Deception II: The Deceptening - Game Thread - Final Round, ready to run!

Started by Galactic Druid, March 21, 2016, 01:24:27 PM

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Yeah, I know.  honestly, I know I will be accused at some point, and I am okay with that as I will get to keep playing afterwards.. but hold off for now because it means someone from the justice side of things will lose their vote and their voice.  Right?  you can't talk any more once you accuse someone?


Quote from: theLeslie on May 03, 2016, 09:17:31 PM
Yeah, I know.  honestly, I know I will be accused at some point, and I am okay with that as I will get to keep playing afterwards.. but hold off for now because it means someone from the justice side of things will lose their vote and their voice.  Right?  you can't talk any more once you accuse someone?

Incorrect.  You can still talk, but your guess is used.  You cannot make a second official guess after you've used yours up.


Quote from: theLeslie on May 03, 2016, 09:17:31 PM
Yeah, I know.  honestly, I know I will be accused at some point, and I am okay with that as I will get to keep playing afterwards.. but hold off for now because it means someone from the justice side of things will lose their vote and their voice.  Right?  you can't talk any more once you accuse someone?

I did not officially accuse anyone of anything...I was just presenting my thoughts. I was under the impression that was what we were supposed to do. Or did I miss something? Also the last response was more of a haha thing and less of an accusation.


Well, I think once we narrow it does some, maybe with another clue, and actually get some people who we know are innocent, we will have more accusations to throw than people to throw them at.  Then we can just all vote for the person below us, and eventually we'll find the killer through process of elimination?

I still think one more piece of evidence would be nice, so I am willing to wait. 


Oh, and Rapt, I know. =P  I wasn't saying you were accusing me.  I was more saying that with my set up of weapons and evidence, it would be kinda silly not to accuse me at some point.  I know I didn't do it, but only the two guilty people also know I didn't.  I doubt they will speak on my innocence, so I am bound to get accused sooner or later.  I know I would be looking at me very hard if I wasn't me.

But you can trust me!  I was ice skating at the time!  On the moon!  With Steve!


Quote from: theLeslie on May 03, 2016, 10:16:39 PM
Oh, and Rapt, I know. =P  I wasn't saying you were accusing me.  I was more saying that with my set up of weapons and evidence, it would be kinda silly not to accuse me at some point.  I know I didn't do it, but only the two guilty people also know I didn't.  I doubt they will speak on my innocence, so I am bound to get accused sooner or later.  I know I would be looking at me very hard if I wasn't me.

But you can trust me!  I was ice skating at the time!  On the moon!  With Steve!

And I reiterate...likely story... :P

Madame Professor

Quote from: Ryven on May 03, 2016, 07:39:07 PM
Except for your Exam Paper.

Considering that of all the locations, he chose Bookstore and not School (which we have seen before), I think it's safe to say my Exam Paper is out.

I feel like Electric Current would better fit the Building Site than the Bookstore.

I am still leaning between Night Owl and Leslie at this bit. Stone and Unarmed as means could both make a mess of things.

Actually, you now what? I'm gonna get this party started with an official guess: Leslie, Unarmed, with the Notebook as evidence.
The Professor's Research Notes (O/O)  Locked away in the Laboratory (A/A) 
Not currently available for new roleplays
Procaffeinating: (verb) The tendency to not start anything until you've had a cup of coffee.
Perkatory: (noun) The anguished, prolonged period spent waiting for a fresh pot of coffee to be ready.

Galactic Druid


I certainly don't blame you, MP, I do look guilty.  I am glad that is out of the way. >.<

So when we make an accusation we have to guess the right weapon and evidence as well?

Rel Mayer

Quote from: theLeslie on May 04, 2016, 12:00:08 PM
I certainly don't blame you, MP, I do look guilty.  I am glad that is out of the way. >.<

So when we make an accusation we have to guess the right weapon and evidence as well?

Yep! We have to guess the correct player, evidence, and murder weapon.

At this point I'm still really running through a few different ideas. I'm going to wait on more clues before I make my guess.


Well, that does make process of elimination a little more difficult without deduction to back it up.

Galactic Druid

Exactly! All you'll ever get from the GM/FS is either a "Correct" or "Incorrect", as there's no partial answers. So for example, if some guessed Blythe with the Hand Grenade and the Christmas Stocking, and it was actually Blythe with the Hand Grenade and the Easter Basket, all you would get was "Incorrect", nothing like "You're almost there", etc.


So Unarmed/Notebook is out.

I agree that Nightowl looks like the other most likely suspect, but I am torn between either Stone/Gift or Stone/Surveillance Camera.  I think Stone/Surveillance Camera would be more beneficial for us right now and would eliminate more doubt than the former, so...

Official Guess: Nightowl with the Stone and the Surveillance Camera



Clue #4

Day of Crime - Weekday, Weekend, Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter

Madame Professor

And I think that eliminates Gift as Evidence. I mean, Winter would have been the obvious choice there.
The Professor's Research Notes (O/O)  Locked away in the Laboratory (A/A) 
Not currently available for new roleplays
Procaffeinating: (verb) The tendency to not start anything until you've had a cup of coffee.
Perkatory: (noun) The anguished, prolonged period spent waiting for a fresh pot of coffee to be ready.

