[Eternium] Recruitment - Be A Dragon, Hunt Supernaturals, Gods & Magic!

Started by Wispyr, November 16, 2015, 04:11:25 AM

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Quote from: Rave on November 21, 2015, 06:42:40 PM
I'll be looking for a connection or two as-well~ Ideally, if someone would be interested in playing an old friend of sorts that has the ability to call Huntelaar out on his bullshit at occasion, that would be optimal. Men with his personality need someone close to give them a wake up call every now and then from someone they trust ::)

I might be able to provide a connection, though I'm still working on a location. Hit me up with a PM if you want, trying to finish muh sheet tonight. =p
On's and Offs -  Please read before asking for a story <3


My dragon is still open to connections.  Give me a PM or shout in OOC if interested.

"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious


Quote from: ThatOneShrroth on November 21, 2015, 09:39:11 PM
I might be able to provide a connection, though I'm still working on a location. Hit me up with a PM if you want, trying to finish muh sheet tonight. =p

You can dooooo et!

Quote from: Crash on November 21, 2015, 10:05:28 PM
My dragon is still open to connections.  Give me a PM or shout in OOC if interested.

You all ready roped me in. xD YOU WERE THE FIRST.


Quote from: Crash on November 21, 2015, 10:05:28 PM
My dragon is still open to connections.  Give me a PM or shout in OOC if interested.

Depending on how things go in terms of connections, I might be open to connections with ya. Hit me up, same as Rave. Likely only going up to two connections, though.
On's and Offs -  Please read before asking for a story <3

Bloodied Porcelain


Eternium Character Sheet

//- Basics -\\
Character Name: Annika Kateriina Järvinen
Nickname: Nika, Ana
Concept: “Yer a wizard, Harry”
Demeanor: Aloof, intelligent, pragmatic

Bloodline: Zirnitra
Marked By: Bahamut
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Status: Hunter
Languages Known: Finnish, English, Latin, Elder Futhark, Enochian, Greek, Ogham, Hebrew, Gothic, Ancient Egyptian

Age: 70
DOB: October 5,1948
Height: 5'0”
Weight: 103 lb.
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Ethnicity: Scandinavian

Face Claim: Ekaterina Enokaeva

//- Attributes -\\

Power |
Finese |
Resist |
Strength - 2
Dexterity - 3
Stamina - 2
Intelligence - 7
Wit - 4
Perception - 4
Guile - 3
Charm - 3
Wisdom - 4

//- Abilities -\\

Academics - 3
Animal Ken - 0
Art - 0
Athletics - 0
Awareness - 3
Brawl - 0
Control: (Car) - 1
Craft - 0
Empathy - 0
Fortitude - 0
Investigation - 5
Larceny - 0
Law - 0
Leadership - 0
Linguistics - 5
Marksmanship - 0
Medicine - 0
Melee - 0
Occult - 5
Politics - 0
Presence - 0
Science - 0
Stealth - 0
Survival - 0
Lore: Immortals - 3
Lore: Infernals - 2
Lore: Divine - 2
Lore: Fallen - 2
Lore: Shifters - 2
Lore: Fae - 2
Lore: Eldritch - 3
Lore: Returned - 2

//- Advantages -\\

Humanity - 6
Willpower - 4
Essence - 10
Zeal - 5

Primal Urge - 5
Greed - 6
Rage - 4
Vanity - 5
Allies - 0
Armory - 0
Contacts - 1
Heirloom - 5
Immortality - 0
Library - 5
Mirage - 1
Reputation - 0
Rites - 1
Wealth - 1
Firebreathing - 1
Transformation - 1
Blood of Zirnitra - 4
Mark of Bahamut - 0
Age - 0
Mark of Self

//- Details -\\

Physical Description: Annika is a petite woman with supple curves and long, willowy limbs. Full breasts and nicely curved hips and backside make sure she never fails to look distinctly feminine in anything she wears. Her usual choice of dress includes high dollar heels, skirts, and dresses, showing that when she's not locked in a library or study pouring over volumes of knowledge, she's usually out shopping for clothes that appeal to her. Her fashion isn't always considered what's “in” at the time, but she never fails to stun no matter what she wears, her fair skin, blonde hair, and bright blue eyes giving her the look of the quintessential Scandinavian beauty.

Personality: Annika is generally thought of as an aloof, pragmatic member of the draconic race. While she takes their calling seriously, she is far more willing to make sacrifices during the struggle than others might be, if she believes that it will help the big-picture. She is dedicated to her work more than the cause, and gathering information and powerful magic has become her life's goal. She has a love of clothes and shoes (most especially heels), and spends most of the meager funds she gets from her small number of investments on the occasional “retail therapy” splurge every few months. The only thing that makes her happier than clothes shopping is bringing home new books, and her living space has more space dedicated to the storing of her various books and scrolls than her own belongings.

