The Sins of Our Fathers – Comic Book Crossover (Recruiting!)

Started by Life in Color, April 21, 2016, 06:29:43 PM

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Hey all! Dropped a character idea to this back at the beginning but got put on the wait.list. I was late to the sign ups. Any who u still have him but.not really sure what rile he would fit into. He could be minorly modded to be a sneak but was originally kind of a blaster/muscle type.

Life in Color

Life in Color

Quote from: indarkestknight on September 22, 2016, 01:59:40 AM
Yo Doomsday, if you want to defend Steph's honor you could always app her kid to fill the sneak slot~  >:)

We talked about this.




As of this moment, I may have filled the spots. Will update with a confirmation either way hopefully tonight.



Now this is the Law of the Jungle-
as old and as true as the sky;
And the Wolf that shall keep it may  prosper,
but the Wolf that shall break it must die.

-Rudyard Kipling, "The Law of the Jungle"

Life in Color

Quote from: VonDoom on September 22, 2016, 10:57:30 AM
I just came here to say ...

Steph is best Bat.  O:)



Srsly, though. Stahp with the Steph, talk.

Ya'll love her so much, go make a Steph Appreciation Thread.



If she's good enough to date a Robin she's good enough to die like one.
Status: Stepping away for a while.


Life in Color



Name:  Jessica M'orzz-Reyes
Nicknames:  Jess, ReyRey, Firecracker
Aliases:  Skullmine
Gender:  Female
Sexual Preference:  Definitely bisexual, but prefers women more often than not
Relationship Status:  Single and just figuring out what she likes
Kinks:  Unlike her largely mild mannered mother, Jess prefers a rougher, kink heavy loving partner that can withstand the heat, meaning she prefers someone who can make her bend and beg and leaves scratches down her back, among other things, by the time its over.  Or to quote a song, chains and whips excite her.  (Rough sex, passionate sex, teasing, denial, light to medium bondage, light to medium BDSM, handcuffs, blindfolds, oral, anal, vaginal, toys, etc.
No lasting marks or pain, death, mutilation, beastality, underage partners, scat or watersports though.
Age:  26...she thinks.  Biologically speaking she's likely younger, like 16 to 18 tops.


Family:  M'gann M'orzz, white martian Mother.
Robbie Reyes, cursed Father


Height:  5 foot 3 inches most days
Weight:  132 pounds normally
Physical Description:  While Jessica can alter and change her shape at will, she prefers a short, small chested redheaded humanoid shape that's more cute than anything.  Her hair might be her most distinguishing feature truth be told, but it's hardly the most unusual aspect about her.  Her small curves are still all exactly in the right place, and she knows how to use what she's got to get what she wants.
Personality Description:  While she had always known about the world's dark shadows from her father's stories as running as a Ghost Rider, Jessica took after her mother in temperament more than anything, preferring to see the light and goodness in people.  Having said that, having been raised on Earth, Jess wasn't naive to the dangers around her either.  Keeping secrets became second nature with parents like hers, but overall Jess had a happy home life.  Then Mephisto came to call when she was just getting ready to start college, and everything changed overnight.  Infused with a Spirit of Vengeance in order to save her family, Jess soon became something else as she was quickly exposed to the darkest depths of human depravity and evil.  No longer the happy go lucky girl she'd once been, most of her days are spent wondering who's going to wind up dead next anytime she changes.  To make matters worse, a part of her even enjoys the rage and power that becomes hers when her skull's on fire, the parts she can remember anyway since being the Ghost Rider is like being trapped in a vivid dream, or a blood soaked nightmare.  She's terrified one of these days she won't wake up from it, or she won't want to.

