What are you watching right now?

Started by Inkidu, November 12, 2008, 08:43:01 AM

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Drake Valentine

Transporter TV Series (Season One)

"When I'm Done With You, You'll Be a:
Raped, Bloody, And Humiliated, Little Alice in Wonderland."

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Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark

Lustful Bride

Once Upon a time. The Character Rumplestiltskin really sold this series to me, without him and the actor who plays him, I wouldn't be having as much fun with it as I am.


My husband found out that our local library had the entire series of Andromeda on DVD. So, he hecked out season 1 and we've been watching it disc by disc.  XD
~ My Ons/Offs, Characters and general RP info ~ Where am I?

"If you get hurt, hurt them back. If they kill you... walk it off."



Started watching Community on Netflix back on Sunday evening. Finished Season 5 yesterday afternoon.

It... It was quite okay...



Noah, on the tv. The rain is just starting to fall, and actually it's raining outside too.  ::)

Good girl but bad  -- Proud sister of the amazing, blackberry-sweet Violet Girl

Sometimes bound and cuntrolled, sometimes free and easy 

"I'm a pretty good cook, I'm sitting on my groceries.
Come up to my kitchen, I'll show you my best recipes"

Drake Valentine

Some series called 'Powers.'

I dunno how I feel about it, it was free on PSN, which I stream few episodes and watched. I mean... I like the concept of it. Modern day cops handling people with powers. I just don't like the presentation of it..........

"When I'm Done With You, You'll Be a:
Raped, Bloody, And Humiliated, Little Alice in Wonderland."

Introduction | O&Os | O&Os2 | IM RP Request(Canceled 04/11/2010) | A&As(Updated 10/29/13) | Solo RP Request (Updated 09/20/14)
Pale Eclipse - Group Game Project{Paused} 


Quote from: Lustful Bride on April 01, 2015, 10:29:55 PM
Once Upon a time. The Character Rumplestiltskin really sold this series to me, without him and the actor who plays him, I wouldn't be having as much fun with it as I am.

He also voices Dracula on Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2... I'm currently watching Noir as I finally managed to nab the complete anime series.


I'm watching The Nanny!

I still need to do what she is to do...
Where she is to go...
She has style!
She has flair!
She is there!

I must have a thing for old sitcoms. I've also been watching the first season of Bewitched, but am only a few episodes in.


Watched the latest episode of Gotham last night, by which I mean: episode 16. I'm a bit behind because here in the UK we get the episodes about 6 months later than in the US and because I quite like watching stuff legit (so that I can get the subtitles for them as well).

Reasons aside, it was a particularly good episode. The reveal of the youth of the Joker was awesome, as was the foreshadowing of the Grayson family
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(the episode ends with a young couple getting engaged and they are OBVIOUSLY supposed to be the future Robin's parents

You know, I fucking love Gotham. Some super-hero TV shows (read: Smallville, because I hate Superman, Green Arrow, because it sucks, and Agents of SHIELD, because it also was shit) are just so, SO, bad. Gotham though, despite some fairly average acting at times, is genuinely really good. It might even be working its way towards my favourites list.


Death Note... why have I not watched this before now??



If you know me personally, you know how to contact me.


West Ham @ Man City - Come on you Hammers

Angelic Kitten

Orphan Black

Third Season on Demand.

Nothing like watching how mucked up Sarah's life is, to make me feel good about my dull existence.


I'm not watching it at this moment, but the 2 shows I'm watching are Game of Thrones season 5 and The 100.

I've gone through something like 7 or 8 episodes of The 100 in 3 days.


ONs and OFFs
My Kinks




The Lady Eve with Barbara Stanwyck

The Lioness

Quote from: Angelic Kitten on April 21, 2015, 09:17:50 AM
Orphan Black

Third Season on Demand.

Nothing like watching how mucked up Sarah's life is, to make me feel good about my dull existence.

Marathoned seasons 1 & 2 in a weekend. I can't get enough. Too bad I'm too cheap to buy episodes from season 3 yet....

OT: Game of Thrones Season 3 (again) as I haven't watched it in over a year. Trying to get caught up, so a marathon it is!
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Star Wars: The Clone Wars TV series.

Currently on Season 4 and I only started watching them about two weeks ago. I have to say, I do enjoy parts of it and I quite like some of the fleshing out of the characters and the awesome Star Wars-y battles.

On the other hand. I DON'T like Ahsoka and I also really dislike the episodes that they seem to have felt the need to include based on characters like C3P0, R2D2, Jar-Jar and Padme. I'm here for the lightsabers and the awesome space battles, not the boring shit.
