
Started by Captain Maltese, February 07, 2016, 08:10:46 AM

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Captain Maltese

I have not remembered dreams for quite some time. This morning I did.

I was driving a car. It was electric, and made of metal so thin that it folded just by touch - but when it got damaged, it did not affect the driving abilities or harm me. I was driving on a very busy city road. Once I hit someone elses car, and once someone drove into me. Eventually the car was hit badly enough that I realized I needed a small spare part to do repairs before I continued. I found a small mom-and-pop store of the type that seemed to have everything in the whole world tucked into corners and crannies and for sale cheap. At first I was delighted because I was finding all sorts of hard-to-locate collectibles but the owner of the shop was cranky and arguing with other customers and his kids helping to run the place, and I managed to say something uncouth and he flat out rejected to sell me anything. I had to leave. When I got outside, a bunch of local hoodlums had assembled and walked towards me in a threatening way. But at close up the hoodlums were not very threatening after all. More like it was bad guy dress up day at school. One tried to stab me with a straw and I threw him aside like he was a pillow. The others kept stumbling into each other and somehow turned friendly toward me. My last memory of this dream is being at a party with these 'hoodlums'. I was in a bedroom with someone, who giggled. And then I woke up. Damnit.

Posting status:  25th December: Up To Date 5 of 9 : last month 2, this month 5, total 38 posts for 2023.

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Captain Maltese

I had this dream a few night ago. Unusually clear. The memory still lingers.

I am at an international airport. Somewhere in Asia, judging by the travelers. Thousands of people hurrying along. I am going somewhere too. Then I see an Asian woman who is strangely familiar. She looks at me too and we recognize each other from many years ago, a school class or something. We had been on friendly terms. She is in the company of an old man I have not seen before, it turns out he is her father. We exchange a few words, I tell them of my journey, they look at each other and nod. I am then invited to visit them in their home, and my traveling plans are halted.

They have a city home. Neither wealthy nor poor to my eye; it is an apartment of simple lines. There is a second old man in the apartment; he is the brother of the other one. All three of them has a quiet dignity. We have a meal but I can't recall what was served, and we talk. She and me about old times, and the old men turn out to be veterans from a war now long past. Afterwards I am shown some antique figurines and a few medals and keepsakes from the war. The apartment looks out over a river going through the city, a river in great turmoil as it goes down along narrow banks, and I think "That must be the Yangtze River".

I take my farewells and leave. Going back to the airport my flight is long gone. I book a new one for next morning and a hotel room and think "Great. I am marooned in a huge foreign city. How do I spend the rest of this evening?" I head for the hotel bar.

Posting status:  25th December: Up To Date 5 of 9 : last month 2, this month 5, total 38 posts for 2023.