History: Born a few years after the end of World War II, Annika Kateriina Järvinen was born to a dragon mother more interested in her charge as a protector of humanity and attempting to unlock the secrets of the ancient's magics than her own child. Alissa was not part of the Eternium directly, but she was not above helping them or working with them when it suited her goals. As such, Annika grew up surrounded by her mother's research and occasionally meeting other dragons from Eternium. She didn't idolize them the way some may have, but she certainly grew to appreciate them. They were smart and strong, and they recognized her potential from a young age, when her intelligence began to shine through. She was devouring books before most children had mastered their ABCs, and she had a gift for committing information to memory.

Her childhood was spent excelling in mental pursuits, but struggling when it came to relating to her peers. She had no interest in playing games or collecting toys. Instead, she collected books, and her mother's one sincere interest in her life seemed to be the willingness to do things like have wall-to-wall bookshelves put up in her bedroom, turning it in to a small haven of knowledge. She had high marks all through school, and thanks to Finland's long history of women in higher education, she was able to attend university with no difficulty in admittance.

Her college years were limited, but during that time, she was approached by Eternium about joining their ranks. Her mother had consistently turned them down, but their promises of almost limitless opportunities to pursue her areas of interest and training in her magic capability (something she'd come to realize was far superior to what most around her). She graduated from University with a degree in history, and went to join Eternium shortly thereafter. For years, Annika traveled the world, hunting down information on the occult and the various races of supernatural and building not just her knowledge, but a considerable library of knowledge both for herself and the Eternium.

These days, she spends most of her time traveling to libraries and occasionally tagging along during missions to collect artifacts or explore long-forgotten locations and ruins in search of more knowledge, things that can help them in the Struggle.

Family: Annika isn't particularly close to her draconic family, and her human father died a long time ago, leaving her mostly alone in the world

Likes: Books, Libraries, Magical studies, Research, heels, fine clothes
Dislikes: Emotional outbursts, loud people, physical training of basically any kind
Hobbies: Reading, writing, shopping for clothes
Personal Goal: To become Eternium's foremost expert on occult and supernatural lore, to gain as much magical power as possible
Fears & Phobias: Nika has a genuine fear of being possessed, and has gone so far as to undergo a rite to prevent it. She is actively on the lookout for people who can perform rites to further protect her from being overtaken by another and losing control of herself.
Ons & Offs: Mine

//- Extras -\\

Firebreathing: Breath of Fire
Transformation: Human Form
Blood Runes:
Heirloom: NAME HERE -

2 BP
1 BP
5 BP
5 BP
1 BP
1 BP
1 Essence
Rite (Mark of Self)
Background (Library)
Gift (Blood of Zirnitra 5)
Background (1 Wealth)
Background (1 Mirage)
I want no ordinary lover. I want a storm. I want sleepless nights and endless conversations at four a.m. I want passion, I want madness.
I want someone who's able to make my whole body shiver from a distance and also pull me close to make sense of all my bones.

~ Bizarre, Beautiful, And Breathtaking ~
~ O/O ~ Seeking ~ A/A ~ Mirrors and Masks ~ Poetry ~
She walked with the universe on her shoulders and made it look like wings.


Quote from: ThatOneShrroth on November 21, 2015, 10:16:48 PM
Depending on how things go in terms of connections, I might be open to connections with ya. Hit me up, same as Rave. Likely only going up to two connections, though.

I'll definitely send you a PM! I'll be able to get a clearer picture of what your girl is like once the character sheet goes up, and we can go from there  :-)



//- I would like to reserve Luke Evans to portray my character -\\


Quote from: Emjay on November 21, 2015, 11:40:29 PM

//- I would like to reserve Garrett Hedlund to portray my character -\\

Hawt. >.>


Quote from: Emmykins on November 21, 2015, 11:47:26 PM
Hawt. >.>

I now have two characters in the works xD I may or may not change the face claim for this guy.

Bloodied Porcelain

Annika Kateriina Järvinen is approved! If anyone would like to discuss connections, I'm totally open. Find me on YIM or PM or here. :)
I want no ordinary lover. I want a storm. I want sleepless nights and endless conversations at four a.m. I want passion, I want madness.
I want someone who's able to make my whole body shiver from a distance and also pull me close to make sense of all my bones.

~ Bizarre, Beautiful, And Breathtaking ~
~ O/O ~ Seeking ~ A/A ~ Mirrors and Masks ~ Poetry ~
She walked with the universe on her shoulders and made it look like wings.


Tiny edit to my sheet just because I found a better dragon aesthetic I wanted to use. Hopefully that's okay!

