Kaiju Rebirth (Freeform, Giants, Gijinka) Need more players

Started by Broken, January 31, 2017, 10:56:16 AM

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In the Beginning

Character Thread

Primordial Gods ruled the world, living in a inhospitable client, growing colossal in size from gorging on the Radiation that bathed the surface of our planet.

But soon, without their help, the world began to flourish with life that soaked up the Radiation, these old Gods quarreled with one another for territory and rights to what was left, but by the end, the Gods disappeared deep into the earth, or deep into the Oceans. To remain near the core of the planet, absorbing the natural radiation that persisted.

But it was man's intelligence that brought back the Gods.

Nuclear Arsenal's brought back the beings that were named Kaiju. Giant beasts of unparralleled power. One, of these Kaiju, considered the Alpha Predator, Gojira, or Godzilla, and it's many different incarnations that rose with it, were the most feared for their power. Nuclear weapons were useless, all militaries were toys to these Gods. Except for a weapon that could kill any living matter. Disease.

A Bio weapon was created which infected the monsters through the air, and turned their bodies against them. The monster's ability to absorb radiation became a downfall, for they all began to meltdown. One by one they all exploded in great pillars of radiation as the old gods died.

Mankind saw this as a victory, but in the years to come, they saw this as their greatest mistake.

The explosions caught the attention of a marauding Alien race, that killed off entire planet populations and devoured planets of their resources using massive Alien beasts to both exterminate, and mine. Mankind learned quickly the only ones capable of fighting them were the old Gods, their now deceased Guardians.

But then came Project Sunrise, random people from all over the world were taken mysteriously into a secret compound in an undisclosed mountain range, were, they would be field tested physically and behaviorally, these tests were extensive, to determine which Serum they could host.

These Serum's, were the Core DNA of the old Gods. Whatever was left of them were extracted and extensively modified to become a enhancing agent. In other words, Resurrecting the Old Gods by using human life.

The result was not what anyone was expecting. the first 'successful' recipient was a young women form Japan, who experienced great loss, and threw her rage into underground boxing. She recieved arguably one of the most dangerous Serum's there were, the First Godzilla Serum. She didn't transform into Godzilla, but instead became massive, growing appendages that were familiar to the old God, until she became the first

Female Human Godzilla

However, an insight was formed when this happened, when injected, the Serum has proven to kill the person with a high percentage of 99.1% With often cataclysmic results to the corpse, mutating into a horrid mess.

But that .9% they got with the successful transformation gave an idea as to what the recipient feels when injected, not only is their body desperately trying to reject it, but the old God's consciousness resides within these injections, and they are the ones choosing who their new bodies will be. For the consciousness of both parties meld into one, and if they are not compatible then they reject each other and result in death. But, in the extremely rare occasion that they both accept each other, a powerful Hybrid is born.

However, the female immediately escaped, disappearing under the waves the ocean before she could be recaptured. She has not been seen since.

Ever since then, testing as continued, in hopes of bringing back enough of the Old Gods to combat the threat of the Alien race that has declared war, in the meantime construction of Giant Robots to stall them is under way.

Both Genders have shown to accept the Serum, however, their sexuality transfers into their new being which effects the 'safeguard'

Survey Analysis
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All over the world, secret files are sent as incognito cookies to spy on people. Either watching them through a webcam, or surveillance camera's, or recording conversations. Were a team of specifically trained Spies listen in for Key notes of what to look for. Behavior, History, and Personality. If someone fits the quota, they are sent an anonymous email, which an unavoidable Survey will pop up, asking what seem to be Random questions o multiple choice questions. Depending on how you answer, you may find that everything you used to know will be gone, for you will be selected for the Secret Program to help bring back the Kaiju.

