The unravelling of the Madsens

Started by Rarasoh, December 11, 2015, 01:33:20 PM

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Cameron Madsen

Cam chuckled as Sandy slid down Rara's shirt. Curling his arm around Rara's shoulder, he rested his hand against her shoulder. Sandy slithering towards the motion to see what all the commotion was, smelling Cam's fingers with her tongue through Rara's shirt. Glancing back he saw peaches and Sophia, Peaches licking Sophia's face repeatedly.  He just sighed thinking it over. "What do we tell dad?" He says with a groan. Thinking it over, "We bought stuffed animals? THey came to life when we weren't looking?"

He laughs as he thought for a second that might work,  pulling out of the pet store on the way home. "Stop at that pizza place on seventh?  Wanna call it in Soph?" He says as he slides his phone from his pocket, sliding it to her with a smile. "What's everyone want? Also we should agree on a movie now so it doesn't turn into a food fight... again."


"Just tell him it was my idea.. Straight A student is pretty rebellious apparently." She peered down into her shirt just smiling at her new pet, giggling as Sandy just stared up at her before slumping against her chest. Laying her head against Cams shoulder she text Caleb with a frown "I'm gonna have to bail, I got a snake!" She grinned setting her phone in her pocket turning her gaze to her brother and smiled brightly. "Thank you Cam.. You really didnt have too." She was actually content with the snake upon her stomach and chest, yawning softly she closed her eyes mumbling something about a double base pizza with a garlic layer and lots of pepperoni and peppers as she allowed herself to take a small nap on the drive home. Rarasoh slid her hand beneath her shirt which would allow her to keep a careful eye on her new pet, calmingly for them both stroking her thumb slowly back and forth.

Sophia laughed softly as she ordered in their usual favourites watching her big sister fall asleep, "Maybe we should let her nap a while when we get home?" The small girl asked softly before frowning as it was already hitting late evening. "It is the weekend tomorrow.. We can do it then, Rawr loves pizza cold anyway." She smiled just wanting to play with peaches as Sophia scratched the pups belly with a giggle as it thumped its hind leg in rhythm with her scratches.

Cameron Madsen

Cameron just nodded as he curled his arm around Rara's shoulder, kissing her forehead with a grin as he drove back to his home. Carrying all the items he had bought, then carried Sandy inside.  Setting her enclosure on Rara's desk for the time being grinning as the snake made herself at home. He smiled as he handed Sophia his wallet before carrying a sleepy Rara upstairs. Pressing a kiss to her forehead with a yawn. Playing with Sandy with a smirk. Hooking the xbox up in Rara's room for the current setting.

He played a game to make sure it worked, keeping the game quiet with a smile. He sat down on the edge of her bed, just watching her sleep before making his way towards the door. "Goodnight Rawr, sleep tight." He says as he ran his fingers over the doorknob, attempting to slip out without waking her up fully.


Rara lay her head against her brothers shoulder as he carried her up to her room and gently lay her in her bed before tucking her into the covers, barely causing a groan to stir past her lips she wriggled slightly before throwing her jeans to one side and starfished across her bed resting her foot against her brothers back as he sat testing out the xbox for a game before causing her to whine as he stood to his feet. Soon she was snoring softly and laying on her stomach with her covers barely covering her thighs as she grew too warm, tucking her arm under her pillow she began to snore softly with a soft smile spreading across her features remaining undisturbed as he opened her door.

Cameron Madsen

Cameron made his way downs stairs before he got exhausted suddenly, he curled up on the couch, Peaches jumping into his lap as he groaned. Barking right in his face as he licked his cheek.   He sat up with a grunt. "Shhh. I'm trying to sleep." He says as he took his wallet back from Sophia. "Wasn't expecting to be down before the pizza guy showed up."  THe second he counted out to make sure he had enough money there was a knock on the door.

He raced to the door to quiet the knocking so that it wouldn't wake Rara up, pulling out enough money to cover the food and a decent tip for the delivery guy he traded the money for a pizza box. Separating what was theirs and what was going to be Rara's when she woke up.  He took a few slices of pizza and a piece of cheese soaked garlic bread. Curling up cradling the food away from Peaches as he munched on his dinner. "Whatever you do Soph make sure Peaches doesn't get any of your food." Smiling as the girl nodded he continued to pick at his dinner, finishing up he put his plate in the dishwasher after rinsing it off, taking Sophia's on the way back through.


