Potterverse: Werewolf Colony - Need Players - LGBT+ Friendly

Started by Jag, December 15, 2016, 08:24:18 AM

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Before the Battle of Hogwarts, many werewolves had banded together under Greyback's command and worked for Voldemort under the delusion that life would be better for them once he was in full power of the wizarding world. Decades, even centuries, of oppression drove them to the desperate alliance. Their orders were to turn as many children as possible, usually as punishment for their parents defying Voldemort in some way. Even under Voldemort's rule, they were denied being allowed Death Eater status and when Umbridge had more power in the ministry, it was impossible for them to find a job due to her classifying them as half-breeds and her anti-werewolf legislation.

With the fall of the Dark Lord, those werewolves who activity partook in the battle were either killed in battle, sent to Azkaban, or killed resisting arrest. While many werewolves did follow Greyback, there were many like Remus Lupin who did not. They merely involved themselves with his werewolf colony because of the community it provided for them. With Greyback dead, they are left with no leadership. Remus Lupin would have been the best replacement for him, leading them to a newer form of community, but with his death, they are unsure of where to go.

New Minister of Magic, Kingsley Shacklebolt was good friends with Remus Lupin and as such, feels that they (like House-elves and Muggleborns) need reformation in their rights in the wizarding world. Even still, there would be no way to completely remove the stigma.


A new werewolf colony has been formed. It is lacking in leadership and small. Many of it's inhabitants are nearly turned werewolves from just the past few years of Greyback's ambitions. The housing is simple and has been provided for them by the Ministry. Just little shack like houses that contain little more than a bedroom, kitchen, and bathroom. Werewolves who had their wands taken and destroyed in prior years by Umbridge are provided new wands (which may not be as useful to the wizard as their previous wand). New laws make it illegal for employers to refuse jobs based on werewolf status (not that it prevents all places of employment from doing it anyway).

Ten years after the final battle, the werewolf colony is still shaky and uncoordinated. A leader will step up, but is usually beaten by down by the simple stress of the politics involved in the position. Even with new Ministry laws to help them find housing outside the colony and jobs, many still live in abject poverty. Many werewolves suffer extreme depression and suicidal tendencies, but wizarding medication does little for them (wizarding medicine tends to only temporarily assist them, where muggle anti-depressants would most likely be unavailable to them). They still live on the fringes of society and most have little to no contact with their families.

Twin brother and sister, who only go by the names Rena and Romulus, manage to wrangle the position of leader (though it is shared between them). Despite their youthful appearance, they are vicious. The icy eyed twins tend to run the colony fairly, but they seem to have an underlying plan for the future of their kind.

Werewolf Information

*Pottermore clarifies that the only way to become a werewolf is via the bite of a werewolf at the full moon, and explicitly denies that inheriting the disease via birth is possible.

*A werewolf cannot control it's transformation. Transformation at will is not possible. It only occurs during the full moon and is not possible to stop.

*Three days prior to the full moon, a werewolf can be subject to emotional and physical distress. Including, but not limited to: irritability, heightened depression, physical fatigue, irrational decision making. These symptoms can follow for several days after the full moon as well.

*Those attacked by a werewolf while not transformed are subject to mild forms of lycanthropy, but not full transformation. They may experience the pre- and post- cycle emotional and physical distresses of the full moon; as well as take a liking to more rare meats.

*Scars caused by werewolf attacks are permanent.

*Werewolves can have two forms of transformation:
          -Dire Wolf: Full wolf transformation. No humanoid appearance at all. Walks on all four. Weight is usually between 130-150lbs. Length from snout to tail is usually between 5 1/2feet - 6 1/2 feet. Height and weight can be more or less depending on height and weight of the human form.

          -Wolf-Like: More humanoid in appearance. Can walk upright. Usually has a snout, but with a more human shaped head. Weight and height are dependent on the human form. Most gain several inches to a foot during transformation. Less healthy humans can appear thin and sickly, where as more well fed humans can appear very muscular. No matter the appearance, they are very strong. They can still retain their human eyes.

