Baron Wyrmhaven's Academic Institute for Seductive Demons (Need 2 More Players!)

Started by Capone, April 11, 2017, 09:11:20 PM

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Baron Wyrmhaven's Academic Institute for Seductive Demons

This is a setting in progress. While I have the "basic" information down I am continually willing to update it to accommodate players. The goal of this game is to be a freeform sandbox where players help determine the direction of the story.

What is this Setting?: A Demonic Academy where Incubi and Succubi are taught mystic arts as well as histories of the mortal and demon realms and the art of human seduction.

What kind of players are you seeking?: While the setting allows for a smutty good time, I am looking for players with an interest in character development. Submission of interest or character sheet does not guarantee acceptance. Read my essay on The Art of Smut for a general idea of my approach, which should help give you an idea of what I'm looking for.

What sort of time period are you looking at?: Technically modern, but as these are demons we're dealing with there will be a clash of eras. In fact, it's part of the game's entertainment. Parts of the castle will have a Medieval flair but some characters will be dressed in modern hoodies and jeans. Other portions of the castle will have electronics and other human innovations yet the characters studying them will be garbed in baroque or victorian era garb. Everyone's a fish out of water.

So where are the character sheets?: When I'm certain there are enough players to start a story, I'll create a character sheet.

Anime characters or realistic?: Currently undecided.

That's a lot of reading down there...: Yes it is.

How Demons Work

For the sake of simplicity the term "Demon" will always refer to Incubi and Succubi. There are no other kinds of demons within this setting. It is possible that similar seduction demons or other sorts of folklore creatures can be wound into the setting through magical specializations or certain clans or families, but they are, at their core, Incubi and Succubi.

The maturation process of demons is slow. While the average age of your characters will be 40 or 50, their maturity and physique will be closer to that of an 18-20 year old. It is at this state in life that the demon body begins to change and crave a new hunger. While more human sustenance still has value (meat in particular, but vegetation as well) it does not satisfy the new carnal need. At this point demons can satisfy that hunger with each other, but around the age of 65 it begins to impact their longevity. To help sustain a youthful vigor and maintain long life, a demon must seduce and feed off of the sexual energies of mortals. The vast majority of students have been sheltered, however, and in addition to learning the full extent of their natural capabilities, they will also be learning about the human world so they can better blend in and survive in it.

Each demon gender has its own way of releasing and absorbing sustenance through sex. Incubi release it more physically through semen. In addition to DNA, ejaculate also carries a piece of soul, the piece that would fuse with the partner in order to create new life. It is this bit of soul that Succubi feed off of, with the soul of mortals more satisfying. It is believed that a mortal's soul burns brightest, but the intensity of such burning means it extinguishes all the faster.

When a succubus achieves climax, pheromones are released. While the Incubus can absorb these through skin-to-skin contact, it is most easily absorbed through contact with erogenous zones (through intercourse, suckling of the breast) or through a kiss or other oral connection.

Demons cannot breed with each other. A succubus can only be made pregnant by a mortal man's seed, and she must have enough control over her body not to "digest" its soul. An incubus' piece of soul typically dissipates in a human woman, but there is a percentage chance that it will remain and the woman will become pregnant. There are mystic arts where an Incubus can "seal" the piece of soul within the woman and guarantee a pregnancy. Succubi only give birth to Incubi, and human women only give birth to Succubi. Only one in eight women survive giving birth to a Succubus. The fate of survivors is typically based upon the clan of the family. Some are immediately "disposed" of, either by sending them back to Earth as if tossing them in the trash or outright murdering them. Some are kept as concubines. Others are kept as honorable mothers, spending much of their lifetime caring for and nurturing their child.

There are approximately 100,000 demons total.

Demon Society

The current state of Demon politics has divided most of its population into two philosophies. The different clans are split between these philosophies, and each clan is made up of several families. Clans and families are each built around hierarchies, some more unique to those families than others. Certain clans will more regularly interact with each other while others will be considered low-born. Back when the demons were more numerous, there were frequent battles and wars held between them. As these families and clans are no longer able to sustain armies of captivated humans, these old battles have given way to gladitorial combat featuring house champions. Whether these battles are to the death or not typically depends on that family's philosophy.

