Bladerunner RP [UN]

Started by Desan, December 19, 2008, 04:24:33 PM

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In a world that of which the movie blade-runner takes place..... Need a female role-player.

1) Could follow a similar plot of which the movie went through, with perhaps a different ending, or twists. Two revolting androids figure out their very miniscule life-span and try to find a way to reverse the inevitable, all while evading what they figure as a menace trying to destroy them and stop them from their goal.

2) One android and one blade runner. Android trys to evade capture, bladerunner looks at clues of her trails and pursues him/her and they finally meet in a conflicting battle. Yet relationships are established. Yet time is ticking and the blade-runner must choose between being the hunter, or choosing to become the hunted...... (willing to play android or blade-runner) Taken

3)Scientist helps create one of the androids, yet makes him/her so powerful and intelligent, that he/she can not stand to watch his/her  work die in such a short lifespan. Both creater and the created flee the planet and crash land on a mysterious planet where possibilities and technology are unparalleled.. (willing to play scientist or android)

4) Two andriods who are left in the dark about their actual lives. They believe themselves human until they meet their maker.

PM me if you're interested/any other ideas in this setting!
And I don’t really give a f-ck, and my excuse is that I’m young.


And I don’t really give a f-ck, and my excuse is that I’m young.


Blade runner is one of my favourite sci fi movies, true tech noir at its best. I would love to play out one with you in the blade runner world.

i like the first two ideas, either of them would work.


Woot awesome! Uh, I'm kind of indecisive on both ideas haha, though I wouldn't mind trying the bladerunner/andriod one (Deckard/Rachel kind of? )

I couldn't find your ons/offs if its alright, do you mind PM'ing me some of your O/O's that you would like to see and which role you would like to play =]

And I don’t really give a f-ck, and my excuse is that I’m young.


i like idea number 2, where im the android being hunted by you, the blade runner. Perhaps im the last that your hunting. My on and offs should be in the right forum. I put it in about when i joined, which was in august, so it should be in that date range, august and september. Im not into extreme pain, or too much unnecessary violence, only enough for the role, and nothing more.

I do like exact spelling, no u's or u r's in place of words. I like skill, creativity. I'll have to watch blade runner again, but the version with harrison fords voice over narration, thats the one that i love, and i bought the case, wtih all 5 versions and more in it.


Will check it out.

And yes, I have to re-watch the movie again hehe. I was thinking, if you wouldn't mind, if I could incorporate my own narration(voiceover) as I am chasing/hunting you  down?
And I don’t really give a f-ck, and my excuse is that I’m young.


Feel free to. Your own thoughts during the hunt, following clues.Would you have doubts, or would you be dedicated to your job and never have doubts.


Oh he would be sure that this andriod is like all the rest he has hunted before... but of course, he is human, so doubt may/maynot come into play...depending on what happens! I'll email you the link once I get the intro started.
And I don’t really give a f-ck, and my excuse is that I’m young.