"DOOR!" Rarasoh screamed in a tired stupor as she threw her her phone at the door and rolled over with a grunt burying her head beneath her pillow soon falling back to sleep, waking up a few hours later disorientated as she eyed the enclosure and the xbox, perking a brow clearly confused she rubbed her eyes whilst she waited for her mind to catch up. "Oh right.. I have a snake now." Standing to her feet she pulled up her socks past her knees and changed her shirt to a longer one and opened up the enclosure allowing Sandy to weave between her fingers before making her way downstairs, her hair in every direction but up as she dropped down in her chair with a yawn. "Coffee would be amazing guys.."

She grinned tossing Cameron his painkillers with a wink "While you're up you can take those." She uttered playfully just allowing Sandy to roam around her bigger frame whilst she cooed thoughtfully "You'll be too big for this soon... Yes you will!" She giggled waving her foot around giving peaches something to chase causing the small pup to run in circles. "Rawr we have your pizza!" Rara smiled softly blowing kisses to her sister "I'll eat soon, I promise I told you I'm better but I cant eat straight after a nap."

Cameron Madsen

Cam just sighed hearing about how Rara didn't want to eat right away. Slinking down the stairs after popping his painkillers.  Making her a coffee with a grin exactly how she liked it with two sugars and a squirt of milk.  Bringing it over to her he sat her in his lap, cuddling Rara, he sat Sophia who had Peaches on his other knee. Just laying his head on  the couch. He ran his fingers through Rawr's hair. "How's your coffee treating ya?" 

He borrowed her coffee to take a sip, not particularly fond of the bitter taste he just gave it back to her. "I'll leave you guys here. I'll go grab the Xbox we'll play something?" He says wanting to get Sophia's mind off of the events of the day and make it one of her best ever. Although she seemed content with Peaches he didn't want Peaches associated with the negative memory he just kissed his baby sister's forehead. Pointing at Rara. "If I pass out between here and there make sure she eats." Sophia nodded, with a mock salute. "Sure thing Captain." She said before giggling.


"It's been two years! I'm capable of eating ya know.." She snapped slightly sipping her coffee with a faint sigh, simply rolling her eyes as she grabbed a slice of pizza just to keeping them happy. Eventually finished the slice she glanced at them perking a brow "There.. Told you." She continued drinking her coffee and laid her head on her brothers shoulders just watching Sandy slide over his chest with a smile. "I forget you're cranky after you nap." Rarasoh glared at Sophia playfully before sighing apologetically, chewing on her lip as she flicked her gaze between them. "I know.. But you guys need let off of the eating thing. It's coffee and then after an hour I eat. I cant do it straight away even before I was sick.." Sophia nodded and curled up with them both smiling and Peaches curled up in her lap, stroking the pups fur she just sighed lightly. "I know Rawr but we just like knowing that you are eating.. I was little but I still remember." Her words caused Rara to wince and almost obligated she ate another slice.

Cameron Madsen

Cam grabbed Rara's chin in between his thumb and forefinger, bringing her gaze up to his own. "We only worry because we care about you. I don't want to see you back in the hospital. I can't do that again, my being way too independent isn't the only reason I didn't want to be there y'know." He says as he pressed a kiss to his sister's nose with a wide smile. "I love you." Sitting her and Sophia on the couch before making his way upstairs to unplug the xbox and bring it downstairs, setting all the game choices on the table. "What do you guys want to play first?" He asks as he sat in his dad's recliner.

Cam laughed as Sophia gasped. "You're not allowed to sit in Daddy's chair. He'll yell at you!" Cam just sighed with a shrug. "I bought him the chair for father's day. Didn't even get a thank you. I got a "You got it in black? WHy not tan." "Because black matches your soul daddy dearest."  He groaned as he went off again in front of Sophia casting an apologetic look to Rara and Sophia. Sophia just looked at him confused as he stood up. "If you guys will excuse me a moment I need some fresh air." He says as he makes his way outside with a heavy sigh, wiping the tear from his eye.


