What are you watching right now?

Started by Inkidu, November 12, 2008, 08:43:01 AM

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Write a love story with me? Updated 3/30
Curious how to fan the flames?
Updated 9/21


While the music is good too... I'm mostly just watching this:


I mean... Godaaaayyyuuum...


I just watched an episode of the X-Files (season 7).


~A full heart has room for all things, an empty heart room for nothing.~
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Write a love story with me? Updated 3/30
Curious how to fan the flames?
Updated 9/21


Also, just clear up any ideas that I'm an entirely shallow individual spending all day watching Youtube videos like that one above there...

I'm also rewatching Gurren Lagann, my favourite anime. I actually binged through the first 10 episodes really quickly, I'd forgotten how much I liked it.

(Row, row, fight the power!)


I just watched the latest Star Wars Episode 7 trailer. I'm having such a nerdgasm right now.

Incoming X-Wings. <3
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Quote from: Mikem on October 20, 2015, 04:29:57 AM
I just watched the latest Star Wars Episode 7 trailer. I'm having such a nerdgasm right now.

Incoming X-Wings. <3

I'm gonna rewatch the original trilogy to prepare for The Force Awakens.
QuoteYou never knew exactly how much space you occupied in people's lives.
F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night


This doesn't have to end in a fight, Buck.
It always ends in a fight.
You pulled me from the river. Why?
I don't know.
"Don't dwell on those who hold you down. Instead, cherish those who helped you up."


Quote from: LuckyOwl on October 20, 2015, 01:28:11 PM
I'm gonna rewatch the original trilogy to prepare for The Force Awakens.

I might Tril it up at some point too... Do a back-to-back marathon...


~A full heart has room for all things, an empty heart room for nothing.~
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Write a love story with me? Updated 3/30
Curious how to fan the flames?
Updated 9/21


Sherlock Holmes on TNT, I believe.

RDJ is awesome. Don't tell bubby I'm crushing on her man! lol
This doesn't have to end in a fight, Buck.
It always ends in a fight.
You pulled me from the river. Why?
I don't know.
"Don't dwell on those who hold you down. Instead, cherish those who helped you up."


Quote from: Assassini on October 20, 2015, 04:18:44 PM
I might Tril it up at some point too... Do a back-to-back marathon...

Including Jar Jar?  ;D
QuoteYou never knew exactly how much space you occupied in people's lives.
F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night


Quote from: LuckyOwl on October 21, 2015, 02:37:35 AM
Including Jar Jar?  ;D

I meant the original trilogy! But I might do all six. Maybe try the Machete order too...


Lustful Bride

Im watching a B movie called "Alien outpost" (Also known as Outpost 37)  Its s semi cheap movie following a post alien invasion Earth. The aliens were defeated but when they retreated they left thousands of their soldiers behind and even 10 years later we are still fighting to take some areas of Earth back.

It feels very cheap in the beginning but that's because they saved all the money for later on in the movie. The Effects on the aliens aren't very bad, only bad scene are the up close ones when you see the practical effects and an actor has to interact with the alien models.

Considering most of the usual B movie crap we see now is 90% stuff made by the Asylum, this was actually entertaining since you could tell the people making it were actually trying to put some effort with their limited means.

I also like the explanation that they give for why some humans are fighting/working for the Aliens.

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Mind Control Chips in their heads.
And that plot point provided one good twist that I didn't honestly see coming :P

So if youre looking for a fun B movie to eat some popcorn with and relax, then suit down and check out Alien Outpost.


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about to watch The Grey again...love that movie <3


Downton Abbey.

Not exactly the most manly thing one could watch, but I'll be damned if it isn't excellent.

Drake Valentine

Black Sails Season II.

Joyful day.

Joyful day indeed that it has finally hit DVD.

Really was debating between that or getting Vikings Season III(which was out prior before BS II hit but at that time I was debating between V III and GoT IV.) Then there it was, on the shelf. "Well, I made my choice." ;3

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Did anyone catch the most recent Doctor Who episode (from Friday)? The one with the whole massive speech by the Doctor about war which has apparently somewhat taken the internet by storm?

It was pretty good wasn't it?

I have to admit, I thought from pretty early on that Peter Capaldi was a MUCH better Doctor than Matt Smith (who I really never warmed to) and this just proves me right, because it was a pretty excellent piece of acting on his part. It was also a surprisingly eloquent and well-written bit, so I guess I have to admit that the internet is kind of right to be bowled away by it.

I say "surprised" of course because the rest of the episode was just a bit rubbish :P

I mean, I fucking love Doctor Who, but I also enjoy taking the rip out of it because it IS often a little bit rubbish. The plot of most episodes can basically be summarised as "a bad thing happens, the Doctor does a thing, wibbly-wobbly-timey-wimey and everything's okay". I mean there are exceptions, like I think both of the episodes with Arya Stark were ACTUALLY really good, but this is how I feel most of the time. And the whole thing with the Zygons was just a bit ludicrous... Like, each and every single scene in the previous episode which involved human soldiers just made me cringe. I mean... Come on UNIT... Step up the game bro.

I also have to voice another, potentially volatile opinion. I think Clara is hot, but she is NOT a good companion. I thought she was good for a couple of series, but by now I am really losing my interest and patience with her and the focus on her role.

The Lioness


*purrs* Damn that wonderful James Spader....that man gives me a proverbial boner every time.
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How to Steal a Million with Audrey Hepburn and Peter O'Toole


The Walking Dead Season 4.

Godamned, sometimes even the GOOD folk in this are just so outrageously stupid when the plot demands it. Never go anywhere alone! How is that rule SO HARD to follow chaps?