Warhammer Fantasy RPG 2nd Edition, Interest Check [NC Small Group]

Started by RubySlippers, September 21, 2016, 04:50:29 PM

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I'm interested in running a small group of players say five in the above system, with three caveats.

1. You roll the big things including your entry career but can pick and choose smaller details. One exception in your classes required skill you can put in 30 if you want after you roll it keeping the result or not.

2. Your all going to be from the same town and its environs in the Empire and know each other.

3. Sex will be there but normal not the sole reason for the game.

And you should try to get one character from each class group and be ready to post reasonably often.

I'm doing this because most children get little say in careers in this kind of world you do either what a parent or parents did, what apprenticeship they could arrange or education they could pay for so in many cases your stuck which is why you likely ran off to adventure.

I prefer the 1st Edition by the way players get to at least select careers in a broad group such as Warrior so you aim for interested areas you want to play in.


So, no responses yet? Damn. And I kinda wanted to play a degenerate noble who maybe has to get his act together when the chaos nasty du jour shows up. Or a mercenary, maybe the last survivor of a fight against chaos and he can't admit that's what he fought until it comes back. Or really any kind of warrior, I guess.
When you bang your head against the wall, you don't get the answer, you get a headache.

O/O: https://elliquiy.com/forums/onsoffs.php?u=46150


It depends on the die rolls but you can pick the Warrior category. Anyway we need two more players the rules are not that bad I know its 1st Edition but has character.


When you bang your head against the wall, you don't get the answer, you get a headache.

O/O: https://elliquiy.com/forums/onsoffs.php?u=46150


Well you need to roll your ability scores, then have a 30 in your warrior attribute of strength to be one which shouldn't be hard. There happens to be fighting pits all over the place formally and not the Thieves' Guild runs one in the starting fortified town.


As much as I'd like to give this a go, unfortunately the rules arnt something I have to hand. :(



I realize if you don't have a scribd account, it might be a bit inconvenient.
When you bang your head against the wall, you don't get the answer, you get a headache.

O/O: https://elliquiy.com/forums/onsoffs.php?u=46150


I've a rough-out idea for the background, young elf (young enough to be impulsive, impatient and appreciate impulsive humans) an alchemist's apprentice who has become rather a bit too fed up with sweeping floors and washing out glassware and has been painstakingly copying notes from her master's books when she's supposed to be asleep. I'd like to know a bit more about the environment before I detail it, however, so that I can dovetail a wood elf neatly into the environment (be it a human town she's run off to, or one near to an elf village or small elf outpost).

M:     5
WS:    36
BS:   35
S:     2
T:    3
W:    6 (+1 Career)
I:   61
A:     1
Dex:   35 (+10 Career)
Ld:   39
Int:   59 (+10 Career)
Cl:   58
WP:   47
Fel:   41

Wood Elf:
Speak:      Old Worlder
      Eltharin (Elvish)
Night Vision:   30 yards
Age:      50
Alignment:   Neutral Good
Height:      5'11 1d10 Result: 7
Fate:      1 1d3a-1 Result: 0
Career Class:   Academic
Skills:      5

Excellent vision (Mandatory)
Sing (Mandatory) (3)
Astronomy (11)
Flee! (50)
Acute Hearing (2)

Career: Alchemist's Apprentice (10)

Suit of decent, light-weight clothes including sandles or soft shoes.
A knife is carried tucked in the belt, alongside a purse of 15 Gold Crowns.

Career Skills:
Chemistry (37)

Career Exits:
Alchemist, Level 1
Entertainer - Bunko Artist,
Grave Robber,

My O/Os. My A/As.
Games I seek:
Savage Worlds of My Little Pony <- Just what it says. Free supplement for SW. (Or any other MLP RP!!! :D)
Eclipse Phase <- Posthuman grit SF, open source, downloadable from their web site. VERY deep worldbuilding.
Cold City <- Espionage meets the Lovecraftian supernatural. Allies in post-war Berlin chasing down the results of secret Nazi experiments
a|state <- Post-apocalyptic sort-of-steampunk, sort-of-high tech roleplay in a massive, decaying, broken-down city-state.


