Student to High Class Whore - The Story

Started by Jester, November 17, 2008, 04:53:24 PM

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She was always so well thought of when she was younger getting good grades and in most of the school sports teams. She had so many friends and had such a positive future ahead of her so how did it all change....

I am looking for someone to play the tragic heroine of this game.

You will play a simple girl who takes the wrong turn and becomes a prostitute. I would like to chart her progress in the career either through story or diary entries or letters.

During the story I would like to explore:

1. Why did she become a prostitute? (Abusive family? No money? Lack of self respect?)
2. How did it start? (Blowjobs in boys cars? Daddy? Friends of the family?)
3. The first few months were so demeaning - (Fucked in alleys, made to do such sick things, first time doing anal..)
4. What are the risks? (abusive customers, meeting old friends or family?)
5. Payday (How does she spend her well earnt money?
6. Good customers (A story of Pretty Woman...well for a short time).
7. More than one customer? (A football team invite her round)
8. A couple pays better than one! (A married couple want a call girl)
9. The end.

I would love to look at anything else. I would enjoy her fall to shame the most. How does it happen. It can be as long and humiliating and degrading as possible.

Anyone need an explanation on how the diary entries would work then message me. Its only an option though and not a requirement.


This one interests me. i could do it via diary entries, or letters, story segments.


I have another enquiry but send me a pm and we can chat. x


i sent you a private message, im still very much interested.


I am hoping to revive this idea. Anyone interested?

The Dark Raven

Check my A/A | O/O | Patience is begged. Momma to Rainbow Babies and teetering toward the goal of published author. Tentatively taking new stories.