Such Variety! Oh my! Must Look Here!

Started by FlutterCry, February 23, 2017, 06:23:54 PM

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Welcome To Cry

Hello, all!  I am FlutterCry, but feel free to call me Cry.  Most people do.  I love snakes, horseback riding, dancing, and playing Prop Hunt.  I can get a bit awkward or shy, but once I'm excited, I love chatting!

Before I begin with the actual information, I%u2019d like to point out that I%u2019m new, and not very good with editing yet.  So, if you are looking for the words to be written prettily, that%u2019s probably not gonna happen.  I will, however, be updating and fiddling with this post a bit as I get settled in here. Thank you so much for bearing with me during this time.


I seem to reply very quickly.  I'm not sure if this is good or bad yet, but I figured I should put up some warning. 

For now, I just wanted to put up some basic pairings I would be cool with.  While I%u2019m excited about dipping a toe into the, uhm, adult section of a story, I really, really require a nice little plot to go along with it.  No plot makes my interest simmer out.  True story.  I%u2019m not putting plots out to start off, but as I have more time and energy, I will add them.  In the meantime, I like working out a plot with my partners.  It is awesome to see someone get as excited about an idea as me, and spend time hashing out details!  I%u2026I like details%u2026. 

Also%u2026I like the harder stuff.  Ya know, nonconsent, bloodletting, torture.  If it fits with the story and we can make it work well, bring it on! ^u^ 

I mainly enjoy playing females, however, I have no problems playing males either.

Ultimate loves:

Angels and Demons

Dystopian Societies (This can be anything from the world of Paranoia, to a Hunger Games type thing, or even a world we create.)


No consent is one of my absolute favorite things.  Like.  None.




Vampires and pretty much any pairing.  I don't like the twilight sparklie ones though. 

Willing to roleplay:

Student and Professor (Uhm.  I go to college.  A lot of my time is spent daydreaming.  Do I need to say more, lol?)

Pet Shop Of Horrors %u2013 If you know this story, I will love you for forever!  I%u2019d love to try out anthro, since I never have.  So, I%u2019d love to try it out with a Lamia character!

May be persuaded based upon the plot we decide:

Nerd and a Jock

War Torn World

Werewolves and Pretty much any pairing.

A Bit More...

I believe this will be a good starting point.  So, for now, I will leave this here and edit every now and then.  If there is something not on the list, please feel more than free to ask about it.  I%u2019m usually open to many things.  These are just the top things bouncing in my head. 

Be kind whenever possible.  It is always possible.~Dalai Lama
Uhm.  Here are my things.  0.0


02/24/17 Edited and updated original post.
Be kind whenever possible.  It is always possible.~Dalai Lama
Uhm.  Here are my things.  0.0