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Started by ClosetBadBoy, November 15, 2016, 03:19:14 PM

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Hello there.

So I figured I will set up this thread as a collection of ideas I had and would be willing to try as a one-shot or slightly longer one-on-one.

You might also find stuff here, that's inspired by other people's stuff and ideas, but that I didn't get a chance to participate in.

Please do not reply to this thread, but send me a PM (preferably with a link to the story you refer to) if you are interested in any of these settings.

Oh and all of this is just a collection of ideas. So if you want to alter something (or like me sneak it off for putting it on your own ideas thread, feel free to do so).

Current list of wants:

CraveiLub Marie-AnnAlternate reality setting, where a young girl discovers and indulges in her depraved fantasies...
ProbablyTropical vacationSharing a bed between siblings opens up possibilities...
MaybeLife's a HighwayA twist on the classic trucker X hitchhiker scene.
PlayingDirty CleaningA quickie in a shower... and three's not a crowd.
Judge: "Mister Mouse, so you really want to divorce Minnie because she's being silly?"
Mickey: "She's not silly! She's fucking Goofy!"

Ons & Offs - of sort
Ideas Thread


Current desire for it: SURE...

Name: Tropical vacation

Content: Light consensual, Incest, Teenager

Scenario: Jana and Mike are going to have the vacation of their lifetime. Their parents are flying to a far away tropical island with them to enjoy a lazy week of water, beach, rainforest and good food. The two teenagers don't mind that the place they are visiting is a nudist resort. They have been to nudist camps throughout there lives - with both parents being avid naturists since before their kids were born - and also been naked at home as much as they can. So being naked among their family and strangers is normal to them.

This vacation however is slightly different: First off it's a "clothes prohibited" hotel, where all clothing is stored in lockers near the reception, and secondly because Jana and Mike - for the first time - share a bed. With mom and dad in the next hut (which can be seen as just seperate rooms), the siblings have little choice but to bunk up. Two hormone infested teenagers, no clothes, a shared matress, a shared blanket, soft, bare skin to rub against while moving in your sleep... what could go wrong. ;D

Setting: Bedroom of a Tiki hut hotel on a tropical island.

Requirements: Looking for someone decently literate to play one of the siblings. I am not picky about genders and who to play. So it's your pick.

Other info: This game is about them losing the battle of reason against desire. So to me the buildup of what they agree on what's still OK and the small steps that slowly erode all inhibitions is far more important than the smutty scene it all ends up in. We can discuss the exact ages of them, their previous experiences (with others) and also if we want to write it just as one night or several beforehand.
Judge: "Mister Mouse, so you really want to divorce Minnie because she's being silly?"
Mickey: "She's not silly! She's fucking Goofy!"

Ons & Offs - of sort
Ideas Thread


Current desire for it: MINOR...

Name: Life's a Highway

Content: Light consensual to Dub Con, age gap, light bondage

Scenario: Lucas is trying to make it big. He's run away from home and heading for Hollywood. The official reason is, because his cousin invited him to try his luck and make it big in the movie biz with a bit of a leg up from her. Truth is, he ran away from home, because he just can't stand the constant fighting of his parents, the verbal abuse he was getting from his father and life a small town in general... Unfortunately the heap of junk he took off with broke down for good in the middle of nowhere and now he's stranded... hundreds of miles away from home and hundreds of miles away from his destination. Fortunately for him, a semi stops for him when he tries to hitch a lift. So he climbs into the cab of Agnes - a very lonely, mid-aged southern belle, who kinda gets to liking this hunk... and since even truckers and hitchhikers need to rest some time the eventually end up in the back of the cab in a tight bunk...

Setting: A semi

Requirements: Looking for someone decently literate to play the trucker. I am not picky about genders of the player, but you should be able to write an experienced woman seducing a hormone invested teenager.

Other info: This game is really a twist of the cliché trucker takes young hitchhiking girl "for a ride". As long as that part stays more or less intact, feel free to throw other ideas at me.
Judge: "Mister Mouse, so you really want to divorce Minnie because she's being silly?"
Mickey: "She's not silly! She's fucking Goofy!"

Ons & Offs - of sort
Ideas Thread


Current desire for it: HUGE WANT...

Name: iLub Marie-Ann

Content: Dub Con, age gap, light bondage, multiple partners, public, gangbang... let's discuss more...

