering ways. They are noted as one of the non-dwarf groups that revere him.


Name: Tinalia von Grazen
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Alignment: NG
Race: Human
Sexual Orientation: Unsure. Open to experimentation.
Deity: Like most common folk of Golarion, pays lip service to a lot of gods.

Physical: Draconic blood manifests in strange ways, and in Tina's case, it manifested as deep purple hair. She has a slender, round face unmarred by scarring. Her arms are a little shorter then most people, leading to difficulties with high shelves...
Personality: Tinalia is generally compassionate, believing in a sort of modified code of chivalry-defend the weak and protect the innocent, all that jazz. While she is well aware she cannot help everyone (her father raised no fool), she would be the first to buy extra food when she has extra gold on hand and share it with the less fortunate in town. She will not attack those who surrender, but if they take advantage of this and stab her in the back, bad things will happen to them.

In 2 Sentences: Tinalia and her father came to this land as merchants. Separated from her father and with new powers she barely understands, she seeks to find him and maybe do some good along the way.

Ons: Sexual: Uhh, let me get back to you on that. Non-Sexual: She likes people who can tell a joke, who can weave stories (she tries herself), and absolutely loves a filling, warm meal. Also really enjoys powerful rainstorms.
Offs: Sexual: We'll start with the obvious, scat gore non-con etc, and add more later. Non-Sexual: Can barely stand trail rations. Finds herself uncomfortable around stoic, near-emotionless people (more then most already do).
Avatar is by Lemonfont. Will remove it if he asks me to.

Come check the Cyberpunk Images Thread!


Quote from: Angie on May 20, 2017, 12:15:06 PM
Finds herself uncomfortable around stoic, near-emotionless people (more then most already do).

Man, our characters clearly are not a good match. Obviously they need to become best friends by the end of the campaign.


If he ever laughs at one of her jokes or smiles at a story, they'll get along fine.
Avatar is by Lemonfont. Will remove it if he asks me to.

Come check the Cyberpunk Images Thread!


Might take a while... But with time she might manage to wear him down. He's gotta get used to the all the weird, scary outsiders first.


So far, Oracle, Druid, Sorcerer, and Dexterity-type fighter.

Alrighty! I'm feeling barbarian, Paladin of Kurgess or Torag, or Big Thumpy Two-hander fighter.

Maybe Skald or Monk? Depends on the image I settle on.

And I have a lot of them to pick from.  XD


Currently working on my barbarian. Here's their pic for now.

National Acrobat

Name: Zoe Stoneshard
Age: 54
Gender: Female
Alignment: Nuetral Good
Race: Gnome
Sexual Orientation: Lesbian
Deity: Green Faith

Physical: Barefoot, adorned with ritual tattoos, Zoe is a gnome Druid from the Stonehold Clan in the Stormspear Mountains. Her clan are survivors that fled Irrisen years ago when Baba Yaga and her minions started capturing and enslaving her kin.
Personality: Pensive, Wise and open to new experiences, friendly and interested in hearing stories and telling stories. Deeply connected to nature, and the Green Faith. She likes a good joke, and enjoys meeting and being around people.

In 2 Sentences: She is determined to learn of her people's history, while helping those in need using the gifts that her faith has presented her. Learning about other cultures and working with them, to help improve relations and fight forces that threaten their lands is important to her while protecting and promoting the sanctity of the fey and natural world.

Ons: Folks who don't look down on the short people, nature, in all it's forms, especially storms and water. Jokes, tattoos, bare feet. Sexually, pretty vanilla really but she is attracted to women. Storms make her come alive. History, lore, culture.
Offs: Pretty standard. No scat, vore, non-con, etc. Not fond of aloof people, or folks that continually make short jokes unless she's gotten to know them very well.