Quote from: ThatOneShrroth on November 21, 2015, 10:51:51 PM

Working on it~

Eternium Character Sheet

//- Basics -\\
Character Name: Shayna Curson
Concept: Supplier & Combat Enthusiast
Demeanor: Neutral by default, dismissive

Bloodline: Ladon
Marked By:
Status: Hunter
Languages Know:

Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Hazel
Ethnicity: Caucasian

Face Claim: Cassi Van Den Dungen

//- Attributes -\\

Power |
Finese |
Resist |
Strength - 6
Dexterity - 5
Stamina - 3
Intelligence - 3
Wit - 2
Perception - 3
Guile - 4
Charm - 4
Wisdom - 3

//- Abilities -\\

Academics - 2
Animal Ken - 0
Art - 0
Athletics - 4
Awareness - 2
Brawl - 3
Control: (?) - 2
Craft - 3
Empathy - 0
Fortitude - 1
Investigation - 0
Larceny - 0
Law - 2
Leadership - 2
Linguistics - 1
Marksmanship - 4
Medicine - 0
Melee - 2
Occult - 2
Politics - 3
Presence - 4
Science - 0
Stealth - 0
Survival - 1
Lore: Immortals - 0
Lore: Infernals - 0
Lore: Divine - 0
Lore: Fallen - 0
Lore: Shifters - 0
Lore: Fae - 1
Lore: Eldritch - 1
Lore: Returned - 0

//- Advantages -\\

Humanity - 6
Willpower - 4
Essence - 3
Zeal - 5

Primal Urge - 5
Greed - 6
Rage - 9
Vanity - 4
Allies - 0
Armory - 5
Contacts - 1
Heirloom - 0
Immortality - 0
Library - 0
Mirage - 1
Reputation - 1
Rites - 0
Wealth - 2
Firebreathing - 1
Transformation - 2
Blood of Ladon - 2
Mark of Tiamat - 1
Age - 0
Ring of Sustenance

//- Details -\\

Physical Description:




Personal Goal:
Fears & Phobias:
Ons & Offs:

//- Extras -\\

Firebreathing: Breath of Fire
Transformation: Human Form, Weapons
Blood Runes:

1 BP
3 BP
1 BP
4 BP
2 BP
2 BP
2 BP
Ring of Sustenance
Wealth 2 -> 3
Paragon (Associated) 1 -> 2
Transformation (Senses)
Willpower 4 -> 5
Vanity 4 -> 3


//- I would like to reserve Cassi Van Den Dungen to portray my character -\\

She looks great Shrroth! I'll shoot a PM your way in the morning~


That moment when you are contemplating changing your character's bloodline...but you already sorted out the stats. -facepalms-

Bloodied Porcelain

Quote from: Flower on November 22, 2015, 10:11:05 AM
That moment when you are contemplating changing your character's bloodline...but you already sorted out the stats. -facepalms-

And that is why I havent made a second character yet. I am bad at decisions and suspect that I will end up playing with points and changing my mind a few dozen times. >.>
I want no ordinary lover. I want a storm. I want sleepless nights and endless conversations at four a.m. I want passion, I want madness.
I want someone who's able to make my whole body shiver from a distance and also pull me close to make sense of all my bones.

~ Bizarre, Beautiful, And Breathtaking ~
~ O/O ~ Seeking ~ A/A ~ Mirrors and Masks ~ Poetry ~
She walked with the universe on her shoulders and made it look like wings.


Exactamundo. I decided to keep him as is. Ladon is a lovely dragon anyways. xD

Bloodied Porcelain

Quote from: Flower on November 22, 2015, 11:42:40 AM
Exactamundo. I decided to keep him as is. Ladon is a lovely dragon anyways. xD

I think I spent a bare minimum of six hours playing with points for Nika last night. XD Everytime I thought I was done I either got an idea to change something or realized I made a mistake. One would think I don't have any experience with systems, as tough as it was for me to work her out lol
I want no ordinary lover. I want a storm. I want sleepless nights and endless conversations at four a.m. I want passion, I want madness.
I want someone who's able to make my whole body shiver from a distance and also pull me close to make sense of all my bones.

~ Bizarre, Beautiful, And Breathtaking ~
~ O/O ~ Seeking ~ A/A ~ Mirrors and Masks ~ Poetry ~
She walked with the universe on her shoulders and made it look like wings.


This was my first time messing about with systems. Periodssss. I pretty much spent the entire morning cursing Wispyr's name and damning him to hell because I needed more points. It was like trying to make a PBJ with a limited amount of jelly. >.> It was a lovely surprise at the end of the character guide where he's like 'here, Flower, more points!'...until I realized some things cost more than others.

Bloodied Porcelain

Quote from: Flower on November 22, 2015, 11:51:54 AM
This was my first time messing about with systems. Periodssss. I pretty much spent the entire morning cursing Wispyr's name and damning him to hell because I needed more points. It was like trying to make a PBJ with a limited amount of jelly. >.> It was a lovely surprise at the end of the character guide where he's like 'here, Flower, more points!'...until I realized some things cost more than others.

LOL! I am pretty sure I said... outloud... "What do you mean, we only get FOUR points for that?!" Multiple times.