The Serum Process
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After extensive behavioral studies, physiological evaluations, and an extensive vaccination process, the subject is taken outside. But they will be surrounded b many armed guards and Military vehicles. All pointed at them in a circle. A lone Scientist will come forward, and while the Subject is subdued to a metal slab, they will be injected directly in the Heart with a large injection device.
Mainly one thing happens, the subject violently dies, either becoming a massive mutated mess, or simply exploding in a gory pile.

However; In the extreme rare instances, the Serum accepts the host.

Every memory of human life becomes faded as the Kaiju's memories become the dominant will, the behaviors of the two entities meld into a new being, and causes the host to grow massive. They retain human appearance, but they grow appendages of that of the old Kaiju host that they were injected with. Obtaining both abilities and unfathomable power from the God. However, before being able to truly take advantage of the power, you are quickly subdued with the freezing weapons, or Tamed Kaiju Hosts, and taken back deep under the ground.

The Safeguard (NEW)
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The Kaiju's of the past all were noted to have massive rivalries. To the point that they would slaughter each other, which has proven difficult to obtain certain Serum samples. And the government could not risk losing it's successful hosts if killed, so a Safeguard was implanted in the Kaiju. Which, if a fight was inevitable, makes the killing blow impossible. They could still fight each other, and when one finally fell, the other however could not bring itself to do any more....Except one thing.
A side effect is, that all that lust for battle has to be transferred to something else, you can't put a roadblock on a tsunami. So, they 'conquer' their quarry as their way of dealing the decisive blow.

List of Old Kaiju
The current Record of all Diseased Kaiju, and who currently shares their DNA

The Zilla Tree
The Kaiju's that all held the Title of Godzilla
Gojira(1990) -Redacted/Taken-
Shin Godzilla -No Host-
Legendary Godzilla -Redacted/Taken-
Millenial Godzilla -No Host-
Alien/Space Godzilla -No Host-
Biolante -No Host

Moth Tree
The Kaiju's that relate to Moths, or carried the title of Mothra
Mothra -No Host-
Battra -No Host-
Mothra Leo -No Host-
Lunar Moth -No Host-

Unclear Registry
Jet Jaguar
M.U.T.O Male
M.U.T.O Female

Current Roster






Heisei Godzilla




Eclipse Moth


2000's Godzilla

These are mostly throwaway Profiles, but they will be necessary to do before making a Gijinka Profile. Complete this, then I will message you a Survey, you will answer said questions and I will give you three possible choices of a Kaiju, however, you are free to request, and the Survey more or less serves as your roleplay credientials. Were I will then message you your Kaiju Profile template.
Pre-Character Sheet

Full Name

Currently many plans are in the works for the plot, but it is in it's early stages. And implementations of Smut are currently being thought of to input, any suggestions to the furthering completion of this group are accepted, I will be working on more plot points in the future, and I hope I can find some interested people in this unique Idea I have been forming and been inspired by fellow roleplayers.



I thought I wouldn't find anything that would make me have a Fanboy Squee, but I've been proven wrong! XD

not only that, but I'm playing a Godzilla turned Female (using the exact same picture mind you from Gamerag as her image) for the GPAW Game!

ooo, I want to see more of this, and hopefully snag the Goji (Godzilla) Spot if she is available! XD


Quote from: Mac84 on January 31, 2017, 01:20:05 PM

I thought I wouldn't find anything that would make me have a Fanboy Squee, but I've been proven wrong! XD

not only that, but I'm playing a Godzilla turned Female (using the exact same picture mind you from Gamerag as her image) for the GPAW Game!

ooo, I want to see more of this, and hopefully snag the Goji (Godzilla) Spot if she is available! XD

When interest is shown that a game is possible, I will set you up for the question to be her, I'll just have to send you some Survey stuff for role play purposes, and give you background on the character, but it will be your responsiblity to fill in the blanks so you can truly make it yours.

I'm also having the other Incarnations of the other Godzilla's. Being 2000's, Legendary, and Maybe Shin depending if anyone wants that.