While who she was is essentially a ghost now, Jess still remembers how to smile and even laugh on occasion, but it takes someone like Drey or Captain Rogers to get her to do that most days anymore.  But having sacrificed her freedom to save her family of her own free will, that selfless person is still very much alive and well and she'll continue to fight against the evils of the world for as long as it takes to either see an end to her curse, or until she can't fight anymore.
Background/History:  Funny the people you meet when you're on patrol in Gotham or Metropolis or any number of cities M'gann still periodically frequents despite how old she is by human standards.  By martian standards she's still pretty young, so while she's seen more than most of the hero population combined, she's since started to consider retirement, or at least settling down to help train a new generation of heroes.  But this story isn't hers, not specifically at least.  Her part comes and goes for as long as it took for a young man to drive through Gotham one dark night years back, about the same time a pack of powerful demons were making their presence felt in the city.  Their meeting was about as likely as pigs learning to fly, but it happened, and sparks became soul rending flames almost overnight as the mysterious stranger helped her hunt down and send the demons back to where they belonged.  Despite her aversion to fire, M'gann couldn't help but follow the stranger back to his home city, where she soon got to know and fall in love with the stranger, who bore a powerful curse upon his soul that was counterbalanced by the humanity he clung to with everything he had, about as tightly as he held onto his disabled little brother.

Gabe and Robbie Reyes would became important figures in the alien shapeshifter's life, but it would be the latter that would become her future husband and the father of Jessica not long after their marriage.  While he wouldn't have been her uncle's first choice given the fact it didn't remain a secret for long that Robbie was a Ghost Rider, thus he answered to his own dead uncle, Eli, first who unfortunately required the blood and souls of the wicked in this life, often leaving a trail of brutally murdered people wherever he went, but J'onn learned to accept the fact that M'gann knew what she wanted and was old enough to make her own decisions, whatever the consequences were.  It became quickly apparent that she became a stabilizing force in the otherwise cursed Spirit of Vengeance given physical form's life because while the bodies still occasionally dropped, Robbie became less a vengeful force of destruction, and more of a hero that she saw in him even when his skull was on fire.

Thus Jessica inherited the curse, although she wouldn't be privy to that fact until much later.  First she had to learn to control her mother's gifts as a powerful telepath and telekinetic, as well as mastering her shapeshifting abilities, which was not an easy feat since her powers manifested pretty early.  But she was never alone, because between Robbie who turned out to be a pretty awesome father figure, his brother Gabe who was a loving uncle, and her mother M'gann who knew all too well what it was like to grow up with those same gifts, it didn't take long for things to settle down in their moderately comfortable home in East Los Angeles, Robbie's home city although he had since moved to a far better part of town thanks to an anonymous check from a certain caped crusader that his wife just happened to know, taking his brother with naturally.  But when the Devil comes to collect what's his, not even a Ghost Rider can easily fend him off.

Mephisto had taken a liking to Robbie way back when it turned out, and had allowed the fusion of his and his uncle's souls to create a new Rider.  Curious to see how it would play out, he let the two run free until Robbie was too old to put up much of a fight anymore.  That wasn't to say it was an easy fight, but with their natural weakness to fire of any kind, M'gann and Jessica both were easily subdued, and Robbie was left to take the fall lest the powerful demon kill them all.  But like Johnny Blaze before her, Jessica offered to take up her father's mantle if Mephisto spared Robbie and let him live out the rest of his life in peace with her mother.  An act of love and self sacrifice as it was, Mephisto accepted the deal after some thought, thus he got a new Ghost Rider, one more powerful than any before her, or she would be in time at least.  The next five years saw her hunting down everything from escaped spirits to demonic forces from the various Hell dimensions, plus the occasional human scumbag for good measure.  Having seen the same darkness as Robbie had been exposed to for most of his tenure as an unaffiliated Ghost Rider, leaves its mark on even the strongest of people, and Jessica's no exception.  But the knowledge that she gave up her freedom to save her family is what keeps her going.  That and a lot of sleepless nights with anyone that she can seduce into her bed.

