Re: Interest Check: Hellfire Club London 2025 (Marvel) (Trying Again)

Started by BlackStone, February 14, 2017, 11:00:07 PM

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The world was in chaos.  There was no other word for it.  For more than a year the major heroes of the world had been missing.  There was no hiding the fact, not anymore.  Too many time some terrorist of enhanced power villain succeeded where in the past someone one, be it the Avengers, Fantastic Four, Thunderbolts, or the X-Men would had put a stop to it.  Oh the governments and the other heroes present in the world had did their best to cover up the fact, but something this large, something so pivotal could not be kept hidden forever.  Nature will always run its course, and she will always have her due.  A vacuum in any form, be the absence of air or power, was an unnatural state and could not exist for any length of time.  Power vacuums took longer to fill, but they eventually do.

The straw which broke the camel's back, as it were, happened first in Europe, in Berlin.  Stryker Research had made a breakthrough in energy technology.  The ability to store and contain anti-matter safely, to be able to use it as a viable energy source.  It was going to change the world.  There were organizations who did not want the world changed however, and while select groups having the technology was not a threat to them, the technology becoming common place was.  It could never be proven who was behind the attack on Stryker, but the Roxxon Corporation, whose backbone was built upon oil and other fossil fuels, had the most to loose from such technology.  Stryker was attacked, and no one came to its aid.  The facility and two miles surrounding it was obliterated in the resulting explosion.  The only saving grace was the facility was not in the city proper, but more than five thousand lives were taken that night, and it was a clear sign the world had changed.

One would thing an organization whose goal was control of the governments and economies of the world would welcome such change, but they would be wrong.  Chaos and disorder was as much an enemy to the Inner Circle of the Hellfire Club as it was to any other organization dedicated to order, chaos was their enemy.  Every member of the Inner Circle lost a small fortune the day Stryler was destroyed, and the world markets had not recovered since.  Since it was clear what few heroes of the world were not enough to reestablish the status quo, then the Inner Circle would need to take maters into its own hands.  They needed stability or they would continue to hemorrhage as they had been the four months since the anti-matter detonation in Germany, and within the year the companies and fortune they had spent a lifetime building would be so much smoke and ash.

Characters are members of the Inner Circle of the London Hellfire Club.  Also this is not Earth 616 so if folks have a new twist on a cannon character, or want to make the offspring of cannon characters I will consider it.   Currently the following positions in the Inner Circle would be open.




Hi Blackstone.

Right up front I must confess that I really don’t know anything about the Marvel version of the Hellfire club. However, it is my understanding (perhaps an urban myth) that the idea was taken from an old 60’s episode of the avengers in which Dianna rig donned the most incredibly sexy outfit, complete with studded collar. And indeed the history of the club extends as far back as the 18th century (I think also with a nod by Conan-Doyle in The Hound of the Baskervilles.)

Moving this into a modern setting opens up some fantastic possibilities and if you think I’d fit in with your plans I’d be love to play one of the House Slaves. Perhaps I’d call her Emma in tribute to Mrs Peel and her daring attire.

I would probably consider her to be a switch, able to be either dominant or submissive depending on the wants of the club members. Personally, I’m not overly familiar with any structured system and much prefer the creativity that freeform allows.

Please let me know if you’d like me to put up a formal character sheet.


Tentative interest? I love playing villains and anti-heroes, and would probably be an inner circle member with or looking for a male submissive or two given the option. Maybe a character based less on any form of combat and more on information brokering. I'm on a Shadowrun kick lately. 

I would personally love a system game, but am fine going freeform. Maybe tell us more about the world and where you see this going? How violent you expect it to be, and perhaps a bit about the Hellfire Club in general? Do you see this as relatively plotty, more social, smutty?


The inspiration behind the Hellfire Club in Marvel comics was indeed the 1966 episode of the British television series A Touch of Brimstone.  There is actual historical records to it being the name of a Gentleman's only club in London where wealthy and influential men of means would meet and relax.  There was a BDSM theme to the club.

