LF M or F to play Femdom ex-wife

Started by NiceTexasGuy, February 12, 2017, 09:27:00 AM

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A version of this originally was posted in the off-forum request area, but now it's been totally revamped and posted here too.

(as you can see from the title, your real life gender isn't relevant, but you'll be playing a female)


There are some ideas that seem like they might be fun to play.  There are some stories we want to play.  Then there's that one we need to play.

This is the one I need.

Here's how it goes:  First marriage for both of us.  We shared the same conservative values, went to the same church, etc.  Neither of us were hideous looking, but we wouldn't be gracing any magazine covers either.  In truth, even though we would never admit to it - we both "settled" for the other. You had a bit of a weight problem, and I was a bit too immature for your tastes.  Not that it was bad, we surely connected on an intellectual level and we were very happy.  At first.

Then, because like so many others, we didn't really understand what it took to make a marriage work, and we began to drift apart.  Divorce was "inevitable".

One essential ingredient was that I kept wanting you to roleplay the domme in the bedroom, something you just couldn't get into, even though you did indulge me from time to time.  It's what good wives do for their husbands, right?

Now here's where the storyline diverges ....

Option one:  You start hitting the gym, and before long you're getting hit on yourself - by guys at the gym.  You start to develop more of an entitlement mentality.  After all, pretty women should have whatever they want, right?  As you're getting hotter and hotter, I don't seem to be doing anything to make myself more attractive to you.  When you decide to divorce me, you want to take everything I have, and you leave nothing to chance. 

What does this mean?  Well, that's your decision of course, but possibilities might include finding the absolute most ruthless lawyer in town, or fucking the judge, or fucking my lawyer, or drugging me before I'm presented with papers to sign, etc...

Option two:  The divorce was messy and frustrating for me, and because of the way the system is rigged against men, you didn't need to pull any tricks to deprive me of most of what I had.  We went our separate ways and eventually I got over it (mostly).  You didn't start hitting the gym until after the marriage was terminated.  After a while, you started rethinking that whole Femdom thing, realizing how advantageous it could be for someone with your looks and brains to take advantage of weak men at will.   Then you heard through the grapevine that I came into some money.  Since I was the one who introduced you to Female Domination, isn't it fitting that I should be made to submit so you can ruin me all over again?  Perhaps you should give me a call next time you're passing through.  Meet for a cup of coffee?  Maybe to return some items of mine you found in a box?


Elements and ideas for possible inclusion:

Children.  NO, not involving them in the play, but the fact they have children together could be significant.  He had to pay a small fortune in child support.  Maybe he's still paying it.  And, having children still at home could make for interesting logistical issues.

Interracial.  I tend to default to white characters because I'm white.  So if the wife is white also, there's the possibility that introducing her black boyfriend (with his big black cock) could make for some humiliating times for me.  Maybe he's a smooth sophisticated (yet very intimidating) type - her lawyer maybe?  Or a coworker I have to compete with for promotion.  Or a rival businessman who wants to steal my company?  Or maybe he's more the thug type, and she just enjoys fucking like an animal.  Extra points if he's involved in some manner of criminal activity.  Even more points if I end up having to help.

Lesbianism.  Like the interracial possibilities, but with another woman.  Extra points if she's a man-hating feminist.

Attitude.  Mocking the loser? Yes, please.  Showing up at his menial little minimum wage job just to rub it in?  Please!

Really fucking with his life.  Stealing his girlfriend (or is it his wife?)  Getting him fired.  Sabotaging his car (which was a junker to begin with.)   Getting him arrested for something he didn't do.

Fantasy.  If you like, I'm open to ideas. 


So .... interested?  Even curious, maybe?  Then by all means, contact me and let's discuss it.  I expect to invest a little time in the beginning to chatting and setting this thing up.

As mentioned above, this is also posted in the off-forum area as well.  If you're interested in that, Email and IM both have their place, and we might even decide on a combination of the two.  For instant messages, I use AIM or Trillian.  I will consider other venues, but NOT Yahoo!

Please respond via PM.  Thank you for your time.

What a shame -- The money you spent on those tattoos could have gone toward a boob job.
My Ons and Offs:  https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=97303.0
I have taken The Oath of Don't Waste My Friggin' Time