Island Getaway [Modern | Vacation | Smut | Short Term | Now Accepting]

Started by Flower, November 19, 2016, 07:49:35 PM

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My advice: Write your paragraphs, and then use them to make your five bullet points. Sometimes you can even just copy and paste the sentences.


It might be easier to just do the bullet points since it is a short term, more smut oriented group than a really detailed, long term story.
If I can't have you, my love...  I'll destroy you
~World Building Workshop ~ Current Ideas and Requests  ~
~ Preferences ~ Status  ~ Nightmares and Inspirations~
~Gnothi's Stories Without Homes~
A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies... The man who never reads lives only one.

Seeking New Stories


What Gnothi said. There really is no point putting mind, body, and soul into this character sheet.


Please check out my latest A/A post.
I would rather watch a movie then have dinner than have dinner then watch a movie!


Writing bullet points is an art... one my profs never appreciated much, when I handed in my essays in bullets...  ???
Judge: "Mister Mouse, so you really want to divorce Minnie because she's being silly?"
Mickey: "She's not silly! She's fucking Goofy!"

Ons & Offs - of sort
Ideas Thread



Looking for male character that wants to participate in truth, dare, or shots game. Can be written by a lady, lord, or liege. Needed immediately.


Denai Academy
Student: Amara Yochumaru[/td][/tr][tr][td]Zootopia: Hybrid Theory
Animal: Mocha[/td][/tr][tr][td]The Run
Hunted: Xuna Bladereaver[/td][/tr][/table]


Preferably a male that is capable of being attracted to males and females.


I also wanted to take the moment to highlight what some people would like in-game. Maybe it will inspire some interest.

Quote from: vin26m on November 26, 2016, 10:08:07 AM
Name: vin26m
Character: Okello and/or Andres
Location: Mansion, Lower Level (Dungeon) or Great Outdoors preferably, but anywhere except History, really.
Link: N/A
Plot Summary for Scene: A scene with multiple characters. 

Possible starting points could be: Two characters are hooking up, then a third walks in on them.  A trio could be grinding on the dance floor, then they take it somewhere else. 

MMF or MFF mandatory. 

BDSM preferred. 

Voyeurism/exhibitionism optional. 

No M/M stuff.   

Are you fussy about what type of character takes this spot?: One female player. 

I want a scene with multiple characters, but I don't want to wait for multiple players to post.  I would use one or both of my male characters.  My partner would use her female character and maybe her other character (male or female).

Any Additional Information: N/A

Quote from: GnothiSeauton on November 24, 2016, 03:59:59 PM
Name:  GnothiSeauton
Character:  Caroline Wafford
Location:  Outdoors; Somewhere in the mansion
Link:   Not applicable at this time.
Plot Summary for Scene:  Essentially, I am looking for two scenes/kinks, and would be more than happy to combine them, but I'm not going to hold my breath on that...

The first scene is a typical outdoors/public sex scene.  It's something that I don't really get to write a lot of, and something that I've been wanting to do more of, in addition to it being something of a hot issue in my mind.  No preference either way.

The second scene is an MfM threesome.  I don't think I've ever really gotten a chance to write this, and would love to do so.  Not really into FmF, but I might be persuaded.
Are you fussy about what type of character takes this spot?:  I would prefer male characters for this, but am open to female characters, especially with the first scene (outdoors/public play).  A character who is more laid back and not creepy or mysterious or super serious.
Any Additional Information:  I'm not looking for BDSM.  If you're a writer whom I really like and trust, someone I've written a lot with, I would be open to it.  However, as writing a submissive role feels somewhat personal to me, it's not something that I'm going to write with anyone.  Gender of the writer does not matter.

Quote from: Idlewyld on November 26, 2016, 04:12:15 PM
Name: Idlewyld
Character: Sarah Levitz
Location: Great Outdoors or Mansion First Floor
Link: N/A
Plot Summary for Scene: I'm looking for something like a dance floor scene where the participants suddenly decide to start shedding their (or each other's) clothes
Are you fussy about what type of character takes this spot?: Olivia's kind of a follower so the other character (or characters - three or four or even more being involved here isn't entirely out of the question) would have to be more of a "take charge" type

Quote from: Chrystal on November 27, 2016, 05:24:12 AM
Name: Chrystal
Character: Kerry Lofthouse
Location: On the beach in the surf
Link: n/a
Plot Summary for Scene: Sex On The Beach or Surf and Turf....Kerry is skinny dipping in the ocean after dark and encounters a strong and insistent woman in the surf.
Are you fussy about what type of character takes this spot?: Female character and female/gender neutral player please, someone who will simply grab and take what she wants. This will be dub-con. If the supernatural bit hadn't been removed early on I would have said "mermaid", but the word can still be used in a humerous way.
Any Additional Information: This scene takes place in the dark, there is no need for either character to recognise the other, especially the next morning at breakfast!