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Xyza’s dream

     It all started when Xyza was hailed as a chess champion when she was in elementary. She was known even to her high school as a chess champion. However, when she was about to compete with other chess players in high school she was asked to roll a dice and it landed on four giving her the lucky set for mahjong? What? She immediately won the game and became champion again that she doesn’t have to compete in the preliminary rounds but wait for the contender for finals.
One male teacher, a bully teacher, doesn’t want to see his students excel in anything approached her and said. “If you are a champion in chess then you are 0 in soccer”.
      “Okay”. She replied plainy.
      “Why don’t we play”. The teacher challenged along with his favorite students with the intention to humiliate her or embarrass her in front of everyone or the whole school.
     She was in high school but the setting suddenly changed to her elementary school basketball court. Since her elementary school does not have a soccer field they were going to play soccer in the basketball court and make the parking lot as the goal. “What about the cars?”. She asked the teacher.
      “The challenge is not to break them”. The idiotic teacher said with a laugh along with his favorite male students.
Soon the game started and she was on the middle of the basketball court suddenly the area was filled with young boys playing basketball while they were playing soccer. She was focused on the soccer ball when a basketball suddenly hit her on the head making her lose her balance as the whole students on the court started to laugh at her when she fell.
      Enraged she charged at the one who passed her the ball and grabbed his collar yelling. “We are playing soccer why did you pass me your basketball”. He just laughed with his basketball friends behind him and even the teacher’s favorite student who she was playing soccer started to laugh at her. She lost her temper that she used her martial arts skill to take down the hitter on the floor. She used forward neck throw technique which was her specialty and most used skill in aikido.
     She stomped her feet off the basketball court after realizing everything was a set up and intentional because of the teacher who tried to bring her down or devastate her. “I’m going to quit this school”. She said walking out the scene and fading in to the principal’s office. For some reasons she was already behind the school principal. The principal was somewhat fat, brown skin, somewhat in her 50s to 60s and was wearing all pink. She was watching photos of herself during school recognitions so proud of her students and one of the picture that made her teary eyed was Xyza being a chess champion and she was in a pink gown? What?
      The school principal talked to Xyza and was in tears. She said she wouldn’t let her go because she brought the school to how it is now. “If they want to replace you then they will find a replacement which I know they can’t”. The principal said while crying. So the principal decided to assign a mentor or a teacher to watch over Xyza so that she won’t be humiliated by the male bullying teacher. When the principal called the new teacher, He appeared to be some Japanese or Chinese. He was clumsy and very courteous but very well respected by his apprentices who was following him.
      The apprentices showed deep admiration and appreciation to the teacher like Rock Lee is to Maito Guy at an anime called Naruto. The Chinese teacher shows his ritual of motivation by putting his fist on his palms and yell so loud “AACCHHAA!” Then bows. He does it in front of the principal and then his students then to Xyza. She felt like she was in good hands that she began to cry. Xyza was touched, moved and convinced to stay in school despite of the bullies. “I really wanted to stay in this school desu”. She cried as the principal, the Japanese-Chinese teacher and his apprentices begun to cry as well.
      A school photographer was there to capture every moment and he happens to look like Park Seo Joon. Could this be the start of a high school romance? Xyza was about to approach the handsome school photographer when everything fades into white light….
Then suddenly Xyza woke up realizing it was just a dream….

Comments and Conclusion: Xyza happens to be a jack of all trades since elementary and she was bullied all her school days because of being good at everything. However, she found a love life during her high school and the principal or the higher school authorities were at her side. She even have better teachers than the bully teachers and better friends than the bullies.

The world is always full of bullies but there is still good people and you are on the good side always from the beginning and it's about staying on the good side no matter what the cost because love will bloom in full bright white light in the end.

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Xyza’s dream

I dreamed of almost meeting a certain person in a coffee shop and there was some red white and blue flag in the skies and summer was in the air. (Must be Darna, my super heroine character, because she originated from the Philippines [Philippine flag + tropical country] or the American Flag since that person was from the US and it was summer time around that time) However, when I have arrived at the coffee shop, he wasn't there. He left a note instead. I am certain it was something nasty yet all I can remember from the note was "ord". Must be 'Lord' since that certain someone happens to be a Lord in Elliquiy. The rest was blurry or I just can't simply understand or remember.

Comments and Conclusion: This guy happens to be stuck in my head for quite some time. I can't stop thinking about him and our story that we are about to write that I ended up dreaming about him and meeting him at a coffee shop and maybe discuss some nasty stuff. However, meeting him would be impossible since we are both from the opposite side of the world even though our countries have similarities like the colors of the flag and the season.

He is gone whenever, I'm around. He is around, when I'm gone. Must be our opposite time zones and it was always difficult to catch up each other. However, in the end I was still hoping for the stars to align and boy and girl would meet at certain time then a story would be written.

I'm back and accepting roleplay

Captain Maltese

This dream last night is different from all other dreams I have had in a long time and more than a little unsettling.

I am in a car. The windows are all dark and there is no driver, but the car is moving. I am alone in the car and sitting still, but there is a presence beside me. I hear a familiar and friendly, dark voice talking to me and I know who he is. We seem to be driving along a narrow road. Eventually I want to get out but can't move and my companion says 'I am sorry, but you will not be able to move any more. During last night's sleep your heart gave out. You are dead.' The car stop, the window rolls down, there is a river and a big ferry. A gate attendant says the ferry is full and about to leave, but my companion talks her into letting us onto the ferry.