*Genuine wolves are not very aggressive, and the vast number of folk tales representing them as mindless predators are now believed by wizarding authorities to refer to werewolves, not true wolves. A wolf is unlikely to attack a human except under exceptional circumstances. The werewolf, however, targets humans almost exclusively and poses very little danger to any other creature.

*Werewovles can be subject to heat like lusts.

*Werewolf colonies can take on Alpha, Beta, and Omega type hierarchies.

*While the books and movies seem to imply that only witches and wizards become werewolves, there seems to be no proof of that. Therefore, I will allow an average muggle character who has been turned. These people would have an exceptionally difficult time fitting in even more than a witch or wizard werewolf.

Plot Points

*Rena and Romulus claim to have been born werewolves, but there is no proof as to if this is true or not.

*Rumors of werewolves who can change at will have been circulating the colony.

*Rumors of werewolves going missing and being experimented on by Rena and Romulus have been circulating as well.

*The Ministry has cut off funding to the colony without reason and it is said that Rena and Romulus are the cause.

Game Play

*Sandbox, Freeform posting

*No posting schedule, but try to be considerate.

*Game will take place in EX board, but players are expected to mark/tag their posts appropriately and no one is to be pressured into taking part in EX scenes.

*Limit 3 characters per player


In Game Thread
Character Sheets

Character Sheet

Please post CSs here in the thread. Thank you!

[b]Character Name:[/b]
[b]Player Name:[/b]
[b]Age:[/b] (16 - 30)
[b]Wand:[/b] (Also include if it is their original wand or a replacement)
[b]Wolf Transformation:[/b] (Dire Wolf or Humanoid)
[b]Blood Status:[/b] (Pure-Blood, Half-Blood, Muggleborn, or Muggle)
[b]Appearance:[/b] (If using a photo, please do a Faceclaim and only real images. No drawings please.)
[b]History:[/b] (Please include how they were turned and put a warning at the beginning if you're going to be extremely graphic about it)
[b]Ons & Offs:[/b]

Sample CS: Rena and Romulus

Character Name: Rena and Romulus
Player Name: Jagerin
Age: 25
Gender: Female (Rena) and Male (Romulus)
Sexuality: Pansexual, but Aromantic (they have sexual attraction, but no romantic attraction)
Wand: Unknown (they rarely use their magic and keep their wands locked up)

Rena seems to be rather unfeeling towards most. She is cold hearted and quick minded. She doesn't let people in easily and she is prone to violent outbursts when things don't go her way.

Romulus is the more personable of the twins. He is willing to hear people out, but he will defer to his sister's opinion on most things. While not prone to open outbursts like Rena, Romulus has a fairly petty and revenge seeking personality.

Neither will tolerate people who cross them. Even if they do not retaliate immediately, those who upset them will feel the brunt of their anger eventually.

Wolf Transformation: Humanoid
Blood Status: Unknown

NSFW Images

Faceclaim: Andrej Pejic and Jana Knauerova
Very little is known about Rena and Romulus before they came to the colony. They came to the colony alone under the previous leadership and were instigators from the beginning. While some wanted the twins exiled, they proved useful. Whenever food was low, they always seemed able to provide. Whenever someone was in distress due to emotional problems, they somehow managed to comfort them and ease them. If attacked, they were always at the front line of defense. They also seemed good at handling the sometimes purist Ministry workers who tried to shove them around.

When the current leader of the colony stared having issues due to stress of the job, Rena and Romulus wasted no time in spreading rumors of no confidence. It didn't take long for Rena and Romulus to claw their way into position and at a weak moment, they made their grab for power. The Ministry was wanting to move the colony to a more northern territory, but Rena and Romulus not only managed to get them a better location, but better housing. The colony welcomed them as their new leaders, even if not everyone was so open armed about it.

Since their arrival, both the twins claim they were born werewolves, but it being something unprovable, most think of it as simply a way for them to be more 'legendary'.