The Subjugation Philosophy:
Demons that believe humans are a lower creature and ought to be serving humanity. These are typically the families that had it good centuries and even throughout the last two millennia, where they were more easily able to establish footholds and rule over lands upon the Earth. Warring with other demons as much as with other humans, they were never able to truly achieve dominance, nor could they keep up with the technological progress of humanity. As weaponry became more sophisticated and science encouraged skepticism, the demons found themselves being vanquished, killed, and driven underground. These families now try to scheme and concoct plans to return to Earth in full force, achieving their old former glory. "Traditionalists", as some say less harshly. However, no one clan or family can agree as to what the hierarchy of this new order should be, and thus continue to argue and fight with each other more than they do those in the opposing philosophy.

The Integrated Philosophy:
Those that believe the old ways are not only over, but responsible for the current state of dreadful affairs. This group believes that the only way forward now is to blend into human society rather than overtake them. A form of coexistence. However, there is also debate on whether this means to hide among the humans or to gradually, truly integrate, with human and demon consciously living side-by-side. A perspective often viewed by the opposition as cowardly, idiotic, or degrading.

The Venn Diagram:
It would seem currently that many demons are Integrates by choice as opposed to Subjugators. However, it is more out of necessity that those demons upon the surface tend to "blend in". However, Subjugators tend to take positions in business, politics, or even become rulers in third world nations (whose regimes tend to fall rather swiftly). Haven't you ever wondered why so many politicians literally get caught with their pants down? Yet there are also those just happy to live out seemingly average lives.

Not for the entirety, of course. Most demons "cycle" through surface life at this stage, with some having never been to the surface at all over the past century-and-a-half. A demon will surface, "live" for about thirty or forty years, and then return as another member of their family steps into the surface. Many humans are brought into the underworld so that even those within the clans are properly sustained, but as time has progressed and it is easier to notice when someone is missing, these kidnappings go from being several weeks to just a single day.

It is a critical time, politically, where more demons need to be permitted to return to the surface in order to sustain their lifestyle. Without the ability to feed on humanity, a demon can only live for about 130 years. With human sustenance, as little as 350 to 620 years. That there are demons not only stuck in the victorian and baroque way of thinking, but even as recent as the 70's or 60's, only makes discussion more complicated (after all, what's an Inner Net? What does it catch?)

The Clans:
Aristocrat, Warrior, Scholar, Artisan, and Muse. Whereas humans can be versatile -- perhaps another advantage of their bright souls that makes them all the more delicious -- demons tend to be a bit more focused. They are often good at one thing, but incapable or clumsy at others. Often demons inherit the skills of their demon parent, but it is not unheard of for a demon to be born into another skillset. These aberrations are often cast out, living the rest of their lives on Earth or forming a new family in the clan they more fit. Many of these aberrationist clans begin at the bottom of the hierarchy, though some of the top families were once aberrations.

Aristocrats are the politicians and business-minded. It is not merely a skill or love of money, but a wisdom and insight into the movement of markets and how to manipulate those around them. They are capable of peering into one's soul and appearing a friend or admirable leader. Yet to them the world is a chess board, and you are either the opponent standing to the other side or a piece required to win their game. Pray you are a valuable Queen or Knight, and that you are not a sacrificial pawn in their schemes.

Families within the Warrior clans tend to be indebted, loyal, or allied to families within the Aristocratic clans. These are the athletes and gladiators that would rather solve the debate with whoever is left standing as opposed to waggling tongues and empty speeches. Be it in the arena or bearing cloak and dagger, they are often hired to settle debates that get a bit too heated. Most Aristocrats and Warriors are Subjugators.

Scholars are largely self-explanatory, being the clan filled with families that are more fascinated in tomes of all kinds than in the pleasures of power. Many are Integrates simply because they yearn to study humanity and the pace at which it moves. Some have even begun experiments with magic and technology, though without a clear understanding of the human thought process their experiments have all been unsuccessful. If it is a field that can be studied -- be it demon biology, human biology, human theologies, the mystic energy flowing throughout the underworld -- then there is a scholar that yearns to study it.

Artisans are skilled with arts of all sorts. They build the castles and mansions of the other families. They compose the music. They sculpt the statues. They even prepare the food and tailor the clothing. Work is art and art is work, and the artisans are good at it. They tend to also be apathetic towards the political debates or can lean either way. It all depends on the family, and sometimes even whom they are employed by. Muses are similar, though they are more focused on the charismatic arts. Singing, speech writing and motivational talks, and even a bit of cross-over with artisanry such as music performance and composition, or painting. It is believed that Muses are the first clan aberration, where whole families were born with skills that diverged from their parent. Being in a charismatic position, many are Subjugators as it is easier for them to infiltrate society, and even believe that their clan are an evolution for the changing human cultures. This perspective infuriates many Aristocrats, and the two clans are often at war with each other.