If first appeared in the Marvel continuity during Chris Claremont and John Byrne's The Dark Phoenix Saga.  The back story of the New York chapter of the club was much the same, save it was people of wealth and influence, not just men.  Inside the members of the Hellfire club was an Inner Circle who wanted to shape and influence the world.  Seeing the rise of mutants as a threat, the then Black Bishop Sebastian Shaw funneled money into the Sentinel program, bringing about the Mark III Sentinels, who were not as dangerous as the Mark II Sentinels developed by Boliver Trask as they lacked the AI learning program the Mark II's had.  Once the Mark III Sentinels were unleashed on the world, the White King of the Inner Council used the Mark III's against Sebastian Shaw and the mutants who were on the Inner Council to eliminate the threat they posed to the White King.  This lead to the death of Lourdes Chantel, lover of Sebastian Shaw.  In revenge, along with fellow mutant Emma Frost, Sebastian Shaw purged the Inner Circle, killing all who had a hand in the Sentinel attack and Lourdes' death.  Sebastian Shaw and Emma Frost became the new Black King and White Queen, and renamed the Inner Circle the Lords Cardinal.

The next major effort by the Lords Cardinal was when mutant terrorist Jason Wyngarde (Mastermind) tried to buy his way into the Lords Cardinal as the new Black Bishop by corrupting the Phoenix, who at the time was believed to be Jean Grey, and having her become the new Black Queen.  This put the Lords Cardinal in direct conflict with the X-Men, near all the members being captured in the confrontation save for Wolverine.  Wolverine would then severely injure and killed many mercenaries, including the White Bishop, Donald Pierce.  The X-Men escaped, but the experienced shattered what control Jean Grey had upon the Phoenix, unleashing the Dark Phoenix on the world.  It would not be the end of the Hellfire Club, and they would continue to be a recurring faction to the X-Men.

Now as for what I have envisioned for Hellfire Club London 2025, the X-Men and the Avengers have been absent for over a year.  No one can discover the why, but the bulk of heroes who once claimed membership to those organizations are not to be found.  This has left the world open and ripe for chaos as nature abhors a vacuum.  I see the London Club as fighting against the on going chaos and restoring order to the world, only a world order with their own stamp upon it.  I see this as being a bit like how the Thunderbolts comic, bad guys who come out as heroes, yet hiding their true intentions from the public.  I see this game being the ability for folks to explore a Lawful Evil type characters, with BDSM to add in an allure as I do believe it is possible to tell a story with mature elements to it which help enhance the story, not derail it.

That is it in a nutshell.  As for the system versus free-form debate, as I do want this to be more role play and not roll play, how about a compromise.  Those who like systems to help define and give their character scope and get their minds in the right head space, we can use the Marvel RPG system, the old FASERIP system.  Those who want to lean more towards free form that is fine as well, I will write out guide lines as far as the scope I am looking for.  So feel free to pitch me your ideas and I hope we can get enough interest in this concept to get it going.


I think this is a very interesting idea, and bring a huge comic buff, I have to get in on this :) I'd be looking to play a member with powers along the same lines as Kitty Pride from the x-men, though with more of a "ghostly assassin" sort of feel.

I'm familiar with the old TSR Marvel system, but I'd like things to be more free form. I'll be happy to create a more concrete character as soon as you're taking submissions.

In a nutshell, color me interested.:)
Where's your will to be weird?   

~Jim Morrison

Ons and Offs


Hi Blackstone,

I have a character in mind, but you will need to tell me whether she fits into your plans. Let’s call her Emma for now. I’ll come up with something ‘marvellous’ later.

