[Overwatch] Blackwatch [Interest check-LGBTQ friendly. Extreme.Freeform/Sandbox]

Started by Rave, February 07, 2017, 03:43:14 PM

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An Overwatch Inspired Canon

It has been five years since Overwatch was shut down. Blackwatch's revelation, and the resulting explosion that left too operatives dead including Strike Commander Morrison, was too much to bare. Little could remain hidden. The full transgressions of Overwatch's shadow operations became known, and even the most ardent defenders inside the organization bowed to the truth and called for its dissolution. The United Nations could do nothing but shut down Overwatch. The group gave into the pressure and it was eventually disbanded,[1] thirty years after its founding, left in disgrace its agents now the target of derision and suspicion in the media. The Petras Act deemed any Overwatch activity illegal, and liable to prosecution.

All this, five years ago. Now, the second Omnic Crisis is imminent and there is no answer. No solution. Heroes are a concept that's played out. A failed system the people and their governments will no longer accept. Yet out of nothingness, rises a Dragon-- not a Phoenix, who aims to restore his clan's name by reviving an old and secretive organization to combat the Omnic thread from the shadows. Their headquarters are not known, their existance is not revealed, but they operate from the shadows in which they are based. Blackwatch has been revived, sovereign from its fallen parent- Overwatch, and run not by Reyes, but by a man who seeks redemption, and the saving of his world.

What this game is: A freeform largely sandbox game centered around an alternate timeline of Blizzard's Overwatch. In this timeline, instead of Winston recalling all Overwatch agents, Hanzo has revived Blackwatch instead, reforming the underground organization separate from its parent foundations to fight the rising tensions and Omnics as they surface once more. They are not government or UN associated-- they are their own militia group. Both former Overwatch agents, or members of other organizations are welcome- and success in missions pays. Nothing is done out of the goodness of heart here. Heroes are no longer appropriate for these kinds of wars. This game is LGBQT friendly.

Rules and Guidelines

~Adhere to all Elliquiy rules!
~Shouldn't need to be said but... No god-modding. Just don't do it. You may be able to headshot me with Widow in the actual game, but not here boo-boo.
~We are all adults here, disagreements may occur but please conduct yourself in accordance with your age and general standards of civility. Respect your fellow players and take any issues to PM to work it out. If needed you may include the GM(s) but more than likely I'll try and resolve things quickly and painlessly so everyone is happy.
~This game will be placed in the Extreme section. Non-consensual activity is permitted, however, players are NOT required to participate. Any non-con activities MUST be approved by all players involved. Anyone who violates this rule will be dropped from the game.
~Please respect player/character ons and offs.
~This is a fantasy setting, of course there is some wiggle room for the sake of a good story. But! that being said, if you're using OCs, don't over power them!
~These rules are subject to change at the GM's discretion.
~ For the sake of continuity and balance: All visual aids/images of characters will be animated/digital.
~ OCs/CANON characters BOTH permitted.


Before resurrecting Blackwatch, Hanzo rebuilt Shimada Castle within the densely populated city of Osaka, Japan. Long abandoned after its destruction in the previous Omnic crisis, the 'castle' title of Hanzo's home is now much more figurative than literal. Gone are the red pillars and golden bells. Gone are the incense candles and elaborate paintings. Now, the Castle stands but a code-name to a city rebuilt from the slums of technological disaster. A hub of piracy and homeless beforehand, Hanzo spent the five years since Overwatch's fall rebuilding a headquarters in the city and establishing a militia rule supported by the Shimada House loyalists who followed him on his quest. Now, the city is resuscitated, though all its functions are monitored and surveillance. Communication with the outside world while in the Castle are prohibited unless you're given access, or are a Blackwatch Agent. Secrecy of the Castle's existence is maintained at all times to avoid government eyes.

Tag Header:

Name: Name here
Codename: Tracer / McCree/ OC/ Etc.
Notes: -

Locations To Be:

While this is an interest check still, I am in the process of creating the threads that will house all this RP to come. These are some of the ones that I am sure will make it in.

Shimada Castle
The main Headquarters for all Blackwatch Agents and personell. It will be seperated into: Main Hall - Bedrooms & Private Quarters - War Room.

The Defacto headquarters for anyone outside of Blackwatch looking to fight against the Ominc crisis, it is a location in which many gather to share intell and trade weaponry. Recent Ominc uprisings have been rumored to flare in the area.

