Sci-Fi Survival: Far Off Worlds, Weird Science, and More (M for F)

Started by nailcrosser, February 02, 2017, 04:16:14 AM

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It starts off on a war-torn planet. The war is over, the governments and corporations involved are either decimated or deny their involvement of what was once a thriving world. The cities are in ruins, and rogue soldiers, gangs, and civilians are all fighting for the scraps. In shadowy corners, you may be unfortunate enough to run into psychic mutants or cannibal crazies.

I'll play a smuggler. Arrogant, standoffish, but tries to do the right thing. He pilots a small freighter ship and ends up on the planet after an attempt to deliver war bots to the civilian resistance. Upon arrival, his ship is blasted out of the sky and crash-lands into a lake. The first step of the plot is navigating through the various factions, pulling together parts and machinery to salvage his ship. You can play just about anyone: marooned soldier, civilian, scientist, and she sees my character as a ticket out.

I'd like for them to eventually get off the planet and travel elsewhere, but we can develop that later. I want this to mostly be about plot and character development. Tackling themes about human expanse, exploration, and devastation. Could be romantic, vanilla, kinky, just about anything goes but I would like for our characters to grow fond of each other over time. PM me with some ideas and let's build this up ~