Emma would be the head of the house slaves and indeed is a slave herself charged with serving the members of the circle. In appearance she is slim and alluring, perfectly (and a perfect) human in all respects, but she has certain abilities that raise her above her rank. Call it the ‘power of suggestion if you like, but she is able to persuade men and women to confide their deepest thoughts or act out of character. This is something that she keeps securely hidden and perhaps is unaware of it herself initially. She uses this talent sparingly and subtly for her own purposes (perhaps satisfying her primal urges) and has manipulated herself into a position of moderate authority. But her gift may come to the attention of the leader of the circle (or indeed one of the other members) whom ‘convinces’ her that her talent would be best used in his/her service, giving them an edge over the other mutants who may feel inclined to challenge their authority. Alternatively, he may abuse her gift without her knowledge.

Under his guidance, Emma would become  perfect spy and begin to steal secrets. She would use her body and voice to encourage members of the club and their slaves to impart precious knowledge that she would pass on in exchange for that which she desires most. In line with the adult nature of E. her need is likely to be sexual (but to be decided). Perhaps she gains her strength through the adrenalin rush that sex and all things pertaining to it presents her. The more extreme the activity, the greater the reward.

Would Emma fit into this world you’re building?



Hm, I was working somewhat along the same lines but more in the direct sense. Rather than manipulating people's emotions or getting them to trust him, I was thinking about having my character's powers be focused around collecting information through technology. Either traveling physically or mentally through computers, bypassing security and then outright blackmailing people with secrets he finds into doing what he wants. Either as eyes and ears so that he can manipulate the stock market, or even for sexual favors; for himself, or as 'rewards' for the particularly effective agents. All done from the comfort of the Hellfire Club, three piece suit and cigarette in hand. Too much overlap with Emma do you suppose? And if not, would this fit in with the sort of theme you're looking at?

That aside, what do you see event wise for this game? Is it more socializing among the characters, running their own events, GM ran drama, or? I don't see it mentioned so suppose I should ask to confirm as well, are gay/lesbian characters accepted as well? I was probably going to make mine either gay or leaning heavily that direction, depending on how it comes together.


I like the idea of the techno-powers you proposed.  I have  a character I used in marvel games past who is a technomancer.  She is blind but able to connect with technology and manipulate it through a very specific form of magic.  I might need to bring her into the game.  Ponders...

Yes this game will be open to all forms of sexual orientation and peoples On/Offs would be respected.  As for the scope and progression of the game, I want it to be an organic and collaborative effort. There will be an over arching meta plot, but the journey to get to the major plot points will be determined by you the players and characters.   

The best analogy I can come up with is how USA did several of their series such as Burn Notice and Suits.  In any given season there is a major plot thread which ties all of the episodes together, yet each episodes had there own plot and individual stamp to it.  I hope that makes sense.  I as the GM would provide the plot thread tying everything together, you the players are doing the individual episodes.


I'm usually more focused on outright combat, so techno-powers could be a fun change. Especially if I can find anyone interested in playing a slave/blackmailed character, perhaps with combat powers that would act as a bodyguard considering the one I'm thinking of isn't overly focused around it. Good to know about the mix of sexual orientations though. Same with a meta plot, actually. It could be interesting to work with other characters and sort of push the plot forward, for sure. I love the idea of a BDSM club filled with people of power and influence. Lawful Evil always was one of my favorite alignments.


There can be a nice thrill by going the mastermind route and gathering of information.  One of my favorite enemies from sci-fi/fantasy fiction has been Nicodemius from Jim Butcher's Dresden Files.  The fact he sets up his plots so they had incremental gains for him even if the main plot failed.  I see most of the Inner Circle being people of such, powerful men and women who can play the long chess game and see the end goal with the first move of a pawn at the start of the game.


That sort of slow, sinister intelligence is a great trope. I'm a huge fan of Dresden so I definitely get what you're talking about in that aspect. Really, all of the Order of the Blackened Denarius are rather interesting; Dresden has a host of great enemies. I'd see my potential character as one that wants to avoid combat though, unlike most of the coins hah. He's probably well known in many circles, but more by an alias than anything else. Sort of like Barbara Gordon's Oracle, just significantly more selfishly inclined. :P


Sounds interesting! I'm in if it's freeform.