There are several cities, each dedicated to different clans and families, but at the center of the underworld lies Hel, the capitol. This is where debates are held. However, this is not where the school is located.

On Earth:
While demons once held much greater sway upon humankind, only the highest of houses possess stations in global business or politics, and even then there are less than a dozen such families. Any demon with holdings on Earth tend to be very local so as not to arouse greater suspicion. So for example, one may be mayor of a town, or perhaps secretary of treasury for an entire state. Or they may own a wealthy business in the cities of Philadelphia, New York, and Boston, but outside of those cities be otherwise lesser know. Even if one Demon owns these, they likely have to keep rotating with other members of the family, be it every few months, every few years, or every few decades depending on the age of the business. More likely demons are starting businesses that collapse and need to be restarted, assuming they have any such Earthly holdings at all.

The Academic Institute

This is what is most subject to change with this setting and is currently most bare-bones. As stated, it is a combination of old castle and new tech facility, constantly growing and changing based upon a demon's need to blend in. The founder of the institute is believed to be the first Integrate, a decision that kept many Subjugators from allowing their spawn to attend. However, more and more demons were becoming killed and murdered on Earth due to their inability to blend in. While many other academies have since been founded, Baron Wyrmhaven's is recognized as the best, even by those that wish it weren't so.

Over the past two decades, the institute has enacted a most controversial move of randomizing the dormitories. Where once they were organized based upon clan, they are now randomized so that students will have the opportunity to speak and meet with others of different clans and ideologies. At first there was an increase in student violence, but such numbers have actually reached an all-time low. While there is friction between students, the goal of helping them better communicate has -- in its own way -- seen benefits already. Even if students want to pretend it hasn't.

Each clan continues to have its own lounge, however, and these lounges tend to contain secret entrances to exclusive clubs. Some resemble a dark and depraved ball, others a more modern and human rave. Others resemble a blood-and-sand fight club, and others still resemble libraries. These are "illegal" on campus premises, but many faculty turn a blind eye.

There are also portals to Earth, but these are guarded by Academy staff. Students are only permitted to use these portals as part of class, or once they've completed the requisite coursework to blend in convincingly enough. Even then, each student is given a collar that will automatically teleport them back to the underworld after a set amount of time, releasing an amnesia gas into the air to confuse and muddle the memories of humans around them.

Right! ...Now What?

Firstly, if you read all of this, thank you, I hope it has gotten your creative juices flowing. If you just skimmed to the bottom, please go back and read in full or hit the back button on your browser and find another game.

As for now, well, ideas and feedback. If you have a general character concept, feel free to share. I will answer the questions of any interested as well. Feedback or ideas will also be read and considered.

Oh, and I plan on placing this into the Exotic Bondage section of Group Games, what with the demons and all.

There is no guarantee this game will happen, but even if I choose not to run it, maybe I'll give people ideas for stories of their own.

Character Sheets

[float=right][img width=350 padding=5][/img][/float][b]Name:[/b] ---
[b]Philosophy:[/b] Pick Subjugation, Integration, Undecided, or Apathetic
[b]Clan Skill:[/b] Pick Aristocrat, Warrior, Scholar, Artisan, or Muse
[b]Clan Family:[/b] In most instances, pick same. If Aberration, note original family. Note (Exiled) if such is the case
[b]Clan Hierarchy:[/b] Upper, Upper-Middle, Middle, Lower-Middle, Lower

[b]Demonic Traits:[/b] Pick four: horns (1 to 3), cat's eyes, spinal quills, shoulder spikes, elongated ears, forked tongue, reptilian tail, feline tail, whip-like spade tail, glittering flesh, wings (wingspan up to 1.5x height; incapable of flight, though ability to leap up to 12 feet high, hover for a few seconds, and slow descent), other (come up with a minor feature or characteristic of your own)

[b]Physique:[/b] Detail any other features, and/or more accurately describe demonic traits.