Here is Helmut the pit fighter. There's a table in there for stats.

Physique: height – 5’6”, weight 147 lbs., definitely wiry. age – 17

Alignment: Neutral

Psychological Traits: nothing special

Special Rules:
Sixth Sense - roll under Int to detect being followed or watched. Dodge Blow - roll under I to avoid a blow completely.


Dodge Blow
Sixth Sense
Scale Sheer Surface
Specialist Weapon – Fist Weapons
Specialist Weapon – Flails
Specialist Weapon – Parrying Weapons
Specialist Weapon – Two-Handed Weapon
Strike Mighty Blow
Strike to Injure
Very Strong

Hand weapon
Mail shirt
Sturdy clothes
Sling bag
When you bang your head against the wall, you don't get the answer, you get a headache.

O/O: https://elliquiy.com/forums/onsoffs.php?u=46150



  If it were second editon i would join, but I'm afraid i don't have first.  Good luck! 
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse: http://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_on_genius.html

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl:  https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=135346.msg16474321#msg16474321 (Major update 5/10/2023)


I decided to do this with the 2nd Edition rules now to compensate for all the hard work and to help new players I hope to get you will be able to:

Keep your current career or choose a new career if your one of the two existing interested players with 500xp to spend on advancements, skills or talents.

New players can roll two times taking one career of the two and take 500xp OR choose any career without the bonus xp.

And otherwise follow the existing rules.

One change a Wizards Apprentice doesn't need to join the guild if in the empire however to advance higher up you have to, my take is common apprentices are common enough to be considered an educated person and can in my game apprentice instead of attending a guild college of magic. That said its a good in for many careers of a scholarly nature and less savory ones. But you must be registered with the Empire which costs 20gc you start registered if that is your initial class.


*lauhgs*  how sad is this? 

31   Weapon Skill   
30   Balistic Skill
31   Strength
29   Toguhness
24   Agiltiy
31   Inteligence
26   Willpower
28   Fellowship

The talents, by comparison, wheren't bad: 
72   Strong Minded
99   Warrior Born

I'm thinking I'll use Shayla's mercy to up base willpower to average (31) so that strong minded will make her above average (36.) 

And then I'll play her as a bit klutzy.  :) 
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse: http://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_on_genius.html

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl:  https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=135346.msg16474321#msg16474321 (Major update 5/10/2023)


Here's Klara.  I have a link in google drive with better formating. 

If she's okay, I'll add her general trappings and spend a few shillings. 

How realistic do you want the characer portraits? 

Name:         Klara         
Player:         Tenshi
Race:         Human      
Current Career:      Road Warden      
Previous Careers:   N/A
GM:            Ruby
Campaign Year:

Age:            17      Experience:   0/500
Distinguishing Marks:
# of Siblings

Klara was a little klutzy growing up.  SHe still is, truth be told, though not as badly as her home town gives her credit for. 

   Her mother died birthing her.  Her father was a road warden so much of her parenting was done by her grandmother.  Klara loved her father very much.  When he was home he spent a lot of time with her.  He didn’t just find out about her life, he took her hunting, taught her to ride and fight and shoot. 

   Three months ago, father’s new horse, Margo, clopped into town with his body in the saddle, pierced by a half dozen goblin arrows.  Klara was heartbroken.  Through her tears, though, she saw a letter on her father’s hip with a military seal. 

   Klara new her duty.  She took her father’s sword and shield and pistol.  She road hard for the nearest fort, pursued by a trio of goblins--one of whom she shot. 

   She wanted to turn and face the others, cut them down for what they did to her father, but Klara new her duty.  She road the letter all the way to the military base and delivered it in her father’s stead. 