I have an old character I made for a 'New Hellions' type game that I'd be interested in reviving. Probably modify into a more experienced version. A self-made businessman with the mutant ability to supercharge others and himself and addict them to this process. He went by the alias Boost with the intention to reveal the real name he picked for himself - Sovereign - once he got enough influence, power and mutants addicted to forge his own power base.

I figure his more mature version would have done that already and then claimed a seat on the Inner Circle.  Maybe keep his background as a former Hellion intact, if we include a team or two as agents, and offer to play his former teammates as subordinates/slaves if anyone's interested.

Here's his old writeup, which was formatted as an IC application with some supplementary OOC info:

Samuel Keen, Boost/Sovereign

-Name:  Samuel 'Sovereign' Keen
-Age: 24
-Place of Birth: Detroit, Michigan
-Current Place of Residence: L.A., California

-What do you identify yourself as?

-What, if any, ability (ies) do you possess that you would consider superhuman?
I possess the ability to enhance others. While my ability allows me to turn regular humans more fearless and capable, for a time, my augmentation primarily increases the powers of my fellow mutants. As to whether this just puts them closer to their true potential or actively enhances them hasn't been confirmed.

[Non-1st Person entry, since I figured he's leaving out some rather important details:
Augmentation. Initially assumed to be the ability to induce an addictive euphoria in others, the true extent of his ability has been revealed when first used upon a fellow mutant: Samuel's mutant ability allows him to enhance the powers of others, a process that is accompanied by the aforementioned euphoric sensation. Prolonged or repeated enhancement within a short period may have detrimental effects and should therefore be employed sparingly. Samuel can employ this ability on himself, though it is highly draining, to force his body into a peak-human state. He keeps this a secret, since he is a) not immune to the side effects of his own power and b) hoping to keep this a trump card of sorts, leaving rivals to assume him a lacking fighter at best.]

What do you consider your area(s) of expertise? (Skills and education)
Formal education at basic level
Etiquette, learned through self-study
Empathy [Manipulation, actually, but those are almost the same thing, right? Lying, deceiving and omitting parts for his own ends without technically speaking a single untruth are second nature to him.]
[Street Fighting, moderate skill]

In one or two paragraphs, describe yourself: (Appearance, style, unusual features)

Medium height, male, short brown hair, brown eyes, no beard. No scars or prominent birthmarks in the face area. Slim and athletic. No obviously mutated features.

[Samuel  Keen is a man of medium height, with a strong, well-shaved jawline and a lean but wiry frame that lends itself well to putting on muscles. Short dark-brown hair nestles above a fairly prominent brow that gives the impression that his full head of hair won't last past his thirties. His equally brown eyes have an alert look to them, giving the impression that he generally pays attention -- both to others as well as his surroundings.

His clothes come in two flavors, generally. When he can afford them, Sam prefers exclusive, tailored suits cut to allow for easy movement and impress at the same time. When he cannot or mingles with a less exclusive crowd, he prefers simple functionality -- a pair of jeans, a weather-resistant leather jacket, though always clean, in style and kept in excellent condition. To all appearances, Samuel Keen is a good-looking man with no obvious abnormalities.

However, when he employs his mutant power, a purple glow manifests around his body. The more intensely he uses them, the stronger the glow gets and the more it spreads. A weaker charge might only cause his hand to briefly shimmer, while a stronger application may well cause the energy to burst forth from his eyes or even his entire body.]

In one or two paragraphs, describe your personality:

I always knew what I wanted from life. I wanted to rise above the low beginnings I was born into and distinguish myself -- to stand above the little people, rather than be just another part of the crowd. I'm well on the way there and so stand confident in what I've done so far and what I'll do in the future.

I'm easy to get along with, generally -- confident, handsome, and smart enough not to grandstand before I can afford it. My powers aren't offensive in nature by themselves, nor are they that impressive -- I literally need to be a good team player to use them effectively, so I strive to be just that.