[b]Bio:[/b] Two-to-three paragraphs outlining your character's upbringing, standing in their family, ambitions or goals, philosophies, and special skills or abilities. Note that all characters will have grown up in the Underworld, with their only exposure to the upper world being any humans or human artifacts brought back from elder demons. The lone exception are the children of scholars, which is still a rare instance. If the child is raised in the human world, then they are most likely kept locked within the walls of their parent's home. If they ever manage to breach and explore the human world, extreme measures are taken to wipe memory of all humans made contact with and child is immediately sent to the Underworld.


Oh, this sounds lovely, Capone!

My initial thoughts are either an Integrate Scholar focused on the study of the mortal soul, and whether its power is diminishing over time, which might explain the lengthening of human longevity.  And, if it is losing power, what is causing it, can it be reversed, and what are the long-term implications for demons.

Or a Subjugate Muse with plans to create a cult of personality around herself, drawing in the disillusioned and disenfranchised to form a 'family'.  She will offer freedom from judgement, persecution and dissension, allowing her followers to love who they like, do what they want and feel nothing but unconditional love from their fellow man, woman and everyone in between. 


Both of those ideas sound great, and considering you're the first person to express interest, I see no problem allowing multiple characters if there are fewer players. XD

Glad to see you so interested. :)


Ooo...Damn you, Capone.  I can't resist the chance to make more than one character.  -giggles.-

I love this idea.  It's a fun, interesting concept.


I actually just thought of one this morning, so I suppose I'll jot my two ideas down.

A Subjugator Warrior who had a member of the family return from Earth with records of late 80's/early 90's Professional Wrestling, and has now been inspired to go to Earth and dominate the people by claiming the belt and proving to be the mightiest warrior.

He... is clearly going off of incomplete information. Either way, he now has a built-in excuse to find an Artisan with tailoring skills and create his own flashy outfits in the gladitorial arena, where he will master the art of talking smack in a very loud and aggressive voice to his opponents.

The other character is an Artisan born of a Scholar, whose succubus mother has no problem keeping him in the family. She had brought back comic book materials, which I have not determined would be Western super hero and graphic novels or Eastern manga and hentai. Either way, he'll also be a more light-hearted character, though not so absurd, and will largely be Integrate by nature and his mother's ideals though in the end he just wants to figure out how to make a good comic book. Also: perfect excuse to invite succubi back to his room to draw nekkid!

So hopefully I can garner more interest throughout the week.



Sorry for the double post, but I have a question.  Do the demons have a demonic and human form?  It might be cool if one of the first things they learn a the academy is how to emulate human appearance.

Also, will there be human characters as well?  Or any contact with the human world?


Learning to conceal features such as horns and tail is one of the first classes that all students must take. More advanced classes will cover subtle adjustments such as changing hair color, eye color, moderate adjustments to skin tone (more akin to tanning than outright transformation) and very subtle adjustments to height, adding or concealing scars, size of nose, etc. Enough to disguise yourself but not enough to look like a whole new person. So if you're 6' tall, you can go to 6'2" or down to 5'10", but no more.

As for the real world, there are definitely plans for educational excursions to observe humans in various mating habitats and to eventually practice seduction before being given the freedom to venture out on their own.

As for human characters... not at the start. I want to see where player interest takes everyone after being in the underworld for a while. However, any player will be trusted to write NPCs and their actions during class trips, assuming they aren't trying to show off as some amazing savant that starts banging three people on the beach or in the club while using advanced pheremone projection to charm the room into being okay with it.

Obviously that's not what this game would be about.


Oh, I like this.  It allows for a subtle shift to more match a person's ideal.  Like, if someone likes redheads with blue eyes and long legs, the succubus or incubus can put on such features.

I like that we'll be given some freedoms as far as NPCs and such.


*raises claw and pointed tail*  Highly interested. Love what you done with the social background. Are roles such aa Faculty staff (teachers eg) open for players or just the students?


I've been wondering about that myself. I think I want most of the focus to be on the students, but I mean, what's an academic setting without some naughty teacher/student fun? So I shall probably allow teachers as secondary or tertiary characters, though there should be a higher ratio of student to teacher. I will probably NPC a few, such as the Dean, and I have no problem people NPCing faculty for certain classes much as they would students.

