Human male + Demoness (looking for female) [NC] [MUL]

Started by Algibard Glirings, December 09, 2008, 04:24:36 PM

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Algibard Glirings

I see this as possible switch situation, first the man is in control, then something changes and it turns upside down. This is a story about a man interrogator who has to test if girl (demoness disguised as human) was really a witch using charm spells. This would be the starting scene and my characters introduction, leaving the space describing the girl blank so that you (girl who takes this) could fill it in with demon type, looks, how she's chained and other things. If interested let me know in PM, we can play this in forums or PM's (don't think it would suit Instant Messaging, because this requires describing the details).

Also you should know I'm quite new here, so please, if you see me doing something wrong, let me know.

Setting: Medieval/Fantasy


The kingdom of Gerelnot was known for its strict laws against magic - any sign of it meant someone is going to be sentenced to death, and that rule was followed by in centuries. Every peasant knew that even a direct look at someone eyes might get them killed.
It was a beautiful summer day. Sun was right at the zenith, sky was blue and bright. Only some white feathered clouds were casting shadows on the Gerelnot lands, but even they couldn't take the blissful mood out of the blooming summer. The castle town was filled with merchants, beggars, piligrims and just passers by, area was filled with the usual uproar. Though, in a way, this day was not different from others - as usual, city guards brought more poor "magiks" (That's how they called magic users) to the castles dungeons for interrogation. They all knew that none who entered the dungeons ever saw daylight again - kings orders against magic was strict and cruel, meant death to even the suspects. The interrogations were merely to find out if "magiks" worked alone, if not, who were their allies.

Muldred Procrustian was one of the interrogators. He didn't like his job, but did it well. Muldred was almost six foot tall well build man. His deep blue eyes and light rye coloured hair almost made him look like "prince charming" though the scar on his right cheek reminded he was imperfect. The scar, he got from battle with another kingdom, went from his cheek to the left leg - the sword slash was deadly, but something kept him alive. King suspected that Muldred was using magic to heal, though he couldn't sentence man who did such a great job defending the kingdom, so he put the warrior to the dungeon to interrogate magiks. Muldred didn't know what saved him that day, all he remembered was light and words: "Sleep, don't worry, you will live tonight" that were followed by some mysterious words.

Today Muldred woke up late - you couldn't tell if it was night or day in the dungeons, only in the interrogation rooms. He put on his uniform pants, buttoned his shirt and put on the royal coat. He washed the uniform every day, and still on nice brown fabric you could see blank blood stains. Leather boots, leather gloves, little hat with kings symbol on the front, silver dagger on the side - he was ready for work. He took the key fob from the table and went outside his room. The corridors were dark, lit only by widely spaced torches. End of the tunnel was the entrance to interrogation hall - big room with doors to the bigger one, where the suspects were kept, and one more to the similar sized one, with giant torturing devices and chains - interrogation room. This day it was pretty quiet - no screaming, no weeping was to be heard. When he entered the interrogation hall, he was met by two city guards. As he entered the room, they straightened up and bowed their heads while keeping right fist on the chest.
- "You don't have to do this anymore", said Muldred smiling, "I'm but simple magik interrogator".
- "For us", men said almost as one, "you will always be our commander, King must be crazy to..."
- "Please, don't question the king - I accepted his will and so should you".
Guards just nodded their heads.
- "So, no magiks today?", asked Muldred while looking at empty room for keeping suspects.
- "There is one" - said one of the guards while turning his head at the interrogation room.
- "We took the responsibility and chained her to the wall", said the other.
- "Her?"
- "Well, yes, she is a suspect of using a charm spells on farmers and merchants to gain their goods"
- "And you are sure it's not one of them old hags telling on someone that has the beauty and youth?", asked Muldred.
Both guards just shrugged, -"Orders are orders."
- "Is that all?", asked Muldred while tugging on his gloves.
- "Well, you just need to know she's a swift one - you should keep your distance, even if she's chained", smiled guard.
- "Yeah, that whore almost bite my ear off" - said another.
Muldred knew exactly what the guards were trying to do, he was disgusted. He just nodded his head and waited until guards left the room. Now when he was alone he turned to the interrogation room, opened the door and entered. The torches weren't needed here, there was a line of four square holes in the ceiling that let the sun beams enter the room. It was enough to light up main spots of the room. The first beam was hitting the ground near the door, other two were marking the path to the chains, and the last one was near the wall, where humanlike figure could be seen. Muldred came a little closer to see who he's dealing with this time.