Australia: Junkerland
The Junkers in the devastated Australia are mad, but are always a source for new and inventive ways to blow something up. Recently, the Junkers are the only ones to thrive under the new Ominic Crisis, mysteriously warding off any attacks via means unknown.

More To (Possibly) Come:
Li-Yang - China: Black Market || Nepal: Sanctuary || Russia: Siberian Warzone.

The Four Divisons

Assault - Aka: Offense

“Offense characters possess high mobility and are usually great damage dealers. They are good at scouting, harassment, and pressing objectives. Movement abilities are often associated with offense Characters. (Overwatch:Wiki) - Assault Heroes are ones who relish the front-lines. They are fast, deadly, and hard to kill. These warriors know when to jump in and out of battle, and know exactly who to kill and what to do for an effective win. Characters placed in this category are your standard 'DPS' role.

Bastion - Aka: Defense
“Defense characters are good at guarding locations, creating choke points, and preventing objectives from being taken. They are skilled at area denial and generally form the back line of their team. (Overwatch: Wiki) - Characters placed in the Bation division, named after the infamous turret unit from the previous Omnic crisis, are warriors that excel at holding down locations and establishing Blackwatch camps where they are sent. Their skills lie in their ability to survive. In their stamina. In their utility, and ability to think on their feet. Characters placed in this category are your standard 'Defense' role.

Titan - Aka: Tank

“Tank characters have high endurance and excel at protecting allies and disrupting enemies. (Overwatch: Wiki) . Meat shields. It's a word used loosely, and equally as loosely describes the miraculous abilities of the warriors in Blackwatch's Titan division. Blessed with armor, strength, and almost un-ending stamina, these brutes are the ones Blackwatch calls to clear choke points, or to send a strong message. Their prerogative isn't to protect, but to barrel through as many enemies as possible, taking out as many enemies as they can along with them.

Vitalist - Aka: Support

“Support heroes can heal allies, enhance their team's abilities, and debuff enemies. They are poor duelists and perform best with their team around them. (Overwatch: Wiki). - The Vitalist Division is the glue that holds Blackwatch together. They are the healers - though Blackwatch does not recruit strictly medicinemen. Everyone has to be able to hold their own in combat, thus every doctor or healer is tested to see if they can fight all the same. They operate in unison with a member of another division at all times, providing necessary support.


Character Sheets

~Characters may be submitted here or via PM.
~ OC's *AND* Canon characters accepted. 
~All sexes are permitted, yet within reason. (No Ominc/Human Hybrid with 4 dicks and 6 nipples please, ty.)
~ Genderbend characters WILL BE ALLOWED WITHIN REASON - to balance male/female/LGBTQ ratio.
~Be creative! This is your character, make someone you will have fun with. Do not worry about what you think the game 'needs' or try to be diverse for the sake of diversity itself. Play what YOU want to play.
~Not every character needs to be super powerful! This is a very diverse world, your skills don't have to be strictly combat!
~Remember! No Human pictures accepted - Only digital/art!
~Have fun!

Name : Character name.
Age : Just what it says.
Sex : What sort of sexy bits do they have? Not necessarily indicative of what gender they identify as.
Division : Bastion, Titan, Etc.
Classification: Human / Omnic / Cyborg / Etc.
Position : What are you? New recruit? General? Tactitcian? Leave blank if character undecided.

Height : How tall is your character?
Weight / Body type : Be as descriptive as you like.
Hair : Color? Style?
Skin : Color?
Eyes : Color(s).
Distinguishing Features : Any tattoos, piercings, scars, etc.

Likes : Non-Sexual.
Dislikes : Non-Sexual.

About: What is your character like? Where do they come from? Who are they? What activities do they take part in? What is their History? Minimum 2 Paragraphs.

Skills: Is your character specially skilled at something? Do they have something unique they excel in?
Powers: Students: 0 (minimum) to 3 (maximum) - Teachers: 3 (Minimum) - 5 (Maximum) - Original Sins: Unlimited number, within reason.

Labels : This covers any and all labels/keywords you think fits your character both self-prescribed and how they are perceived by others. Are they cruel? Forgiving? Gender-fluid? Cat-Lover? You can drop in as many of as few labels as you'd like.

Sexuality : For no other reason than to be clear.
Sexual On's and Offs : You know what these are. A link to your O/Os is acceptable if they match up.

Player : Your Elliquiy username.