Setting: They say "war never changes"... but really neither do people - especially the younger generation. They always try to rebel against the older generation, but when colored hair, ripped clothes, foul language and even tatoos don't work anymore (because mom and dad have already done that), behaviors just need to become unacceptable. So among college kids (and some high-schoolers) lubbin' became the big thing.

What does it mean to lub?
Simply engage in sexual activities without any regard for the surroundings and consequences. Kinda like what their grandparents did in the 1960's... ;D The term stems from "love" spoken rather sloppy and careless, just like the sex is. Some also derive it from clubbing without the c.... because it started out mainly happening in the parking lots of clubs, with liquored up college students just not wanting to "get a room".

Of course this brought about a new craze: iLub, the app that lets you find your lubbin' partner easily, whenever you feel the need. iLub is not just an App where people can search for iLub members by their profiles filled with sexual likes, dislikes and fantasies, but your membership comes with a bracelet or pendant to be worn and containing the latest version of RFID technology. This iLub Tracker allows iLub members to locate each other with pinpoint accuracy within a half mile radius. These gadgets can be obtained at specialized retailers, where also the age is verified - because to makre sure there is no legal issue for the company it is only available to people over 21.

So in this alternate reality mid-size college town where this game takes place, people in their 20s have made it a 'thing' to have sex in public... and since the authorities eventually gave up trying to prosecute anybody giving a blowjob in a McD or humping on the hood of a car in the mall's parking lot - because it became just too many - lubbin' and iLub has become very popular... it's also starting to gain a strong foothold with the older population. Hey, it's consequence free, cheap sex... how could it not! ;D

Story: So Marie-Ann had it coming for her... she had signed up with her boy-friend at the time for iLub and they enjoyed the careless cuckolding sessions in public or Travis pimping out his girl to strangers. But then she broke up with him kind of embarassingly and in retaliation, Travis hijacked Marie-Ann's iLub account and now controlls her lubbin' settings. But this isn't the story of Marie-Ann!

This story is about Amanda "call me Amy" Richards, a cute, girl-next-door type high-schooler from a rather conservative family background. Her parents do not approve of lubbin' and thus Amy would never admit to the slight curiosity she's felt towards this new fad. Also, since she's under 21, she won't be able to have her own iLub account for a couple of years... or so it seemed until one day she came across the 'lost' iLub bracelet of Marie-Ann while riding the subway.

And that's where the story begins...

Requirements: Looking for someone decently literate interested in playing multiple characters who take advantage of Amy. It is not out of the question that you can talk me into take over the role of the guys and you playing Amy, but I will need some convincing. I am not picky about genders of the player as long as you aren't, but you should be able to write decently descriptive and come up with ideas as well. Nothing worse than a partner who always asks "So what do you have in mind?"... ;)

Other info: I am not so much interested in drawing out every smut scene extensively, but instead prefer to focus on the build-up and the part of getting Amy to submit.... after all there's only so many ways you can describe how she'll go down on someone... but who and where and why might be vastly different. ;D

This story is based on an idea developed with another player, but since I hadn't heard back since October from the guy, I'm opening it up 'cause I kinda like it.... :)
Judge: "Mister Mouse, so you really want to divorce Minnie because she's being silly?"
Mickey: "She's not silly! She's fucking Goofy!"

Ons & Offs - of sort
Ideas Thread


Current desire for it: Currently playing in a thread on E.

Might be considered NSFW
Name: Dirty Cleaning

Content: Let's discuss... can be from Vanilla to Dub Con and all the spectrum from public to incest from twosome to gangbang...

Setting: A shower in a bathroom. Can be in a home or a dorm or a hotel or a gym or... really up for discussion as long as people are naked and under running water.

Story: When she entered the bathroom for a quick shower, she realized that it was already occupied. Of course she could have just left right away... but for some reason she didn't... she stayed... and out of some casual soaping each other up ensued something more... steamier... deeper...

Requirements: Quick, smutty... just something for in between. :)

Other info: I really don't think this idea will carry for more than a quick one-timer, but if this tidbid stirred up an idea in you, feel free to share. I am very willing to discuss a potentially bigger plot based on this scene.
Judge: "Mister Mouse, so you really want to divorce Minnie because she's being silly?"
Mickey: "She's not silly! She's fucking Goofy!"

Ons & Offs - of sort
Ideas Thread