NSFW Character Pic

Name: Vera Frost
Age: 22
Gender: Futa
Alignment: CN
Race: Human
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Deity: Desna

Physical: Vera is pretty voluptuous and has very pale skin. She has large DD breasts, a slim waist, wide hips, bubble butt, and thick thighs that could easily crush a mans skull. Her eyes are sky blue and she has a very attractive face. She appears to be fully female, but above her pussy, she also has a cock and balls. Normally her cock is about 8 inches long and her balls are 1.5 inches in diameter, but a curse from a fertility idol she carries can cause her cock and nuts to become larger and her body to become even more voluptuous.
Personality: Vera is pretty laid back, relaxed, and just tends to go with the flow. She's a little bit hedonistic too. She enjoys fighting, drinking, eating steak, having sex, and collecting treasure. She is also very loyal to her friends and treats them with kindness and respect. She also tends to act a little bit motherly to her friends, trying to keep them safe and out of trouble. If someone were to ever hurt someone she cared about, she would fly into a rage and smash them.

In 2 Sentences: Single mom fighting and fucking her way through the land until she finds her kidnapped children. She's easily distracted so she may have some fun along the way, but she will never give up.

Ons: Her sexual ons are excessive semen, dicks, balls, being filled in every hole, breasts, butts, large size differences, futas, being bred, and much more. Non-sexual things that she enjoys are, nice people, shiny treasure, good food, sleeping, and a good tussle.
Offs: Her sexual offs are castration, extreme pain and torture, giving rim jobs, incest, scat, surgical needles, underagand haracters, and water sports. Non-sexual things that she does not like are mean people, rudeness, seafood, and deep murky water.


Name: Elisa Morosan
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Alignment: CG
Race: Changeling
Sexual Orientation: Omnisexual
Deity: Gozreh

Physical: Elisa, aside from having the uncanny beauty and allure of her race, moves with an eerie grace that draws the eye and holds attention without trying.  Her body always seems to naturally settle into the most visually-pleasing pose, and her hands dance in the air as she talks, gesturing and seeming to form images in the air to accompany her words.  Her voice is a musical, low-pitched rasp made all the more beautiful by her exotic accent.  Her most striking feature is her eyes, one the golden-brown of a lion's mane and the other the dark, intense green of a pine forest.  Her pupils are clouded by foggy cataracts, but that only seems to add to the knowing shadows that lurk in her intelligent gaze.

Personality: Elisa is a woman of unbridled passions, inscrutable mysteries and unpredictable moods.  Others might expect a Seer to speak in riddles, keep to themselves and stroke crystal balls.  While Elisa has her moments of Sphynx-like inscrutability and ball-handling, she also loves to settle around a fire with a drink and a smoke to tell stories with her companions, trade bawdy jokes, and sing songs in a smoky, bluesy alto.  She does retreat, sometimes, from socializing in order to try and focus on the visions she receives and the foreboding she feels, in a desperate attempt to understand them.  But, for the most part, she craves pleasurable experiences, or exciting experiences, for she lives with the fear in the back of her mind that sometimes very soon all will be lost.

In 2 Sentences: Elisa senses something dark and dangerous in the future, like a shadow falling across the whole world.  She strives to know and understand this fearsome sense of foreboding, and to, hopefully, prevent whatever tragedy it foretells from coming to pass.

Ons: Conversation, skin-to-skin contact, wit, body painting, extended foreplay, intense passion, new sensations and experiences, mouths, hands, oral sex, mutual masturbation, games
Offs: Bullies, bigots, inconsideration, vore, gore, overly-skeptical or jaded viewpoints, being treated as 'lesser' due to her gender or race, slut-shaming, scat, face-slapping, non-con



Name: Kell
Age: Early 20s
Gender: Female
Alignment: CN
Race: Human
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Deity: Faithless from recent trauma. (Will likely adopt Feronia or a local deity depending on the evolution of the RP. Other characters should feel tree to try and convert her)

Physical: Kell has the sort of soft, healthy figure of one who has lived a life that was as happy and free of toil as it was high of station. Her hair is a pure platinum blonde and frames her porcelain skin. But her beauty is marred by a terrible scar that covers her face from cheek to brow, the result of being burned or branded.
Personality: After what happened to her on the ship, Kell isnt quite as sane as she used to be, though fortunately this mostly manifests in a sheer lack of fucks to give rather than violent pyrophillia. A bit weird at times, but very friendly and kind! She wants to move forward with her life, meet new people, see new things, do fun peoplestuff. But the flipside is that she cares about very little.