I'm currently trying to settle on a character concept at the moment.  I know my second idea is mostly going to be a dude because we need more dangly-bit-having characters, but I have a list of ideas and a list of face claims and am having a bitch of a time deciding on anything. -.-
I want no ordinary lover. I want a storm. I want sleepless nights and endless conversations at four a.m. I want passion, I want madness.
I want someone who's able to make my whole body shiver from a distance and also pull me close to make sense of all my bones.

~ Bizarre, Beautiful, And Breathtaking ~
~ O/O ~ Seeking ~ A/A ~ Mirrors and Masks ~ Poetry ~
She walked with the universe on her shoulders and made it look like wings.


Bloodied Porcelain

I want no ordinary lover. I want a storm. I want sleepless nights and endless conversations at four a.m. I want passion, I want madness.
I want someone who's able to make my whole body shiver from a distance and also pull me close to make sense of all my bones.

~ Bizarre, Beautiful, And Breathtaking ~
~ O/O ~ Seeking ~ A/A ~ Mirrors and Masks ~ Poetry ~
She walked with the universe on her shoulders and made it look like wings.


Contemplating changing this one around. She's gonna be a handful for whoever she gets stuck with xD


Eternium Character Sheet

//- Basics -\\
Character Name: Dominique Isabella Rocha
Nickname: Domino (what she's usually called, won't answer to Dominique), D, Kidd, Mini (Thalia & close peeps only)
Concept: The reluctant novice, "The Kid"
Demeanor: Youthful, energetic, down to earth, approachable, smart ass

Bloodline: Kur
Marked By: Bahamut
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Status: Hunter
Languages Known: English, Spanish

Age: 24**
DOB: (**will turn 25 in the first month of the game**) 14th, 1993
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 131 lbs
Hair Color: Brunette
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Ethnicity: Mixed Latina

Face Claim: Shay Maria

//- Attributes -\\

Power |
Finese |
Resist |
Strength - 4
Dexterity - 4
Stamina - 4
Intelligence - 4
Wit - 4
Perception - 3
Guile - 3
Charm - 4
Wisdom - 3

//- Abilities -\\

Academics - 1
Animal Ken - 0
Art - 4
Athletics - 5
Awareness - 4
Brawl - 5
Control: (Bikes, Skates, & Boards) - 4
Craft - 3
Empathy - 4
Fortitude - 4
Investigation - 0
Larceny - 4
Law - 0
Leadership - 0
Linguistics - 1
Marksmanship - 0
Medicine - 0
Melee - 0
Occult - 0
Politics - 0
Presence - 3
Science - 0
Stealth - 3
Survival - 3
Lore: Immortals - 0
Lore: Infernals - 0
Lore: Divine - 0
Lore: Fallen - 0
Lore: Shifters - 0
Lore: Fae - 0
Lore: Eldritch - 0
Lore: Returned - 0

//- Advantages -\\

Humanity - 7
Willpower - 7
Essence - 3
Zeal - 5

Primal Urge - 6
Greed - 6
Rage - 5
Vanity - 5
Allies - 0
Armory - 0
Contacts - 2
Heirloom - 0
Immortality - 0
Library - 0
Mirage - 3
Reputation - 0
Rites - 3
Wealth - 2
Firebreathing - 1
Transformation - 2
Blood of Kur - 3
Mark of Bahamut - 1
Age - 0
Blessing of the Warrior
Oil Bath
Freedom Feather

//- Details -\\

Physical Description: Domino is slightly taller than average with (typically) dark brown hair and Hispanic features inherited from her father. Her physique is toned with a good balance of curves and muscle, having been toned by her active lifestyle and natural athleticism. She's very casual and urban in terms of style and unrepentantly tomboyish. Sneakers, snapbacks and fitted caps, hoodies... she loves it all. In fact when looking for signs of vanity in the youngster it is most easily recognized in her large and well cared for sneaker collection--talk about obsessive! Dresses and skirts are things to be avoided if at all possible, purses are absolute 'hell no's, and don't even get her started on heels. Don't misunderstand though, Domino can clean up nice when necessary but if it isn't necessary, it isn't happening. She's not shy or overly body conscious but even so she doesn't care if you think she looks like a boy or if you're surprised when she dresses up or whatever and will promptly tell you what you and your observation/opinion can go and do. Jewelry is judged on a case by case basis but simpler is usually better with her and she is not fond of yellow gold and thus usually will not wear it.

Tattoo-wise, Domino sports a large koi fish tattoo on her back, the indigo feathers of her Freedom Feather rite that match her sisters, and a newer skull and roses tattoo that covers her left forearm. She has plans for more but is taking it a piece at a time since she has no desire to cover her skin in meaningless images. She also has her ears pierced several times each, her navel pierced, and her left nostril is pierced with a tiny stud as well. Domino speaks American English with the distinctive remnants of a posh accent (the Queen's English).

