Where does everyone come ?

Started by Noki, April 10, 2017, 01:18:12 PM

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Lord Mayerling

I'm from the southwestern US originally, near Santa Fe. Now, fahgedaboudit, I've lived in Brooklyn for more than 15 years.

Sweet Trouble

I was born in the State of Kansas in the US. Since then I have lived in California, Illinois, Virginia, Texas, New Mexico, and currently in Louisiana.


I live in a small desert town in California, United States, although my father was military and I've lived in many other places, in the U.S. and abroad.
“Those who lack drama in their
lives strive to invent it.”   ― Terry Masters
"It is only when we place hurdles too high to jump
before our characters, that they learn how to fly."  --  Me
Owed/current posts
Sigs by Ritsu


Native Swede here too. Lived in UK, US and Canada for brief times though.


And another Swede  ;D

I've never lived somewhere else (but I grew up in a place with quite some ethnic and cultural diversity, so I actually had cultural clashes with other Swedes for quite some time), and visited a handful of countries.


Well, "from" is a relative term.  I have lived in 6 states.  Two I could have done without, not for the state, but for the state of mind of the people there I had experience.

I was born in Ohio, USA.  When i was 11 my parents moved us to Colorado in pursuit of their dreams.  I lived there until just after college.  I went to college in Iowa, USA.  I lived there for 13 years.  I met a guy and moved to New Orleans, LA, USA. Lived there for 3 years.  Moved to Lynchburg, VA, USA. hated it. HATED IT.  moved to Charleston, WV and am still here.  Here I will stay. Unless I pay someone to move us, I am NEVER moving again!

Never underestimate the power of a single look.
    My Role Plays:  Keeping the Duchess from Harm  Rebel of Her Heart     On Flightless Wings   Hunter or Hunted My Blog  Sylken Threads


In the land of Dixie, North Georgia to be more precise, about 40 miles north of Atlanta.


Currently living in central Indiana, and have lived in.... California, Michigan, Kentucky, Vermont, Florida, New Mexico. 37 times. Wishing I could move out of there, but haven't the faintest idea where I would move to.

The Oath of the Drake

She's real, she's deep, she's logical and mystical. She believes in kindness and oneness and romance. She's sensitive and distant, a warrior, a lover. She believes in road trips to the stars and dancing with the universe. She's fearless and gentle, wondrous and brave. She lives in waterfalls and forests and sunsets and galaxies. She's the artist, the thinker, the poem and the dream. - Creig Crippen


Currently I live in in northwestern Pennsylvania, only a couple of miles from Lake Erie. I was born and raised in Virginia Beach, Virginia, and have travelled to Mexico, Canada, Israel, Turkey, ...and some other sandy places.
she wears strength and darkness equally well, the girl has always been half goddess, half hell

you can find me on discord, ketling
Ons & Offs~Menagerie~Pulse~Den of Iniquity
wee little Ketlings don't yet have the ability to spit forth flame with the ferocity needed to vanquish a horde of vehicular bound tiny arachnids.


So nice, Ket! I LUV traveling. Which countries did you prefer?
O/O and ideas - write if you'd be a good Annatar/Sauron, Aaron Warner (Juliette) [Shatter me], Wilkins (Faith) [Buffy the VS]
[what she reading: 50 TALES A YEAR]

Avis habilis

Born in southern Ontario, raised four hours due north of Fargo, currently living in far northern New England.


Born in Seattle, lived in Germany for a stint, and now I'm back in Washington state!


Currently in New England, but very well may end up in Europe before the end of the year!


Still in the same house I grew up in over in Western Massachusetts. I've traveled a bit for vacations, but haven't moved much (came back home after moving away about 10 minutes up the road for a couple years).
Ideas|O/O's|Post Tracker
Click Me!
Random PMs always welcome.
Roleplays:Not actively seeking.
Posting Frequency: Up to a Month
Replies Owed: 1 of 4


Quote from: CassieBear on July 08, 2017, 07:12:21 PM
Still in the same house I grew up in over in Western Massachusetts. I've traveled a bit for vacations, but haven't moved much (came back home after moving away about 10 minutes up the road for a couple years).

I'm in Eastern Mass :D


Montréal, Québec, Canada.

In case the accents on the e's didn't give it away, I speak zee French, hon hon hon.

"Omelette du fromage" and all that.


Denmark here. I have been on a couple of boarding schools but not enough so that I can say that I've 'lived there'.


Quote from: Giantmutantcrab on July 08, 2017, 10:03:47 PM

"Omelette du fromage" and all that.

Omelette DE fromage ;) is it different in Québec?
O/O and ideas - write if you'd be a good Annatar/Sauron, Aaron Warner (Juliette) [Shatter me], Wilkins (Faith) [Buffy the VS]
[what she reading: 50 TALES A YEAR]

Fury Aphrodisia

Everything is different in Quebec. Quebec french is a distinctly different dialect from Parisian french. My teachers used to get so frustrated.

I was born and lived on a Mohawk reservation in Southern Ontario, but my father traveled a lot for work (Steamfitter, which meant working on a lot of pipelines). I got to see most of Ontario and Quebec by living a rather nomadic lifestyle in my early years. I lived in Nova Scotia for a while, but there was a huge amount of native intolerance that made life miserable for me. (To be fair, we lived in an extremely conservative, highly rural, "god fearing" portion just outside New Glasgow).

I'm not living on the res anymore, though we frequent it for family reasons. I'm a small industrial city girl, honestly, living in something straight outta World of Darkness.

But I really wish I were from everywhere. I wish I were from parts of the US, wish I were from the UK or Ireland, wish I were from Germany or Tibet, from Japan or Egypt (well... maybe not RIGHT now...) wish I were from a thousand other places or at least could get there on significantly less money than it would take right now. Maybe one day I'll get out there and visit all you various E-people.

Also, Poet... you crack me up.
Fire and Flora - My Ons and Offs  - Updated May 17th '17 ---- Aphrodisia Acedia - (A&A's) - Updated September 9th '17 ---- Sinful Inspirations - Story Ideas - Updated May 17th '17

~I am not the voice of reason: I am the voice of truth. I do not fall gently on hopeful ears. I am strident and abrasive. I do not bend to the convenience of comfort. I am unyeilding. I do not change with wind and whim, but am always standing, unchanging, steady, constant and persevering. You rebuke me when you need me most, yet still I fight. The enemies of truth are everywhere. But I am not defeated.~


I live in the Netherlands. I'm currently checking out what my chances are when I move to Brittain or the U.S.
We choose the foolish of the world to astonish the wise.
The weak to embarrass the strong.
Nothing is impossible, we must hope for everything.
You don’t have to understand things for them to be
You just have to believe in the unbelievable...

The Vessel

Born in Arkansas, followed my Air Force mother around the country (including three years in Hawai'i) settled, rather accidentally, in Ohio.

I've also spent a day in Mexico and a week in Australia.


I'm originally from New York, but moved to San Francisco almost 5 years ago.


Montreal, Quebec, though I'm part of the minority of anglophones.


Born in Michigan, moved to Florida, moved to NYC, moved back to Florida, moved to Iowa, moved back to Florida.  As an over the road truck driver, I have been everywhere across Canada except Nova Scotia and everywhere in the 48 except a couple New England states.  I want to go to The Netherlands to visit several of my online friends.  I got a thing for Dutchies.  ;D
To some, steampunk is a catchall term, a concept in search of a visual identity. To me, it’s essentially the intersection of technology and romance. – Jake von Slatt
Saturn Reads Tarot (Free) & E*rotic Readings,
Lickable Limericks, Saturn's Celestial Void, Saturn's Celestial Sojourn