In 2 Sentences: A runaway from some southern land, Kell abandoned her pampered life for adventure... but swiftly fell prey to the pirates. Worse, she was picked to 'entertain' the crew on the voyage home... Having regained her freedom and discovered a power all her own, this damaged girl seeks the freedom to move forward with her life, and clings to the naive dreams of adventure that brought her this far. 

Ons: She likes energetic, rough sex, and is open to almost any kink her partner might want to try out. Shes especially interested in new things, and a lover who can keep the experience fresh will keep her engaged best of all. Outside of the bedroom she has similar interests, being strictly interested in moving forward with her life means that she values novelty and has little interest in revisiting old sites.
Offs: Scat, sexualized gore and slow lovemaking? Thats about it! Kell's apathy towards the sort of things that would get most people up in arms means theres very little she objects to... She wouldnt even mind being raped again, exactly.  But she is resoundingly unwilling to talk about her past, and having it rise up to interfere with her current life would quickly damage her calm.


Name: Kell Embersoul
Race: Human
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Deity: None ATM.
Level: 6 Kineticist HD8



Derived Stats
Bab: +0
Fort: 8 (+2Class+2Con+1Prog)
Ref : 7 (+2Class+1DexB+1Prog)
Will: 5 (+0Class+2WisB+1Prog)
CMB: -2 (+0BAB-2StrB)
CMD: 10 (10+0BAB-2StrB+2DexB)
AC : 12 (10+2DexB+0Armour)

HP: 13/13

Skills (5+2bg/lvl)
Acrobatics (Dex): 4  [1sp+3]
Craft (Int)
Escape Artist (Dex)
Heal (Wis)
Intimidate (Cha)
Know [Nature] (Int)
Perception (Wis): 4  [1sp+3]
Stealth (Dex): 4  [1sp+3]
Use Magic Device (Cha): 4  [1sp+3]
8  [5sp+3]

Languages: Common

Features, Feats & Traits
Ability Score: +2 Con
Type: Humanoid (Human)
Size: Medium
Speed: 30 ft.
Languages: Common
Bonus Feat: Extra feat at 1st level.
Skilled: +1SP/lvl
Favoured Class: Kineticist; +1/6th of new Wild Talent/+0SP/+0HP
Proficiency: All simple weapons and light armour.
Elemental Focus (Su): Choose one primary element on which to focus. Determines elemental power, specific wild talents and class skills. Gains selected element’s basicutility wild talent. Element: Fire
Wild Talents: Wild talents are typically psychic SLAs (some are SU), and take a standard action to use unless otherwise noted. Always has the elemental descriptor of the element. Blast and Defense Spell level= half Kin lvl, must meet the lvl on other Talents before taking. Unless otherwise noted DC = 10+spell level+ConB. Kins use ConB on concentration checks for wild talents. At lvl 2 and every 2 lvls after, selects a new Utility Wild Talent. At 6th, 10th, and 16th lvls, can replace one utility wild talent with another of the same lvl or lower.
Burn (Ex): Can overexert to channel more power than normal. Each point of Burn causes 1 point of nonlethal damage per lvl.Cannot be healed by any means, but restored after a night' rest. Max 1 Burn per round, rising at lvl6, +1 every 3lvls after.
Kinetic Blast (Sp): Gains a kinetic blast wild talent based on their Element. As a standard action, can unleash a blast at a single target up to a range of 30 ft. Must have at least one hand free to aim. Damage is treated as Magic for bypassing DR. Blasts count as a type of weapon for the purpose of feats. Blasts involve a sizable mass of matter or energy, so blasts always deal full damage to swarms of any size. A blast can be used to counterspell any spell of equal or lower level that shares its descriptor.
Gather Power (Su): With both hands free can gather energy/matter as a move action. Gathering power creates a loud, visible display in a 20ft area. This reduces the burn cost of a blast wild talent by 1. 1 full round = 2 burn, 1 round+1move = 3 burn. If damage is taken during they must succeed at a concentration check (DC=10+damage taken+spell lvl) or lose the energy and take burn equal to what they were trying to reduce.
Infusion (Su): Gains infusions at 1st/3rd/5th/9th/11th/13th/17th/19th lvls. Infusions come in two types; substance infusion causes a additional effect, form infusion causes the kinetic blast to manifest in a different way. Can apply up to one form infusion and one substance infusion. DC uses blast spelllevel, rather than infusion spelllevel, and Dex rather than Con. If a form and substance infusions both require saves, save against form, and if fail, then substance. If both alter damage, apply substance first. At 5th/11th/17th lvls, can replace one infusion with another infusion of the same lvl or lower.