Quote from: Biles on November 27, 2016, 08:11:16 AM
Hmm, that's odd. I don't recall seeing that part of the CS, unless this is something exclusive to certain groups of people. Either that or I missed it somewhere down the road and I'm just brain-dead clueless.

it's a want ads page...separate from the CS.


Denai Academy
Student: Amara Yochumaru[/td][/tr][tr][td]Zootopia: Hybrid Theory
Animal: Mocha[/td][/tr][tr][td]The Run
Hunted: Xuna Bladereaver[/td][/tr][/table]


If I can't have you, my love...  I'll destroy you
~World Building Workshop ~ Current Ideas and Requests  ~
~ Preferences ~ Status  ~ Nightmares and Inspirations~
~Gnothi's Stories Without Homes~
A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies... The man who never reads lives only one.

Seeking New Stories


King Serperior

This seems interesting.  I might be willing to join in for perhaps a scene or two.  I even have a charcter model in mind (I believe his name is Clement Barreda?).  I haven't quite decided what I want though....perhaps bi-curious switch with submissive tendencies whose girlfriend just left him before they could join, so he's alone on the island?

A/A'sMonster Girl Palace
SFW Image Ideas for Scifi, Fantasy, Horror, and Steampunk Games! | My various characters, if you are curious! | I am a Rainbow Writer!
Post Rate: 1 post per game every 1-4 weeks on average  ||| I encourage any and all random PMs.


That's a beautiful face claim.

Joining for a short period of time is perfectly fine.

His sexuality is completely up to you. There are no restrictions at the moment. Your character should have a decent amount of options either way. He can definitely be an employee that was recently dumped.

Sofia Grace

Quote from: King Serperior on November 29, 2016, 02:07:45 PM
This seems interesting.  I might be willing to join in for perhaps a scene or two.  I even have a charcter model in mind (I believe his name is Clement Barreda?).  I haven't quite decided what I want though....perhaps bi-curious switch with submissive tendencies whose girlfriend just left him before they could join, so he's alone on the island?

My Dayanara would eat him up, KS.   :P
it's always on your terms
i'm hangin' on every careless word
hopin' it might turn sweet again
like it was in the beginning

King Serperior

Quote from: Flower on November 29, 2016, 03:10:31 PM
That's a beautiful face claim.

Joining for a short period of time is perfectly fine.

His sexuality is completely up to you. There are no restrictions at the moment. Your character should have a decent amount of options either way. He can definitely be an employee that was recently dumped.
Thanks and alright!

As for his sexuality, I am trying to open up as many options now with my characters, though I tend to lean to the more curious type than one way or another.  That said, in regards to being an employee or not, I am debating on that.  Though, being an employee makes more sense since the employees can only invite one guest rather than a couple.  Are there any particular positions open or any that someone needs to fill?

Quote from: Sofia Grace on November 29, 2016, 03:19:17 PM
My Dayanara would eat him up, KS.   :P
Oh, really now?  I might have to take him take her up on that offer.   ::)

A/A'sMonster Girl Palace
SFW Image Ideas for Scifi, Fantasy, Horror, and Steampunk Games! | My various characters, if you are curious! | I am a Rainbow Writer!
Post Rate: 1 post per game every 1-4 weeks on average  ||| I encourage any and all random PMs.


Quote from: King Serperior on November 29, 2016, 02:07:45 PM
This seems interesting.  I might be willing to join in for perhaps a scene or two.  I even have a charcter model in mind (I believe his name is Clement Barreda?).  I haven't quite decided what I want though....perhaps bi-curious switch with submissive tendencies whose girlfriend just left him before they could join, so he's alone on the island?

sweet jesus


RP Etiquette ~ Tumblr ~ Mumbler
~ There is nothing to writing; all you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed ~
Ons & Offs ~ Post Tracker ~ Ladies in Red

King Serperior

Quote from: Amelita on November 29, 2016, 04:41:54 PM
sweet jesus

Heh, I'm glad there's so much approval for the face claim.   ::)

Just finished the CS, so I hope everyone appreciates the massage therapist.

A/A'sMonster Girl Palace
SFW Image Ideas for Scifi, Fantasy, Horror, and Steampunk Games! | My various characters, if you are curious! | I am a Rainbow Writer!
Post Rate: 1 post per game every 1-4 weeks on average  ||| I encourage any and all random PMs.


I am gonna make a male character. Likely bisexual. If anyone would interested in a couple thing or some sort of plottage feel free to let me know here, in the ooc, or message me ^^
Current Post Rate: Quick to Moderate
Current Solo Posts Owed: 1/5
Current Group Game Posts Owed: 0/2

I AM AVAILABLE FOR: Groups, Solos, F/Any, posting via forums

My O/Os
My Solo Ideas (FxF for now)


I just wanted to put these here in case someone out there might be interested! Of course you have to create sheet first but that's no biggie.