The next image is of a big dark wooden building, made of tarred logs but bigger than a cabin and in a building style that is from a distant century. I am inside a room sitting on a short bed or something similar. I can move now. There is a door, and people coming in to greet me. Children, fairly old people, and at least three women. One of the women have a darker skin tone than the rest. Everyone seem to know me and are friendly and I while I don't recognize them there is something familiar about them, like I have known them all very well a long time ago. The dream ends there.

Posting status:  25th December: Up To Date 5 of 9 : last month 2, this month 5, total 38 posts for 2023.

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Captain Maltese

Fragmented dreams last night.

- some kind of military exercise. I was on a way forward observation post, near an air strip. I was all alone; just me and a sleeping bag and some field gear. I don't remember there being a gun or a sense of actual danger, just an intent to outwit someone. There were a lot of planes taking off, circling and landing nearby. There were houses nearby with some activity. Not sure if they were supposed to be on the opposition side or not. At some point I started to get impatient, waiting and waiting for my replacement. I went down there and took a prisoner, a young woman, but it was more a gotcha thing than one of hostility. I brought her to a base or control post. While I was there a screen was showing footage from a camera at my post and was chagrined to see some opposition guys sneak in, take a couple of my gear and sneak out again.

- a big manor or aristocratic building. People are walking around that could be tourists or visitors. Large hallways and many floors. Beams in the walls. There are windows and doors but I notice a bit of wall that seems to be off. I get a hold of the lower edge and it lifts up slowly and heavily like a garage door, creaking badly. Inside there is a passageway. A couple of the nearby visitors tell me to be careful so I don't break anything and I agree. I enter the passageway and there are a lot of little nooks and crannies with books and collectibles. It is beautiful. I find two young people admiring a wall full of miniature sailships. I follow the passageway out and there's a stairway with a lot of light from tall windows, and in the middle there's a very old woman chirping happily with the passersbys helping them on their way. At first I think she is sitting perched on a small platform but eventually I realize she is just a face and part of the stairway.

Posting status:  25th December: Up To Date 5 of 9 : last month 2, this month 5, total 38 posts for 2023.

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Captain Maltese

We are told 'the mirrors are harming people somehow'. Me and a girl, too old to be a child and too young to be a woman, enter a big lavish bedroom. There is an innocent air over her; she has long hair and a blouse or shirt and a long skirt. Someone with a lot of money sleeps here. There is a luxurious bed in the middle of the room. But the walls are all covered by old and identical mirrors. Each mirror could be two by six feet tall and along the edges line black ornate steel like hammered thorns several inches long. The metalwork definitely looks like it could be harmful to touch.

Something happens to one of the right side mirrors. There is a ripple over the glass surface. The girl says 'there is a hallway in there!' and as she goes close the mirror seem to open and the girl falls or is sucked inside. I throw an arm after her and the arm seems to stretch and stretch. Then I pull her back through the glass surface and I hurry to kick the glass with one of my heavy boots. The mirror shatters. The girl is out cold in my hands but she seems well otherwise. My boot however, which cannot have been cut since it is so solid, seem to be bleeding.

Posting status:  25th December: Up To Date 5 of 9 : last month 2, this month 5, total 38 posts for 2023.

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Captain Maltese

I am sitting on a bed in a small room, studying some occult texts and not taking it seriously enough; I have not been making the right preparations and have not set up sufficient defenses. There is a knife lying among the books and papers and now it rises as if by an invisible, malevolent hand. It moves around for a little while like a wasp looking to sting, and I hurry to make a protective incantation. When the barrier is up the blade falls down as if discarded.

I go outside. There are some sort of national celebrations going on, with festivities and people singing. I find a small second hand/antique store which to my surprise is open; everywhere else is closed. I go in and look around; I have clearly been there before and the proprietor greets me. He is wearing a sixpence and has a stubble. The price tags are lower than usual and he explains that the store is about to close out permanently; that is why the store is open even on this day. I find a shelf with relic guns; they are broken and miss parts, but are cheap now. I recognize one as a Jukar (note: old but not very reputable Spanish brand) and the owner says he can complete it for me, and starts fiddling with various parts from shelves and drawers.

Posting status:  25th December: Up To Date 5 of 9 : last month 2, this month 5, total 38 posts for 2023.