-Point Blank Shot: +1Atk/Dam on attacks within 30ft.
-Precise Shot: Can attack targets in melee without -4 penalty.

-Reactionary: +2Init


Type: Psychic
Element: Fire

Fire Blast (1standard. S. Rng: 30ft. Type: Energy Simple Blast[Fire]. Spell Level 1)
Effect: 1d6(/lvl)+HalfConB Fire damage.

Burning Infusion (Type: Substance[fire]. Level: 1. Burn: 1. Save: Reflex Neg)
Effect: If infused blast hits a foe/penetrates SR, that foe catches on fire. Take 1d6[fire] damage/round until extinguished. Fire blasts gain +2 attack/DCs/caster level vs SR.

Basic Pyrokinesis (1standard. S. Rng: Varies. Type: Utility[Fire])
Effect: Reproduce the effects of flare, light, or spark, except they produce heat like a normal flame
-Flare (Rng: Close(25+(5per2 lvls)). Save:Fort Neg. SR: Yes). Effect: Creates a burst of light. If burst in front of a creature, dazzled for 1 min. Sightless and Dazzled creatures are not effected.
-Light ()
-Spark ()

Equipment [/100 lbs]
Weapons [ lbs]

Armour [ lbs]

Items [ lbs]

=Silk Rope (50ft length of silk rope. 4 HP, broken with a DC 24 Strength check. 5 lbs)
=Kit, Fighter's (15 lbs)
-a belt pouch
-flint and steel
-a mess kit
-trail rations (5 days)
Kit, Courtesan's [5 lbs]
-a razor
-scented oils and salves
-a warming pot
-a variety of appealing outfits.
-Books of poetry, literature, and plays -often focusing on salacious topics and full of double entendres.

GM/Misc Stuff

-Kit, Fighter's [9]
-Kit, Courtesan's [10]

GM Notes
-i tossed the gear i didnt want out of my Kit, paid full, but want to save weight for huffing all the loot around :P

=shit for later
Ability Focus
improved init
weapon finesse
extra wild talent
penetrate spell resistance
weapon spec/focus


Hey CS? Your img tags don't work. Copy-pasting the link works for me but it breaks as soon as it gets posted on here, maybe run the images through imgur and put those in the tags instead?
Avatar is by Lemonfont. Will remove it if he asks me to.

Come check the Cyberpunk Images Thread!


Holy crap this got busy fast. :)

Will try putting up a magus or winter witch in the morrow.


Quote from: Angie on May 20, 2017, 09:57:21 PM
Hey CS? Your img tags don't work. Copy-pasting the link works for me but it breaks as soon as it gets posted on here, maybe run the images through imgur and put those in the tags instead?
Odd, they work for me! Ill shove them onto imgur. Thanks for pointing it out.


I find it funny that so many are CN. (MY CS I am making is CN even darn it >_< ) lol.


Quote from: Prosak on May 21, 2017, 01:51:25 AM
I find it funny that so many are CN. (MY CS I am making is CN even darn it >_< ) lol.

It's Viking Land! Of course everyone is Chaotic Neutral.


Avatar is by Lemonfont. Will remove it if he asks me to.

Come check the Cyberpunk Images Thread!