Personality: First things first, don't let the image fool you. Domino is a bright kid who is well aware of what she wants while being unafraid to go and get it.  She is strong-willed and opinionated and not afraid to speak up when she needs or wants to do so. Having started out early in her life having to look out for numero uno, she's naturally cultivated a way of walking amongst people in a way that is both confident and very chill. She seems to fit naturally into the ebb and flow of city life despite walking to her own beat and while she's no uber calculating con-artist or slick silver-tongued devil, she possesses a very raw and instinctive charm that allows her to freely interact with a wide range of individuals. She doesn't try and win people over however, but rather only ever strives to be herself regardless of the circumstances. It makes her seem a little odd and, at times, quirky, but her keen awareness and intuitive nature tend to balance that out.

Exuberant and enthusiastic about life in general, Domino is very energetic. When she's up she's up! and when she's not, you'll notice the difference right off. Maybe its all the Mountain Dew and Doritos or maybe its something else but there are times when sitting still is a real chore. That said, when she does settle down she comes off as almost feline, poised just so but able to spring back into action in a moment. Generally curious (and even just plain nosy to a degree), she is ever aware of her surroundings and tuned into those nearby, she always wants to know who, what, when, where, why, and how. Even when she knows it's none of her business she can't help but ask that extra question or go digging where she doesn't belong and she can be amazingly persistent. It's gotten her into trouble before but even the awareness of potential consequences doesn't seem to deter her from finding out what she wants to know. To say that she can be impulsive and more than a little reckless is an understatement really. She often forgets to look before she leaps and there's no doubt with the number of times she's landed nimbly on her feet despite what might have been waiting for her, Domino is charmed. Then again, with her tendency to act before she thinks, it is a good thing that she's proven to be resourceful and adaptable. And fast.

For Domino art is the filter of her life. All her emotions, be they joy, laughter, confusion, hurt, anger or anything in between, are put into her art. From freerunning to skateboarding or even sparring, from drawing to painting, singing to dancing... all of it allows her to process and decompress. There are times when she will opt to keep her peace, to save the truth of her feelings for something more private, and it is in these things that such feelings emerge. Otherwise she's playful, engaging, attentive, and genuine but with a wicked temper and a goofy sense of humor.

History: Born in London in 1993, Domino is missing large chunks of the childhood memories most seem to come away with. She is sure she lived through the usual milestones but their documentation is spotty at best and her mind seems intent upon protecting her--or else someone has tampered with her memory. What is known is this: Domino's mother was like an uncaged exotic bird. Gorgeous to look at, alluring, and entertaining... until she felt the urge to fly away to elsewhere and leave you with memories and mementos that faded no matter how much you tried to hang on to them. This was not a trait reserved specifically for her offspring but rather a pervasive trait that reared its head in all aspects of her life. As a hunter she preferred action to contemplation, and frequently went off half cocked if only to indulge in the rush of adrenaline that filled her. Luckily the female was well suited to her own faults, something her success rate with the supernatural details rather obviously. For Domino however, all this is much less important than the fact that the woman seemed to lack some key maternal trait that would have kept her at home rather than send her rushing right back out into danger as soon as she was able. Domino can't even recall the color of her mother's eyes though her sister tells her they were a blue so dark they looked nearly purple in the right light, eyes that oddly had matched the color of her scales. She had also been blonde, athletic, and with a sun-kissed tan that never faded despite the time of year in her human form. Domino remembers that much because of the picture taped to the inside of her journal that she can't quite bring herself to throw away. The picture shows the woman holding a toddler that is supposedly her and laughing so hard that her eyes are closed. Domino doesn't remember the laughter.

What Domino does remember is the hunger. The gnawing constant ache that makes it hard to think of anything else. She's not exactly sure of the details but eventually the then 7 year old figured out a way to deal with that. It apparently involved a lot of climbing in and out of windows she could reach. Which was precisely how she was found once someone seemed to recall that her mother should have checked in sometime ago and hadn't. Trying to slither back into her flat through the rigged window she'd set up, Domino was caught mid-wriggle by an entirely unfamiliar face. Which of course prompted the flashing of a grin that was pure innocence--note her missing tooth at the time for added effect--even while her eyes flashed with awareness that far surpassed her chronological age.

Just like that months of being on her own ended in a rapid whirl. Things transpired too quickly for her to grasp everything but Domino was the sort of kid that would pay attention and then later regurgitate the very words you'd thought she'd slept through, so while she didn't know everything, she knew much more than they had intended for her to know right away. Like the fact that her mother was missing and her blood had been found at the site of a demonic ritual. And the fact that it was assumed she was dead. Or that she apparently had other family out there... maybe?

That last bit of info seemed uncertain for a time but eventually it was verified that yes, Domino had an older sister, and yes, she would gladly take her in. This news terrified the hell out of the kid who had become somewhat attached to the woman who'd found her in the first place and there were several times she tried to point out she didn't want to go--even going so far as to present her case complete with charts and diagrams. When that didn't work she tried running away, several times, but the spies were everywhere in the Roost and a while she was fast as hell, the place was filled with some of the best hunters in the world. She didn't stand a chance.