   The captain there was able to save a town and seal up a breach in the empire’s northern front because of the letter.  He saw to it Klara was awarded leathers and mail for her size and frame, and offered her an appointment to finish out her father’s year of service, complete with continued training from senior road wardens. 

--Charge Attack

      Starting      Advances
Characteristic:      Characteristic   Available      Current
Weapon Skill      36         +10%
Ballistic Skill      30         +10%      40%
Strength         31         +5%
Toughness         29         
Agility         24         +10%
Intelligence         31         +5%         36%
WIllpower         31         +5%         36%
Fellowship         28      

Attacks         1         
Strength Bonus      3            
Toughness Bonus   2               
Magic         -
Madness         0
Fate Points         3
Wounds         12         +2         13/13

Weapons:   Enc.   Group   Damage   Range   Reload   Qualities
Pistol         Gunpowder                     
Sword      Basic      d10+3   --      --      --

Armor, Advanced:
Armor Type   Encumbrance   Locations Covered      AP
Leather Jack            Body               1
Mail Shirt               Body               +2

Basic Skills (Characteristic)      Trained   +10   +20
Anima Care (Int)            *
Charm (Fel)
Command (fel)
Concealment (Fel)
Consume Alcohol (T)
Disguise (Fel)
Drive (S)                  *
Evaluate (Int)
Gamble (Int)
Gossip (Fel)               *   *
Haggle (Fel)
Intimidate (Str)
Outdoor Survival (Int)            *
Perception (Int)               *
Ride (Agi)                  *
Row (S)
Scale Sheer Surface (S)
Search (int)               *
Silent Move (Agi)   
Swim (S)

Advanced Skills
Common Knowledge: The Empire      *
Follow Trail                  *
NAvigation                  *
Speak Language: Reikpsiel         *

Quick Draw
Specialist Weapon Group: Gunpowder
Strong Minded:  Your resilient mind is less susceptible to sanity-blasting events. You don’t have to check for insanity until you have 8 Insanity Points.
Warrior Born

10 Yards of Rope
“Margo” Light War Horse with Saddle and Harness

--Gold Crowns
--Silver Shillings
--Brass Pennies

Spell Grimoire

A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse: http://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_on_genius.html

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl:  https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=135346.msg16474321#msg16474321 (Major update 5/10/2023)


I should have her meet Cthulu and get lots of insanity points at one time. Let's see roll 10d10 for Insanity Points gained. j/k

Looks good. At least she can arguably easily fit in town as part of the towns wardens handling the roads. And would know most of the villages and thorpes in the area. So good for the early game campaigns.


Yay!  :) 

I tried to set it up so that she could be in activer service, or have been retired in favor of some one more experienced (and male?) when that tour waas up. 

Not sure if you think of the empire as having historicaly accurate gender rolls.  I gather Germany wasn't as opressive as some parts of europe in that reguards, with noblewomen taking charge of the house guard and such.  *Shrugs* 
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse: http://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_on_genius.html

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl:  https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=135346.msg16474321#msg16474321 (Major update 5/10/2023)


 Hmm I enjoyed playing 2nd with a group of my friends. So I will show some interest in this, though I do have to say having played this for a long time now. I can safely say that there are ALOT of careers not all of them are going to be too useful. IN fact many of them can lead nearly nowhere. Just a bit of food for thought on that one.

Also are you using just the base book or are you going to use the career compendium which has careers from all the books ever put out?
Locked, cocked and ready to rock!


So if your some crap career you are adventuring just spend 200xp and some role-playing to go into something you like among Basic Careers I once was a Camp Follower and ended up moving to a Thief after hooking up with the Thieve's Guild and spending 600xp I had saved to pick up the Lingo and key skills. Life isn't fair you usually would do what your dad and mom did or what they managed to get into an apprenticeship for you which could be a sucky career.

Just the Base Book.