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I dreamt I was a little awake and laying on my side in bed. You ever do that thing where you sort of test-spook yourself like, "oh, I hope nothing's behind me...!" ? Nothing ever happens but for a second or two you tingle with adrenaline and the feeling that something COULD happen. Anyway, apparently, in dreams, having the thought calls it into being.

My back facing the edge of the bed, something dark and overwhelming grabs ahold of me everywhere. It's just my shadow and he likes to act all spooky and tough, holding me down and getting my flight or fight-rabbit response kicked in. So, despite the panic, the inability to move my limbs, in the dream, I recognize what this is so I give in and relax my muscles. I even sorta see it, the shadows shifting in front of my face by the little light coming through the window, so, I lean forward, offering him two kisses. 50% of the time, he is placated by my submission and let's me go but this time was the 50% where he wasn't buying. So, I start to struggle to move, finally giving in to the dream panic, and I can feel cool air on my backside as I start to inch off the bed.

I remember wondering if falling off the bed would be better for me or worse for me, because as we all know, the realm under the bed is his domain and on the floor, I'd be much closer to it. Then I woke up...laying in the exact same position on my side, a little bit of light coming through my window.

Captain Maltese

A dream of a city street. I have not been there before. It is raining, and I take refuge in what appears to be a upper scale hotel's bar or restaurant. Lots of good looking, well dressed men in there. Everything appears normal, but then I notice two things. First my gaydar goes off. More than a few of those men are touching each other in an affectionate way; hands on asses or faces tell me that this is either a gay club or a meeting in a gay group of some kind. Fine with me, but I rarely stumble in on these by chance. Then I notice that every man is wearing a kippah. That is even more unusual. For me anyway.

Posting status:  25th December: Up To Date 5 of 9 : last month 2, this month 5, total 38 posts for 2023.

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Captain Maltese

In this dream last night I have apparently just acquired an underground building. About house sized, but it's all underground. Some kind of three level basement or bunker. I am walking around inside inspecting the levels who are all made of unpainted concrete and suddenly find some sort of counter top with a gnome sitting calmly behind it, apparently serving some function. There is a tunnel behind him. At first I am concerned. Oh no, there are gnomes in my bunker. Then I see the positive side of it. Hey... I have gnomes in my bunker!

Posting status:  25th December: Up To Date 5 of 9 : last month 2, this month 5, total 38 posts for 2023.

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Lately, in real life, things have been rather stressful but not in a way I can actively work towards goals to burn it off or amend the stress I'm experiencing. So, I've been agitated with an overflow of inspiration and creative energy and I've been thinking of posting a thread here in the storytelling forum and just going to town on prompt ideas I have and random snippets and character explorations. I have an ever growing catalogue of plot seeds and rp ideas that I will never get to for as long as I live...unless I write them by myself.

Omg, I slept for a little bit this afternoon and n my dream I was hunting down old ideas and books. Like I was on some sort of journey down memory lane I went to my mother's house and rooted through the boxes in my old room. I even lifted up my old mattress to get to boxes and boxes of papers, books, notebooks, and sketchbooks that had been stored in the free space underneath. ...it was very bizarre yet exciting and I woke up with my veins pulsing with a desire to get started, to make this thread. Because in my dream...I was thinking about the thread in the storytelling forum that I wanted to make. Low goals as far as distribution and sharing but genuinely gung-ho about the creative exercise. And whereas normally in dreams your mind fills in details with fantasy stuff that you never thought of, the story notes and different ideas I was finding in these old boxes was stuff I actually created and worked on during my younger years. Just forgotten projects and stories I let go of as I grew up, I was finding them again and collecting them to be used as part of what I'd work on in the thread.

I take it as a blessing from my subconscious, that it is ready and willing to support me in this creative enterprise.


I dreamed about a girl I havent thought about in a long time from highschool. Not someone I was ever dating or had a crush on or anything, she wasnt even a friend really but we were in all the higher end classes together all through highschool. Just weird how people like that will pop into your dreams for no reason.

In the dream we were on an old stone bridge in the area where we grew up just talking to each other. I remember being struck by her freckles and her blue sweater she was wearing. That was about all I can remember but very odd dream.