Cool! :D

I'm most familiar with Heisei Era Godzilla, and Legendary Picture's Godzilla. I have not seen Shin Gojira, though I really want to.

and Gamerag did a lot of good Goji, and friends Fan art. I strongly recommend his/her work for inspiration. :D

EDIT: Are all the Humans involved going to be "Female", or are both sexes involved.


Quote from: Mac84 on January 31, 2017, 02:18:38 PM
Cool! :D

I'm most familiar with Heisei Era Godzilla, and Legendary Picture's Godzilla. I have not seen Shin Gojira, though I really want to.

and Gamerag did a lot of good Goji, and friends Fan art. I strongly recommend his/her work for inspiration. :D

EDIT: Are all the Humans involved going to be "Female", or are both sexes involved.

I would encourage both sexes, and OC's are encouraged as well.


I have added more information in terms of the Serum and Survey plot points and added the Kaiju WIP Registry, feel free to let me know on missing holes in the Codex and I will fill them in.


I have now added the Pre-Character Template, it must be completed and sent to me before you have access to the Finalized Kaiju profile template, this is an interesting new way of earning your characters that I hope people can engage in.


No Gamera DNA! The greatest monster of all time among the guardian monsters! Grrrrrrr .... Geek Rage  >:(



Quote from: RubySlippers on February 01, 2017, 12:19:07 AM
No Gamera DNA! The greatest monster of all time among the guardian monsters! Grrrrrrr .... Geek Rage  >:(


I was actually trying to remind myself to include Gamera, then forgot. He will be added to the roster.


Wouldn't the M.U.T.Os be on the list as well if you have Legendary Pictures Godzilla?



Best get started on my pre- profile, then. All girl game, I'm assuming, based on the premise, or will there be guys too?


Quote from: JoanieSappho on February 02, 2017, 11:18:31 AM
Best get started on my pre- profile, then. All girl game, I'm assuming, based on the premise, or will there be guys too?

Guys too, but we both can see that one sex can dominate a game rather quickly haha. So I'm trying to keep it open.


I'll post interest. Question, would you allow kaiju other than ones you listed as potential characters? I really like Agira's and Eleking's Gjinka designs. They're kaiju from an old series called Ultra 7.


I encourage original and kaiju that rent listed, that's just my current knowledge base that grows with time.


I might be interested, though it'd largely depend on the type of characters you manage to claw together :P


Glad to hear it Broken. Now I just need to pick between Agira and Eleking. A difficult choice.

Here are the two I'm deciding between if anybody is curious.




Personally like them both, but the first one has got my pick more. Be sure to send me your preliminary profile of the human so I can send you the Kaiju Template.



I'm also going to add the rule that a male and female of the same Kaiju can exist at the same time.

These two will be my two characters in reference to what you all can look forward to, and have an idea of what your Kaiju can look like.

New Form:

Full Name:
Hiro Yamagata
Kaiju Host:
Eclipse Moth; A experiment between the combination of Destroya's Cells and Mother's.
Complete Isolation
Sonic Flight
For such a. large entity, he can quickly build up speed up to absurdity. Being able to incircle a globe in under ten minutes.
Hyper Regeneration
He is not very durable, but if given time he can regenerate very quickly, form losing a limb or wing, it can regrow back in five minutes.
Being rather frail, he makes up for it in speed, quickly reacting to attacks and dodging, and counterattacking.

Negative Energy Particles
He has the power to draw negative energy from the air and send out orbs of pure destructive force at his attackers. They are massive round projectiles that explode upon impact. He can summon many at a time.

With a beat of his wings he can summon massive tornadoes that escalate to F5 and higher.

Anti-Matter Strike
Sucking up a lot of negative energy, he can concentrate it into a spear in his hand, and lob it at a target, it is enveloped in a massive Anti-Matter Explosion that erases the entire area.

Approximate Size:
80 Meters
Enemy of the Moth Tree
Ally to Kaiju of the past; King Ghidora, and Destroyah

Secure a planet away from all of this.

