Domine, planet of the undead -interest check {On hiatus}-

Started by LamentingQuill, March 25, 2017, 11:58:59 PM

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This game will be for ten players total, five male characters and five female characters, it does not have to be a male writing a male or a female writing a female, if you are a guy and feel inspired to write a girl character, do it, vice versa for a girl writing up a male character. The point is to have fun.

This is rough draft and I will go into deeper detail if I think this is going to be in any way successful at getting off the ground, even by just a little bit.

What if our understanding of vampires came from a visiting extraterrestrial race of nocturnal parasitic aliens? What if we also got a couple things wrong in our desperation to try and make some sense of these mysterious and frightening powerful beings?

Things we got right:

Aversion to sunlight- the vampire's home planet does not have a sun, they have an especially luminescent moon that baths the planet in soft but fairly illuminating moonlight, kinda like this here , as a result of this, their delicate skin cannot handle the harsh UV of Earth's red sun, they are just simply not conditioned for it.

Blood nourishment- The vampires do require blood for sustenance, but they prefer to feed upon the robust elk like creatures that reside upon their home planet. They drank from humans while visiting our planet mostly from necessity, others of more malevolent nature doing so to instill fear among the 'inferior beings'.

Enhanced senses and strength- Vampires can indeed see perfectly in darkness, they are as faster than the highest recorded speed of the Earth's cheetah , they can hear in perfect clarity the drop of a pin from half a mile away and they are as strong as two elephants. They are literally the perfect hunter.

Immortality: Vampires stop aging as soon as their bodies fully mature (Our eighteen years old) and they do not age at all from that point on and they will never die, unless their head is completely severed from their bodies.

Things we got wrong:
Sterile- At the rumors of vampires taking advantage of human women in the dark ages, humans began to comfort themselves with the notion that vampires are incapable reproducing. They, unfortunately for their peace of mind, are quite wrong.

Piercing the heart- Vampires will not die from a stake through the heart, no matter what you make it from, you'll only get one very angry vampire in a lot pain if you try. The only way to kill a vampire is decapitation.

Soulless- Vampires are not devoid of a soul or the ability to love if you prefer to think of it in that way, this was merely a human conceived notion to comfort them about killing any discovered vampires and justify their actions as 'for the good of all'.

Running water- Vampires are in no way hindered by running water... in fact, a good swim can be quite invigorating and a good exercise.

Silver- Vampires are not allergic to silver, they actually rather enjoy it in jewelry as it resembles the hue of their moon. They have no idea where humans got this idea or why.

Garlic- They can dislike the smell as much as anyone, but they are not 'allergic' or 'harmed' by the scent or the tasting of it.

Crosses- They are from another planet and as such, our deities mean nothing to them. They comprehend what the cross means, but they are rather confused by why the humans think it repels them.

Heartbeat- Vampires do have a heartbeat, but their alien anatomy functions different from us, their heart just naturally beat much slower and much quieter. Human means of medicine cannot detect it.

Five girls, all unfamiliar to each other, wake up in a densely forested alien world and find themselves relentlessly pursued throughout the dark trees by five pale impossibly handsome males with ruby red eyes and... horns?
Example of the vampires basic look
This beautiful artwork is by shuangwen from deviantart

Little do the girls know, they were abducted from Earth and brought the vampire home planet of Domine... to become mates for these red eyed masters of darkness... so why were they let loose like this amid the dense trees? The vampire males believe they must prove their strength and virility to their desired female by hunting them and then upon capturing them, demanding the female's submission to his claim.

Where are the vampire females on this planet? Not a single one to be seen anywhere... Why were these five vampires specifically chosen to be allowed to participate in 'The Mating Hunt'? Are they important within their society somehow? Is there any hope for these girls to escape? Will they want to escape in the end?



Tentatively interested, I'll have to see the particulars before I can say for sure.


Quote from: Ithnuul on March 26, 2017, 11:33:32 PM
Tentatively interested, I'll have to see the particulars before I can say for sure.

I'm tinkering with a couple ideas, I just want to see if this has any chance before I pour in a mountain of work :)


Quote from: LamentingQuill on March 27, 2017, 02:04:33 AM
I'm tinkering with a couple ideas, I just want to see if this has any chance before I pour in a mountain of work :)
I understand, It is an interest check after all. I just didn't want to say that i'm totally interested only to turn around and back out later once things well and truly get started.