I talked about this in PM to someone, but I thought I might share it here too.

Trigger Warning, anyone who's mourning
I had a Christian religious dream. That's a rare thing because I identify as Pagan.

I dreamed it earlier in the night, and I remember there was a shrine. I think it was to the Virgin Mary. It's like I sensed her, and she had a very distinct feeling - enough that I knew it was her. And I was told that she was taking care of children who'd died, and who were waiting for their parents to join them, and taking their pain away so they didn't hurt.

There was something about the shrine that meant different people saw it differently, but once I didn't sense her anymore, I felt her absence.

Captain Maltese

I dreamed that I was a newly hired farm/ranch hand. Very American, which I am not. I was young and tall and lean and wiry, wore a cowboy hat and boots, the whole nine yards. I was doing heavy work like lifting machinery and hay balls. On the ranch there were the owners; an older man and his younger wife. They were very friendly to me. Strangely so; the man would be somehow placing me alone with his wife, and she would be right on the edge of flirting. I did not know how to deal with this. Then, there was a social event as part of the dream. I was in a room with two mature women, or older than I was in the dream anyway, and they were flirting quite openly. I said something about the farmer's wife, and they laughed and say she wouldn't be needed here.

Then I woke up. Damnit.

Posting status:  25th December: Up To Date 5 of 9 : last month 2, this month 5, total 38 posts for 2023.

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I dreamt that I was semi-friendly with this old couple and gave them something as a gift. Muffins...but not the kind you eat. They were about the size of basketballs, with bright blue and hot pink paper cups. And they were to hang on their walls and doors. I helped them put one on their door and in the dream, it was perfectly natural, but looking back, I now realize how cumbersome and weird it looked; sticking the flat bottom against the door surface so that the cup and muffin top stuck out perpendicular to the door.

Anyway, at some point, the old man in the couple blatantly destroyed something of mine but I forget what it was. It made me feel hurt enough though that I was willing to burn bridges. When they drifted down the hallway away from me, I grabbed a bunch of the muffins I made from the wall and stuffed them into a bag. Because of the way we'd mounted it on the door, I couldn't grab the entirety of the door muffin to pull it off. So I tore off the muffin top and dropped it, then viciously dug into the cup part to tear out the fluffy insides, shoving them into my bag. I knew the old man would be very angry with me, so, to avoid his wrath, I quickly used the door to leave.

They lived on a country farm and it was night. By the light of a lamp post in their driveway, I hurry-walked from the house, anxious over not being fast enough. I got halfway down the dirt road when I heard the old man's truck back at the farm. I figured, at the least, I might get away with this vindictive act if I hid the evidence(way to stick to your guns, Andy, pffft). So I tossed the blue and pink muffins in the bag out into the dark fields. Then I realized the fields might be a good place to hide and I stumbled over the ridge to try to hunker down in the tall grass. It was pretty tall grass but I'm a really tall and lanky fellow, so, I realized it wasn't going to work.

So I scrapped that plan and continued down the road until I hit a T. There was some sort of drying rack in the little field at the top of the T and a knitted cloth was draped over it. I was out of options for hiding spots, so, quickly hunkered down behind the beige cloth to hide from the elderly gentleman who was clearly upset with me for destroying his muffins.

Captain Maltese

I dreamt that I had an errand back at my old college. A meeting of some sort. Afterwards I went to my old dorm building and there were a lot of familiar people who recognized me and were friendly. I ended up talking with people for a long while, and then found a small empty room and got my laptop up and running to check something out. While I was sitting some of the other guys on the floor came by and showed me pictures, which we discussed, and then someone gave me a teeshirt from some event. I put it on the shelf. Right after that someone else came by and offered me an old but very nice sweater, and then there were some books. I even found an old bag I had forgotten there when I left, with posters and magazines and more teeshirts. Everything was awesome. Someone said it was great that I was allowed to start back on college again and I automatically replied with a smile that noone had any business telling me what I could do or not. I got sleepy though and laid down with a blanket on the floor of the tiny room, and had a nap. Then I woke up, body aching from the cramped position, and realized it. I wasn't enrolled in college, I was just visiting damnit. And then I woke up for real.

