We Could Be Heroes; A Sexy Superhero RP 2nd Arc Recruitment! MALES NEEDED!

Started by Vergil Tanner, May 10, 2017, 09:00:45 AM

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Hey there,
I have seen and like the idea of this and I would like to hear what you would think about such a character idea.

Name: Aurora Knight
Sex: Female
Archetype: Popular girl/Rich girl (actually not herself but her father)
Face Claim: Jennifer Lawrence
Power Theme: Emotional Control Aura – People around her(including herself) find their emotions altered according to hers. Which works like when she has positive feelings people's feelings around her gets one step towards to positive direction. Ex: when she is happy, someone who is pissed became clam while an angry person feels pissed instead. Or when She is pissed, Someone who is pissed became angry while and an angry person becomes hateful.


Name: Rachel Ray Masters (Or Rae)
Sex: Female
Position: Student
Archetype: Gamer geek
Power Type: Strengthened Body- Denser body, increased strength and endurance, but not impervious.
Starting Level:Strength output set to deadlift 200 pounds. Density able to take a hit from a small car, till be knocked out.
Max Level: Strength output moves to twenty tons, density moves up to take harder hits from blunt style trauma with ease.
Weaknesses: One, she has zero control over her strength, this will break things with ease. Two, the density makes her heavier than a normal girl and make her sink or break things not meant for excessive weight. Three, I can see her needed to eat a lot to fuel her body, her output is a bit ridiculous for a normal person, so more fuel needed (Three times as much). Four, she will need to concentrate to not overdo herself, breaking enough doors makes you realize this. So to help calm herself, she sings out loud and not stress herself. Five, she has a temper and can lose herself in her strength because she got mad. Gamer rage!
Durability: Rachel can last longer in a fight which she will pay for when she needs to eat, her body can take the beating of being hit by a car and live. Even as she grows in endurance, her eyes will never be stronger. Over time small firearms and blades and small cars will not effect her, but high caliber guns, blades used by stronger opponents will still effect her.
Personality: Rae is an irreverent tomboy raised mostly by the males in her life. Mother was busy with work and the like, so she picked up some girlish habits like makeup and hair as they were her best features before the change. She is mostly blunt, not liking to beat around the bush, calling it as she sees it. Honesty is the best policy, even if its painful, it lets everyone know where they stand. Even then, she is a geeky person too thanks to her brothers, so if someone takes about a new game, comic, anime, cosplayer, or other item of her glorious geekdom, you will see the excitable girl she really is under the bitchy persona. She loved cosplay and tried to make her own, played many games, drew a lot, and sang. She wanted to try guitar but could never afford a good one. Even then her music list is expansive, from rock to alternative, some rap (very few), to pop. She was the girl with headphones in her ears in class with little cares. She passes with C averages mostly unless the class interests her.

A bit better complied? Sorry, just woke up


By accepting what is and making the best use of every situation, life can be fulfilled without a constant demand for more. --Wen Tzu

In writing, a flaw is not the interesting part of a character.  What is interesting is how a person overcomes a flaw.  I want to read how a person overcomes a flaw, not how the flaw overcomes the person.

My story contribution: FemFour: superheroine, Futa, NC-H

On/Offs: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=335439.0

Vergil Tanner

Quote from: DummieBlondie on December 09, 2017, 11:43:12 AM
Hey there,
I have seen and like the idea of this and I would like to hear what you would think about such a character idea.

Welcome! We'll certainly do just that! :D

Quote from: DummieBlondie on December 09, 2017, 11:43:12 AM

Name: Aurora Knight
Sex: Female
Archetype: Popular girl/Rich girl (actually not herself but her father)
Face Claim: Jennifer Lawrence
Power Theme: Emotional Control Aura – People around her(including herself) find their emotions altered according to hers. Which works like when she has positive feelings people's feelings around her gets one step towards to positive direction. Ex: when she is happy, someone who is pissed became clam while an angry person feels pissed instead. Or when She is pissed, Someone who is pissed became angry while and an angry person becomes hateful.

