The Sponsor (M seeking T)

Started by Jester, June 16, 2016, 06:46:14 AM

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James Nelson believed in equal opportunities and he was delighted when him and his company were invited to be the main sponsor for the local LGBTQ conference. He was to be the main guest and he had sponsored a week of events to help promote LGBTQ equality.

James was a married man and had always considered himself completely straight. His marriage had been on the rocks for a while but he never imagined he would find love at the Conference.  The event organiser shared his table and he thought she was beautiful. He felt so honoured and appreciated that he let his guards down. He slowly became tipsy and then drunk and found he was talking to his host all night long about his troubles.
He listened to her and before he knew it they had kissed.....

I am looking for a M / T Romance. Anyone interested?