Posting status:  25th December: Up To Date 5 of 9 : last month 2, this month 5, total 38 posts for 2023.

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Captain Maltese

I dreamed that I was on some kind of arctic military installation. Not down on the ground or ice but high up, like on a cliff or mountain top. Beside me were a number of naval officers in visor caps and long black coats, and I seemed to be one of them. The view from the bridge was spectacular, with ice and cliffs and open sea in the horizon. From this lofty place a long narrow spiraling staircase led hundreds of feet downward to a platform or quay where a not very big boat was moored.

I had been given orders. The staircase was sickening to descend but I did so and entered the little ship. The weather was not good. The air was gray and the sea sluggish and there was a bitter wind, but it had recently been much much worse. My ship was moving from destination to destination to inspect what damage the storm had done. In one place, it seemed an entire base had been ripped up and thrown into the waves; there was wreckage and a roof bobbing on the waves. Another base seemed different, as if it belonged to another power. I saw a structure revealed by the storm that looked a lot like a huge Russian rocket module that had no business being there, and noted it down.

I returned to my own base to report. The staircase had been bad enough getting down, but climbing up was torture. I spent a long time getting to the top, fighting nausea the whole way. When I got to the bridge, the other officers made fun of my slow ascent. They made fun of me again when I described the Russian rocket.

Posting status:  25th December: Up To Date 5 of 9 : last month 2, this month 5, total 38 posts for 2023.

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Captain Maltese

Multiple dreams tonight.


There are a number of us. We are young men, wearing sixpences and sweaters and jackets, the clothing of the era. It is the time of the invasion in 1940. We have light arms; rifles, handguns. We are in a very narrow ravine, preparing an ambush on the advancing enemy. Some other civilians turn up and try to dissuade us; they are evidently supporting the opposing side and don't want a fight to happen. There is an argument but no shots are fired between us and they leave. I see something besides them and give chase by myself into the hills. When some kind of thrown object comes flying through the air I just watch it, not knowing what it is. There is an explosion.


I am on a plane. It has to land because of some emergency, at some tiny rural airport. The passengers will have to stay over night. Lacking better quarters we are given tents to put up in a hall. One of my fellow travelers is a woman. We start talking. She is from a place like this and tell of her childhood in rustic surroundings. Like evenings of entertainments when the women had to be in a separate room but were allowed to listen to the music, and tried to guess what the singers were looking like. She herself is in the modern world now; she is some kind of law enforcer and is chasing a major credit card swindler. She showds me on her laptop how he is juggling transactions so he can pull out large amounts of money and run before it is found out. While we sit on a bus to the airport I help her out, by casting a spell over him so he will wake up screaming every night until he has set things right. The last I remember of the dream is that he has responded by returning much money.

Posting status:  25th December: Up To Date 5 of 9 : last month 2, this month 5, total 38 posts for 2023.

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I dreamed I'd been working as a teacher (I haven't. I only started recently in the dream) and I was painting a tattoo (only with regular paints on my ankle. I started with various colours (more blue type colours) but it ended up more green, yellow and orange. It was a somewhat tribal design like a circle or a circular design (with many points) and it seemed to be a symbol, though not one I could define for you. I think I was painting it 'for the kids' I'd be teaching, though I couldn't tell you why. I painted a plainer one that matched on a paper sticker as well, but I didn't use it. At one point I considered replacing the tattoo with it, but I didn't.

Captain Maltese

A whole carnival of dreams tonight.


There is a war coming. A modern or futuristic, doomsday one. I look up at the sky and there are huge rockets flying through the night toward different coordinates on the planet, very high up in the atmosphere - almost in space. Jet fighters rise to meet them. There is shooting. Lasers? I can see one such heading toward my area and I just know it is going to impact like a mass driver missile. Knowing time is short I look for a place to hide with solid walls, and realize the house I currently am in in the wilderness has a strong foundation. Then I try to help other people there. Nearby there is a tent camp with a bunch of people, tourists or holiday campers, and I talk them into following me to the house. Soon the cellar of the house is filling up with backpacks and sleeping bags. Someone are complaining why they can't just be upstairs, but that part of the building is just wood. It won't sustain the massive hit I am expecting.


