The All-Male Monster Brothel [MxM] [EX] [Recruiting new players!]

Started by Blythe, August 02, 2016, 03:17:08 PM

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A liiittle too anime for me. I'll find something I'm sure. ;D
Great things are done
by a series of small things
brought together.

»Vincent Van Gogh«


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Name: Enki

Age: Appears mid-twenties, actually ~60

Race: Cursed human

Employee or client?: Employee

Personality: Enki’s personality changes as his form does. When he’s in bait human form, he’s polite, kind, gracious, and sociable. He enjoys conversation and is content to spend the day talking with a client if that is what they wish. If they’re interested in something more than conversation, he enjoys more traditional D/s, with a special interest in bondage and protocol.

At nightfall, however, leg, leg, leg, leg, legs, so many legs, legs, legs, his monstrous form reveals itself. Woe to any clients still tied up! The insanity from the years of daily transformations have warped his mind, but he’s compartmentalized well. His human form shows very little signs to what he becomes. Once in this form, he enjoys toying with his prey. He’ll use the hooks in his feet to suspend his dinner while he toys with it.

World of Origin: AltEarth

History: When he dared slight the wrong witch, he was cursed and became the monstrosity he is today. Years of daily transformations later and he's forgotten the reason for his punishment. He's long past caring, however, and enjoys who and what he's become.

Ons and Offs: Bait form is into the D-side of protocol and bondage D/s, perhaps some light pain from impact play (spanking, paddling, etc). Monster form is much more extreme and enjoys making his prey cry and scream. His feet hooks can be used like blades for blood play as well as suspension piercing, but his form isn’t very dexterous, so more nuanced play isn’t really in his wheelhouse. Though he could and has eaten previous victims, I'm not interested in roleplaying this. Neither of Enki's forms are into intercourse, though hands and oral are fair game. I haven't played a sadist or a Dom or a monster before, so please bear with me & let's talk out what we want to happen before it does. :-) My thread is here: link and here is my matrix, which is much more current: link.

Really not sure what his history is at this point. As far as he's concerned, I'm not sure he cares where he came from at this point. I tried to think on it a bit, but kept drawing blanks.
Great things are done
by a series of small things
brought together.

»Vincent Van Gogh«


@ BAMF --approved. I don't mind a small history section--since this is a sandbox game, heck, you might think of things as you post for him, and you can always add more to your sheet then. Head on over to the OOC, and post Enki up in the Character Sheet thread. :)


Name: Lage

Age: 250

Race: Merfolk

Employee or client?: Employee

Personality: Generally quiet / Easily angered / Territorial / Dominant / Bloodthirsty

World of Origin: Vindras. A planet consisting primarily of oceans. The various land dwelling species are mostly sea faring. It is said that in the shaping of the planet, the Goddesses of the ocean fell in love with a one of the barbarian men who owned most of the sea. She took him to her underwater palace and kept him as her lover. Their offspring, over many generations, began evolving to their underwater home. They are one of the more adaptive species of their world.

History: Lang is one of the children of the current ruler of the underwater kingdom on Vindras. His mother is Queen and he is her tenth child. As he is a male, he has no right to the throne. Since the kingdom was founded by a Goddess, she declared that only a woman should be ruler. Their society is based on women warriors and male housekeepers. Other species who meet them find their structure to be strange. They do not deny that males tend to be the physically stronger of their species, but they feel that their children are more important than war. So they took on the tradition of the strongest staying behind to defend the home and young. They find it strange that other species will send away their strongest to fight and leave their homes defenseless when it's the home that is of importance.

The merfolk have a rather nasty side to them. Myths state how lost sailors could be saved by them and taken care of by these kind creatures, but they are highly territorial. They are not easily trusting of others. They are predatory in diet and nature. Preferring to attack and destroy before asking questions. It is easy to get on their bad side and hard to get off of it.

Lage, like many men in his situation, is a bargaining chip. Much like the daughters of land species, his job is to be married off and care for the young produced from his marriage. In his earlier years, he thought he could be okay with this. It was the way of his people. As he got older, he found he enjoyed more in dominating over his female lovers. When word got back to his mother that he had been caught in a rather peculiar position with a lost land female, because she would allow him to do as he wished sexually, he was severely punished.

Rather than face a life of a submissive to a woman he didn't love, he ran away.

Ons and Offs: Clicky, Clicky
*Lage refuses to be submissive. He enjoys a good fight before sex. He likes getting blood under his claws.

*Part of his species ability is their tails. When in the water, they have large tails and fins, but once fully dry, their scales begin to fall off and their tail splits into legs. It can be a long process to go from tail to legs, but it is a rather short process to go from legs to tail again.