Quote from: vin26m on November 26, 2016, 10:08:07 AM
Name: vin26m
Character: Okello and/or Andres
Location: Mansion, Lower Level (Dungeon) or Great Outdoors preferably, but anywhere except History, really.
Link: N/A
Plot Summary for Scene: A scene with multiple characters. 

Possible starting points could be: Two characters are hooking up, then a third walks in on them.  A trio could be grinding on the dance floor, then they take it somewhere else. 

MMF or MFF mandatory. 

BDSM preferred. 

Voyeurism/exhibitionism optional. 

No M/M stuff.   

Are you fussy about what type of character takes this spot?: One female player. 

I want a scene with multiple characters, but I don't want to wait for multiple players to post.  I would use one or both of my male characters.  My partner would use her female character and maybe her other character (male or female).

Any Additional Information: N/A

Quote from: Idlewyld on November 26, 2016, 04:12:15 PM
Name: Idlewyld
Character: Sarah Levitz
Location: Great Outdoors or Mansion First Floor
Link: Now Taken, though I think we're still both posting open if anyone would like to join
Plot Summary for Scene: I'm looking for something like a dance floor scene where the participants suddenly decide to start shedding their (or each other's) clothes
Are you fussy about what type of character takes this spot?: Sarah's kind of a follower so the other character (or characters - three or four or even more being involved here isn't entirely out of the question) would have to be more of a "take charge" type

Quote from: Chrystal on November 27, 2016, 05:24:12 AM
Name: Chrystal
Character: Kerry Lofthouse
Location: On the beach in the surf
Link: n/a
Plot Summary for Scene: Sex On The Beach or Surf and Turf....Kerry is skinny dipping in the ocean after dark and encounters a strong and insistent woman in the surf.
Are you fussy about what type of character takes this spot?: Female character and female/gender neutral player please, someone who will simply grab and take what she wants. This will be dub-con. If the supernatural bit hadn't been removed early on I would have said "mermaid", but the word can still be used in a humerous way.
Any Additional Information: This scene takes place in the dark, there is no need for either character to recognise the other, especially the next morning at breakfast!
Quote from: ClosetBadBoy on November 27, 2016, 02:55:34 PM
Name: ClosetBadBoy
Character: John Smith
Location: Gym
Link: not applicable
Plot Summary for Scene: After a good night's sleep, John wants to work our some in the gym. Now with sweat glistening bodies, muscles, tight gym clothes, an overall hedonistic atmosphere, need I say more? So I'd be looking for someone to take the exercising off the machines and onto a stack of yoga mats... or maybe a yoga mat, with some flexing of bodies and who knows what. ;)
Are you fussy about what type of character takes this spot?: If the scene is happening some time in, I don't think he'll be having any inhibitions anymore. If it's earlier in the timeline (or a guy wanting to engage him) it'd be great if the other character is straight to the point. John is just too shy to initiate stuff by himself, but he'll love to get naughty - even (or especially) in public. Oh yes, as mentioned: both men and women welcome, but the guy will have to be a bit more of the seducer, since John's not really reached the point of admitting to himself that he's bi.
Any Additional Information: Would love the scene to be about the teasing and the looking and stuff at first and only then get lewd. ;)

Quote from: Kokaine on December 01, 2016, 10:33:02 PM
Character: Charlie or Brodie
Location: Negotiable
Link: N/A

Plot Summary for Scene: Looking for a scene that pushes into rougher territory. Some manhandling, maybe spanking, dub-con.

Are you fussy about what type of character takes this spot?:
For Charlie I'd like a male capable of being Dominant and handling a potentially mouthy and challenging female.
For Brodie I'd like a female character who isn't fragile that would ultimately enjoy riling him up and dealing with the consequences.

Any Additional Information: Specific kinks are of course negotiable.

Quote from: King Serperior on December 04, 2016, 03:08:47 AM
Name:  King Serperior
Character:  Max Greene
Location:  Mansion, Lower Levels, Dungeon
Link:   Not Applicable.
Plot Summary for Scene:  The scene I am seeking starts with Max exploring the dungeon curiously and either meeting someone (preferably a woman in this case, but I am fine with anyone) who coheres him into being their plaything for the evening.  This scene will be very kink-heavy and can include any or all of the following, depending on discussions:  Femdom, pegging, bondage (light, medium, or heavy), anal play, orgasm denial, toys of all kinds, watersports, and much more involving all that one would find in such a dungeon.
Are you fussy about what type of character takes this spot?:  Gender and sexuality doesn't matter in this case, though I lean towards a female character in this case.  However, the character should be a strong, dominating type, perhaps with full dungeon experience. 
Any Additional Information:  Specifics in terms of kinks are negotiable, but I would like to say that I would prefer no permanent markings to be made on my character.  Also, if there are two people who would like to dominate Max at the same time, I would be up for discussion for that as well, but I am only looking for one scene of this type right now.