Oooh...we had an Empathmancer once upon a time, but he sadly had to withdraw from the game. So the power itself? Not a problem. However, we do need to go over specifics of what it can do.

1) Is it an "Aura," like a field around her, or is it a directed ability?

2) What's the range?

3) Can people resist it? Does it work on people who know what her powers are?

4) How many people can it affect at once?

5) You say one "Step," as it were, so can you offer us a kind of scale? Like, Steps that it would advance along? EG:
Ecstatic, Happy, Content, Meh, Perturbed, Sad, Depressed.
Terrified, Scared, Anxious, Meh, Optimistic, Brave, Fearless.
Something like that :-)

6) Would her powers develop into going up or down by more than one step at a time later on? How do you see her powers developing and getting stronger? At the moment, it reads like an "Aura" that just makes people come closer to her mood. Is there a way that would be harnessed and developed later on? How so?

7) So, you say "Rich Girl," but we already have quite a few "Rich Chicks." What kind of personality does she have, and where does she fit in? What does she bring to the table that our other lovely ladies don't? :-) Not a snark, it's me asking what you have in mind for your character :D

Quote from: RobyntheWitch on December 09, 2017, 02:30:34 PM
Name: Rachel Ray Masters (Or Rae)
Sex: Female
Position: Student
Archetype: Gamer geek
Power Type: Strengthened Body- Denser body, increased strength and endurance, but not impervious.
Starting Level:Strength output set to deadlift 200 pounds. Density able to take a hit from a small car, till be knocked out.
Max Level: Strength output moves to twenty tons, density moves up to take harder hits from blunt style trauma with ease.
Weaknesses: One, she has zero control over her strength, this will break things with ease. Two, the density makes her heavier than a normal girl and make her sink or break things not meant for excessive weight. Three, I can see her needed to eat a lot to fuel her body, her output is a bit ridiculous for a normal person, so more fuel needed (Three times as much). Four, she will need to concentrate to not overdo herself, breaking enough doors makes you realize this. So to help calm herself, she sings out loud and not stress herself. Five, she has a temper and can lose herself in her strength because she got mad. Gamer rage!
Durability: Rachel can last longer in a fight which she will pay for when she needs to eat, her body can take the beating of being hit by a car and live. Even as she grows in endurance, her eyes will never be stronger.

A bit better complied? Sorry, just woke up

Yhup! Just a couple of things:

1) Would you mind putting in the progression we discussed for her durability, too? :-)

2) So, about her personality...what kind of person is she? What do you see her bringing to the table that's unique and interesting to that character? Besides gaming, what hobbies does she have? What makes her, her? :-)
Vergil's Faceclaim Archive; For All Your Character Model Seeking Needs!

Men in general judge more by the sense of sight than by that of touch, because everyone can see but few can test by feeling. Everyone sees what you seem to be, few know what you really are; and those few do not dare take a stand against the general opinion. Therefore it is unnecessary to have all the qualities I have enumerated, but it is very necessary to appear to have them. And I shall dare to say this also, that to have them and always observe them is injurious, and that to appear to have them is useful; to appear merciful, faithful, humane, religious, upright, and be so, but with a mind so framed that should you require not to be so, you may be able and know how to change to the opposite.

Dubbed the "Oath of Drake,"
A noble philosophy; I adhere...for now.


Vergil Tanner

Awesome! But I'd like to get YOUR explanation of what she's like and how she's unique. Sell her to me, so I know where you're planning on taking her :-)
Vergil's Faceclaim Archive; For All Your Character Model Seeking Needs!

Men in general judge more by the sense of sight than by that of touch, because everyone can see but few can test by feeling. Everyone sees what you seem to be, few know what you really are; and those few do not dare take a stand against the general opinion. Therefore it is unnecessary to have all the qualities I have enumerated, but it is very necessary to appear to have them. And I shall dare to say this also, that to have them and always observe them is injurious, and that to appear to have them is useful; to appear merciful, faithful, humane, religious, upright, and be so, but with a mind so framed that should you require not to be so, you may be able and know how to change to the opposite.

