[Eternium] Recruitment - Be A Dragon, Hunt Supernaturals, Gods & Magic!

Started by Wispyr, November 16, 2015, 04:11:25 AM

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Quote from: Wispyr on November 17, 2015, 09:32:37 AM
You will have already been recruited. How you end up joining is entirely your call, and should be made mention in your history. However it can be exceptionally recently that they joined.

Thanks.  I am tweaking stats and working on background.  I am hoping to have a character sheet to you tonight.

Also Marked by Tiamat
Gender: female
Preference: Bisexual

In case you want to fill out your chart for my dragon.

"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious


//- I would like to reserve Gwilym C. Pugh to portray my character -\\


GM Note: There seems to have been some misunderstanding due to a lack of information on my part in the abilities section relating to the various lore abilities. Lore pulls from the same pool as the rest of the skills but is evaluated a little differently. There is no level of 'general knowledge' or 'accepted thoughts' on any supernatural creature. There is not a master data base, and largely hunters learn things on their own as they go. Points in the various Lore abilities represent a characters understanding, knowledge, researched and general level of interaction with a certain kind of supernatural.

Having a 0 in a lore means you know little to nothing specifically about any of them, whereas the numbers going up represent a growing interest and understanding of them. That said, Eternium has a library which all players have access too. This represents any 'general and or common knowledge' characters might have. What is included in this library is a combination of a base level of information plus information pulled from every player characters character sheet from their ratings in: The various Lores and Library background.

Once I have that, everyone's numbers will be taken into account to determine the knowledge that is known about different supernatural beings, at which point that information will be populated into the world guide which will act as your library and the knowledge characters have. The World Guide will continue to gain up dates as the world evolves and game progresses and characters discover and learn more stuff... Revealing new information about old enemies and new ones alike.

That is to say... If you want your character to know that vampires dust (this is an example, I will not confirm if this is how it works or not) when staked through the heart with wood... They need to have a certain level of Lore: Fallen. With no Lore: Fallen, they probably know vampires are real, and maybe that sunlight is bad. But the truthful details about how they work is largely unknown.

That is everyone can assume your characters have some basic knowledge (which will be outlined later), but if you want details you had best be using the Lore's.


Quote from: Wispyr on November 17, 2015, 11:09:40 AM
GM Note: There seems to have been some misunderstanding due to a lack of information on my part in the abilities section relating to the various lore abilities. Lore pulls from the same pool as the rest of the skills but is evaluated a little differently. There is no level of 'general knowledge' or 'accepted thoughts' on any supernatural creature. There is not a master data base, and largely hunters learn things on their own as they go. Points in the various Lore abilities represent a characters understanding, knowledge, researched and general level of interaction with a certain kind of supernatural.

Having a 0 in a lore means you know little to nothing specifically about any of them, whereas the numbers going up represent a growing interest and understanding of them. That said, Eternium has a library which all players have access too. This represents any 'general and or common knowledge' characters might have. What is included in this library is a combination of a base level of information plus information pulled from every player characters character sheet from their ratings in: The various Lores and Library background.

Once I have that, everyone's numbers will be taken into account to determine the knowledge that is known about different supernatural beings, at which point that information will be populated into the world guide which will act as your library and the knowledge characters have. The World Guide will continue to gain up dates as the world evolves and game progresses and characters discover and learn more stuff... Revealing new information about old enemies and new ones alike.

That is to say... If you want your character to know that vampires dust (this is an example, I will not confirm if this is how it works or not) when staked through the heart with wood... They need to have a certain level of Lore: Fallen. With no Lore: Fallen, they probably know vampires are real, and maybe that sunlight is bad. But the truthful details about how they work is largely unknown.

That is everyone can assume your characters have some basic knowledge (which will be outlined later), but if you want details you had best be using the Lore's.

Thanks for this! :D

Also, my guy's stats/WIP sheet is in the spoiler below.


Eternium Character Sheet

//- Basics -\\
Character Name:

Bloodline: Quetzalcoatl
Marked By:
Status: Hunter
Languages Know:

Hair Color:
Eye Color:

Face Claim: Gwilym C. Pugh

//- Attributes -\\

Power |
Finesse |
Resist |
Strength - 2
Dexterity - 2
Stamina - 3
Intelligence - 4
Wit - 4
Perception - 5
Guile - 4
Charm - 2
Wisdom - 7