[Which, indeed, is how he gets to people and makes them depend on him. And, if he has his way, dependent, too. He has the classic makings of a sociopath, highly charismatic on a superficial level but unable to actually feel for people, connecting rather on an intellectual and satisfaction/dissatisfaction-based level.]

In two paragraphs or more, summarize your life up until now:

I was forced to fend for myself most of my life. Making the best of things after the man who raised me died of food poisoning when I was fourteen, I worked as a delivery boy for the most part. After an unfortunate misunderstanding with a local gang, in which my powers awakened for the first time, I had some time to rethink my life as I recovered in a hospital. Eager to achieve greater things, I set out for Los Angeles and established myself there, gathering a number of ambitious young men and women to make a name for ourselves.

Sadly, the discovery of the true extent of my mutation ended in the destruction of the establishment we had claimed as our base of operations -- the incident with the electricity-charged mutant received some media attention I was able to keep my name out of, luckily.  Of course, if it hadn't happened, I wouldn't be here right now.

[Growing up in the streets of Detroit was no picnic. Having been raised by an abusive single father, whose influence Samuel eventually escaped through creative use of rat poison, he might well have met a dead end, what with lacking money, background and a higher education -- after spending his early teenage years running odd jobs on the streets and delving into the occasional criminal activity, his powers finally manifested when a small gang of fellow youths he had gathered turned against him. Sadly, as it turned out, boosting abilities aren't exactly the best thing to turn against your attackers and he spent some time in intensive care.  Once he had recovered enough to be functional, he began testing his powers on the hospital employees. Using a nurse he had thoroughly addicted to his power, Samuel made certain that his hospital folder was 'accidentally misplaced' before he vanished and set out for LA. There, he insinuated himself into the local night club scene, surrounding himself with a group of fanatic addicts he had gathered through a mixture of personal magnetism and his ability. However, he wanted more. His power didn't exactly allow him to control people, most of the time it required time and subtle manipulation to get them into a state where they became suitably dependent on him.

With time, he might have come pretty far on his own -- he had the ambition, will and means, certainly, though a more dramatic incident brought Keen to the active attention of the Hellfire Club. Without realizing it, Keen used his powers on another mutant. The results were spectacular, when a young mutant with recently awakened energy-generating power suddenly flared to bright life and nearly destroyed the establishment they had met in as the emotionally unstable youth exulted in his power. Believed to be just another hostile mutant incident by the public at large, Hellfire has a knack for seeing the subtle workings behind the obvious.]

What are your likes?
Classic art (music/paintings/novels), chess, rock/metal music, pool billiard, antique weaponry

What are your dislikes?
Incompetence, meek people, rudeness, techno music
[abusive relationships -- somewhat ironic considering what he does, but this pertains to specifically parental ones]

Please answer the following questions in a few sentences

If you had one million dollars and 24 hours to spend it, what would you do with it?

Since there is no reason given for the limit: Whatever fancy strikes me at the moment.
One million dollars is a measly sum as far as real wealth is concerned, so if the limit is one that leaves me with whatever I acquired at the end, investing it would be most prudent.

If forced to choose, which of the following would you sacrifice: Your health, your beauty or your voice. Why?

What is beauty without the health to enjoy it? What is life, if one cannot communicate? Beauty.

Rank the following from most desirable (1) to least desirable (7)

-Powerful (1)
[Power makes the world go 'round, as they say. ]

-Respected (2)
[Power and respect don't always go hand in hand, but when they do, it's a very attractive combination. Samuel desires respect, particularly because he knows he is really a manipulator whose powers are greatest if he has others at his side.]

-Trusted ( 3)
[Trust is a rare and very precious commodity, it needs to be carefully nurtured and kept. Even when put into a position where one can abuse that trust, it needs to be considered very carefully -- short term gains may be temping, but true allies and subordinates are the gift that keeps giving.]

-Popular ( 4)
[Popularity is similar to trust in that some people will simply assume they, indeed, can trust you, because you're popular. Not to mention that other people liking and potentially even emulating you is very gratifying.]

-Attractive (5)
[Having always been attractive, he takes it for granted, not considering how much of an influence on his life it was.]

