Whitelace club (M looking for F for victorian era intrigue)

Started by godfang, August 24, 2016, 02:50:59 AM

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Olan has always been a nation with conservative culture, led by a strict papacy that placed an emphasis on modesty and etiquette. On the surface, Olanese society gave the image of an enlightened people that had left behind immoral indulgence such as sex or opium. Amongst the high society of Olan, a secret society exists of men and women wishing to indulge these pleasures without scrutiny.

All across the land, this secret society keeps mansions where its member can go to enjoy their chosen vice. Should it ever be discovered, the scandal would be devastating as it counts many visible public figures as its members. From well known scholars, to seemingly pious gentries and even royalty.Despite the seemingly ammoral nature of the society, its members form a kind of kinship regardless of their stations in life

You play as a member of this secret society, a noblewoman whose life would be ruined should her membership be found out by the public. The story itself will revolve around your life in and out of the chapterhouses as well as your relationship with the many men and women you meet. Will you enjoy the forbidden fruit with no consequences? Or will disaster strike, leaving your family dishonoured?

- The men and women of the whitelace club-
Here are a few characters available as NPCs in the story, they can be used as ploot-hooks or simple sexual encounters. If you wish to add certain types of characters that aren't listed in this list, we can discuss it together.

Duke Warren of Pineswood

Body type: Lean
Occupation: Nobleman and businessman

Duke Warren of Pineswood is a well liked man amongst both the nobility as well as the commonfolk. The Duke is well respected for his dedication to charitable endeavors as well as his good manners. Little does everyone know that behind the mild mannered unasuming appearance of the widower, lies a sexual animal. Behind closed door, Duke Warren is one of the Whitelace Club's more infamous member, known for his devastating prowess. All his partners have attested that the Duke is indeed 'a man with a silver tongue'

Ever since the death of his wife in a tragic accident abroad, Duke Warren has received many offers of marriage as noble families from all over Olan has vied to match him with their daughters, but the Duke insisted that he was not ready to remarry. Instead, he spends his time within the Whitelace chapterhouses, going from one lover to another.

Colonel Logan McGregor
Body type: Burly
Occupation: Soldier

Like many soldiers that served Olan, Logan McGregor fought in the many northern skirmishes with the nation of Kosvar. He entered as a lowly rifleman and eventually rose to the rank of colonel after over a decade of service. Now back in the capital, he was being considered for a position in the ministry of defense, a position that would also elevate his social status.

The Colonel is a tense, almost paranoid man. Serving too long in the trenches of the northern border left him with a severe case of PTSD and opium was his one release. At least once a week, he would find a chapterhouse and indulge in what is slowly growing to become an unhealthy addiction.

Lady Elizabeth Winchester
Age: 26
Body type: Voluptuous

A famed writer of children's book and nursery rhymes, Lady Elizabeth Winchester was married at a young age for political gains. As a young naive woman, she found herself enamoured by her husband, but years of marriage left her disilusioned. To make matters worse, her husband was a very traditional man who believes that lust is the domain of whores, not high-born women. One dissapointing encounter after another left Elizabeth frustrated, until finally she was invited to join the Whitelace club.

Known as the Siren of Whitelace, Elizabeth fully embraced her sensual side, sampling one male member after another, and even discovering that other women are just as appealing to her as men. At home, she was a perfect wife, demure and obedient, but within the walls of the Whitelace club chapterhouse, she was nothing short of a nymph.

Prince Iskander Azani
Age: 24
Body type: Gymnast

A lastborn prince of a faraway nation, Iskander is tall and regal with skin as dark as cocoa. He came to Olan to study in the royal academy, but despite being an guest of the state, he still faced racial prejudice. Iskander relies on his quick wit to meet his detractors head-on, knowing that he could not risk having an incident that would compromise the relationship between his homeland and Olan, but constant slights are starting to test the limits of his patience.

Rumors stated that the prince was involved in an affair with a noblewoman in Olan, but their love were not to be due to his status as a foreigner and during his involvement with the mystery woman, Iskander left the Whitelace club, devoting himself to his star-crossed lover until the day she marries. Now, he has returned and is eager to once again enjoy life. A man in peak physical condition, few women can keep up with the prince's endurance, which is why he is known to take multiple partners at once sometimes.