//- Abilities -\\

Academics - 0
Animal Ken - 2
Art - 0
Athletics - 2
Awareness - 3
Brawl - 0
Control: (Animals, i.e horses.)  - 4
Craft - 2
Empathy - 0
Fortitude - 4
Investigation - 4
Larceny - 0
Law - 0
Leadership - 0
Linguistics - 0
Marksmanship - 4
Medicine - 0
Melee - 0
Occult - 3
Politics - 0
Presence - 0
Science - 2
Stealth - 4
Survival - 4
Lore: Immortals - 0
Lore: Infernals - 0
Lore: Divine - 0
Lore: Fallen - 0
Lore: Shifters - 1
Lore: Fae - 1
Lore: Eldritch - 1
Lore: Returned - 1

//- Advantages -\\

Humanity - 6
Willpower - 4
Essence - 7
Zeal - 5

Primal Urge - 6
Greed - 6
Rage - 4
Vanity - 4
Allies - 0
Armory - 0
Contacts - 0
Heirloom - 0
Immortality - 2
Library - 3
Mirage - 4
Reputation - 4
Rites - 0
Wealth - 0
Firebreathing - 1
Transformation - 1
Blood of Quetzalcoatl - 5
Mark of Tiamat - 0
Age - 2
Star Sigil

//- Details -\\

Physical Description:




Personal Goal:
Fears & Phobias:
Ons & Offs:

//- Extras -\\

Firebreathing: Breath of Fire
Transformation: Human Form
Blood Runes:

2 BP
5 BP
3 BP
5 BP
on Craft (0 --> 2)
Star Sigil Rite
Library (0 --> 3)
Blood of Quetzalcoatl - Rank 5

Info for ease!

- Age Gifts -
1: Predator's Aura - Your presence is very unnerving to those around you. People subconsciously take an extra step around you when passing on the street, those forced into conflict with you are distracted and edgy. Your natural state is to have this aura off, but you can activate it at will to make people suddenly subconsciously aware that you're more than you seem.
2: Molten Blood - Your wounds close, not heal, are an alarming rate preventing you from ever bleeding out. Additionally any blood born toxin is incinerated, rendering you immune to them. Finally you use your blood as a lava-esque substance, capable of melting through most natural materials; of course how much you can melt is determined by the amount of blood you spill. The magical energy that causes your blood to burn can be suppressed to allow free use for other purposes as needed.

- Blood of Quetzalcoatl Gifts -
1: Shed Skin - You shed the outer most layer of your skin once per day. This skin acts a decoy and prevents you from being scryed on, as all attempts lead to the husk. You may shed your skin at will which removes foreign objects (such as bullets) from your body. Shed skin turns to ash after 24 hours.
2: Improved Intelligence - Your Intelligence Attribute is increased by 1.
3: Bioimmunity - You are immune to all forms of poison, disease and other biological issues of natural and mystical origins.
4: Serpent's Body - Like a snake, you're able to move your body in entirely unnatural to human ways, bending, contorting, and otherwise shaping yourself almost limitlessly.
5: Venomous Touch - You're able to excrete a poison from your body, which is absorbed through the skin. It is a paralytic poison that slowly numbs and slows the victim, with prolonged doses rendering them unable to move and potentially stopping the heart.

- Background Advantage Details -
1: You merge seamlessly into the crowd.
2: People don't seem to notice you, and push you out of their mind once they've finished interacting with you.
3: Following you is nearly impossible.
4: Recordings of you go fuzzy, pictures come out blurred, files and records about you are misplaced.

1: You've been heard of. Other hunters may have heard your name, and lesser supernaturals may be wary of you.
2: You're somewhat known. Other hunters and the supernatural have heard of you or your work.
3: You're well known. Other hunters know your name and respect it. The supernatural have started to try and avoid you, or conversely, minor beings have started to plot against you.
4: You're both respected and feared. Hunters differ to you when you roll into town. Supernaturals have begun to track your movements as well as they can; lesser beings avoid you unless its absolutely impossible to not, while others have marked you as an enemy and want to prove themselves by your blood.


//- I would like to reserve Cleo Pires to portray my character -\\

Going with Kur's bloodline and bearing the mark of Tiamat.

Now lets see if I can get throught the stat points stage without banging my head on the desk repeatedly >. <
Current Post Rate: Quick to Moderate
Current Solo Posts Owed: 1/5
Current Group Game Posts Owed: 0/3

I AM AVAILABLE FOR: Groups, Solos, F/Any, posting via forums

My O/Os
My Solo Ideas [New Ideas Added!]


You already know I'm interested, considering how much time I spent pestering you about it. Will have sheet submitted later.
When you message me, please use the same message thread every time.


When you message me, please use the same message thread every time.


Quote from: Kokaine on November 17, 2015, 02:52:47 PM
//- I would like to reserve Cleo Pires to portray my character -\\

Going with Kur's bloodline and bearing the mark of Tiamat.