==The Special Stuff==

Roster Position:  The Muscle/the Psychic Sneak
Powers:  Telekinetic - While not quite on par with Miss Martian, partially due to her mixed biology and because she still has a long life ahead of her, Jessica is no slouch in the slightest when it comes to using her mind as a weapon.  Able to pick up people or objects and toss them about, create psychic barriers around herself, and even fly up to speeds of 40 mph, she's really only limited by her imagination and her current strength level.
Telepathic - While she normally uses this to keep some conversations strictly between her and her few remaining friends, Jessica can read an unwilling person's mind by force, but it takes some concentration and often can be quite damaging to her target if enough force is applied to their psyches.
Shapeshifting - While she can't 'ghost' through walls or turn herself nearly invisible, she can, albeit at a slower pace than her mother and with greater difficulty overall, change her appearance at will.  From growing gills to becoming any female humanoid shape she wants regardless of race or species, at least on the surface, she's the ultimate mistress of disguise.
Ghost Rider - Penance Stare, got it.  Able to change any object she's physically touching so that it emanates soul burning fire, can do.  Almost completely indestructible while channeling Vengeance, yes sir.  And while she doesn't often drive a vehicle outside of her own martian bioship, she can transform whatever vehicle she's in, so long as it's small like a car or no larger than a small plane, into her own personal Hellish variant with the same level of resilience and power as herself.
Skills:  Expert Mechanic - Spending most of her younger years working on cars with her father, Robbie, Jess can work a wrench like no other, although it helps she's able to use her powers to easily take apart and reassemble virtually any object she's familiar with.  While she's limited to only being able to manipulate car parts with such ease, it's still a pretty useful skillset to have when you're wearing a cape and need to stop a getaway vehicle without causing a ten car pileup with an untimely and ultimately fatal explosion by mistake.
Pilot/Driver - While she wouldn't be able to match the likes of Hal Jordan behind the stick, Jessica's no slouch when it comes to piloting her personal bioship or Robbie's old black Charger that she inherited upon taking the curse of the Ghost Rider upon herself.  Just don't stay in the vehicle if her eyes start glowing bright orange...unless you're immune to soul fire, in which case knock yourself out.
Combat training - While she'd have trouble against someone on Nightwing's level, Jess and M'gann are no slouches when it comes to hand to hand, having been trained by various members of the Justice League at some point in their lives.
Basic Computer Knowledge - Everyone and their mother has a computer these days, but not everyone can run your basic security override if the need is great enough.  Jess wouldn't be any good as a dedicated hacker, but when you can psychically steal someone's security codes, you learn how to think outside the box pretty quick.
Weaknesses:  Fire - Ironic given the fact she's also a Ghost Rider, but Jessica inherited her mother's weakness to intense heat, and while she isn't bothered by them if she's channeling her inner Vengeance Spirit, that causes its own slew of issues.
Still half human - She might be naturally stronger because of her mixed heritage, but Jessica isn't bulletproof.  Neither is M'gann, but as a full blooded white martian, she's stronger than Jess in every way, but both of them are still somewhat fragile when compared to the likes of many of the heroes and villains out there these days.
Rage - Vengeance is supernatural fury directed at the wicked, thus if her need is dire enough or she hasn't met her quota for the month, Jessica will resort to the demonic essence trapped within her mortal shell.  While she becomes almost indestructible as a result, she loses all semblance of control of her actions during her time as a Ghost Rider.
Mephisto - He always knows where she is.  He can track her down no matter where she goes, and while he's not the worst 'boss' she could have gotten stuck with, he's not exactly the forgiving sort either.  While she can outrun him as a Ghost Rider, no one can hide from him forever, and he'd be perfectly willing to hurt her family to draw her out of hiding if it came to that.
Family - She loves her dad, her mother, her uncle, and everyone else she holds dear, but so long as she's Mephisto's bounty hunter, she'll never know a moment of rest again, and staying with her folks is out of the question since vengeful spirits and demons will always try to hunt her down unless she gets to them first.
One or the Other - She can either be a powerful half martian telepath or the Ghost Rider.  She can't mix and match her assorted abilities, and honestly, that's probably a good thing since who would want to have her in their head while Vengeance was in control?
Costume Description: 
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Martian bioclothes allow Jess the ability to effortlessly mimic any simple, non armored clothing with ease, but hers can adapt even when she's the Ghost Rider since she was wearing them the first time she changed.  As such, they're quite resilient even when she's not on fire.
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==Related Goodies==
Face Claim:  Felicia Day
Theme Song: 
Hunt You Down by The Hit House
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Taker of the Oath of the Drake  Absence and Apology...countdown to to speak.  Storyteller Cafe thread.  Solo thread request thread
IMPORTANT UPDATE as of October 6th 2016 in A/A page


Story Lottery Profile
Here’s my O/Os!

I don't know who this Muse person is, but if it explains away the voices in my head, then I'm all for it!


