Tales of Grace and Damnation

Started by Karasu, January 20, 2017, 01:30:39 PM

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Male and female players are looking for a third female player to play a demoness in a newly created story. Provided everyone enjoys the setting we will be making an ongoing post for future rp.

All rp at the moment is in discord.
We are looking for someone who can actively post and help us expand and develop our world.

Check out this link to see our current world and list of characters and rules in our world.

Feel free to reply, or even send suggestions to expand the world, we will certainly take such things even if you are unable to play or do not wish to.

That being said, we do need a female player and female character.

To explain a little about the world, we are basically forming our own version of an Angel/demon story. Many things are expanded upon and we already have a villain who has committed a great sin in stealing the grace of an angel of life.


We are still seeking an extra character!


Grace and Damnation

The world of Grace and Damnation (Or GaD for short) is heavily influenced by various religious mythology as well as various fantasy and sci fi works from other authors. Any similarities on this website to other stories is purely coincidental. Also this is just an outline. There is a ton more details we have put in here but we wanted to keep this easy enough to get your mind wrapped around.

The Setting:
Grace and Damnation takes place in modern day times. Humans are like plain and ordinary, possessing nothing that doesn’t already exist in our world. However, either due to the influence of Angels or Demons, they may have powers from either side. These humans are generally consider Nephilim. Hybrids of either parings of a human and an angel or a demon and a human. Demons cannot breed with angels and vice versa. Additionally, Angels cannot breed with each other. It is generally looked down upon when angels have offspring with humans because it upsets the balance of the world.

The World of Angels:
Angels live by a very strict system. Every Angel has a purpose and it generally is based off of different aspects of life. Here are a few examples of the different types of angels. Though I say this is a rough list as the categories can be nearly endless. The only Archangels who exist are the ones who are the head of each of their respective order. Archangels have power second to only the almighty himself. The greatest of all the Angels is Michael, who is the right hand of the almighty and the only angel who speaks to the almighty himself. Though the Almighty has been silent for a long time, trusting Michael to rule heaven better than his predecessor, Lucifer.

Angels of Life:
Angels of the order of Life have the singular purpose of ferrying souls of those who have either been sent to heaven or hell. (If they were good they spent their years of life in heaven as a reward or hell they spent their years of life doing bad. But a soul never spends eternity in heaven or hell) they bring the souls to the bodies of children who will be born healthy or relatively so where their life does not end before the age of ten years. The order of the angels of life are led by the Archangel Ambriel, the most beautiful of all of the angels of life.

Angels of Death:
These angels are the polar opposite of the angels of life. Their task it to reap the souls of the living who have reached the end of their lifespan (No matter how the met their end) and are first escorted to the gates of judgement and then are escorted to heaven or hell. Angels of death are generally greeted at a distance. The other angels having a hard time trusting the powerful angels of death due to both equal parts fear and disgust. For death in the eyes of most angels is a sad and terrible thing to have happen to the immortal angels. Angels of death are led by the archangel Belial. Often depicted in human lore as the grim reaper. However angels, no matter their order, all look mostly like humans, if not better.

Angels of War:
Angels of war have two distinctions and as such, are the largest order in heaven. First half, protect the righteous in conflict and inspire them to do great deeds in times of such distress. The second half are the guardians of heaven and are ever vigilant in protecting heaven from demons. Angels of War are led by the archangel Uriel.

Angels of Knowledge:
Angels of knowledge have a very simple yet also difficult task. They literally know everything there is to know that a human has ever thought or will think. As such, it is kept in a library that is constantly growing and without the angels of Knowledge, they would never be organized and kept safe it wasn’t for the Angels of Knowledge.

These are just a few examples of the many orders of Angels.

Hell is ruled by the nine levels (roughly based off of Dante’s Inferno) and as such it has nine lords of each level of hell. Not all levels are particularly based off of any sin or transgression. Instead, they are based off of the level of what the soul did while they were alive. The worst souls are sent to the ninth layer of which is ruled by Asmodeus. He is what humans imagine the devil looking like. With large horns, a snake like tail and worst of all, an intellect that is on rival with Michael. Like Michael, Asmodeus is the right hand of Lucifer. Lucifer does not actually participate in the power struggle between heaven and earth. His soul job is giving humans temptation and ultimately, free will. He has not been seen since sometime after World War II. It is believed that both he and the Almighty have disappeared however these are only rumors.

Demons typically represent the various sins in life, not just the famous seven. As such they can appear as any way they so choose. Beautiful, ugly, monstrous or meek. It is only up to the imagination as to the writer how their demon appears. Unlike angels, Demons can breed with each other. But their spawn are minor demonlings that are used as fodder when the need for a sacrifice or a mindless errand that a normal demon does not wish to do. Demons have the capacity for all and any emotion and are typically humans who had committed a sin worthy of spending a thousand years in the form of a demon. The anatomy of demons can be changed at any time to suit their needs. (We will let your minds run wild on that one)

Any questions please feel free to either ask myself or Karasu. We would really like to have a third person, for this case, a female roleplayer but if you are male, we might be open to giving you a chance to impress us enough to have you join us. We hope you are interested in helping us build our world!


Hello! I was reading through this and it all seems rather interesting. I actually currently have a demon-like character in development ( although she could be half-demon as well), I was wondering what is the general idea you have for this story/world? What would my part be? From your descriptions the character  I have, I believe, could possibly be a Nephilim type half-demon character.


hey! thanks forreplying! We'd both lvoe to talk to you on Discord if possible. Would you be willing to chat there?


I believe I need to redownload that But i suppose I could yes

*edit* I guess I can use it in a browser


That ya can!
Beraias#0428 Is me, send me a friend request and I can get ya into the chat with me and Nonog



Pm me your info and I will add her in.