Dubbed the "Oath of Drake,"
A noble philosophy; I adhere...for now.


She is a blunt angry baby with no discipline. She has a good heart, but sometimes lets her mouth fuck it up. She is also quick to jump to action, be it the heat of the moment or anger.

She is starting to sound like a female Frederick. I blame you a bit Vergil.

Still she likes to help people a bit in her own way, though I see her getting in trouble a lot for her actions. You would think being a gamer would make her plan more, but she has always been more of an action type.

She is always very vocal in her geekdom. She'll fight you for it.

Vergil Tanner

"Blame," or "Thank?" :P

But ok, that gives me an idea of what she's like. Do you have any questions? :-)
Vergil's Faceclaim Archive; For All Your Character Model Seeking Needs!

Men in general judge more by the sense of sight than by that of touch, because everyone can see but few can test by feeling. Everyone sees what you seem to be, few know what you really are; and those few do not dare take a stand against the general opinion. Therefore it is unnecessary to have all the qualities I have enumerated, but it is very necessary to appear to have them. And I shall dare to say this also, that to have them and always observe them is injurious, and that to appear to have them is useful; to appear merciful, faithful, humane, religious, upright, and be so, but with a mind so framed that should you require not to be so, you may be able and know how to change to the opposite.

Dubbed the "Oath of Drake,"
A noble philosophy; I adhere...for now.


Quote from: Vergil Tanner on December 09, 2017, 11:15:38 PM
"Blame," or "Thank?" :P

But ok, that gives me an idea of what she's like. Do you have any questions? :-)

Thank I suppose, prepare for loud singing of Queen down hallways.

As for questions, any issues you see?

Vergil Tanner

Not at the moment, no! Standby for PM instructions on the next step :D
Vergil's Faceclaim Archive; For All Your Character Model Seeking Needs!

Men in general judge more by the sense of sight than by that of touch, because everyone can see but few can test by feeling. Everyone sees what you seem to be, few know what you really are; and those few do not dare take a stand against the general opinion. Therefore it is unnecessary to have all the qualities I have enumerated, but it is very necessary to appear to have them. And I shall dare to say this also, that to have them and always observe them is injurious, and that to appear to have them is useful; to appear merciful, faithful, humane, religious, upright, and be so, but with a mind so framed that should you require not to be so, you may be able and know how to change to the opposite.

Dubbed the "Oath of Drake,"
A noble philosophy; I adhere...for now.



Quote from: Vergil Tanner on December 09, 2017, 10:20:32 PM
Welcome! We'll certainly do just that! :D

Oooh...we had an Empathmancer once upon a time, but he sadly had to withdraw from the game. So the power itself? Not a problem. However, we do need to go over specifics of what it can do.

1) Is it an "Aura," like a field around her, or is it a directed ability?

2) What's the range?

3) Can people resist it? Does it work on people who know what her powers are?

4) How many people can it affect at once?

5) You say one "Step," as it were, so can you offer us a kind of scale? Like, Steps that it would advance along? EG:
Ecstatic, Happy, Content, Meh, Perturbed, Sad, Depressed.
Terrified, Scared, Anxious, Meh, Optimistic, Brave, Fearless.
Something like that :-)

6) Would her powers develop into going up or down by more than one step at a time later on? How do you see her powers developing and getting stronger? At the moment, it reads like an "Aura" that just makes people come closer to her mood. Is there a way that would be harnessed and developed later on? How so?

7) So, you say "Rich Girl," but we already have quite a few "Rich Chicks." What kind of personality does she have, and where does she fit in? What does she bring to the table that our other lovely ladies don't? :-) Not a snark, it's me asking what you have in mind for your character :D

1) Actually what I have in my mind was more like a field around her which after she started to master her power upon focusing she can focus the field toward a direction.

2) Lets say the field is about 80 square meters circle centered on her which makes the range about 5 meters. What i think is as she grow stronger so her ability over the range. So I am think it will be big enough to cover a big conference room or a theater.