They tend to favor the younger werewolves over the older ones.
Ons & Offs: Anything in Jagerin's O/Os, but Rena and Romulus enjoy Powerplay above all else. They are both very dominant. Rumor is that they partake in incest, but no one would dare say that outloud.

NPC CS: Bill Weasley

Character Name:William Arthur 'Bill' Weasley (NPC)
Player Name: Jagerin
Age: 38
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Wand: Official stats unknown - Image
Bill was laid back and easy going, and described as "cool". However, he had a serious side, being a high academic achiever while a student and being Hogwarts Head Boy his seventh year. He was knowledgeable about wizard-goblin relations for his work. Despite being the eldest of seven children, he had a lively sense of humour and knew how to have fun. He was very brave, working as a Curse Breaker and joining the Order of the Phoenix to fight against Lord Voldemort. After his mauling at the hands of Fenrir Greyback, it was feared that his personality would change, and that he would take on some wolfish characteristics. However, Bill's personality remained intact, although he did develop a liking for very rare steaks.
Wolf Transformation: Afflicted, can't transform
Blood Status: Pure Blood

Faceclaim: Domhnall Gleeson

Bill was the first child of Arthur and Molly Weasley (née Prewett) and the eldest brother of Charlie, Percy, George, Fred, Ron, and Ginny. He attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from 1982-1989, and was both a prefect and Head Boy. After graduating, he went to work for Gringotts Wizarding Bank as a Curse Breaker, working in Egypt. In 1995, he returned to England and joined the reconstituted Order of the Phoenix to face the reborn Lord Voldemort. During this time, he started dating Fleur Delacour, and eventually asked her to marry him after a year of seeing each other.

During the Battle of the Astronomy Tower, Bill was severely injured by the werewolf Fenrir Greyback. Although he wasn't turned into a werewolf, he did develop some wolfish tendencies such as a liking for very rare steaks. He married Fleur on 1 August, 1997, although their wedding was disrupted by the arrival of Death Eaters following the fall of the Ministry of Magic. Bill and Fleur then moved to Shell Cottage, where they assisted Harry, Ron, and Hermione after their escape from Malfoy Manor. Bill later fought in the Battle of Hogwarts alongside the rest of the Order, and survived.

Following the war, Bill and Fleur had three children: Victoire, Dominique, and Louis Weasley.

Currently, Bill aids the Ministry in it's connections with the colony. He is seen from time to time walking about the colony and speaking with the werewolves. He has their best interests at heart. He and Teddy Lupin come by to bring batches of Wolfsbane potion, though he wonders if the potion is being given out as needed since Rena and Romulus tend to take control of the supply when it comes in.
Ons & Offs: -Character will not be used in that capacity-


This.. really seems interesting honestly. I'm interested for sure!


Well you know me and any HP games...you can count me in :D It's a good plot and nice to see it's being centered on werewolves :D

I have taken the oath of the Drake

Livin in MD now.

Not taking anymore one on ones but ones already discussed with the partners.



Also, added a CS and I am allowing non-wizarding werewolves. Non-wizard, Muggle werewolves would have more of a disadvantage than wizarding werewolves.

Please post CS here in the thread.


The O's and the A's --- AFK every weekend


Character Name: Ashlyn Burgstrum

Player Name: fireflights

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Wand: 10 inch willow unicorn hair bendy (original wand)

Personality: Ashlyn is a sweet and kind soul, she can be easily manipulated and coherced into someone's plans though if she finds out that she's being used, she will turn on them quickly and then heaven help them. She loves deeply and usually cares about anyone and everything.

Wolf Transformation: Humanoid

Blood Status:Half blood

Appearance:Karen Gillan

History: Ashlyn was born to a Muggle father who'd fallen in love with a witch. Problem was, her mother didn't know her father's dark little secret in the beginning or she wouldn't have married him. But once she found out he was a werewolf, well that changed everything because she was pregnant with Ashlyn and she felt she just couldn't leave him. Getting the resources together she needed, she began brewing the wolfsbane potion for her husband to help keep him from losing his wits about him.