*When in human form, Lage has human organs and can participate in sex just as anyone else could.

*However, in merfolk form, it is a little complicated. His kind generally just get together, release their respective eggs and sperm, and keep the eggs safe till hatching. There is no merman penis. Instead, it is an inverted penis that holds the sperm inside and opens for release. Lage can move the scale that covers and protects the sperm opening and actually use it to be penetrated. Even with being penetrated, he refuses to be submissive.



Those first and third pictures, so gorgeous! O_O

Approved, Jager, post him in the CS thread. :)


Quote from: Sparrowhawke on August 07, 2016, 03:54:39 PM

I have a need, Jag, and this is it



Quote from: Blythe on August 07, 2016, 04:20:58 PM
Those first and third pictures, so gorgeous! O_O

Approved, Jager, post him in the CS thread. :)

Thank you!


Name: Nyarlathotep

Other Names: One of  Thousand Forms, The Crawling Chaos, Ahtu, The Black Man, The Black Pharaoh, The Black Wind, The Bloated Woman, the Crawling Mist, The Dark Demon, The Black Demon, The Dark One, The Dweller in Darkness, The Faceless God, The Floating Horror, The Haunter of the Dark, Face Eater, Father of All Bats, Dark Wing, Sand Bat, Fly-The-Light, the Howler in the Dark, the God of the Bloody Tongue, or the Bloody Tongue, L'rog'g (also Lrogg), the Bat God of L'gy'hx, Messenger of the Old Ones (also Messenger of the Great Old Ones), Mr. Skin, Randall Flagg, Shugoran, Thing in the Yellow Mask, The White Man, The Skinless One, The Masked Messenger

Age: Unknown

Race: Outer God

Employee or client?: Client

Personality: Charming / Sweet Talker / Very Vocal / Organized / Manipulative / Deceptive

World of Origin: Chaos Earth. A world much like Earth, but overrun with various Gods and creatures who incite madness and chaos. Many humans are able to get by without feeling the affect of these creatures, but there is a large number who cannot escape them.

Known Family: Azathoth (Father) and The Nameless Mist (Sibling)

History: Nyarlathotep differs from the other deities of his dimension in a number of ways. Most of the Outer Gods are exiled to the stars, like Yog-Sothoth and (his father) Azathoth, and most of the Great Old Ones are sleeping and dreaming like Cthulhu; Nyarlathotep, however, is active and frequently walks the Earth in the guise of a human being, usually a tall, slim, joyous man. He has "a thousand" other forms and manifestations, most reputed to be quite horrific and sanity-blasting.

Most of the Outer Gods have their own cults serving them; Nyarlathotep seems to serve these cults and take care of their affairs in the other Outer Gods' absence. Most Outer Gods use strange alien languages, while Nyarlathotep uses human languages and can easily pass for a human being if he chooses to do so. Finally, most of them are all-powerful yet evidently without clear purpose or agenda, yet Nyarlathotep seems to be deliberately deceptive and manipulative, and even uses propaganda to achieve his goals. In this regard, he is probably the most human-like among the Outer Gods.

Nyarlathotep enacts the will of the Outer Gods, and is their "messenger, heart and soul"; he is also the servant of Azathoth, whose fitful, spastic wishes he immediately fulfills. Unlike the other Outer Gods, spreading madness is more important and enjoyable than death and destruction to Nyarlathotep. It is suggested by some that he will destroy the human race and possibly the earth as well one day.

When Nyarlathotep is not busy spreading chaos and madness or the will of the other Gods, he does take the time for his own pleasures. Since most of the known deities of his world are currently sleeping or exiled, he spends much of his time selfishly indulging in his own pleasures.

Ons and Offs: Clicky, Clicky
*Ny prefers to obtain sexual pleasure through mental and physical torment. This includes scaring, threatening, and humiliating.

*While Ny is a God, he does not usually exercise his abilities to their full extent beyond some shapeshifting and he does not discuss his origins with many.

*Ny will usually keep to his preferred Egyptian Human form till behind closed doors.

*Ny is not against sex, but he finds sex without causing a little madness entirely boring and dull.




Quote from: Sparrowhawke on August 09, 2016, 03:25:52 PM
Jag, please, you're killing me, this is too much


Lage will be open soon in the pool.