Madame Professor

And another thought... I feel like Blythe could have easily pointed to Explosives if he had chosen Building Site as the location. I mean, it's the most likely place one would find them and he would have 6 clues to point us toward the evidence. The fact that he went with bookstore makes me think we could eliminate that as an option. And that if it is Leslie, it's most like the Metal Chain and Notebook.

Other options:

Rapt with Push/Kick and the Cassette Tape (bookstores sell music as well and Summer makes me think of blaring music with rhe windows down)

And uh.... Well... That's it. I mean one might consider Watch (Pocket or Otherwise) but that would be a stretch.
The Professor's Research Notes (O/O)  Locked away in the Laboratory (A/A) 
Not currently available for new roleplays
Procaffeinating: (verb) The tendency to not start anything until you've had a cup of coffee.
Perkatory: (noun) The anguished, prolonged period spent waiting for a fresh pot of coffee to be ready.


All right.  Time for me to weigh in.

Bearing in mind that the first two clues are going to be the most useful,  we have Severe Injury and Bookstore.    Now,  Severe Injury is rather an unfortunate clue, as it's something of a "Miscellaneous" category--in other words, it encompasses those modes of death that don't fit in any of the others.  Typically I associate it with trauma by blunt instrument, as cutting/piercing weapons can be described by "Loss of Blood."  But it could also cover other modes of death, such as Leslie's Explosives. 

Bookstore is a better clue, as it's highly specific.  Based on this clue, we can eliminate myself, MP, Rel, Christa, Ryven, and Phoenix, as none of the items they have are associated specifically with a bookstore.  That leaves NightOwl, Yugi, Rapt, and Leslie as potential suspects.  I'll go through them one by one.

NightOwl -  His Gift would be the obvious choice here, although, as Madame Professor pointed out, the Summer clue kind of shatters that theory.  If I were Blythe trying to point attention to the Gift, I would most definitely have said Winter.  As for his weapons, either Whip or Stone would be viable candidates, although I'm not sure that Disorderly really points to either.

Yugi - Although unlikely, it's possible that maybe Blythe was trying to point us toward either the Scissors or the Trophy with the Bookstore?  Although, on second thought, I probably would have said School for the Scissors, or some kind of athletic structure for the Trophy (gym, arena), so this is a longshot possibility.

Rapt - When I saw Cassette Tape, I immediately thought "Books on tape".    Her Kick, Folding Chair, or maybe her Hook could all qualify as causing Severe Injury.    Unfortunately, Summer (unless Blythe happened to be referencing the Bryan Adams song, "Summer of '69") doesn't really help us here, nor does Disorderly.

Leslie - Her Notebook is probably the #1 associated clue with Bookstore, and if that's what Blythe was trying to get us to focus on, Bookstore was a very good clue indeed.  It even has "book" in the word.   So that leaves us with her weapons.  Ice Skates would either qualify as "Loss of Blood" or "Accident"; a Metal Chain would most likely be used as "Suffocation";  that leaves us Explosives and Unarmed.  Since MP incorrectly guessed Unarmed and Notebook--an excellent guess, I thought--that leaves only Explosives / Notebook.   However, if Explosives was the manner of death, he surely would have said "Bits and Pieces" for clue #3.   I'm not sure what Summer was meant to do, other than eliminate Ice Skates as a possibility.

At this point, I feel like Blythe has eliminated every potential combination, so I'll wait for more information before assessing further.


Clue #5

Trace At the Scene - Fingerprint, Footprint, Bruise, Blood Stain, Bodily Fluid, Scar


Rapt's Hook and Cassette Tape is the most likely suspect for me at this point.

Rel Mayer


Quote from: Blythe on May 04, 2016, 02:46:13 PM
Clue #5

Trace At the Scene - Fingerprint, Footprint, Bruise, Blood Stain, Bodily Fluid, Scar

Right.  So it's definitely not a blunt instrument, or else Blythe would have said Bruise.  We have death by severe injury that also leaves a blood stain.

That leaves:
Nightowl -- Whip, (bamboo tip?)
Yugi -- Bite and Tear, Throat Slit, Scissors
Rapt -- Hook
Leslie -- Explosives

Unfortunately, Yugi still doesn't have anything particular to a bookstore, so I'm going to eliminate him.   That leaves Nighty, Rapt, and Leslie.  I feel like Hook/Cassette Tape and Explosives/Notebook are our strongest contenders.     I think perhaps Blythe realized his error about the "Disorderly" clue and is trying to nudge us back toward the Explosives.  Am tempted to pull the trigger on Explosives/Notebook; let me think on this for a bit.

Quote from: Rel Mayer on May 04, 2016, 03:25:19 PM
Why does my mind go to Phoenix's Machine and Juice?

Possible, except that I would classify a Machine as "Accident" and go with another location (a pub or restaurant) for Juice.


Yeah, I'll go ahead and do it.  I'm accusing theLeslie via the Explosives and the Notebook.


Quote from: Remiel on May 04, 2016, 04:01:26 PM
Yeah, I'll go ahead and do it.  I'm accusing theLeslie via the Explosives and the Notebook.