Everything was fine and perfect, Ashlyn was born and grew to be a healthy and lovely little girl, never as it seemed asking where daddy went once a month as they'd lived on the edge of a forrest to help hide his transformations. When she was ten, this all changed. Ashlyn got curious and followed her father whom, because of the strain of having a child with very little money at the time, prevented them from being able to brew the potion as it was needed. Ashlyn saw her mother kiss her father in the dark of the night just before he went into the forrest on the full moon.

As they say, curiosity killed the cat and she followed him when her mother thought she was sleeping. That was where her life changed forever. Upon walking into the forrest, she found...not her father but a beast, one that was so terrifying that she screamed, drawing attention to herself about it. She tried to run only to be flung to the ground. She doesn't know how many times she was bitten by her father, she just remembers the feeling of his teeth tearing her flesh. She also doesn't know if the cries for her father and mother were what stopped him from killing her that night, all she remembers is the wolf suddenly left her alone and she barely was able to stumble from the forrest before she collapsed from the loss of blood.

Truth be told, she's amazed she survived it, she still bears the marks on her back from the attack, which is why she tends to wear clothing that covers it up. But what makes it worse for her was, her father upon learning what had happened killed himself in the same forrest where her life was changed forever, so she had to learn how to handle what she became mostly with her mother's help and her own instincts. Still, to this day she does not blame her father for what happened...she blames herself.

Ons & Offs:Ons: Biting, rough sex, vaginal, oral (giving and recieving), being tied up and blindfolded.  Off: Anal, heavy bondage, licking underwear (yeah...don't ask). (All of this is only when she learns about sex and what she likes, she's still a virgin currently)

I have taken the oath of the Drake

Livin in MD now.

Not taking anymore one on ones but ones already discussed with the partners.



I have taken the oath of the Drake

Livin in MD now.

Not taking anymore one on ones but ones already discussed with the partners.


hmm.. dang.. I can't use the picture I wanted to for this.. it's drawn..


Quote from: fireflights on December 15, 2016, 10:23:40 AM
Darn it, knew I was forgetting something, humanoid

Thank you! And approved. ^__^

Quote from: Karasu on December 15, 2016, 10:27:50 AM
hmm.. dang.. I can't use the picture I wanted to for this.. it's drawn..

I'm very hesitant about drawings. Especially anime-style ones (not saying yours is). If you'd like to PM it to me, I'll consider it. ^__^


I'll write up the first draft and PM ya so you can see why I wanted to use that pic.



Character Name: Augustine Buchanan

Player Name: WhoWhatWhere

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Wand: Black walnut wood, unicorn tail hair (Original)

Personality: Augustine is a tall man who can cast a glowering face on a situation if he wishes. His first impression is always one of seriousness. His smiles seem ambitious and controlled. He always seems to keep his calm nowadays, something that he did not exhibit in his younger years. He doesn't brook much tomfoolery, fidgeting when someone begins to waste his time overly much, though when he loses his temper, it is still understated, a quiet rage. If he expresses disapproval of something, it usually is through sarcasm. When he is in a good mood, he is bluntly honest.

Underneath, he is wary of everything. Powers greater than he could ever muster affect him like the tides, and he fears them and what they have done to him, and what he does when he is not himself. He finds it hard to trust people. He realizes people should not trust him either, as a former Slytherin and a werewolf. He doesn't put himself in places where he must ask for trust - he does not lead and he doesn't stick his neck out for people, because no one (besides family) ever did the same for him. He feels as if that will never change.