3) For the people who affected for the first time not maybe but the longer people under the effect the lesser it will effect the people. For an example lets say She walked into a bar where a fight going to break out between two groups. At first they will clam down a bit but then lets say about 5 or 10 minutes later if the reason to fight still exist people going to fight anyways. That's if she is in a good mode of course. But if she is was also in a bad mode when she walked that bar probably the fight will stared sooner than anyone expected.

For the people who knows her powers it will work more for about one minute or so of course if that is not causing them any danger or put them in a bad position. If it will cause such a thing for those who know her powers it will be their will to let her powers take effect or ignore it complately after felt that emotion for a few seconds.

For her power to be irresistible she need to touch the person skin to skin (no clothes or condoms(lol) )

4) One if she choose to make someone feel as she wanted but I don't think this will be any time soon since for this kind of ability she has to master her powers first. Otherwise everyone in the field of her power.

5) Actually there is already a chart for emotions which is according to medical studies which you can she below image :) (well no body expected such an answer from a girl whose nickname is DummieBlondie but hey you should treat me like Spanish inquisition since all know that nobody expects the Spanish inquisition)

so by one step i mean lets say she is feeling positive (which means her emotion is in blue,yellow or green parts of this chart) and the people in the power field of her are feeling Faithful, Important, appreciated, respected, proud or aware then they will feel powerful. But if they are feeling angry then they will feel sarcastic, frustrated, jealous or something between three of these emotions. So if she has positive feelings the people's feelings which are also positeve gets one step stronger in this chart while for people who feels negative, their emotions will be one step weaker according to the same chart. Hope that I could able to explain what i was thinking with one step with this.

6) As I write already as her power grows and her knowledge about the emotions she will get to master the emotions of the other like if she choose to make someone feel as she wanted specifically form the chart of emotions. And the field around her will get bigger. Right now it is about a cover a small classroom (about 80 square meters) and I think when(and if) she can reach the peak of her powers the field can be get big enough to cover a big teather or a medium concert arena.

And she will able give the people the feeling, you know in a rock concert when the lead guitar started to his solo on fans' favorite song or when one of the great generals makes the speech before the charge. I mostly think this as giving her the star light you know so many people was trying to be like Micheal Jackson but he was the one who able to that because of that star light.

7) To be able to answer that I need to think a bit more about her personality and background. I think I can come up with more to answer this question in few days.

PS: well I wasn't thinking about posting a huge wall as an answer but here we are :)

Vergil Tanner

Quote from: DummieBlondie on December 10, 2017, 01:13:01 PM
1) Actually what I have in my mind was more like a field around her which after she started to master her power upon focusing she can focus the field toward a direction.

2) Lets say the field is about 80 square meters circle centered on her which makes the range about 5 meters. What i think is as she grow stronger so her ability over the range. So I am think it will be big enough to cover a big conference room or a theater.

Hmmm, ok...so shall we say on Day One, the "Range" is maybe a meter or two, and that grows to a maximum of...let's say 50 Metres? 100? Which do you reckon is fair?

Quote from: DummieBlondie on December 10, 2017, 01:13:01 PM3) For the people who affected for the first time not maybe but the longer people under the effect the lesser it will effect the people. For an example lets say She walked into a bar where a fight going to break out between two groups. At first they will clam down a bit but then lets say about 5 or 10 minutes later if the reason to fight still exist people going to fight anyways. That's if she is in a good mode of course. But if she is was also in a bad mode when she walked that bar probably the fight will stared sooner than anyone expected.

For the people who knows her powers it will work more for about one minute or so of course if that is not causing them any danger or put them in a bad position. If it will cause such a thing for those who know her powers it will be their will to let her powers take effect or ignore it complately after felt that emotion for a few seconds.