Now lets see if I can get throught the stat points stage without banging my head on the desk repeatedly >. <

Let me know if you need help Koka.  I already have the bruises. ;)

"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious


"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious


Quote from: Kokaine on November 17, 2015, 02:52:47 PM
//- I would like to reserve Cleo Pires to portray my character -\\

Going with Kur's bloodline and bearing the mark of Tiamat.
Noted, noted, and noted.

Quote from: Kokaine on November 17, 2015, 02:52:47 PM
Now lets see if I can get throught the stat points stage without banging my head on the desk repeatedly >. <
I certainly hope you can! It's not nearly as bad as it looks, I promise.

Quote from: Aiyanna on November 17, 2015, 03:37:23 PM
You already know I'm interested, considering how much time I spent pestering you about it. Will have sheet submitted later.

Quote from: Aiyanna on November 17, 2015, 03:39:19 PM
//- I would like to reserve Miss Mosh to portray my character -\\

Quote from: Crash on November 17, 2015, 05:03:29 PM
Wispyr - Are claw attacks brawl or Melee?
Claw attacks use brawl.


//- I would like to reserve Denise Bidot to portray my character -\\

Seduce my mind and my body will follow.
Amarlo's O&Os
Absences and Apologies


For your table, my guys is...

Mark of Tiamat.

... still no name, yet. ;3


GM Note: When you send me your character sheet, please subject it "Eternium Character Sheet" or some variation there of.

That said, since there was some confusion, character sheets should be PM'd to me before being posted anywhere.


"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious


Quote from: Crash on November 17, 2015, 09:44:49 PM
I just need to get my history written up and I think I am good.
Sweet! Looking forward to it.

We've got our first approved character sheet up as is. We're looking good. I'm going to start constructing the setting posts for the various threads tonight or tomorrow and then work on getting OOC up as we get a couple more submissions in.


Quote from: Crash on November 17, 2015, 09:44:49 PM
I just need to get my history written up and I think I am good.

I wouldn't be done yet if I hadn't been talking to Wispyr about it the last few days, lol.
When you message me, please use the same message thread every time.


Gonna show some tentative interest. ^^

Can't promise anything, but this does look like fun.
This doesn't have to end in a fight, Buck.
It always ends in a fight.
You pulled me from the river. Why?
I don't know.
"Don't dwell on those who hold you down. Instead, cherish those who helped you up."


Quote from: persephone325 on November 17, 2015, 10:26:46 PM
Gonna show some tentative interest. ^^

Can't promise anything, but this does look like fun.
Come to the dark side game side...


This doesn't have to end in a fight, Buck.
It always ends in a fight.
You pulled me from the river. Why?
I don't know.
"Don't dwell on those who hold you down. Instead, cherish those who helped you up."


Good gawd. Okay... I am hoping I didn't shoot my character in the foot stat wise but I got through it. Now I just need to figure out her history and I am all set >.<
Current Post Rate: Quick to Moderate
Current Solo Posts Owed: 1/5
Current Group Game Posts Owed: 0/3

I AM AVAILABLE FOR: Groups, Solos, F/Any, posting via forums

My O/Os
My Solo Ideas [New Ideas Added!]


Quote from: persephone325 on November 17, 2015, 11:01:42 PM
Do you have cookies...? *giggles*
We do indeed have cookies. In 9 flavors!

Quote from: Kokaine on November 18, 2015, 12:03:55 AM
Good gawd. Okay... I am hoping I didn't shoot my character in the foot stat wise but I got through it. Now I just need to figure out her history and I am all set >.<
I doubt you did, and so long as you lined them up with the vision of the character you have, that's really what matters!


Quote from: Wispyr on November 18, 2015, 12:29:01 AM
We do indeed have cookies. In 9 flavors!

I'd like to know these 9 flavors.  ::) They seem very important to the future of the game.

Seduce my mind and my body will follow.
Amarlo's O&Os
Absences and Apologies


Chocolate chip.
Double chocolate chunk.
Raspberry cheesecake.
Cinnamon Sugar.
Butter cookies w/ sprinkles.
Traditional sugar w/ frosting.
S'mores Sandwich.


Seduce my mind and my body will follow.
Amarlo's O&Os
Absences and Apologies


Current Post Rate: Quick to Moderate
Current Solo Posts Owed: 1/5
Current Group Game Posts Owed: 0/3

I AM AVAILABLE FOR: Groups, Solos, F/Any, posting via forums

My O/Os
My Solo Ideas [New Ideas Added!]