Wolf Transformation: Humanoid

Blood Status: Pure-Blood

Appearance: (Faceclaim: young Gavin Rossdale)

History: Augustine lived a life of privilege - not only was his family pure-blood, but his branch of family in Southern England had become powerful, not only in the Ministry of Magic, but also in London Muggle affairs. He was a third year Slytherin during the attack on Hogwarts. He hid in the mass of younger Slytherin students when sent from the great hall, and quietly, nervously stood around after the battle, wondering what fate would befall his entire house. Like many, he and his family were frozen to inaction by the dangerous forces that butted heads in Voldemort's last days. The remainder of his time at the school was spent, like most younger Slytherins, quietly studying under the sycophantic protection of Horace Slughorn. He passed his classes, played as a backup beater on the Quidditch team, and eventually graduated.

In Augustine's mind, Slytherin house had always had a firm grasp of its sense of self - ambitious but hated. With the fall of Voldemort, he found himself without much of an identity upon entry into the adult wizarding world. It was in this melancholic state that he useds to take long moonlit walks. It was on one of these walks where a homeless refugee from the Battle of Hogwarts - a werewolf - attacked him. The werewolf saw only a young wizard, a recent graduate of Hogwarts and no house affiliation was going to save Augustine from the attack. He was sliced across his arm as he held it up to ward off the blows, and the spiteful bite, one meant only to make the victim suffer, sank in to his thigh. Augustine fought as bravely as he could, and hurt the werewolf badly. It ran away, trailing splashes of its own blood, but the damage was done. Augustine was not meant to die, but only to suffer the fate of being outcast in the same manner that all werewolves now were.

His maudlin reveries about purpose and morality were now swept aside by the reality that he was now a true outcast. His condition now made having a job difficult, and blending in with the crowd impossible. He hid within his family's home, doing nothing with his time but obsessively making sure he did not escape during his moonlit spells of lycanthropy.

Eventually, he left his family, not wanting to cause a greater burden on them. He left to find the werewolf society, as abjectly poor as they were. He does not tell anyone about how rich his family is. If someone traces his lineage, he tells them that he was ostracized from his family.

Ons & Offs:IC O/O's: Ons: Women and situations that can calm him down, forgive his cursed destructiveness, and focus his mad energy in positive directions. Meditation, bondage (on himself), distractions, and women who won't be scared away. Other broken souls. Animalistic women who can take the punishment in bed and in the moonlight. Distractions from his navel-gazing. Offs: Ultimatums, confusing his condition (lycanthropy) for his character.
OOC O/O's: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=207184.0
The O's and the A's --- AFK every weekend


Approved. Once we get a few more people, I will make an OOC and  CS thread. The colony is a fairly small place with little outside interaction, so feel free to work on how your characters interact with each other through PM.   


I have taken the oath of the Drake

Livin in MD now.

Not taking anymore one on ones but ones already discussed with the partners.


Still looking for interest, but for those involved so far...Would you prefer a separate thread for intimate scenes and keep them out of the story thread?


I have taken the oath of the Drake

Livin in MD now.

Not taking anymore one on ones but ones already discussed with the partners.


10 years after the Battle of Hogwarts. Mostly AU, so don't worry too much about what canon things are happening with the wizarding world.

Yes. Just one. Though I would be open to the idea of someone being able to change their transformation due to something drastic happening in their lives. Kind of like how Tonks' patronus changed due to her feelings.

It is in Nidderdale. Part of the Yorkshire Dales. Lupin was said to live in a poor cottage in Yorkshire. Rena and Romulus had the colony moved there as a tribute to Lupin. It's woodsy, hilly, large, with only one decent sized town.




Not that it's become an issue or anything, but I decided to add that there is a 3 character limit per player.


I have taken the oath of the Drake

Livin in MD now.

Not taking anymore one on ones but ones already discussed with the partners.


Approved characters that haven't yet, you can put your CS in here:


I hope to have the in game thread up in a day or two. I'm rather suddenly ill at the moment.


In Game thread up:


Still need more players. Bill has two doses of Wolfsbane Potion. First come, first served.


Forgive me there Jagerin, but due to my decline in health, and rise in work IRL. I need to pull back from this game for now. I will totally read when I can, and when things steady out I'd love to join again.