The greater question is how much of the story will involve faculty. I can see a story-line where a succubus tries to use her status and seductive technique to bend a professor to her will, only for the Incubus to use the opportunity and his own charms to change her philosophical position over time. So you get the typical naughty kink combined with character interaction and development that could lead to drama among her friends or even a sense of betrayal and desire for vengeance when she finds out he's basically been tricking/using her.

So basically: some faculty, largely depends on what you have in mind for the character.

Quote from: Bibliophilia on April 12, 2017, 11:19:01 PM
Oh, I like this.  It allows for a subtle shift to more match a person's ideal.  Like, if someone likes redheads with blue eyes and long legs, the succubus or incubus can put on such features.

I like that we'll be given some freedoms as far as NPCs and such.

Quick edit to touch on this: just want to make sure it is clear that such transformation skills are going to be developed over time. Subtle changes such as "a dyed stripe" or some highlights or "frosted tips", and only able to sustain one change at a time (because they are, after all, going to be hiding demonic features as well) to eventually having that greater mastery to control one's form. This way everyone has something to practice, and practice makes for fun scenes between characters.

I also am reminded of high school language classes, and even in College, where as soon as you entered the door you could not speak English. So for some classes, as soon as you enter the door, horns, tail, and wings (which I'm not sure what I want to decide on wingspan) are hidden.

But, if a student is having trouble keeping their horns or something hidden in class, perhaps it invites some student/teacher tutor time. ::)

See? I brought it back around!


Oh, no, I totally got that!  I was just saying that being able to eventually make those changes makes sense for those demon types.

The Baron

This looks awesome, I'm surprised there isn't more interest.

The idea that popped into my head is an incubus that is out of place. An aberration that you mentioned and is thus not as confident or sure of himself as most incubi discovering their powers would be. I'm thinking perhaps an integrationist scholar/muse that was born into a warrior or aristocratic family. Given my own... switch tendencies, the idea of having him be both predator and prey to his succubi classmates before heading out into the human world sounds delightful. Especially the opportunity for character growth as he transitions from unsure of himself new student to full-fledged Incubus.

I'll definitely be looking to submit a character sheet when the time comes.


I imagine the interest is largely due to 1) the wall of text and 2) I have a bit of an aggressive tone in regards to my expectations. Or at least I'm self-conscious that I do. So wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people bounce off either intimidated or thinking "Wow this guy's a right douche".

Hrm. I could see some good times coming around with someone trying to be more Dominant and then just getting dominated instead, or perhaps even having a Succubus friend trying to teach him how to be more Dominant.

Would your Aberration have been cast out of his original family? Warrior clans are the most likely to exile such an "unworthy" creature, and if you came from a high enough family it could open up to plenty of Warrior caste looking down and challenging you. Aristocratic classes are sort of a mixed bag. After all, a scholar or muse in the palm of their hand could be a rather useful tool, though you'd end up at the bottom of the hierarchy. But others might simply be too proud and cast you out.

As for character sheets, if I have some time this weekend I might put some together. I'm fine with a smaller group game, so if we get about six total players (so we'd need two more interested) then I'd be fine starting, and just permitting multiple characters. However, it is a holiday weekend (in the US at least, though don't know how many really celebrate Easter) so it might better to hold off on character sheets until after the holiday.


Alright, a question to folks with an interest.

I don't think I'll be doing anime character photos. However, I find it difficult to find photos or artwork that look suitable that present demon features. Would people be fine with using real life models and imagining the demonic features on them? I'm still undecided on how large I want wingspan to be (wings as big as most photos seems obnoxious and a pain in day-to-day, but no wingspan seems silly), but if we can just add those in our minds then it's not so big a deal.

It also allows folks to grab from whatever era of costume they wish their characters to be dressed.


I find it far easier to find female demon artwork, but I would not have a problem using human models and just having a demonic description on the sheet.


Good to know, already found my character ha!

Now all it needs is the rest of the fluff. I re-e-eally want to make her a teacher, can I?


I'm going with:

Capone, I'd make the demonic characteristics up to the players.  I mean, maybe make a list of possible features, but allow the players to kind of pick and choose what they'd like with a max cap of three or four.  As for images, it could be that players have one human image, either real or realistic artwork, and they have the option of artwork, description or both.

And, with wingspan, I'd just go with an upper limit of a wingspan 1.5 times the demon's height, but they're free to go smaller if they like.  Demons are magic, so they don't necessarily need to adhere to aerodynamics and physics, 'cause magic.