Sophia eyed the selection pushing just dance infront of Rara who soon pouted and shook her head "Nuh uh.. I'm not miss preppy cheer queen anymore. I don't dance." She laughed lightly mussing up her brothers hair nudging his head to the side playfully. "Yeah yeah, love you too Bro.." She sneered her lip upwards as Sophia pushed the disk in the tray and moved the table to the side making room for them. "Yeah Rara, you do.. Why'd you quit?" Rara just shrugged handing Sandy over to Cam as she stood to her feet bending forward to pull up her socks. "I just didnt enjoy it anymore.." Eyeing the tv she groaned as Sophia selected the most overplayed song of her old cheer team, it was war between the two sisters. Rarasoh rolled up her shirt and tucked it beneath her bra and tested her sliding ability of her socks on the floor with a nod. "Want you back? Cher lloyd? Really Soph?"

"Well you have her attitude."

Hooking her arms behind her back she strutted forward and flicked her hips to the side and waved her hand around to the left before walking around in a circle with her steps taking to a spring with each pace forward, with her back to the tv she sang "Remember all the things you and I did first?" She grinned flicking her hand between her and Cam before pointing to the door "Now you're doing them with her.. Remember all the things you and I did first?" She laughed lightly, bouncing one foot behind her left and swung her foot round to a hop scotch skipping motion as she turned back to the tv. "Rawr could you sound any more cockney if you tried?"

"We were from London Soph..So no."

Cameron Madsen

Cam just played with Sandy, letting the snake flow between his fingers as he watched his sister's dance with a laugh. "Rara... you should try back out for the cheer squad. You could easily take Lizzie's spot." He says with a smirk. A bit more implied than he lead on, he just sighed, as his phone vibrated. "Speaking of Lizzie." He responded to the text that read. "Hey baby, wanna come over?" Cam just sighed shaking his head at his phone. "I can't. We just got a puppy,  I'm having family time with Rara and Soph."

Glaring at her response that read. "So I guess I'm not family then. Cool thanks babe." Cam just handed his phone to Rara. "Handle this. I'm going upstairs." He marched upstairs, door slamming with a loud bang.  Cam curled up in his bed with a groan.  Laying his head on his pillow as the small snake poked his tongue out at him, sniffing and hissing slightly. "You really are kind of cute." He strokes his finger over the reptile's head.


She just groaned at his phone even flinching some as she felt the door's slam vibrate through the house, rubbing her forehead slowly with a grumble. "Soph.. Lock the door behind me, check on Cam.. Tell him I've gone to handle." She muttered as she slipped into her vans, perking a brow as Sophie pointed to her socks. "Cams socks? With Vans, green shorts and your red sleep shirt? Really.." Rara just shoved her sister playfully "Shup snot face." Grabbing her ipod and her phone she hovered by the door "Lock it behind me!" She reminded Sophia as she left skipping towards Elizabeths place, just making her way inside and up the stairs "Lizzie!"

"What?" Walking into her room she kicked the door shut at stared at the thin blonde and waved Cams phone with a pitiful sigh. "Thought this would be best said to your face, you're done. Through, over, ended. Caput, no longer, no more, nada, zilch and my favourite Nothing! He's sick of your crap.." Turning her back to the girl she heading to the hall and grunted as  Elizabeth shoved her against the wall.

"He doesnt break up with me.. I break up with him." Lizzie snarled in her face and scoffed lightly.

"Oh but he isn't.. I am breaking up with you FOR him. Also, I'm back on the squad as of monday. Caio!" Rarasoh skipped down the stairs and jogged the long way home climbing up the fencing by Cams window and sliding through and landing on her feet with a grin. "Taken care of. SOPH I'M HOME!"

"Stop doing that!"

Cameron Madsen

Cam just watched as Rara vaulted into his bedroom. "Where were you? Do we need to set you up with an alibi? Just dance until one am?" He asked as he smiled at her. Waiting patiently for an answer as he looked around for his phone. "Still have my phone?" He sighed as he thought about Lizzie's text. "Better yet. I'm switching over to the burner. Toss it for me?" He says as he just laid his head on his pillow with a heavy sigh, hiding the tear that rolled down his face. His breathing hitched in his throat as he closed his eyes and attempted to sleep.

He began to dose off, mumbling about wishing to just be done with everything. Shaking violently in his sleep as he had a nightmare, jerking himself away as he fell off of his bed onto his surgery wound. Crying out in pure agony. He glanced around for Rara hoping she was still there in the dark. Cam limped his way downstairs. "Think it's better I sleep on the couch. Probably a lot safer there.


