Mass Effect: Terminus (Story Heavy, LF 2 or 3 Writers, Non-Con Exotic)

Started by Odanrav, August 03, 2016, 07:23:18 PM

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I'm pretty sure Curious is going to make a CS and fill up the fourth spot; although as you said it's not first come first serve so we'll have to determine which characters would fit the plot best. I'm not opposed to having 6 players if someone else made compelling characters to add some diversity to the group. :)


Here is is finally!
Hope you like :D

Name: Vahlens Quandry,Deck 3, Suite 37, Tarpin, Torino (Torino)
Aliases: Officially none. Unofficially “That sneaky shit” “That fucking Salarian”
Sex: Male
Race: Salarian
Age: 20

Class: Infitrator
Talents & Specializations: Stealth, Security systems, Melee combat, Fast talking (even for a Salarian), good computer skills,Streetwise, Drinking enough caffeine to kill a Yahg and innate ability to piss off just about anyone when he wants.
Professions:Cat burglar (specializes in corporate espionage), Hijacker, Adrenalin junkie.

Personality: Torino is about the most fun loving care free Salarian to ever live. Having been raised by humans he has a deep bond with those he considers family, which confuses the hell out of other Salarians. Loves to party and pester, usually at the same time. He has been referred to as the Salarian equivalent to a nosey 6 year old human. Curiousity WILL indeed kill him someday as he can’t bring himself to turn down a challenge. Above all else Torino is loyal. If you have earned his respect he would not think twice before diving into the mouth of a thresher maw if he thought it would bring you back. Has little concern with his own life. Not that he is suicidal, he just understands that his time is shorter than everyone elses so if someone has to go it might as well be him. 

Torino is the most messed up Salarian to ever Salarian. His parents were on a trip back to their home world so that their clutch could be inducted into the family as was tradition. Massive engine failure set them adrift unfortunately. Most of the clutch was killed in the explosions the rocked the ship and those that survived were born out of the standard precautions. Most were able to bond with the mother but Torino had first laid eyes on the human nurse that worked the infirmary. After that it was too late. The father simply asked the captain to jettison the defective child for it would never be accepted in Salarian society. The nurse, unable to have children of her own, protested and demanded he be able to live.

The Captain was worried about causing an incident but when the father simply waved the child away claiming he wouldn’t be responsible for such a foolish act, all were relieved. Over the next few weeks the tiny Salarian got very good at hiding from its birth family for fear of death while at the same time becoming impossibly good at sneaking out of his pen to seek out his “mother” the nurse. Once the ship was rescued and everyone returned home, Torino got his first glimpse of society.

In the years to come he grew up incredibly fast, as all Salarians did, and matured at an alarming rate at the dismay of his mother. By the time he was six he had passed all the standard testing and was bored. Growing up in the Attican Traverse wasn’t an easy life. Soon Torino fell in with the wrong crowd and was inducted into one of the gangs in the system. Never one to back away from a challenge, he took the opportunity to show everyone what he could do. Never liking the stigma of a worthless castoff he made it his business to be the best damn thief he could. Speed had always been an obsession of his, a side effect of being born in space going near light speed he bragged. As such his first scores were fast vehicles. He had gotten pretty good with them after a few bang ups and one crash that left his collar broken. 

A few more years passed and eventually Torino was able to start taking jobs instead of doing what he had to to survive. Sending money home whenever he could he began traveling from place to place, picking up work as he went. When jobs were light he would even take up honest work as an extra pilot to get to the next system. He even started to earn a reputation as the man who could get the hard jobs done. He found himself in a dangerous spot however. To good to be ignored by syndicates and too much of a loose canon to be allowed to run free. That’s when he was presented with an option, work for the Omega Syndicate or don’t work anymore. He knew what the actual second choice was and he didn’t fancy being jettisoned out an air lock.

When everything went to hell, during a take over of leadership, Torino saw his chance and jumped ship. It would take weeks for them to get a real head count again. Plus considering that Torino wasn’t a direct gun of the syndicate, more of a  call in specialist, he doubted they would ever bother tracking him down. Or so he hopes. 