[float=right][center][img height=400]Picture link 1[/img]
[img height=100]Picture link 2[/img][img height=100]picture link 3[/img][img height=100]picture link 4[/img]
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[b]Name :[/b]
[b]Age :[/b]
[b]Sex :[/b]
[b]Divison :[/b]
[b]Position :[/b]


[b]Height :[/b]
[b]Weight / Body type :[/b]
[b]Hair :[/b]
[b]Skin :[/b]
[b]Eyes :[/b]
[b]Distinguishing Features :[/b]

[b]Likes :[/b]
[b]Dislikes :[/b]


[b]Labels :[/b]

[b]Sexuality :[/b]
[b]Sexual On's and Offs :[/b]

[b]Player :[/b]


Sample Sheet

Name : Hanzo Shimada.
Age : 38.
Sex : Male.
Division : None - Overseer
Classification : Human.
Position : Commander.

Height : 6'1.
Weight / Body type : Lean with heavier muscle tone. 168 Ibs.
Hair : Dark Black with Grey streaks.
Skin : Tanned.
Eyes : Brown.
Distinguishing Features : His arm appears to be cyberneticaly enhanced.

Likes : Discipline, Superiority, Victory, Success, Ruthlessness.
Dislikes : Failure, Excuses.

About: The Shimada family was established centuries ago, a clan of assassins whose power grew over the years, enabling them to build a vast criminal empire out of Hanamura that profited from lucrative trade in arms and illegal substances. As the eldest son of the family's head, Hanzo was bound by duty to succeed his father and rule the Shimada empire. From a young age, he was trained for that responsibility, displaying a natural aptitude for leadership and possessing an innate understanding of strategy and tactics. He also excelled in more practical areas: he was a prodigy in martial arts, swordplay, and bowmanship.

Upon the death of his father, the clan elders instructed Hanzo to straighten out his wayward younger brother, Genji, so that he, too, might help rule the Shimada empire. When his brother refused, Hanzo was forced to kill him. Unbeknownst to Hanzo, however, Genji narrowly survived the attempt with the help of Overwatch. This act broke Hanzo's heart and drove him to reject his father's legacy, ultimately leading him to abandon the clan and all that he had worked so hard to attain. Seeing this as betrayal, the clan declared Hanzo an enemy and assassins were sent time and again to kill him.

That was ten years ago. Since then, Hanzo has been travelling the world and studying it. A close watch on the Omnics sprung in him his desire for redemption by resurrecting Blackwatch, and from there, he finally returned to his clan's homeland, salvaging whoever was loyal to him to start anew from Osaka, a new destiny for the Shimada and a new purpose for the clan.

Skills: Hanzo is arguably one of the most agile and fit humans to walk earth in its current state. He is lean and muscular, allowing him to run and impressive speeds while wielding large weaponry. He is an expert marksman, and a prolific hunter-- not of animals, but of people. An assasssin by birth, he knows how to kill, and how to do it swiftly and silently. In addition, his strategic abilities and wit forged through years of leading the Shimada clan allow him a large arsenal of tactics and solutions for whatever problems face him.

Powers:  Among many powers that Hanzo possesses, the three most important ones are as follows:

Storm Bow: A Bow forged from the wood of trees originating in his homeland, and enhanced with the latest augments and technological recitals, the Storm bow can pick out an enemy as far as 600 meters away. Hanzo fires arrows from his bow that deal significant damage depending on how far the bow is drawn. The farther the bow is drawn, the more linear and faster the arrow will travel. It takes 1.2 seconds to draw the bow to its maximum charge and there is a 0.5 second delay between shots.

Scatter Arrow: Hanzo shoots a fragmenting arrow that ricochets off walls and objects and can strike multiple targets at once. The geometry involved to calculate each stray fragment's aim and strike point are all calculated instantly, allowing Hanzo to strike targets at angles other archers would find impossible.

Dragonstrike: Hanzo summons a Spirit Dragon which travels through the air in a line. It passes through walls in its way, devouring any enemies it encounters. The Dragon itself is a light-construct much like the Vishkar corporation's creations, and yet not of the same source. The Shimada clan's secrets on summoning the dragons remain secret and ancient-- their source far more deadly, and used for far less constructive reasons than Vishkar.

Labels : Reasonable, Harsh, Strict, Powerful..

Sexuality : Hetereosexual.
Sexual On's and Offs : As Player's. (See Signature)

Player : Rave.