Eventually Domino would indeed be handed over to her sister, Nathalia. The first meeting did not go well and to this day it is the one and only time Domino can recall her sister looking entirely out of her depth. There was even fidgeting! Naturally the two of them got into an argument--over what they still don't agree--and by the end it was a shouting match until it ended abruptly with both of them going stubbornly quiet. Nathalia smiled first after that though and for some reason Domino couldn't help but grin--something that seems to have persisted where their fights come into play--and just like that there was... less tension. Though things were not perfect from there on. Not even close. Domino hated that Nathalia left her for work and for a time was plagued by nightmares she tried to hide. Eventually the two would fess up to one another and come to an agreement that they would never lie to each other no matter what--which has worked out for the best despite the number of shouting matches had. Or the first time that Domino lept upon her sister intending to tackle her and discovered just how fragile she was not. Thankfully nothing was broken in the learning of that lesson, though her pride was bruised for a time.

The more normal aspects of Domino's life were just that, normal--errr... if you don't count the various times she ended up in trouble or pulling some stunt her sister found about later (she could never hide anything from her!). It became clear she was into art and music hardcore and though Nathalia wasn't above making her work for it, especially if she'd gotten in trouble recently, she wanted for nothing. When she was 10 she asked to learn martial arts stating her reason as wanting to be able to protect herself in case she was left alone again. Nathalia looked at her then and though Domino got the feeling there was something her sister wanted to say, all she said was ok. For a time she was sent to generic lessons but by the time she was 13 (following her embarrassing attempt to jump Nathalia) she was moved to training sessions with her sister and the guys that worked for her which were... eye opening, to say the least.

It had become clear early on that the sisters held opposing views as far as hunting and the Eternal Struggle went. Domino wanted nothing to do with any of it but Nathalia felt she had a responsibility to inform herself fully at the very least and then make a decision. It took some time but eventually a deal was reached between the two of them when she was 16 and entering her last year of high school. Nathalia would leave her be on the subject but when Domino turned 25 she would have to train/apprentice for a minimum of 2 years. If she wanted to simply hide after that then that was her choice and Nathalia would respect it. Domino hadn't wanted to agree to even that at first but since she had never been able to beat her sister in... well... anything, she'd had little choice but to take the deal. She'd tried just letting herself pass out but Nathalia would just wait until she regained consciousness to start in on her again. The upside to this was that the teen found herself handed even more freedom because Nathalia wanted no excuses when it came time for her to man up and do her duty.

At the age of 17, Domino graduated from high school a year early and opted to go to university in New York. Now more than seven years later she is working on an art degree (her second bachelors) between her travels, various gigs, nighttime activities, and everything else. She is aware of her fast approaching deadline and has been searching like hell for a legitimate excuse to get out of the ridiculous deal she was bullied into but so far its a no go. Then again, maybe she should be looking for a suitable mentor since she knows for sure that she and her sister should not be partners. Nathalia seconds this idea.

Family: Sister, Nathalia. Loves her to death and looks up to her.

Mother, deceased. Domino harbors quite a lot of resentment toward the woman who took off and left her behind.

Likes: Going out, sleeping in, cuddling, affection, youtube, video gaming, her sister, making weird concoctions, dancing, singing, djing, music, graffiti art, graphics, learning new things, sweets (she always has some), Mt Dew, Doritos, loud colors, mma (watching), kids (mentorship and art programs, etc)
Dislikes: Mentions of her mother, boredom, manual labor, pointless tasks and busy work, "training", morning classes, being on someone else's schedule, too many veggies, hearing about "rules" in art or music, people who feel determined to ruin someone else's fun, anything relating to the Infernals
Hobbies: Freerunning, skateboarding, poker, partying, making mixes, graffiti art/mural painting
Personal Goal: To live her life as a normal person and escape all this hunter bull. Unfortunately she's not sure that's possible.
Secretly she has a developing desire to capture the harsh reality of the Eternal Struggle in her artwork--disguised of course from the unsuspecting.
Fears & Phobias: Domino truly fears her draconic nature. She's not convinced that their kind is naturally any better than the other sorts they hunt and wishes like hell that she was simply human. In fact, she worries that one day she will be more animal than human. She is also afraid of abandonment.
Ons & Offs: Domino is flirtatious, likes to tease, and is a switch through and through. She's drawn to older partners, though that is more for their experience and maturity than their chronological age, and has more experience with women as far as romantic entanglements but she is sexually attracted to people of all persuasions. She has never been with another dragon and is simultaneously wary of the idea and curious. She is open to kinks.

Player offs are character offs.