I am going to bed with someone. A transsexual; he or she is cute and have had a number of operations. I know this and have no issues with it. We flirt and lie in bed, intwined and half dressed. Then my partner asks to take off the mask, I say sure, and it is taken off. The face inside the mask shows considerable surgery. I sense the pain and feel pity, but otherwise I am not put off.


Some other place. I am living in a neighborhood and something is wrong. Like there is danger all over. Three trucks come driving with yelling men on board. I can't tell if they are good or bad at first; too colorful. Then I am dragged into a truck with several others and we go elsewhere, to some kind of enclosed place or hall. There, we are beaten by the men. I struggle and fight but get a blow on the head with a rifle butt maybe. I wake up again handcuffed. The others I was cought wiith aren't there any more. The men around me are boisterous, bragging and laughing. Now women of a wide age group come in, walking in a group with arrogant faces and dour clothing. They glance at me briefly. One of the men tells me I am to be sold off to one of them in a bit. I don't feel lucky about it. But one of the women, she looks like one of the younger or smaller ones and less crass although just as arrogant, seem to glance at me a little longer than the rest and I hope she will. Just so I can get out of this situation. As the room's attention moves elsewhere for a moment I see a file among other tools on the nearest desk and carefully and casually slips it into my shirt arm.

Posting status:  25th December: Up To Date 5 of 9 : last month 2, this month 5, total 38 posts for 2023.

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I can't remember the main thing I dreamed, but I know just before I woke up earlier, there was a giant plane (a jumbo jet) flying toward me. It looked like it was coming down and was going to crash. :/

I woke up before it could reach me.

Captain Maltese

Another busy shift in the Dreamscape.


I have somehow acquired a German, WW2-vintage armored car. Awesome, but I only drive it a few hundred meters and the engine starts sounding unhappy. I'm running around trying to get oil and other liquids but the car drinks gallons of it.


I'm on a street. There are lots of people there. A cute Asian woman around my age stops me and tells me she remember me from back during college when I was singing karaoke. I am in disbelief because that happened three decades ago and I sang really bad.


I overhear a discussion about someone who needs to get rid of a pistol way or another and inquire politely. It's a young blonde guy. Turns out it is fairly old and obscure and has broken, but he has a license on it. He ends up offering it to me for a price which is neither great for a broken sample nor terrible for a collectible.

Posting status:  25th December: Up To Date 5 of 9 : last month 2, this month 5, total 38 posts for 2023.

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Captain Maltese

Busy night again.

I dream I am at a place with low storage or work hall. It has just become mine and now I am checking the property out. These are old buildings, wooden and brick, but the contents are older still: cannons, and artillerypieces from the 190th century and older. I just look at them and think I have just become quite wealth.

I dream I am young; too old to be a kid but too young to be a man. I live with my family in a boat harbored at a quay. In the boat next to mine lives a friend; his name is Miri. Miri has dark curly hair and is showing the first downy beard. Neither of us has more clothes on than shorts. It is warm and the place feel like it could be on the Medieterrean coast. Italy? Greece? Near the port is a bit of beach that is really a few dozen little sandy dunes in between the water; high sea flow would drown it all. That is where Miri and I go to play. We dig around in the sand hoping to find a treasure, and we do - some kind of colorful tubes. We are excited but we don't know what it is we have found.

Posting status:  25th December: Up To Date 5 of 9 : last month 2, this month 5, total 38 posts for 2023.

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Captain Maltese

A big futuristic spaceship drives at high speed yet very low over rocky desert-like terrain. It is being pursued by small fast flying things on which sits soldiers in black body suits and black full helmets; like bikers only they have gear and weapons. The big ship weaves this way and that and some of the pursuers crash, but more come after and as they reach the big ship the little ships clamp on. After a while the top of the big ship is full of small ships and soldiers, the big ship is slowing down and the pilot must have come to a decision because the big ship suddenly bows down and hits the ground with a blinding white light explosion.

Posting status:  25th December: Up To Date 5 of 9 : last month 2, this month 5, total 38 posts for 2023.

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