A Sssstrange Encounter.. (Female LF Female) [Closed]

Started by Tsuunade, November 14, 2015, 08:10:42 PM

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So, this is probably more of a niche interest for a lot of people, but an image recently inspired me to seek out those willing to play it out.

A Sssstrange Encounter:

The continent is a place called Astresha, and on this continent there are two landmarks worth of note, the sole (and fairly large) human kingdom of Atticus, and the immense forested area bordering on said kingdom, the locals had a habit of calling this dense forestry the "Wending Woods" on account of rumors saying that if you got lost. You'd never be seen again, there were also tales of beasts and dragons lurking about. None of it has ever been confirmed however.

My character is a brash but well-tempered daughter of a woodsman, who lives in a small wooden cabin in one of the provinces of the kingdom (They surround the kingdom's walls in a circular formation almost like a moat of buildings.) They're sort of impoverish, but, at the same time are able to live in semi-comfort due to MCs father being a driven and motivated man, however, that becomes drowned out in despair when he injures his back on the job and cannot work for the foreseeable future. Not wanting her father's effort go to waste she picks up the axe and is determined to fill the quota in his stead.

I'm looking for someone to play the monster that she comes across inside of the forest: This



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I would rather watch a movie then have dinner than have dinner then watch a movie!