Appearance & Equipment:
Standing 6’5 and weighing 135lbs, this green skinned Salarian looks like a big eyed blade of grass. Rarely able to stand still he tends to bounce while standing or pace which is very annoying. When not working, Torino dresses as a human teenager would. Tight graphic t-shirts and baggy shorts all while sporting custom made sunglasses, because it looks cool. He tends to slouch over dramatically and makes sure everyone around him knows that he is bored. When at work he is the exact opposite however. Every move is calculated and done to optimum efficiency. Its at these times people usually remember that he is in fact a Salarian.

Standard equipment: Assortment of clothes, sunglasses, communication link, chronometer, music player with a nearly infinite play-list, caffeinated beverage of some kind.
Work Equipment:
Omni-tool with energy drain module (Designed to drain systems not enemy shields and powers the tactical cloak for longer use), Next-gen infiltrator armor (completely enclosed) and tactical cloak. Multiple security bypass devices, Microfilament rope dispenser, 1 EMP/arc grenade…just incase things go sideways.

Misc. Notes:
Torinos mother is still alive and he constantly sends money to her when he can. He is named after the families most treasured heirloom a 1972 Gran Torino Sport...yes its green.

Additional Images


It was a close call, but with Chuck Norris providing the tie breaking vote, Vahlens has been accepted.




All right! It looks like we've got a few more positions on the ship left to fill so we'll see what kinds of characters Cuch, Lindrea and Rajah propose. I'm not picky about class archetypes for these roles either.

Odan, were you thinking of making Wayne an engineer as well to suit his soldier archetype? If so I can make Trezel the Yeoman, depending on whether other members want to make some antagonist/NPC characters as well to balance things out.



Karma - Hi Karma. :) You don't have to keep that name if you don't wish to, just the general idea of an Ardat-Kresh works with whatever background you choose. I'll PM you this evening with more details about them and I'll have a character sheet up for Vara sometime soon as well.

Andro - If no one else locks down the notion of a ship engineer, Wayne can handle that. He's a tinkerer, though he's most familiar with AI's and robotics. But maybe I can alter him to be a ship junky as a hobby. No practical training though probably. Hopefully the oxygen systems won't go out suddenly!


Okay, cool. I have a very basic concept in mind but I'll hold off on setting anything in stone until you shoot me that PM.


Just a quick head count of players who have established characters or are likely to make CS's:

- Wayne Essex - Soldier // Captain, ship's engineer and resident tinkerer
- Vara Vos - Wealthy investor of EE

- Dezthia Essex - Vanguard // XO
- Dr. Livia Trezel - Adept // Head researcher and Yeoman
- Wraith - Neutral information broker

- Shar'mal - Sentinel // Medic

-Torino - Infiltrator // Co-pilot

- Ian - Soldier // Ex-Alliance pilot, closet junkie

- Bethenna - Adept  // Ardat-kresh Justicar

- ??] -?? // Cerberus agent


You forgot meeeee!  I've been sooo busy the past two days, so.. I'll get a post up soon.


Just FYI,, Salarians names are jacked up
First part is System, then planet, then contient, then city, then family and finally their name
So if a human didit like that it would be something like Sol, Earth, Europe, London, Williams, Frank
Torino was born on a ship so his is even weirder. its the ships name(Vahlens Quandry) the level of the ship (deck 3) the room number (suite 37) family name Tarpin and finally his given name Torino


If he's as fast a talker as you say then the characters will have a hell of a time being introduced to him. ;P

I could just imagine Dez saying, "Err... Tor for short, then?"


"HolyCrapCanYouBelieveWhatsGoingOnHereIMeanItsCrazyLookAtAllOfTheseGuysWithGunsIMeanWowWhatAreTheOddsWeWillGetOutOfThisAlive?ISay50/50WhatDoYouGuysThink?" Hes not always that bad but he can be


We haven't forgotten you Lindrea, just waiting to see what you come up with. :)


Cuchulain got back to me and will probably have a CS up tonight for his Cerberus agent. Tomorrow at the latest I think.

That puts us at 7 players so I think it's safe to say we can close applications, Odan. I'll shoot a message to Rajah to gauge interest, and now we're just waiting for Lindrea to get her CS's done (and I have to find time to do mine, too).


Deadline for Character Sheet Application is Sunday, The IC Thread Will Open on Monday!

This means that those who have shown interest so far are still welcome to make a character sheet and be accepted, but new people are no longer needed at this point. We are sorry, but thank you for your interest.