For her power to be irresistible she need to touch the person skin to skin (no clothes or condoms(lol) )

Okey dokey, that sounds reasonable! The only problem I have is the part where it's irresistable. I don't tend to like having powers that people can't resist, since that risks people starting to feel like they have no choice in the matter, y'know? We can say that at Mastery Level, its irresistible, but on Day One, it's simply harder to resist. :-) How does that sound?

Quote from: DummieBlondie on December 10, 2017, 01:13:01 PM5) Actually there is already a chart for emotions which is according to medical studies which you can she below image :) (well no body expected such an answer from a girl whose nickname is DummieBlondie but hey you should treat me like Spanish inquisition since all know that nobody expects the Spanish inquisition)

so by one step i mean lets say she is feeling positive (which means her emotion is in blue,yellow or green parts of this chart) and the people in the power field of her are feeling Faithful, Important, appreciated, respected, proud or aware then they will feel powerful. But if they are feeling angry then they will feel sarcastic, frustrated, jealous or something between three of these emotions. So if she has positive feelings the people's feelings which are also positeve gets one step stronger in this chart while for people who feels negative, their emotions will be one step weaker according to the same chart. Hope that I could able to explain what i was thinking with one step with this.

In any case! I think I'm in love :P
We'll just use that wheel, then! Make sure to include it in your full Bio :-)

Quote from: DummieBlondie on December 10, 2017, 01:13:01 PM6) As I write already as her power grows and her knowledge about the emotions she will get to master the emotions of the other like if she choose to make someone feel as she wanted specifically form the chart of emotions. And the field around her will get bigger. Right now it is about a cover a small classroom (about 80 square meters) and I think when(and if) she can reach the peak of her powers the field can be get big enough to cover a big teather or a medium concert arena.

And she will able give the people the feeling, you know in a rock concert when the lead guitar started to his solo on fans' favorite song or when one of the great generals makes the speech before the charge. I mostly think this as giving her the star light you know so many people was trying to be like Micheal Jackson but he was the one who able to that because of that star light.

So, she'll be able to make them completely switch emotions? Not sure about that...how hard would that be for her to manage? Would there be limits (EG, she can't make somebody who's furious suddenly overcome with the giggles :P )?

Quote from: DummieBlondie on December 10, 2017, 01:13:01 PM7) To be able to answer that I need to think a bit more about her personality and background. I think I can come up with more to answer this question in few days.

That's fine! Answer that question when you can! :-)
Vergil's Faceclaim Archive; For All Your Character Model Seeking Needs!

Men in general judge more by the sense of sight than by that of touch, because everyone can see but few can test by feeling. Everyone sees what you seem to be, few know what you really are; and those few do not dare take a stand against the general opinion. Therefore it is unnecessary to have all the qualities I have enumerated, but it is very necessary to appear to have them. And I shall dare to say this also, that to have them and always observe them is injurious, and that to appear to have them is useful; to appear merciful, faithful, humane, religious, upright, and be so, but with a mind so framed that should you require not to be so, you may be able and know how to change to the opposite.

Dubbed the "Oath of Drake,"
A noble philosophy; I adhere...for now.


Quote from: Vergil Tanner on December 10, 2017, 08:07:49 PM
Hmmm, ok...so shall we say on Day One, the "Range" is maybe a meter or two, and that grows to a maximum of...let's say 50 Metres? 100? Which do you reckon is fair?

Lets say it starts with 3 meters so she can affect affect a few people sitting around her? and when she is at full power around 150 meters maybe? for her able to hold that field on the concert arena?

Quote from: Vergil Tanner on December 10, 2017, 08:07:49 PM
Okey dokey, that sounds reasonable! The only problem I have is the part where it's irresistable. I don't tend to like having powers that people can't resist, since that risks people starting to feel like they have no choice in the matter, y'know? We can say that at Mastery Level, its irresistible, but on Day One, it's simply harder to resist. :-) How does that sound?

lol! I think it is better for us to not think about her powers to be irresistible on day one. But for later as she figure out that it is easier for her to affect people's emotions by touching them it slowly started to be hard them to resist to it as you mentioned.