"Nah, no alibi.. You're single now though. You're welcome." She grinned sitting at his desk swinging back on her chair and sliding the phone under the front leg of the furniture before dropping the weight down on the screen. "You know where my cheer uniform is by the way?" She asked casually with a grin tugging at her lips, glancing towards him noticing he began dozing off. However when she heard him land on the floor she rushed to his side and helped him to his feet, "Nah.. Sleep in mine.. It's against the wall, I dont mind. That sofa in awful." She smiled softly stroking her thumb over his cheek and smiled draping his arm over her shoulder as she helped him to her room.

"Want me to stay or...?" She asked as she eased him down onto her large bed and smiled lightly giving him her softer pillow for his side with a smile, placing a glass of water on the window ledge with his pain pills just incase his wound played up while he slept. However she leaned over him and pulled up a bag "Snacks, a small stash I have. You're welcome." She giggled sitting beside him.

Cameron Madsen

He reached out to grab her hand, pulling her down to lay next to him, setting the small stash of snacks between them. He just fixed his gaze on her own, smiling brightly. "Do you mind if we make this a few nights a week thing? I don't like sleeping alone. Never have, I used to look forward to you having a nightmare just so I'd have someone to cuddle with. I'm horrible I know." He says with a smirk as he brushed his fingers through her hair, smiling at his sister.

He opened a small bag of chips setting it between them, pulling out a small chip, placing it on her tongue with a grin. "I miss this. I miss the fact that the night of Christmas eve we would sneak down, hoping Santa came. We'd unwrap and then rewrap all the presents.  I'm surprised it never occurred to us that Santa and mom and dad conveniently had the same wrapping paper every year." He says with a chuckle as he held his gaze on his sisters.


Rarasoh kicked off her shoes and draped her legs over his own chewing the chip as she just lay her head contently on his shoulder just flicking through her tv aimlessly, her mind still trying to figure out where her uniform was. "As long as you want Cam, I cant have you rolling out of bed when I'm flat out and cant help." She smiled lightly before jumping to her feet and near skidding into her closet, retrieving a box from the very back and throwing her cheer uniform over her shoulder. "Should probably get this altered tomorrow.. Again." She sighed resting her head against the door frame of her closet with a groan hearing a faint goodnight from Sophia. "Sleep tight sis!" She called back, eyeing the blue and yellow colours of her cheer skirt with a cringe. "Those colours are hideous."

Cameron Madsen

Cam smiled at her, rolling over to face her. Yawning he just closed his eyes, curling up against the far wall he stretched out. Waiting for his sister to return to bed. He took her ipod, placing one ear bud in his ear making sure the other one could reach hers. Calling out as Rara yelled to Sophia. Before shrugging it off, standing to his feet. "I'm going to go tuck her in."  He walked into Sophia's room behind her with a smile, making sure the little one was comfy in bed. "Want me to read you a story before bed?" She shook her head, "I'm tired Cammie. Maybe tomorrow night you and Rara both can?" Cam just nods, "If you want us to we absolutely will."

He slid his way back into Rara's room with a smile. "She's such a good kid." He says as he slides his way back into Rawr's bed, curling up and falling into a light sleep almost instantly. Waking up slightly to put an earphone back in.


Rarasoh nodded slightly and hid behind her closet door as she attempted to test out how much her uniform needed altered, when she heard her door open once more. "Screw altered.. I need one remade." She sighed throwing the top in the corner and just pulled back into her baggy shirt, eyeing her figure wondering how she grew so much in 6 months; perking a brow she just grunted. She didnt get that much bigger did she? She wondered silently with a frown as she just slid in the free space in her bed next to her brother, tucking her arm beneath her pillow and plugging the earbud in her ear once more.

Rara yawned into the crook of her arm and turned over to face him with a slight smile, watching him sleep contently reaching a hand up she brushed his hair off his forehead and closed her eyes softly soon falling into a light slumber herself.

Cameron Madsen

Cam curled his arms around her waist, curling his fingers around her outer thighs as he brought her closer to him. He kissed her cheek in his slumber, wanting her closer to him. He whined in his sleep, frowning as he dreamed about Lizzie. Wiggling closer to Rara, he frowned slightly as he woke up with a heavy sigh. He just watched Rara sleep with a smile. Twirling a finger around her hair,  curling her long hair around his index finger.

Cameron fell back asleep,  kissing her forehead.  Curling his arms around her waist, pulling her even tighter against him.  He woke up several hours later with a yawn. Waking Rara up as it was time to go to school. "I'm not sure... Should I go or not?"