If I am getting in the way of a block you want to use to add more content, let me know and I will delete this. What grabbed my interest mostly was not just your idea proposal, but the amount of work you put into this recruitment thread. It is nice to see a GM just as dedicated and who isn't just throwing up an idea for the sake of throwing it up and hoping to roll blindly with it. There's a story here and if you will have me, I will happily contribute to it.  :-)

I plan to make a somewhat canon/oc hybrid. I want to RP Gerard Lacroix.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: GMT +2
Delays: None.
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: None.

la dame en noir

Games(Group & 1x1): 7 | Post Rate: 1 - 6 days | Availability: Actively looking!
A&A | FxF |
O/Os | FxF Writers Directory


Call me Shadow
My A/A


I am tossing in my interest, along with sending you a character profile through PM for you to see.

Pink Kitten

This looks awesome - I'm very tempted to play (a version of) D.Va :)

Will think about this and get back to it later tonight~



Name: Gerard Lacroix [No one knows him by this name.]
Age : 32
Sex : Male
Division : Assault
Classification: Undead
Position :

"Who bringz a knife to a gun fight? Moi."

Skills: Spectre is a nightmare on the battlefield. The enemy never knows when the Spectre will emerge, and therefore, must remain on its feet. The idea that the Spectre can manifest anywhere and be anyone raises the tension on the battlefield, disrupting team cohesion with paranoia. He is a deadly assassin that punishes lone wolves and campers, using deception and hit and run tactics. His stealth fighting makes him handy for taking out essential targets and sneaking in to disable machines and devices.


Backstab Spectre sinks his combat knife into the back of an unsuspecting enemy for critical damage. The attack is only deadly if he hasn’t been spotted by the enemy. Enemies with high defense, invulnerability, or some form of shielding can survive the backstab; however, if an enemy’s defense is weakened, they become vulnerable. If Spectre lands a successful backstab, his speed is temporarily increased to allow him to swiftly make a getaway.

Phase Spectre can pass through solid objects to flee his pursuers. He can use phase to even breach most barriers. Spectre can charge into an ally and carry the ally through a solid barrier to help him or her escape, but it only works if he phases through with the ally. Phase can be paired with backstab to phase through a wall to backstab an unsuspecting enemy on the other side.

Doppleganger Spectre can take on the appearance of those who he sees. He can completely mimic their appearance, but not their voice or abilities. Spectre can move alongside the enemy as an ally and gradually take them out one by one as an imposter. The assassin can also project his doppleganger ability to fool the enemy into believing he or she is interacting with a teammate. The range of the doppleganger projection is four meters, and so to an experienced adversary who has dealt with the Spectre before he or she could guess that the assassin is close by. By then, it is usually too late.

Zombie Spectre enters a feeding frenzy where his movement speed and defense are terrifyingly increased. He will charge a nearby enemy and attempt to latch onto him or her. If Spectre is successful, then he will proceed to viciously gnaw the enemy to death, devouring them and restoring himself to full health. Zombie is automatically triggered when Spectre takes severe or fatal injury.

Height : 5'10"
Weight / Body type : 175 lbs of lean muscle with an athletic build
Hair : Stark-white [used to be brown before death]
Skin : Pale with shades of gray [used to be a warm, lively beige]
Eyes : Red with pink venous sclera [used to be brown]
Distinguishing Features : No one has seen his face since his death.

Likes :

Smokes Old habits die hard or not hard enough. It was either the cigarettes or his wife who would have killed him in the end. As an undead, he can smoke all he wants without consequence. Cigarettes or even cigars make a handy peace offering if the assassin is ever angered. It just might keep him from stabbing someone in the face. The cigarettes don’t have the stress-reducing affects as they once had when he was living. So why does he smoke them? It could be a subconscious habit.

Team Environments Despite how angry Spectre always seems, he seems relaxed when around a group. Long ago, he was once a part of a stalwart team of heroes. He led them against a terrorist group and proved to be quite the formidable opponent—with only a knife! Perhaps it is nostalgic in a way?

Knives Spectre may be presented with a variety of weapons he could use, but he won’t use any weapon other than a knife. Why is he attached to knives and only knives? They make the kill riskier and more challenging. Gerard always liked a challenge. How do you suppose he once upon a time managed to marry Amelie?