Quote from: Vergil Tanner on December 10, 2017, 08:07:49 PM

In any case! I think I'm in love :P
We'll just use that wheel, then! Make sure to include it in your full Bio :-)

you can be sure that I will keep that in full bio.

Quote from: Vergil Tanner on December 10, 2017, 08:07:49 PM
So, she'll be able to make them completely switch emotions? Not sure about that...how hard would that be for her to manage? Would there be limits (EG, she can't make somebody who's furious suddenly overcome with the giggles :P )?

No, no.. I have never thought her powers has a such power over people. It wont work like a dominate or to make a person helpless by any means never.. But what I was think about with that at her maximum power. She will be able calm down a raging serial killer or make him feel sad about his life for a few minutes so she can talk him into not killing her and friends or to find an opportunity to escaped.

So mainly yes maybe their emotions will be changed temporary and think about things from a different perspective accordingly but they will still have full control over themselves.

Vergil Tanner

Quote from: DummieBlondie on December 11, 2017, 03:42:44 AM
Lets say it starts with 3 meters so she can affect affect a few people sitting around her? and when she is at full power around 150 meters maybe? for her able to hold that field on the concert arena?

Hmmm, ok...how does the amount of people she's influencing affect the strength of her power? EG, if her field only covers two people, will the effect be less powerful than if she's influencing twenty or thirty?

Quote from: DummieBlondie on December 11, 2017, 03:42:44 AMlol! I think it is better for us to not think about her powers to be irresistible on day one. But for later as she figure out that it is easier for her to affect people's emotions by touching them it slowly started to be hard them to resist to it as you mentioned.

Okey dokey, I'm ok with that! Just make sure to clear the use of her power with the player involved first :-)

Quote from: DummieBlondie on December 11, 2017, 03:42:44 AMNo, no.. I have never thought her powers has a such power over people. It wont work like a dominate or to make a person helpless by any means never.. But what I was think about with that at her maximum power. She will be able calm down a raging serial killer or make him feel sad about his life for a few minutes so she can talk him into not killing her and friends or to find an opportunity to escaped.

Hmmm...maybe not a few minutes - going from psychotically angry to depressed and weeping is a HUGE step - so maybe psychotically angry to just irritated, or weirdly Zen for a minute or two before he lurches back into being angry. :P

Also: Sorry, I had one hell of a busy day xD
Vergil's Faceclaim Archive; For All Your Character Model Seeking Needs!

Men in general judge more by the sense of sight than by that of touch, because everyone can see but few can test by feeling. Everyone sees what you seem to be, few know what you really are; and those few do not dare take a stand against the general opinion. Therefore it is unnecessary to have all the qualities I have enumerated, but it is very necessary to appear to have them. And I shall dare to say this also, that to have them and always observe them is injurious, and that to appear to have them is useful; to appear merciful, faithful, humane, religious, upright, and be so, but with a mind so framed that should you require not to be so, you may be able and know how to change to the opposite.

Dubbed the "Oath of Drake,"
A noble philosophy; I adhere...for now.


Quote from: Vergil Tanner on December 11, 2017, 09:30:37 AM
Hmmm, ok...how does the amount of people she's influencing affect the strength of her power? EG, if her field only covers two people, will the effect be less powerful than if she's influencing twenty or thirty?

since the ability of her mostly passive and it acts it own according to her feelings I think it will be pretty weak if we limit to subjects of her power. I am talking about the Field part of her ability.

about the ability of overwriting the feeling which she will master when she learnt how to control her power and after mastering it. I think limiting this ability only available when she is skin to skin touch with someone is enough. I mean when I think about she cannot touch more than 2 people anyways. Unless she was in an orgy or being subject to a sexual harassment by many people.

Quote from: Vergil Tanner on December 11, 2017, 09:30:37 AM
Hmmm...maybe not a few minutes - going from psychotically angry to depressed and weeping is a HUGE step - so maybe psychotically angry to just irritated, or weirdly Zen for a minute or two before he lurches back into being angry. :P

well that sounds fair enough. what do you think about that ability change the feeling of the subject in the same slice of the feelings according to the chart I shared?

