Volunteer Auction Suggestion

Started by Rel Mayer, December 15, 2015, 06:45:04 PM

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Rel Mayer

Heya! I posted this in the forum, but since the auction is currently over ... I don't think anyone saw it! I honestly would just like to hear people's opinion of this (good and bad), and if this would actually benefit Elliquiy.

Quote from: Rel Mayer on November 23, 2015, 10:17:10 AM
Random Suggestion:

Sorry if I'm stepping on toes right now, but I'm just going to throw in a suggestion...

Is it possible to have two Volunteer Auctions a year? One in the Fall and one in the Spring/Summer (think tax return season). The reason why I'm bring it is up is because if there is one in Spring time (rather than right before the Holiday madness) there is a greater chance that people will have extra funds to donate to Elliquiy. There is usually higher activity in the Spring/Summer too (at least from what I've noticed). Another thing is we are not lacking, in the slightest, people who want to volunteer.

The cons would be that you run the risk of the donations being lower in one auction than the other, but you also have the opportunity of people who were unable to donate and participate in the last auction (because of financial reasons or inactivity) to participate in the one that can be in the Spring/Summer. There is another con of the GM/GMs running the contest may find doing this twice a year a bit overwhelming.

It's just a thought. :)

Beautiful Mystery

Honestly, I love this idea. I feel as though there is a lot of people that are currently waiting for the auction so there wouldn't be a shortage of people (perhaps more shortage on Lieges and Lords though). But I agree that it would be up to the GM's.

However, I still would love the idea. So I give it a +1!
Check A/A
The devil doesn't come dressed in a red cape and pointy horns.
He comes dressed as everything you have wished for.


We do have to be careful how often we run them; donor's fatigue is a thing we have to factor into all our donation drives. Just because the back-log of volunteers is large doesn't mean people will be willing to participate in the bidding.

There has to be interest shown from the bidder's side as much from the volunteers.