//- Extras -\\

Firebreathing: Breath of Fire
Transformation: Human Form, Senses
Blood Runes: --

3 BP
3 BP
1 BP
3 BP
3 BP
2 BP
Force 0 -> 1
Stealth 0 -> 1
Transformation 1 -> 2
Brawl 2 -> 5
Craft 0 -> 3
Presence 1 -> 3


--> Breath of Fire - You can breath dragon fire. While in Human Form you can do this only once per day.

--> Human Form - You can assume the shape of a human. While in this form you are indistinguishable from a human except by magical means. However while shaped like a human you lose the benefit of things like your scales, wings, claws, and other natural abilities you might have.
--> Senses - Enhance your basic senses Human Form senses with the enhanced ones from your dragon form. However these senses are overwhelming to the human body and should be used sparingly, prolonged use may have detrimental effects.

--> Blessing of the Warrior (1) - A mystical blessing that, which involves a form of hypnotism, allows you to tune out distractions in battle, enhancing your focus and determination. Gives a slight edge, that allows you to pull ahead in closely matched struggles.
--> Oil Bath (1) - You are submerged in a large body of oil and held under while the rite is completed. You gain the ability to casually slip from any non-magical restraint.
--> Freedom Feather (1) - Matching feather tattoos somewhere on your feet. You gain incredible balance, you can walk on ice without ever slipping, run full speed and completely unburdened through sand, etc.

Wealth: 2: $1,000 spendable per month.

Mark of Bahamut:
--> 1: Enhanced Regeneration - Your wounds heal somewhat faster than others.

Blood of Kur:
--> 1: Leader of Masses - Any being who can hear you understands what you are saying no matter what language you are speaking. This does not work in reverse, however.
--> 2: Improved Guile - Your Guile Attribute is increased by 1.
--> 3: Selfward - You can not be possessed or inhabited by other beings, nor can your mind be dominated, though it can still be altered.

--> 1: Beastspeak - Any animal of your choice that can hear you becomes telepathically linked to you, and you can communicate with them. The creature can share its memories, feelings and senses with you. While connected in this way the animal becomes absolutely obedient to your commands and understands and completes any order you give it.

--> 1: Seal Gateway - You are able to magically seal doorways with their natural plugs. You could enhance the wooden front door of a home for instance, preventing it from being opened. While empowered this way the gateway will not open by natural means and gains tremendously increased durability making it very resistant to breaking. While they are not indestructible doors sealed this way can take lengthy periods of time to get through by all but the strongest of beings.

--> 1: Fortitude - For a few brief moments you gain tremendously increased durability rendering you almost impervious to natural harm and softening even mystical attacks a great deal. You could leap from a skyscraper and use this just before hitting the ground to effortless survive the fall, or use it as your about to become a bullet cushion and gain only bruises instead of death. The more frequently you use this ability in a small period of time the less and less effective it becomes.
--> 2: Potence - Gain a burst of massive strength, enabling feats that would normally be well beyond you. You could lift a car and hurl it several yards, or use a telephone pole as a bat. You could tear a steel beam in two, or put your fist through a solid concrete wall. You may only use this power once per day.
--> 3: Celerity - For a moment gain speed beyond what normal sight could track. You could gain a burst of speed allowing you to cross a football field in the blink of an eye, or deliver a flurry of blows in the time it would normally take to complete just one. The more frequently you use this ability in a small period of time the less and less effective it becomes.

--> 1: Shadowmeld - When you activate this power you may stand completely still and simply vanish, becoming completely invisible to the naked eye. When this power is used during the night or other low light situations your form becomes blurred and greatly increases your ability to move unseen.
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Quote from: Kokaine on November 22, 2015, 12:17:24 PM
Contemplating changing this one around. She's gonna be a handful for whoever she gets stuck with xD


Eternium Character Sheet

//- Basics -\\
Character Name: Dominique Isabella Rocha
Nickname: Domino (what she's usually called, won't answer to Dominique), D, Kidd
Concept: The reluctant hunter
Demeanor: Mouthy, casual, and energetic

Bloodline: Kur
Marked By: Tiamat
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Opportunistic (Pansexual with a preference for women)
Status: Hunter
Languages Known: English, Spanish

Age: 24
DOB: November 14th, 1993
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 131 lbs
Hair Color: Brunette
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Ethnicity: Mixed Latina

Face Claim: Shay Maria

//- Attributes -\\

Power |
Finese |
Resist |
Strength - 4
Dexterity - 4
Stamina - 4
Intelligence - 4
Wit - 4
Perception - 3
Guile - 3
Charm - 4
Wisdom - 3

//- Abilities -\\

Academics - 2
Animal Ken - 0
Art - 3
Athletics - 5
Awareness - 4
Brawl - 5
Control: (Bikes, Skates, & Boards) - 4
Craft - 3
Empathy - 4
Fortitude - 4
Investigation - 0
Larceny - 4
Law - 0
Leadership - 0
Linguistics - 1
Marksmanship - 0
Medicine - 0
Melee - 1
Occult - 0
Politics - 0
Presence - 3
Science - 0
Stealth - 3
Survival - 3
Lore: Immortals - 0
Lore: Infernals - 0
Lore: Divine - 0
Lore: Fallen - 0
Lore: Shifters - 0
Lore: Fae - 0
Lore: Eldritch - 0
Lore: Returned - 0