Vergil Tanner

Quote from: DummieBlondie on December 12, 2017, 04:37:43 AM
since the ability of her mostly passive and it acts it own according to her feelings I think it will be pretty weak if we limit to subjects of her power. I am talking about the Field part of her ability.

I wasn't suggesting it, just asking :P

Quote from: DummieBlondie on December 12, 2017, 04:37:43 AMabout the ability of overwriting the feeling which she will master when she learnt how to control her power and after mastering it. I think limiting this ability only available when she is skin to skin touch with someone is enough. I mean when I think about she cannot touch more than 2 people anyways. Unless she was in an orgy or being subject to a sexual harassment by many people.

I still think we should limit that aspect, since it does creep a little close to mind manipulation, if not control. But we can discuss that more in depth when we get to that point. :-)

Quote from: DummieBlondie on December 12, 2017, 04:37:43 AMwell that sounds fair enough. what do you think about that ability change the feeling of the subject in the same slice of the feelings according to the chart I shared?

How about instead of one or two steps, at Mastery Level if she touches them, she can take them "down" or "Up" by four steps, but only for a very short period of time, and every step she takes them reduces the time that it's effective?
Vergil's Faceclaim Archive; For All Your Character Model Seeking Needs!

Men in general judge more by the sense of sight than by that of touch, because everyone can see but few can test by feeling. Everyone sees what you seem to be, few know what you really are; and those few do not dare take a stand against the general opinion. Therefore it is unnecessary to have all the qualities I have enumerated, but it is very necessary to appear to have them. And I shall dare to say this also, that to have them and always observe them is injurious, and that to appear to have them is useful; to appear merciful, faithful, humane, religious, upright, and be so, but with a mind so framed that should you require not to be so, you may be able and know how to change to the opposite.

Dubbed the "Oath of Drake,"
A noble philosophy; I adhere...for now.


Quote from: Vergil Tanner on December 12, 2017, 04:51:25 AM
I still think we should limit that aspect, since it does creep a little close to mind manipulation, if not control. But we can discuss that more in depth when we get to that point. :-)

how about one person when she touches, and two people if she choose to share the emotion with them?

Quote from: Vergil Tanner on December 12, 2017, 04:51:25 AM
How about instead of one or two steps, at Mastery Level if she touches them, she can take them "down" or "Up" by four steps, but only for a very short period of time, and every step she takes them reduces the time that it's effective?

well since according the chart we are going to use there are only 3 steps in every emotion slice. so if we say 4 steps it will basically same thing to say she will choose as she please right?

Vergil Tanner

Quote from: DummieBlondie on December 12, 2017, 05:29:04 AM
how about one person when she touches, and two people if she choose to share the emotion with them?

Possibly. We'd have to see how the power manifests in game, obviously, since it's a hard one to quantify in the abstract :P

Quote from: DummieBlondie on December 12, 2017, 05:29:04 AMwell since according the chart we are going to use there are only 3 steps in every emotion slice. so if we say 4 steps it will basically same thing to say she will choose as she please right?

I was more thinking that it would progress along the opposite lines. So she can't make an angry person suddenly scared, but she can push them into the "Peaceful" spectrum?
Vergil's Faceclaim Archive; For All Your Character Model Seeking Needs!

Men in general judge more by the sense of sight than by that of touch, because everyone can see but few can test by feeling. Everyone sees what you seem to be, few know what you really are; and those few do not dare take a stand against the general opinion. Therefore it is unnecessary to have all the qualities I have enumerated, but it is very necessary to appear to have them. And I shall dare to say this also, that to have them and always observe them is injurious, and that to appear to have them is useful; to appear merciful, faithful, humane, religious, upright, and be so, but with a mind so framed that should you require not to be so, you may be able and know how to change to the opposite.

Dubbed the "Oath of Drake,"
A noble philosophy; I adhere...for now.