Amelie Lacroix Somewhere in that black undead heart survives affection for the woman that killed him. It wasn’t her fault. She was tortured. Overwatch should have known better. He should have saw that something was off about her and requested she undergo recovery. Because he had been too blind and eager to have her back, Talon was able to plunge their venomous knife deep into his heart.

Dislikes :

Amelie Lacroix The traitorous bitch. How could she so easily destroy what they had? It is her fault that he turned out this way. He will be her end. No one else will have the pleasure of killing her.

Talon They created a monster, especially when they thought they could manipulate Gerard as they had done with Amelie. His hatred for Talon was ingrained too deep. They just resurrected their worst adversary—again.


Gerard was once an elite Overwatch agent who led several operations to capture over a dozen of Talon’s hideouts. He was so hot on the enemy’s ass to the point Talon sent their best assassins to kill him, and they all failed. If Gerard had still been alive, if he had been able to reflect up to the moments that led to his death, then he would have called himself a fool. Talon had no other way to get to him than to attack the one vital person in his life who was closest to his heart. He should had seen how suspicious it was for Amelie to turn up so easily after her abduction. It was as though they had discarded her, but he had been too relieved to have her back. The widow had sank her fangs into his heart that night—a merciful death perhaps. He fell asleep a man in love and next to the woman of his dreams, and he awoke…a monster.

Gerard awoke, sitting upright in a start from a bath of green fluid. He was naked and the liquid was so viscous that it clung to him like amniotic fluid on a fresh newborn. For a moment, he saw nothing, but felt the excruciating pain of electricity firing throughout his nerves. There were rods lining the back of his spine and a helmet encasing his head. As he screamed, louder than he had ever heard himself scream before, he swore he heard a hysterical voice:


Gerard remembered blindly crawling out of the bath, his body shaking so violently from the jolts that he couldn’t find his feet to stand. He crawled until he felt the rods slide like pins from his back. The volts ceased and he laid there in slimy filth until the voice of his reanimator entered his helmet. He heard only praises and compliments. The reanimator was pleased to see him alive. He told him what he was and what his purpose was. He was to do whatever the reanimator asked.

The helmet was never taken off. He saw only darkness for a while until the reanimator bathed and clothed him. He tweaked with his helmet, and then he could see. He saw his creator—at least that was what he was to him at the time. The reanimator was god. He did not know Overwatch or Ameilie, and the reanimator did not ever tell him his true name. Spectre; that was his name.

Talon tested him. They wanted to make sure that Gerard was as skillful as ever. He was to kill new recruits who were hoping to prove themselves to the organization. Talon was disturbed when Spectre’s weapon of choice was a knife versus all the tech they had offered him (Gerard’s preferred weapon). The reanimator reassured them that Spectre remembered nothing, but his killing art had not been any different. Talon declared he was a failure despite him having succeeded so effortlessly in his mission, and they wanted the reanimator to start again. They never got that chance.

Spectre never knew why, but “Talon,” the word pissed him off. It filled his injured heart full of so much hatred. Spectre escaped and he left bodies in his aftermath. Talon was spooked that their worst enemy was alive, resurrected by their own hands, and free to wage war against their organization once again.

Labels : Merciless, precise, cold, and full of hatred.

Sexuality :

Polyamorous It was theorized that Gerard and Amelie were in a polyamorous relationship with Tracer once upon a time. While traditionally majority of lovers in the world believe in a single relationship, Gerard's beliefs are unorthodox. He thinks nothing of being in love with more than one person. Gerard was married only to Amelie, but both Lacroixs possibly had an affair with Tracer mutually.

Bisexual Spectre will love whoever he wants without care of social stigmatism. He has a bit of honey badger syndrome when it comes to "how society feels."

Sexual On's and Offs : TBT's O/Os

Player : TheBlackThrone
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: GMT +2
Delays: None.
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: None.


Hmmm. Honestly a little tempted by this one. I'll give it some consideration, but I do love the idea of an Overwatch game  ;D

Also Blackthrone... if you're going for what I think tou're going for, the name is Gerard  ;D


Quote from: Chulanowa on February 09, 2017, 02:50:21 AM
Hmmm. Honestly a little tempted by this one. I'll give it some consideration, but I do love the idea of an Overwatch game  ;D

Also Blackthrone... if you're going for what I think tou're going for, the name is Gerard  ;D

Yeah, I accidentally used the name of the face claim lol. XD Thanks for the catch.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: GMT +2
Delays: None.
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: None.