-Wealthy (6)
[Wealth is a byproduct and luxury, as easily gained as it can be discarded once the proper means are discovered. Money is only useful in what it can acquire, not as an end unto itself.]

-Feared (7)
[He doesn't need to be feared, nor particularly wants it. He can certainly intimidate if he wants to, something that comes especially easily once someone is thoroughly addicted to his ability, but he can't afford to be feared if he wants to get anywhere. ]

Define Weakness:
A lack of willpower, of determination or an inability to change one's situation for the better on one's own initiative. The weak thrive in mediocrity, latching onto the strong so that they may achieve for them what they cannot.

Define Strength:
Strength is having a purpose -- and then, achieving it and striving for the next, greater goal. Anything else one considers 'strength' is simply a means to doing so.
Now this is the Law of the Jungle-
as old and as true as the sky;
And the Wolf that shall keep it may  prosper,
but the Wolf that shall break it must die.

-Rudyard Kipling, "The Law of the Jungle"

Orange Marmalade

Poking my head in for potential interest as well.

What is the current state of the universe and the typical Marvel well-known characters?


Most of the big named heroes for Avengers, X-Men, Fantastic Four have been missing for over a year.  I want to leave it at that as I have my reasons. 


Just the big names? Are there still lesser known heroes about? What about in other areas/cities?


I am going to say yes to the lesser known heroes, but they are clearly not enough to stop the chaos happening.  The major cities which had a heavy superhero presence are keenly hit.  Again while I do not want heavily discourage established marvel characters, but I don't want a cut and paste from comic books.  I would like a new hook or angle to the character, or even a gender bend of you want.  This is supposed to be an alternate Earth than Earth 616 which is where the main Marvel continuity takes place. 


Any information on what happened to the old Inner Circle? I'm not familiar with how the London locale was separated - did they have their own Inner Circle, with a mirrored set of chess piece positions, a system of their own, or was it just a branch and whoever ran it was working for the proper Inner Circle?
Now this is the Law of the Jungle-
as old and as true as the sky;
And the Wolf that shall keep it may  prosper,
but the Wolf that shall break it must die.

-Rudyard Kipling, "The Law of the Jungle"


London was the original branch, but as the United States gained dominance in the world, so did the power shift, but they had their own Inner Circle and yes modeled after chest pieces.  They were first revealed in Excalibur #9.  Their colors were originally White and Black, later changed to Red and Black to distance itself from the American Branch.  The London Branch Inner Circle was all arrested by Captain Britain and Excaliber when they tried to raise a demon king to take over London.

Intimate Ink

Posting interest.  Have a lot on my plate right now, but going to keep an eye on this.  Esp since so many awesome people are already showing up here.  <3


Love your avatar Iink. If you do end up tossing your hat into the ring feel free to hit me up, maybe we can coordinate something.


Same! If workable, I'll propose an older version of the character write-up I spoilered above -- his background will leave plenty of room for allies, enemies, rivals, lovers, slaves and subordinates. Some of which could be former teammates, if our good GM is amenable to including a 'New Hellions' team or two.
Now this is the Law of the Jungle-
as old and as true as the sky;
And the Wolf that shall keep it may  prosper,
but the Wolf that shall break it must die.

-Rudyard Kipling, "The Law of the Jungle"


I was going to post this last night when well, you know, the world here came to an end...

Seems we have enough interest.  I will be posting a character concept thread and OOC thread here in the next two days.


I posted these links in the first post and as we add in IC threads I will post them there as well.  As well as in the OOC thread.   Looking forward to seeing your submissions.

Hellfire Club 2025 OOC Thread
Hellfire Club 2025 Character Concepts


Is everyone else sending their characters by PM, or have we lost some interest?  :-\
Now this is the Law of the Jungle-
as old and as true as the sky;
And the Wolf that shall keep it may  prosper,
but the Wolf that shall break it must die.

-Rudyard Kipling, "The Law of the Jungle"