Crow and Ny might show up for the party. ^^

Quote from: Blythe on August 09, 2016, 03:28:39 PM



Name: Azura

Age: 54

Race: Harpy

Employee or client?: Client

Personality: Azura is of noble blood, and acts it. He is aloof, uncaring of those around him, and incredibly picky when it comes to who he chooses at the brothel. He rarely even speaks to those he doesn't find interesting, and is imperial and commanding to those he does speak to. He is incredibly vain, and will respond very well to praise, even if he keeps up a 'better than thou' appearance.

World of Origin: Pavonis, a world where the harpies have enslaved the human population for their usefulness (aka, their hands, and ability to make/do things with them). As a result, the race are naturally disdainful of any noble who does such mundane tasks for themselves.

History: Azura was born to a high position within his society, and has had almost everything done for him since he was a hatchling. He was, however, like most of his station schooled as a warrior from a very young age. In everything but his unusual sexual tastes, he is the perfect specimen among his people. However, his desire to be penetrated and wounded is considered lesser, so he escapes to the brothel to indulge in these tastes out of the watchful eye of his family.

Ons and Offs: Link - Azura is a power-bottom, and quite masochistic.




*wonders what would happen if Crow went up behind Azura and said "polly wanna cracker"*



Quote from: Jagerin on August 09, 2016, 06:57:44 PM
*wonders what would happen if Crow went up behind Azura and said "polly wanna cracker"*



he might literally screech at him

and maybe

try to rake his face open with his claws


Quote from: Sparrowhawke on August 09, 2016, 07:00:29 PM

he might literally screech at him

and maybe

try to rake his face open with his claws

I'm not seeing anything wrong with that.


Quote from: Jagerin on August 09, 2016, 07:06:18 PM
I'm not seeing anything wrong with that.

Hah, I suspect Azura is going to be... very salty about Crow


Name: Alex Taylor

Age: 23

Race: Undead human

Employee or client?: Employee? Prostitute, part-time errand-boy?

Personality: Self-loathing asshole. Resents authority. Somewhere between hating himself and wanting to be better, but fearing that he’s too far gone.

World of Origin: Earth, denied death

History: Trigger Warning: Suicide When he was 18, Alex was in the backseat with his little brother on their way home from family vacation. Enrolled in college, he was excited to be studying photography in the fall. They had just spent a week at a fancy resort up on top of a mountain with breathtaking views that filled three rolls of film. It was late at night and the stars were out, the car was quiet, his mom in the passenger seat asleep against the window, his brother next to him playing a game on a handheld, and he was just nodding off when there was a horrible screeching as they crashed into a guardrail on the side of the road and the car began careening down the side of the mountain.

When his world stopped moving, he was upside down, suspended from his seat belt, his face pressed into the ceiling, into the fabric that smelled like ten years of to-and-from school, to-and-from soccer practice, to-and-from doctor’s appointments, dentist appointments, after-school programs, and summer vacation. His little brother was whimpering beside him, the front seat was silent. He tried to reach out for someone, but as his arms twitched ineffectively, he sunk into darkness.

Down, down, down into the deep darkness like a murky lake that is deeper than it has any right to be, creatures sliding past his vision like horrors from the Marianas trench that no living person has seen. Where was the white light? Everyone always said there was a white light, but there wasn’t a white light. The words seemed to become greyer and greyer as he thought them, drifting away into a mist. A mist that was reforming into a figure like a nebula, a constantly-shifting, never-solid, in-between..thing-with-no-name.

It reached out to him with arms that weren’t arms, more like tendrils of nothing, enveloping him as he reached the nethermost point of no return. He woke up in a cheap hotel room, wrapped in sweaty sheets and sobbing. Once he realized he was alive, but everything he really loved in the world was dead, he drowned himself in a pair of bottles, hoping for death, but then that same shifting being-not-being showed up again and he woke up in another bed, covered in sweat and tears.

Slowly, he twisted into a self-loathing, hateful person who has been attempting to off himself every few months for five years. Other perks to his unlife include an otherworldly healing ability. It’s painfully slow, but most anything - including, apparently, death - is survivable. He has no clue who the being is that shows up every time to eject him is, but he hopes some day to find out so he can kill that son-of-a-bitch.

Ons and Offs: Ons: being a snarky asshole, getting a rise out of people, seeks out destruction in any form. He’s a punching bag, a target for wrath, pain, needles, knives, anything that will leave marks. Offs: romance, being treated like a decent human being, kissing. Matrix / Thread

If this is too close to Morgan, that's fine. But he's much younger in his undeath than Morgan...and isn't nearly as tormented/paranoid. ::)
Great things are done
by a series of small things
brought together.

»Vincent Van Gogh«


Some similarities are fine; I tend to trust writers to differentiate their characters in gameplay; two writers can take similar characters in really different directions. Approved. :)