New Form:

(Has massive back spikes, and the tail)
Full Name:
Tonigiri Yamasaka
Kaiju Host:
Resurgance Godzilla (2000's)
Protect Humanity, even if they seek his enslavement or Destruction
Extreme Durability
Has proven time and time again in the past that he can survive the worst weaponry that humanity had to offer, Nuclear weaponry had no effect whatsoever on him, tanking nuclear blasts without even a scratch.
Has proven constantly that the Gojira line is almost unparalleled in physical strength, throwing other Kaiju around, and destroying buildings like nothing.
Air Intake
Can hold their breath for a very long time.
Nuclear Breath
A powerful full frontal beam like breath that focuses nuclear power from Godzilla and fires out in a massive beam of pure plasma.
Atomic Breath
A far more powerful attack that relies on Atomic fusion, a battle must of been going on long enough for Godzilla to get hot enough for this attack.

Approximate Size:
100 Meters
Ally of the Gojira Family
Threat to the other Families
Goal: Stop all Harm to 'Earth'


NEW FORM: (Looking for suitable Form)
Thick powerful tail, Large sails jutting out from his back. Red eyes, with yellow reptilian irises. Claws on both hands, and feet. Middle, and Ring Fingers act as one finger.

Full Name: Jeremy Rose Stewart

Kaiju Host: Godzilla (Heisei Era (1990s)

Ambition: To protect his Territory, Earth

Durability: Able to take Extreme amounts of punishment without faltering

Extreme Will: Godzilla never backed down from a fight, nor does he ever give up.

Extreme Strength: There is a reason why Godzilla is called "King of the Monsters"

Strong Swimmer: Godzilla's domain is the ocean, and can swim as deep and as far as he pleases.


Atomic Breath: Godzilla has his trademark atomic beam breath

Fire Breath: When Godzilla absorbed the Essence of Fire Rodan in their fight against Mechagodzilla, Godzilla's breath was upgraded to an Nuclear/Plasma hybrid that the humans simply dubbed "Fire" breath, and has been shown to be much more destructive than his normal Atomic breath (Godzilla Vs. Mechagodzilla II Circa. 1993)

The Burning: Godzilla's powers are amplified by sheer magnitudes but comes at the extreme cost of his reactor. May lead to Meltdown.   

Approximate Size: 100 Meters

Ally of the Gojira Family
Can Be an Ally/Threat to all other families depending on Situation.

Protect his Territory (Earth), and "Family"


Question,  about how long ago from the start of the rp did the old gods reappear and die/meltdown?


Bah, why can I find no good Mothra-woman pictures?
Will get sheet up tonight, though.


Quote from: JoanieSappho on February 04, 2017, 01:59:33 PM
Bah, why can I find no good Mothra-woman pictures?
Will get sheet up tonight, though.

Gamerag does a cute Mothra woman, but I'm not sure that "Cute" was the way you wanted to go.


New Form:

(Well, with Mothra's wing pattern)
Full Name: Rebecca Harris
Kaiju Host: Mothra (Heisei era)
Ambition: Protecting the children of Earth, human and otherwise
Supersonic Flight: Can fly at speeds up to mach 5.

Telepathy: Able to communicate mentally with most beings.

Speed: Relatively (for a kaiju) frail, she relies on her speed and aerial agility to avoid injury.


Scales: Can drop reflective "scales" from her wings that act as a 3-D mirror, reflecting opponents' projectile attacks back at them. The scales also have a poisonous effect on enemies. Using the scales diminishes her flight ability

Antennae Beams: Fires beams of energy from her antennae.

Kamikaze: Can charge at an enemy and explode, severly injuring both herself and her opponent.

Approximate Size: 70 metres
Relationships: friend of Moth tree (excluding Battra), Gamera, Rodhan. Enemy of Ghidorah, Battra, Space/Alien Godzilla
Goal: Killing or driving off the aliens