Quote from: Vergil Tanner on December 12, 2017, 06:57:35 AM
I was more thinking that it would progress along the opposite lines. So she can't make an angry person suddenly scared, but she can push them into the "Peaceful" spectrum?

when I was talking about within the same slice I meant if they are in a RED slice (like mad or angry) she can only change it to something in the same slice like one of mad, hurt, hostile, angry, selfish, hateful,critical, distant, sarcastic, frustrated, jealous, irritated or skeptical which are in the same red slice.

but of course instead of the first emotion not both of them. I mean there is no need to make an angry person to both angry and hostile right?

Vergil Tanner

Aaah, so you're thinking only within the same slice, so she could turn an angry person to skeptical, then (though I do take issue with "Skeptical" being a red emotion >.> )? How much use would that be, do you think? It's up to you, but you can pick either your idea or mine...I'm just wondering how much usefulness that would actually have xD
Vergil's Faceclaim Archive; For All Your Character Model Seeking Needs!

Men in general judge more by the sense of sight than by that of touch, because everyone can see but few can test by feeling. Everyone sees what you seem to be, few know what you really are; and those few do not dare take a stand against the general opinion. Therefore it is unnecessary to have all the qualities I have enumerated, but it is very necessary to appear to have them. And I shall dare to say this also, that to have them and always observe them is injurious, and that to appear to have them is useful; to appear merciful, faithful, humane, religious, upright, and be so, but with a mind so framed that should you require not to be so, you may be able and know how to change to the opposite.

Dubbed the "Oath of Drake,"
A noble philosophy; I adhere...for now.


Quote from: Vergil Tanner on December 12, 2017, 07:30:19 AM
Aaah, so you're thinking only within the same slice, so she could turn an angry person to skeptical, then (though I do take issue with "Skeptical" being a red emotion >.> )? How much use would that be, do you think? It's up to you, but you can pick either your idea or mine...I'm just wondering how much usefulness that would actually have xD

Well while i was trying not make it over opwered maybe I over did that

Vergil Tanner

Oh, I appreciate it! Much easier to scale up a power than scale down :P It's up to you. If you want to be able to shift them down along the "Opposite Axis" rather than within the same "Wedge," I'd be happy with that :-)
Vergil's Faceclaim Archive; For All Your Character Model Seeking Needs!

Men in general judge more by the sense of sight than by that of touch, because everyone can see but few can test by feeling. Everyone sees what you seem to be, few know what you really are; and those few do not dare take a stand against the general opinion. Therefore it is unnecessary to have all the qualities I have enumerated, but it is very necessary to appear to have them. And I shall dare to say this also, that to have them and always observe them is injurious, and that to appear to have them is useful; to appear merciful, faithful, humane, religious, upright, and be so, but with a mind so framed that should you require not to be so, you may be able and know how to change to the opposite.

Dubbed the "Oath of Drake,"
A noble philosophy; I adhere...for now.


Quote from: Vergil Tanner on December 12, 2017, 07:59:33 AM
Oh, I appreciate it! Much easier to scale up a power than scale down :P It's up to you. If you want to be able to shift them down along the "Opposite Axis" rather than within the same "Wedge," I'd be happy with that :-)

well lets go with the "opposite Axis" looks like much more funnier to do so...

Vergil Tanner

Ok, so! Mastery Power, how far do you see her being able to push somebody with direct skin contact along that axis, compared to Day One?
Vergil's Faceclaim Archive; For All Your Character Model Seeking Needs!

Men in general judge more by the sense of sight than by that of touch, because everyone can see but few can test by feeling. Everyone sees what you seem to be, few know what you really are; and those few do not dare take a stand against the general opinion. Therefore it is unnecessary to have all the qualities I have enumerated, but it is very necessary to appear to have them. And I shall dare to say this also, that to have them and always observe them is injurious, and that to appear to have them is useful; to appear merciful, faithful, humane, religious, upright, and be so, but with a mind so framed that should you require not to be so, you may be able and know how to change to the opposite.

Dubbed the "Oath of Drake,"
A noble philosophy; I adhere...for now.