Thus, the people who are still pending are:



Name: Bethenna “Thenn” Vos
Aliases: Justicar
Sex: Ardat-Kresh
Race: Asari
Age: 300

Class: Adept
Talents & Specializations: Biotics, disintegration mastery (warp, annihilation field, dark channel, reave), moral authority, intimidation, instant judgment
Professions: Former Justicar, N7 anti-Reaper task force member, current mercenary

Personality: Bethenna was a true believer in the Justicar Code. Eager to escape her mother’s shadow, she became a strict moralist (forever ironic, due to her trouble controlling certain impulses) and brutal fighter. She is typically cold and judgmental, but another side exists…

History: Bethenna was one of Vara Vos’ innumerable children, but perhaps her most famous. Like her mother, she was born with a genetic pseudo-reversion that “gifted” her a novel configuration in her azure region. It was expected by all who knew of her “condition” that she would become a sex addict like her mother. And though the biological call was powerful, Thenn resisted and chose to go in the completely opposite direction and train as a Justicar. She was an excellent student of the Code. With the weight of traditional asari morality behind her, she was a force to be reckoned with despite her relative youth.

For 75 years, Bethenna made a name for herself as a young Justicar. She was daring and avant-garde, taking the Code not just to asari worlds but expanding its influence to turian, salarian, and even krogan worlds. When human colonies arose, she visited them as well. For a Justicar she was fairly liberal, though on the galactic scale, she still counted as quite a hardline moralist. But for the most part, her presence was appreciated, if unbidden. While no Justicar is flawless, Thenn’s flaw was deeper, and possibly hereditary; her thirst for flesh was voracious, and on far more than one occasion, she left broken hearts behind when she left a settlement. The apple did not fall so far from the tree after all.

Eventually the Justicar council received enough complaints to reprimand Bethenna, and after years of such behavior, her commission was revoked. Without the asari government behind her, she was unable to continue her crusade. With her purpose stripped, she quickly found herself joining the humans’ multispecial elite task force and was on the front lines during the Reaper War. Her almost excessively aggressive combat tactics won her fame and respect like that which she had received as a Justicar, but it was short-lived, and after the war she found herself transient as the N7 squads disbanded.

Thenn has spent the last several years working various mercenary and bounty hunter jobs. She has never wanted for money or recognition, though the type of recognition she receives is not always desirable. Without the Code hanging over her, she has been free to pursue her passions, but her passions have also lost their delicious taboo. She has reached an impasse in her life.

Appearance & Equipment: Thanks to her freak genetics, Thenn has harder edges and fewer curves than most asari. If not for her considerable chest, she would appear to be a real male asari at first glance. She still wears her traditional revealing Justicar armor, colored a deep indigo to match her skin, which (quite deliberately) can make her look nude for the slightest of moments. Her blood-red markings are in fact permanent tattoos that cover not just her face but her whole body, weaving intricate shapes that would be known to very few as ancient Justicar incantations. As she fights primarily with biotics, Thenn carries only a single Carnifex pistol, though she also carries a variety of small blades in various nooks of her armor.

Misc. Notes: As ardat-kresh, Thenn’s genitalia is in line with the males of other bipedal races.


Im assuming we are ignoring the fact that all Asari are female and that they reproduce via bio-energy transfer. Not that I care either way just curious.


The idea that Odan pitched me (which I had actually come up with independently as well) is that the asari were once bigendered but prothean tampering made males redundant and they just died out. It's not that asari can't reproduce that way but they just haven't needed to in 50000 years. I think it's a safe bet to say that they still can.


Asari may be able to reproduce via bio-energy transfer but I think it'll be damn sexy (and of no consequence) for a futa character to be involved. There is probably going to be some steamy scenes going on even though this is a plot-driven RP, after all.

Plus, Odan and Karma's explanation is perfectly fine for me. So I'm all for varied genders. ;)


In case my explanation wasn't clear: asari are still using biotic reproduction 99.9999999999% of the time. Probably way more decimal places than that. *laughs*


ok np i was just curious what the explanation was. It doesnt effect Torino regardless.


The concept is supposed to just be the inverse of a Ardat-Yatshi at it's core. Surprise, surprise, Karma is accepted :)