It was cold in her room, too cold to get out of bed especially since it was a weekend. Raising a hand she swatted at her brothers own and grunted kicking her foot back towards his shin, groaning even louder at his words. Clearly he had forgotten where he was in the week and at 6am he will likely soon be forgetting to breathe "No.." She mumbled, nuzzling her face back into her pillow with a growl as he combed his fingers through her hair still attempting to wake her. "It's a sodding weekend.." She sighed finally, pulling the covers over her head with a whimper. "Saturday today.. Sunday tomorrow THEN you can wake me at 6am. Until then... Go back to sleep." Rarasoh mumbled and gave a snoring sigh as she rolled onto her back with a yawn patting his arm softly. "I'll keep you right."

Cameron Madsen

He curled his arms around Rara rolling her so that she had  her back to him. Burying his face into the back of her head, her long hair against his face he smiled never having been more content than he was in that moment. He fell instantly back asleep. Waking up three hours later to find Rara still asleep.  He snuck downstairs to prepare her a breakfast of homemade pancakes and fresh orange juice with a warm cup of coffee. A few strips of bacon for good measure as he smiled at his sleeping sister. "Morning Rawr. I made you something."


Rarasoh rubbed her eyes tiredly and sat up on her elbows before sitting upright with a whine "It's 9.30... Still morning!" She grabbed the steaming mug of coffee and took a sip before wincing at the growl of her stomach as the pancakes where set on her lap, cutting a piece she popped into her mouth and soon demolished her breakfast and reached for her coffee once more. "Alright, you're forgiven.." She groaned standing to her feet and blowing her hair from her face as she wandered downstairs coffee in tow with a large yawn. She grabbed the mail and muttered "Bills bills bills.." She paused and grinned bouncing her hips around in a circle as she span around on her feet kicking her right foot to the left. "Can you pay my bills?  Can you pay my telephone bills?  Do you pay my automo' bills?" She sang throwing each bill envelope on the mail stand laughing lightly eyeing Sophias confused expression. "Right, you're not a 90's child.."

Cameron Madsen

He left her some fancy syrup for her pancakes, leaving her a small sugar dish for her coffee with a smile. Sitting down next to her, he munched on a few pieces of  bacon with a smile.   Scooting over next to her he pressed a kiss to her cheek before he slid down the stairs. Firing up the Xbox, he popped in Halo.  Going on a killing spree online dominating the lobbies he was in. Sophia staggered down the  stairs. "I smell pancakes!" Cam jumped to his feet. Turning the Xbox off he gathered a plate together for Soph.

He sat it in her lap before making sure Peaches had food and water in her dish. She licked Cam's face as he kneeled down to fill her dishes. 'YOu're very welcome cutie." He says with a chuckle.


Rarasoh had grabbed a few mice from the freezer and warmed them up for a second whilst she placed her empty mug in the sink and made haste back to her room humming idly as she fed her new pet, glancing around she grabbed her phone and sighed lightly texting Caleb thinking its about time she made effort to see him. "I have a few hours free if you want to join me on errands..? Bring my homework too. Starbucks on 5th? Good." She threw her phone to side and grabbed a shower, arranging her purple locks in loose curls and scoured her closet.

She threw a pair of denim shorts on her bed, pulled on a cropped shirt that rested just beneath her bust and threw her slip on converse into the hall before wriggling into her chosen bottoms and tied a plaid shirt around her waist. "Cam?! Can you take care of Soph for a few hours?" She called downstairs whilst she arranged her brothers flat peak on her head at the slightest angle. The young  girl pockets her phone, slid her feet into her shoes and shoved her cheer uniform in her bag with a sigh and skipped back down stairs. "Yes no?"

Cameron Madsen

Caleb texted back almost immediately. "Yeah, I'd love too. See you in about fifteen?" He texted as he hurriedly got ready, brushing his hair and then teeth before racing to the Starbucks. Rara's homework tucked into the backpack he wore whilst riding his bike.  Cam just nodded as he and Sophia were already playing Xbox. They were speed running the Lego Harry Potter games for the fifteenth time. "Yeah...I"ve got this." Groaning before he died. "Stupid spider. Why is there even a spider here?" He smiles as he waves Rara off.

Caleb made his way into the coffee shop with a grin, leather jacket  draped casually over his shoulder as he made his way over to a booth waiting for Rara to show up.  Ordering himself a big cookie and a mint hot chocolate. "Better yet make it two cookies. I'm sure my date will be hungry too."