Quote from: Bibliophilia on April 15, 2017, 01:04:48 AMCapone, I'd make the demonic characteristics up to the players.  I mean, maybe make a list of possible features, but allow the players to kind of pick and choose what they'd like with a max cap of three or four.  As for images, it could be that players have one human image, either real or realistic artwork, and they have the option of artwork, description or both.

And, with wingspan, I'd just go with an upper limit of a wingspan 1.5 times the demon's height, but they're free to go smaller if they like.  Demons are magic, so they don't necessarily need to adhere to aerodynamics and physics, 'cause magic.

Hm. I think the option of coming up with a list of possible features would be a good one. Could allow for more creativity than horns, wings, and tails, too. Perhaps quills running from the neck to the small of the back? Cat's eyes? Reptilian tongue? I'll do some searching real quick and see what other features I can find. I might put a finite number of demonic features on there, though, just so folks don't get too carried away and some of the traits can remain special.

Size of horns and wingspan could be an interesting way to also create flaunting/taunting scenarios.

Quote from: Jane Storm on April 15, 2017, 12:52:52 AM
Good to know, already found my character ha!

Now all it needs is the rest of the fluff. I re-e-eally want to make her a teacher, can I?

Hm. My feeling right now is "only if you also come up with a student character". As I said, the experience here is primarily going to be from that of the students, and there will be many situations where the presence of a teacher wouldn't make sense. For example, my plan for the first day is to start while the orientation speech is wrapping up and everyone gets divided to their separate dormitories. While the teacher would be present during the orientation speech, they wouldn't exactly be there when the students are discovering who they're rooming with and who else is on their floor (I just decided in my head that there are little imp creatures that are maybe two feet tall that will have taken care of each student's belongings, and will do other small tasks throughout the institute).

If there are other teachers there's clearly a possibility for some interaction elsewhere, but I don't want to risk things becoming boring for any one player.

I should also note that I'm sort of typing out loud at the moment. I'll no doubt have a third character, an Incubus faculty member, undecided if Subjugator or Integrate. I think I'll have a small enough group of players to work with that allowing three characters max would be permissible, and limiting to one faculty member per player to keep an appropriate ratio.

So now that I've thought about it out loud: I'll allow it but recommend you have a student character as well if you think you can handle it.

I'll try and see if I can get character sheets worked up this morning. Easter weekend! Whee!


Funny 'cause I already sketched a student's sheet before seeing your reply and I can easily switch between the two or drop the teacher altogether. I will see if there's any need for her or possibility of interaction, so for the most part the student will be my main. Getting giddy for this, hope there will be enough interest to launch it.


Won't be getting the character sheet up today. Will see about tonight. It's a busy weekend. :D


Character sheets! These should be fine for student or teacher. I'll include the code below (and add to the first post) as well as including an example character sheet containing one of my own characters.

[float=right][img width=350 padding=5][/img][/float][b]Name:[/b] ---
[b]Philosophy:[/b] Pick Subjugation, Integration, Undecided, or Apathetic
[b]Clan Skill:[/b] Pick Aristocrat, Warrior, Scholar, Artisan, or Muse
[b]Clan Family:[/b] In most instances, pick same. If Aberration, note original family. Note (Exiled) if such is the case
[b]Clan Hierarchy:[/b] Upper, Upper-Middle, Middle, Lower-Middle, Lower

[b]Demonic Traits:[/b] Pick four: horns (1 to 3), cat's eyes, spinal quills, shoulder spikes, elongated ears, forked tongue, reptilian tail, feline tail, whip-like spade tail, glittering flesh, wings (wingspan up to 1.5x height; incapable of flight, though ability to leap up to 12 feet high, hover for a few seconds, and slow descent), other (come up with a minor feature or characteristic of your own)

[b]Physique:[/b] Detail any other features, and/or more accurately describe demonic traits.

[b]Bio:[/b] Two-to-three paragraphs outlining your character's upbringing, standing in their family, ambitions or goals, philosophies, and special skills or abilities. Note that all characters will have grown up in the Underworld, with their only exposure to the upper world being any humans or human artifacts brought back from elder demons. The lone exception are the children of scholars, which is still a rare instance. If the child is raised in the human world, then they are most likely kept locked within the walls of their parent's home. If they ever manage to breach and explore the human world, extreme measures are taken to wipe memory of all humans made contact with and child is immediately sent to the Underworld.