That's what I've heard.  I'll find someone else though, no problem.
Taker of the Oath of the Drake  Absence and Apology...countdown to to speak.  Storyteller Cafe thread.  Solo thread request thread
IMPORTANT UPDATE as of October 6th 2016 in A/A page


Okay, barring any edits, I think I'm done.  I went with Felicia Day as my Face Claim, hopefully that'll be fine, but beyond that and adding some pictures and stuff, I'm pretty happy with what I got.
Taker of the Oath of the Drake  Absence and Apology...countdown to to speak.  Storyteller Cafe thread.  Solo thread request thread
IMPORTANT UPDATE as of October 6th 2016 in A/A page

Life in Color

Quote from: Vergil1989 on September 30, 2016, 11:36:29 AM
Okay, barring any edits, I think I'm done.  I went with Felicia Day as my Face Claim, hopefully that'll be fine, but beyond that and adding some pictures and stuff, I'm pretty happy with what I got.

It looks bueno. I added you to the waitlist on this thread and on the character sheet section.

I'll be touch when/if any of the spots open that your character is tagged for.

And, with that, we have closed recruitment again!

Thanks to everyone who submitted sheets! As always, I'm impressed with how you guys manage to put parents together.


Life in Color

Recruitment has been reopened.

We are currently seeking 1 Specialist.


Life in Color


Well, my life is drastically more stable now and my muscle could easily become a heart with his wanting to save everyone and help people. There is a sheet in place and everything.

Life in Color

Quote from: vatovie on January 06, 2017, 07:03:38 PM
Well, my life is drastically more stable now and my muscle could easily become a heart with his wanting to save everyone and help people. There is a sheet in place and everything.

Awwww, hi, vatovie!

Unfortunately, I've got sheets sitting in my inbox for both roles already.

But, I can move Super Survivor back from the dead to the Waiting List.



Quote from: Life in Color on January 08, 2017, 02:02:39 PM
Awwww, hi, vatovie!

Unfortunately, I've got sheets sitting in my inbox for both roles already.

But, I can move Super Survivor back from the dead to the Waiting List.


Fair enough I'm fine being on the waiting list.  :)

Life in Color

Recruiting Specialists for a second team!

Where my bad-guys with hearts of gold at!



-Taps chin- I'll bite... What exactly are you needing in form of a specialist? I may be blind, but I couldn't find and information about the specific roles. So I suppose I'm wondering what exactly it is that you're looking for in this... specialist-not-bad-guy-bad-guy.


Hello! Current player of one of the Unity Squad's specialists here!

Specialists are, at least, in my understanding playing one, something of a wildcard, though even that is a generalization. Specialists are the broadest and least defined of the categories. They may be characters with personalities or powers that don't slot easily into any of the other roles (techie, hitter/muscle/brawler/bruiser, mage, sneak, tactician, heart).

Currently, for instance, the examples of Specialists on the Unity Squad are Spider-man's son (my character), with pretty much the powerset you'd expect, and Nightcrawler's daughter, Gloom, who has the gift of BAMF as well as some succubi-type powers from her mom's side.

The first issue of U.S.Avengers demonstrates the concept fairly well, with Squirrel Girl, the "Wild Card", serving as their specialist.

Other examples I could think of for characters/powersets that might suit the role of specialist include Psylocke, from the X-men, Mercury, from the Hellions (X-men), Toad of the Brotherhood of Mutants, speedsters in general...

Life in Color

^ what he said.

Specialists are difficult to define because their powersets and/or personalities don't really fit into one specific category.

But, that reminds me, I should put that stuff up in the recruitment thread.



Alright, so a few more things. Is the list of taken parents in the first post entirely up to date? Is there a roster of players somewhere - or is that also up to date in the first post? If I'm understanding correctly here, characters should be children of two people and then take a set of powers that somewhere mimic their folks - creating a mixed second generation of heroes rather than a more genuine type of OC? In addition to a list of players, I suppose is the list of characters also up to date?

Ace Flyer

Yup, those lists look up to date, barring any special and secret surprises that Life in Color has for us <3

And there's no reason you can't make a more genuine OC. My character Asteria, for example, is definitely more OC than a mix/match of her parents, in my opinion. At her core she's just an Amazon with anger issues, nothing really special gained from Wonder Girl or She-Hulk, with the Phoenix Force mostly used for plot seeds.