Suggestion: Character Library. (Expanded)

Started by Nachtmahr, March 15, 2016, 10:28:15 AM

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I got this Idea while reading a post by another user, Ravenhawk, and I've included his post. I'm going to share the credit for this idea with him if anyone else thinks it sounds good. (Or at least good enough to perhaps try it out, anyway!)

Quote from: Ravenhawk on March 14, 2016, 10:48:55 AM
I know some of us have a list of characters that they keep profiles of in their On and Off's page (Raises hand, "Guilty") but I was thinking, that's not really the purpose of that board, it just seems the only place to put them. So maybe we should have a board (or two, one for Non-Adult and one in General for the NSFW type) specifically for character profiles. The profiles can be as deep as the player wants, and in story threads, she or he could place a link to the specific characters profile post when needed.

Taking this concept a little further than I suppose it's intended, wouldn't it be kind of cool to have a sort of public library of characters that various users on the site have created and chosen to put up there, where everyone who is feeling a bit uninspired or whatever could go and browse for pre-made characters other users have donated to the on-site gene pool? :D

There could still be an individual board (Kind of like On's and Off's) where people can store their characters in a thread of their own, and then one where people can go and pick up a character of their own someone else has made? I feel like that might be an aid for some, and also contribute to the general creative networking on the site. It would give people who just like to write characters a reason to do so without their efforts being wasted and so on. ^^

We've already got threads where users can get help finding images, stuff for their signatures and even avatars, and with the addition of the "World Building"-board it sort of just feels like a logical progression to add in boards/sub-boards for character building, finished worlds/setting other users are fine with sharing, and then finished characters other users are fine with sharing.

Try and think of it as an expanding creative community for people who just like to make stuff, or help others to do so.

It's just a suggestion, but I'm definitely applauding my own brilliance.
~Await the Dawn With Her Kiss of Redemption, My Firebird!~
~You Were the Queen of the Souls of Man Before There Was the Word~


I think both of these ideas are great. To have an individual board for our own character thread and a section for those that members want to donate.

~Approximate response time - 1-7 days plus ~ Muse cooperative~


To expand on both ideas, you could also place locations or settings in either.