Undertale Fans, I seek thee!

Started by Karasu, March 26, 2016, 10:24:19 AM

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I have been looking up a LOT of comics and stories and animations for Undertale.. Specifically around the skelebros Papyrus and Sans..

and W. D. Gaster...

I seek someone who would be interested in doing a long RP with me.. Around these characters and so many more within the verse of Undertale. I need someone who is able to be the mainstoryteller, with me playing as the sub-storyteller. As while I can easily brainstorm and think of ideas and plotbunnies.. I can't really lead a story.

So. Anyone interested? I'm good to doing such an RP through PMs, Threads, IMs.. You name it.. Even voice if it's wanted or a google Doc..

So who wants to have a good time? ^^


No one wanna do an undertale verse RP?


Hey if Gaster is involved, then count me in.
Gimme some ideas of what you want out of this!


Honestly I can go for anything.. I can see Gaster as the father of the Skelebros, I can even see him having created them as test subjects!

There's also any of the AU Gasters too, which are all just as awesome XD


Are you wanting this to be primarily Gaster dominant?
Also, would you like to play a character as your primary, despite being a secondary writer?

I don't mind playing any of them.

I can dig any Gaster scenario.
Lemme know how you would like him to be played and I can certainly throw a few ideas to you.

Also, are you wanting any specific pairings in this?


Well honestly I love the mystery around Gaster, so it's perfect for a somewhat focus. I also love the Skelebros since they are frankly the best characters in my opinion.

Id love to play a character myself as well if that's alright. Your welcome to make one too if you like!

If ya liek we can take this to PMs or IMs, however ya like XD


Most certainly! I would love for us to both make this into a long story based thing!
I have sent you a PM, and am eager to see what we can come up with!
