Changed to a Genie (M for f)

Started by jacobjon, October 22, 2015, 09:31:25 AM

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The kingdom of Belacen has enjoyed has enjoyed 50 years of unprecedented prosperity. Their crops are fertile, their people are happy and healthy, the nation is beyond wealthy, and their neighbors have no ill will towards them. Most of the people thank their wise old king for their success, but the truth of the matter is that the king's decisions have played only a small role in these victories. The true success comes from a ring that the king found when he was a young man, a ring that contains a genie. For 50 years, the king has commanded the genie to make him the most successful king in the history of Belacen, ignoring the genie's desire for freedom.

For 50 years, the genie has grown nothing but resentful, but has been unable to do anything until now. There is a little known secret that when the bearer of a genie's ring dies, the genie is free to join the spirits beyond, but not before placing a curse on the bearer's family.

When the king dies suddenly, the entire nation mourns him, all save his young daughter. She knew her father to be distant and cruel, but had no way to help the enslaved genie. Now that the genie is free, she is the only family the king had, and the only one to suffer his curse. The genie spent a great deal of time thinking about the perfect punishment, and decided to bind her to the ring as he was once bound. Whoever bears the ring will have tremendous power over her. Their every wish involving her will be granted. She will feel compelled to do as they ask, for as long as the bearer lives. The genie leaves, but not before tossing the ring into the sky, knowing it will fall to whoever is meant to have it.

There are a lot of directions this could go. Perhaps it falls into the hands of a young knight who has always wished for the chance to save the princess from some abduction attempt and prove himself a hero to his crush. Or it might fall into the hands of a suitor who has come seeking the power that marrying her would grant, only to find that that power has landed in his lap.
"You fight for the wizard?" Black Adam

"I fight for those who can't fight for themselves." Superman