*throws hat in*

I will be a straight female support. Please give me 2-3 days on the character sheet since I would like to make a oc. Thanks <3


Very interested. Would have nabbed a Pharah but seems like someone got ahead of me on that.  ::)

la dame en noir

Quote from: Wargtass on February 11, 2017, 08:36:28 AM
Very interested. Would have nabbed a Pharah but seems like someone got ahead of me on that.  ::)
Pharah's my baby! <3
Games(Group & 1x1): 7 | Post Rate: 1 - 6 days | Availability: Actively looking!
A&A | FxF |
O/Os | FxF Writers Directory


Quote from: la dame en noir on February 11, 2017, 09:16:39 AM
Pharah's my baby! <3

Mine too! Take good care of her for me. ;D

Not sure if I'll pick some other character or make one of my own. We'll see.




I'm leaning towards Lucio, Dva or Sombra, as far as canon goes. Failing that (mainly, trying to picture Lucio as part of an edgelord mercenary company...  ;D ) I'll dream up some OC.


Okay! After I made the post I had to poof for a couple of days, but I'm back! I'm glad to see some interest in this, at least! Let's address what I've missed so far.

Quote from: TheBlackThrone on February 08, 2017, 09:43:31 PM
Spoiler: Click to Show/Hide

Name: Gerard Lacroix [No one knows him by this name.]
Age : 32
Sex : Male
Division : Assault
Classification: Undead
Position :

"Who bringz a knife to a gun fight? Moi."

Skills: Spectre is a nightmare on the battlefield. The enemy never knows when the Spectre will emerge, and therefore, must remain on its feet. The idea that the Spectre can manifest anywhere and be anyone raises the tension on the battlefield, disrupting team cohesion with paranoia. He is a deadly assassin that punishes lone wolves and campers, using deception and hit and run tactics. His stealth fighting makes him handy for infiltration and sneaking in to disable machines and devices.


Poltergeist Spectre wields a six-inch combat knife that levitates about his hand. He can throw the knife up to medium-range, and if it impales an enemy, he can choose to warp to the knife’s location. He can throw the knife at walls or ledges and warp up to it to allow him to reach great heights or cross wide gaps in terrain. The beauty of this ability is that the knife always returns to him unless hampered in some way.

Backstab Spectre sinks his combat knife into the back of an unsuspecting enemy for critical damage. The attack is only deadly if he hasn’t been spotted by the enemy. Enemies with high defense, invulnerability, or some form of shielding can survive the backstab; however, if an enemy’s defense is weakened, they become vulnerable. If Spectre lands a successful backstab, his speed is temporarily increased to allow him to swiftly make a getaway.

Phase Spectre can pass through solid objects to flee his pursuers. He can use phase to even breach most barriers. Spectre can charge into an ally and carry the ally through a solid barrier to help him or her escape, but it only works if he phases through with the ally. Phase can be paired with backstab to phase through a wall to backstab an unsuspecting enemy on the other side.

Doppleganger Spectre can take on the appearance of those who he sees. He can completely mimic their appearance, but not their voice or abilities. Spectre can move alongside the enemy as an ally and gradually take them out one by one as an imposter. The assassin can also project his doppleganger ability to fool the enemy into believing he or she is interacting with a teammate. The range of the doppleganger projection is four meters, and so to an experienced adversary who has dealt with the Spectre before he or she could guess that the assassin is close by. By then, it is usually too late.

Sabotage If Spectre can get close enough to a supporting device or machine, then he can use sabotage to destroy it.

Zombie Spectre enters a feeding frenzy where his movement speed and defense are terrifyingly increased. He will charge a nearby enemy and attempt to latch onto him or her. If Spectre is successful, then he will proceed to viciously gnaw the enemy to death, devouring them and restoring himself to full health. Zombie is automatically triggered when Spectre takes severe or fatal injury.

Height : 5'10"
Weight / Body type : 175 lbs of lean muscle with an athletic build
Hair : Stark-white [used to be brown before death]
Skin : Pale with shades of gray [used to be a warm, lively beige]
Eyes : Red with pink venous sclera [used to be brown]
Distinguishing Features : No one has seen his face since his death.