 Oh believe me I know exactly what you are talking about with switching careers. Ironically one of the most memorable characters I ever played started out like that. He started out Deep Watcher and then because of a bit of lack of direction for the character and getting smashed around by a troll.(thanks party for leaving me to deal with it) Yeah have one little fight with a troll, get knocked around by it and you meet god. Well okay then. :D So I switched over to Initiate career and found the direction I needed to go in. Sadly that character never made it past priest before that game died.

As for the careers available thank you for that clarification. It just means some of my favorite careers are out of the question. Oh well easy come easy go I suppose. There are plenty of fun careers in the base book. Though I can say this much whichever career I do choose my character will not be following Sigmar. I'll be going for Myrmidia instead. I'll pour over the base book later today for career choices.

Also another question I do have in regards to trappings. Do you allow for players to sell the trappings of their careers before play starts? An example of this would say you get the soldier career. Would you allow the player to sell the gun that comes with the package and say buy some better armor?
Locked, cocked and ready to rock!

Silver Phoenix

Oh wow, how did I miss this?  I'd like to throw my hat in if there's still space!
My O/Os: Elliquiy, F-List

Current Game Capacity: 11/11; Full


Quote from: Sessha on October 18, 2016, 10:53:33 AM
Oh believe me I know exactly what you are talking about with switching careers. Ironically one of the most memorable characters I ever played started out like that. He started out Deep Watcher and then because of a bit of lack of direction for the character and getting smashed around by a troll.(thanks party for leaving me to deal with it) Yeah have one little fight with a troll, get knocked around by it and you meet god. Well okay then. :D So I switched over to Initiate career and found the direction I needed to go in. Sadly that character never made it past priest before that game died.

As for the careers available thank you for that clarification. It just means some of my favorite careers are out of the question. Oh well easy come easy go I suppose. There are plenty of fun careers in the base book. Though I can say this much whichever career I do choose my character will not be following Sigmar. I'll be going for Myrmidia instead. I'll pour over the base book later today for career choices.

Also another question I do have in regards to trappings. Do you allow for players to sell the trappings of their careers before play starts? An example of this would say you get the soldier career. Would you allow the player to sell the gun that comes with the package and say buy some better armor?

No you must keep your trappings its from your apprenticing in said career, so tends to be standard, but you get some starting gc so if you can use that for something, fine. Not that the amount goes far.  :D


 Yeah believe me I know that amount doesn't go far. Le sigh okay I guess that is that then. I'll see about working something up. Though it might interesting to check out some of the splat books to see what they offer as well.
Locked, cocked and ready to rock!


  I rolled Klara's money and got enough to upgrade her leather jacket to full leather. 

  This is a good thing since I still have 2 Toughness Bonus! 

  I hope this is still on the table.  I'm excited!
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse: http://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_on_genius.html

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl:  https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=135346.msg16474321#msg16474321 (Major update 5/10/2023)


Okay the game will start on the fringe of the Empire in a mining community of Stoneridge its both a river trade route to and from the South and a robust community with mining in a rich patch of the land with high grade silver, gems (agate, opal and some more precious finds) and a quarry with very find marble. Farming homesteads are around it, fur trapping and roads to and from Elven communities. And more than a fair share of criminals, bandits, weaker creatures like goblins who live in underground warrens and rumor are the odd dangerous magical practitioner doing Dark Magic. The community maintains Road Wardens, a strong militia, a number of mercenaries and even some Guild Wizards etc. The elves and the community are allies and raid into the goblins from time to time.

There are also in the wild to the NW an area of old ruins and unknown threats and for the bold maybe great wealth. That is where some stupid adventurers to go to at some point when very skilled and equipped.  >:)

This area will likely have a modest city at some point and be a bigger part of the Empire and some could rise with it.

I'll be working on the game threads next week.


So, my character's under the spoiler above. What needs to happen for conversion? (Never looked at 2e very closely.)
When you bang your head against the wall, you don't get the answer, you get a headache.

O/O: https://elliquiy.com/forums/onsoffs.php?u=46150