Name: Sorvo "The Crimson Claw" Grimbone
Philosophy: Subjugation
Clan Skill: Warrior
Clan Family: Warrior
Clan Hierarchy: Middle

Demonic Traits: Horns (1), reptilian tail, wings (1.5x height), red eyes

Physique: A finely tuned physique designed for mortal combat. Height of 6'5" with close-cropped hair and a trimmed beard. His tail is thick with darkened scales that develop at the small of his back. It does not reach the ground but can still make for a suitable weapon. The membrane to his wings are thick and crimson, light hardly shining through. He is unable to hover and can only leap up to about 9 feet, but a strike from his wing is even more powerful than his punch and capable of knocking a foe off their feet. He has a single horn upon his head, about four inches in length. His irises are red with yellow pupils.

Bio: Sorvo's family has been climbing the hierarchy ladder of the Warrior clans for a long time. Beginning as little more than fodder, they've spent countless generations fighting as mercenaries for so many houses. It was only when the leader Kolthrax Grimbone instituted a brutal "survival of the fittest" approach to training his demons that they began to grow into a more powerful and respectable force. As a descendant of Kolthrax, seventeenth generation of soldiers destined to lead their own command, he is expected to do great things.

Which is why so many within his house are concerned about his fascination with this "wrestling" he has become so fascinated with. Completely different in nature from that practiced by the more familiar ancient Greeks, Sorvo instead has studied the art of flashy hand-to-hand combat and acrobatic arts, speaking boldly and engaging in "smack talk" with his opponents. It has put his ability to lead into question, and were it not for his lineage he'd already be out of the family.

Sorvo yearns to dominate. He yearns to be the best single warrior in his family, in all of the Warrior caste, and to invade the human world and strike their greatest warriors down one-on-one. Only then can he find proper satisfaction.

I'll submit my other two character concepts soon enough. If you have any recommendations for additional data on the character sheet let me know.


Name: Mara
Philosophy: Integration
Clan Skill: Scholar
Clan Family:  Scholar
Clan Hierarchy: Middle

Demonic Traits: Charred black skin with golden flesh showing through cracks; forked black tongue; golden cat eyes; hair like molten gold

Physique: Mara is a small Succubi, standing only 5'2" with snake-like bone structure that leaves her form lean and capable of startling flexibility.  Her skin is a matte black so dark it seems to swallow light, but it is covered with fissures and cracks that reveal a glittering golden sheen beneath, as if she were molded of precious metal beneath a protective covering.  The shining gold is repeated in her large, almost glowing cat-like eyes and the impossibly silken, rippling sheen of her waist-length hair.  She lacks the horns, wings and tails of many other demons, her family traits more subtle, and yet striking.  Her tongue is black, forked and wickedly dexterous, on top of being clever and cutting.

Bio:  Mara is the youngest in her clan, and she has much to live up to.  All of her older siblings and cousins have already begun to prove themselves, while she has yet to be given the chance.  However, despite the heated debates, and sometimes violent confrontations, that go on between her family members over differing philosophies on humans, they are a close unit.  They support her, and her desire to study the mortal soul and understand the lengthening of the mortal lifespan.  She has concerns over the implications, and is fascinated by the questions that arise from them.

She never had the charisma some of her family displayed, and lacks the out-going nature of others, but she is a very intense young woman and she has a determination that is hard to match.  She brings those traits to all things, whether it be studying, experimentation, exploration or feeding herself.  She loves to find new ways of exploring sexuality and feasting, always wondering if there's a way to prolong the meal or make it richer.  This has led her to researching, as best she could, all manner of sexual fetishes and positions.

Mara can barely wait to explore the human world and its inhabitants.  She feels her research into their souls can not truly progress without immersing herself in their society and properly experimenting.  She strongly believes that demons and humans should coexist peacefully, since she sees no reason for demons to subjugate their food source.  Things have worked fine so far and there's no logical purpose behind subjugation, in her mind, beyond certain demons wanting to have someone under their boot.


Jane Storm:
I'll PM you on some of the finer details of the character sheets. I like them both but want to see if we can make some tweaks.

I'll allow the Flaws/Weaknesses to be optional. It's information that can be rolled into one's bio, I think, but I can see the value in listing it separately. I'll add them to my own, I think.

I dig her! Once I create a characters thread you'll be free to post her in there.