Likes :

Smokes Old habits die hard or not hard enough. It was either the cigarettes or his wife who would have killed him in the end. As an undead, he can smoke all he wants without consequence. Cigarettes or even cigars make a handy peace offering if the assassin is ever angered. It just might keep him from stabbing someone in the face. The cigarettes don’t have the stress-reducing affects as they once had when he was living. So why does he smoke them? It could be a subconscious habit.

Team Environments Despite how angry Spectre always seems, he seems relaxed when around a group. Long ago, he was once a part of a stalwart team of heroes. He led them against a terrorist group and proved to be quite the formidable opponent—with only a knife! Perhaps it is nostalgic in a way?

Knives Spectre may be presented with a variety of weapons he could use, but he won’t use any weapon other than a knife. Why is he attached to knives and only knives? They make the kill riskier and more challenging. Gerard always liked a challenge. How do you suppose he once upon a time managed to marry Amelie?

Amelie Lacroix Somewhere in that black undead heart survives affection for the woman that killed him. It wasn’t her fault. She was tortured. Overwatch should have known better. He should have saw that something was off about her and requested she undergo recovery. Because he had been too blind and eager to have her back, Talon was able to plunge their venomous knife deep into his heart.

Dislikes :

Amelie Lacroix The traitorous bitch. How could she so easily destroy what they had? It is her fault that he turned out this way. He will be her end. No one else will have the pleasure of killing her.

Talon They created a monster, especially when they thought they could manipulate Gerard as they had done with Amelie. His hatred for Talon was ingrained too deep. They just resurrected their worst adversary—again.


Labels : Merciless, precise, cold, and full of hatred.

Sexuality :

Polyamorous It was theorized that Gerard and Amelie were in a polyamorous relationship with Tracer once upon a time. While traditionally majority of lovers in the world believe in a single relationship, Gerard's beliefs are unorthodox. He thinks nothing of being in love with more than one person. Gerard was married only to Amelie, but both Lacroixs possibly had an affair with Tracer mutually.

Bisexual Spectre will love whoever he wants without care of social stigmatism. He has a bit of honey badger syndrome when it comes to "how society feels."

Sexual On's and Offs :

Player : TheBlackThrone

Looks good, Black! I'd just reduce the amount of abilities to about 4, maximum. I'll add that to the instructions above, It's only to limit people going power-crazy and making characters too much to handle by another.

Quote from: la dame en noir on February 07, 2017, 07:31:36 PM
Definitely going to make an OC

But I definitely want to be Pharah.

Go ahead, Noir! Just post here, or PM me.

Quote from: ShadowFox89 on February 07, 2017, 11:59:32 PM
I'm gonna throw in my hat for Reinhardt.

CATCH PHRASE! *flexes*

One of my favorites, go for it!

Quote from: Broken on February 08, 2017, 01:25:22 AM
I am tossing in my interest, along with sending you a character profile through PM for you to see.

Broken, I'll PM you about your character. Gotta make some adjustments before things are approved.

Quote from: Wicked Emi on February 11, 2017, 06:43:41 AM
*throws hat in*

I will be a straight female support. Please give me 2-3 days on the character sheet since I would like to make a oc. Thanks <3

Take your time! I'll be here on a more consistent basis now.

Quote from: Wargtass on February 11, 2017, 08:36:28 AM
Very interested. Would have nabbed a Pharah but seems like someone got ahead of me on that.  ::)

Unfortunate, but thankfully there's plenty of characters to choose from! Still, glad for your interest, great having you ! <3

Quote from: Bibliophilia on February 11, 2017, 05:11:34 PM
-perks.-  A chance to play Mei?  Interest piqued.

Bilbio<3 Good to see you, gurl! Mei is A-mei-zing. ;P Go for it!

Quote from: Chulanowa on February 11, 2017, 08:09:31 PM
I'm leaning towards Lucio, Dva or Sombra, as far as canon goes. Failing that (mainly, trying to picture Lucio as part of an edgelord mercenary company...  ;D ) I'll dream up some OC.

Hahaha, Deviantart is your friend there. Even Merc bases need a DJ.


And I think that's everyone, for now!


I got rid of Sabotage and Poltergeist. I think Sabotage would happen any way with his Doppleganger ability. Now that you are back, I'll finish this CS.
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Quote from: TheBlackThrone on February 12, 2017, 07:17:23 PM
I got rid of Sabotage and Poltergeist. I think Sabotage would happen any way with his Doppleganger ability. Now that you are back, I'll finish this CS.

Sounds good to me--

And I missed it earlier, but thanks for the compliment! It took me a little while to get everything together, haha.