//- Advantages -\\

Humanity - 6
Willpower - 6
Essence - 5
Zeal - 5

Primal Urge - 5
Greed - 6
Rage - 6
Vanity - 5
Allies - 0
Armory - 1
Contacts - 2
Heirloom - 0
Immortality - 0
Library - 0
Mirage - 3
Reputation - 0
Rites - 2
Wealth - 2
Firebreathing - 1
Transformation - 2
Blood of Kur - 3
Mark of Bahamut - 1
Age - 0
Oil Bath
Freedom Feather

//- Details -\\

Physical Description: Domino is ever so slightly taller than average with dark brown hair and Latin features inherited from her father. She's very casual and urban in terms of style and unrepentantly tomboyish. Sneakers, snapbacks and fitted caps, hoodies... she loves it all. In fact when looking for signs of vanity in the youngster it is most easily recognized in her large and well cared for sneaker collection--talk about obsessive! Dresses and skirts are things to be avoided if at all possible, purses are absolute 'hell no's, and don't even get her started on heels. Don't misunderstand though, Domino can clean up nice when necessary but if it isn't necessary, it isn't happening. Jewelry is judged on a case by case basis but simpler is usually better with her and she is actually not terribly fond of yellow gold.

Tattoo-wise, Domino sports a large koi fish tattoo on her back, the indigo feathers of her Freedom Feather rite that match her sisters, and a newer skull and roses tattoo that covers her left forearm. She also has her ears pierced several times each, her navel pierced, and her left nostril is pierced with a tiny stud as well.



Family: Sister, Nathalia. Loves her to death and looks up to her, wanting to be like her... aside from the whole hunter thing.

Mother, deceased as far as Domino is concerned. She harbors quite a lot of resentment toward the woman who took off and left her behind.

Likes: Going out, sleeping in, cuddling, affection, youtube, video gaming, her sister, making weird concoctions, dancing, singing, djing, music, graffiti art, graphics, learning new things, sweets (she always has some), Mt Dew, Doritos, loud colors
Dislikes: Mentions of her mother, boredom, manual labor, pointless tasks and busy work, "training", morning classes, too many veggies, hearing about "rules" in art or music
Hobbies: Freerunning, skateboarding, poker, partying, making mixes, graffiti art/mural painting
Personal Goal: To live her life as a normal person and escape all this hunter bull. Unfortunately she's not sure that's possible (because her sister said >.<).
Fears & Phobias: Domino truly fears her draconic nature. She's not convinced that their kind is naturally any better than the other sorts they hunt and wishes like hell that she was simply human. In fact, she worries that one day she will be more animal than human. She is also afraid of abandonment.
Ons & Offs: Domino is flirtatious, likes to tease, and is a switch through and through. She's drawn to older partners, though that is more for their experience and maturity than their chronological age, and has more experience with women as far as romantic entanglements (she absolutely loves women) but she is sexually attracted to people of all persuasions. She has never been with another dragon and is simultaneously wary of the idea and curious.

Player offs are character offs.

//- Extras -\\

Firebreathing: Breath of Fire
Transformation: Human Form, Senses
Blood Runes: --

2 BP
3 BP
1 BP
3 BP
2 BP
1 BP
2 BP
1 BP
Influence 0 -> 1
Stealth 0 -> 1
Transformation 1 -> 2
Brawl 2 -> 5
Craft 1 -> 3
Stealth 2 -> 3
Presence 1 -> 3
Melee 0 -> 1
Ah, Kokaine, your math is wrong on the age. I was born in 93 and I'm only 22, lol
When you message me, please use the same message thread every time.


Quote from: Aiyanna on November 22, 2015, 12:19:22 PM
Ah, Kokaine, your math is wrong on the age. I was born in 93 and I'm only 22, lol

The game is in 2018 right? o.o
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Quote from: Kokaine on November 22, 2015, 12:20:59 PM
The game is in 2018 right? o.o

I don't recall a year being specified, or a date, for that matter. My char's age is based off it being modern day, aka 2015

Just kidding, I was wrong. Although, we don't know what month in 2018, so exact ages could be off by a birthday
When you message me, please use the same message thread every time.


It mentions the year in the world guide. The month is not specified though.  :-)


Quote from: Aiyanna on November 22, 2015, 12:23:28 PM
I don't recall a year being specified, or a date, for that matter. My char's age is based off it being modern day, aka 2015

Just kidding, I was wrong. Although, we don't know what month in 2018, so exact ages could be off by a birthday


As per the agreement she has with her sister, she will be just turning 25 when she is forced enters the hunter lifestyle xD
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