Name : Mei-Ling Zhou
Age : 31
Sex : Female
Divison : Bastion
Classification: Human
Position :

Skills:  Mei can withstand extremely low temperatures without significant damage.  Her intelligence allows her to turn her mind and powers to their best tactical advantage, and gauge the physics of the battlefield with lightning speed.  She also has a helper bot named Snowball, and seems to be the only one who can communicate with him.  He serves as a handy means of getting an overhead view of the surrounding area, and he makes for a very useful scout.


Cryo-Freeze - Mei instantly surrounds herself with a block of thick ice. She heals and ignores damage while encased, but cannot move or use abilities.

Ice Wall - Mei generates an enormous ice wall that obstructs lines of sight, stops movement, and blocks attacks.

Blizzard - Mei deploys a weather-modification drone(Snowball) that emits gusts of wind and snow in a wide area. Enemies caught in the blizzard are slowed and take damage; those who linger too long are frozen solid.

Height : 5'4"
Weight / Body type : Athletic, but curvy.
Hair : Brown
Skin : Olive
Eyes : Brown
Distinguishing Features : Mei wears black glasses and keeps her thick, perfectly straight hair gathered on top of her head when she's fighting, but typically lets it down when she's relaxing, allowing the shoulder-length strands to frame her face.

Likes :  Popsicles, ice cream, hot chocolate, jacuzzis, snowball fights, ice sculpture, cooking, taking things apart, board games, silly movies, snuggling
Dislikes :  Grumpiness, selective stupidity, fart jokes, bland food, gorey horror movies, gossip, cliques


Though many blamed the planet's escalating, unexplained climate phenomena on the advent of new technologies, the rapidly growing omnic population, and drastically increased consumption of resources, the true cause remained unknown. To find a solution, Overwatch established a series of eco-Watchpoints at remote, critical locations worldwide.

Mei-Ling Zhou was a member of this multi-year initiative. A peerless climatologist, she had introduced cutting-edge innovations in the field of climate manipulation that protected at-risk areas in Asia and beyond. She was assigned to the program's monitoring station at Watchpoint: Antarctica when disaster struck: a sudden, catastrophic polar storm battered the installation and cut it off from the outside world, leaving the facility damaged and the scientists stranded. As their supplies dwindled, they entered cryostasis in a last-ditch effort to survive until a rescue attempt could be made.

But that rescue never came. It was years later when the team's cryogenics chamber was finally discovered. Mei, still in hibernation, was the only survivor.  Physically, she hadn't aged a day, but the world Mei awoke to had gone through considerable changes: Overwatch was no more, the serious climate issues had worsened, and none of the eco-watchpoints were in operation. Any clues that they had uncovered were lost.

Mei decided to continue her work on her own. Equipped with a portable version of her climate-manipulation technology, she traveled around the world, hoping to re-establish the eco-network and track down the causes of the threats to the planet's ecosystem.

Mei's Adventures

“So I'm starting this journal. Honestly, I'm not sure who's going to want to read this. It was the idea of my colleague, Winston. He thinks that people will find my "unique" perspective interesting. (We'll see if he's right!) At the very least, it'll help me pass the time, and believe me, when you're huddled in a shelter and it's -20° C outside (brrrr!), you have a lot of time to kill. (And Snowball isn't the greatest conversationalist.)"

At some point after this, Mei got in touch with Winston, who had issued a recall order for Overwatch agents. He gave her a journal, telling her that people would find her "unique" perspective interesting. She made her first journal entry and made it available to the public while in the Yukon near Mount Logan, while testing her new gear. She concluded that it was in working order (a step up from a few days before, when she'd accidentally frozen her arm), and began studying the local wildlife. Six days later, she decided to head to Asia, to investigate the abandoned Overwatch stations there. Before doing so, she took a break by flying into Los Angeles to see Six-Gun Killer. Two days after that, she was in Asia, investigating a mountain ecosystem(possibly the Himalayas).

And she was there until Hanzo reactivated Blackwatch and she returned to lend a hand.

Labels :  Silly, Perky, Distracted, Clever

Sexuality :  Omnisexual
Sexual On's and Offs :  Biblio's O&Os

Player :  Bibliophilia

la dame en noir

Games(Group & 1x1): 7 | Post Rate: 1 - 6 days | Availability: Actively looking!
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O/Os | FxF Writers Directory


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