What are you watching right now?

Started by Inkidu, November 12, 2008, 08:43:01 AM

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Voxy Vae

Deadpool 2, because I'm obsessed with Zazie Beetz right now.


Golden Girls... half watching really.
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Merry Gentry

“And I’d give up forever to touch you, cause I know that you feel me somehow. You’re the closest to heaven that I’ll ever be and I don’t wanna go home right now.”




Wolfgang the dragon



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An anime called Space Brother, which is about two brother who want to become astronauts and succeed, though getting into space is a bit harder. One of my other partners is currently on a Sailormoon rewatch and is making me consider doing one of my own.


Ladies who do, a 1960's British Comedy that Amazon recommended for me.


Current status: Available and looking!
Story ideas page coming soon...I hope!

Yeti-nomicon (O/O), Yeti Calls and Creations (Music and Art), Playful Yeti (Story Ideas), Yeti Tales (Storiytelling), Elusive Yeti (A&A)


People getting deflated in Vento Aureo for the Boat Battle scene after they've been struck by an enemy stand with a rapier that turns them into balloons.


Just saw The Favourite at the cinema and as I'm currently bored I felt like writing out my thoughts.

Basically, the whole thing seems to have been made as Oscar bait. Some seriously stellar performances (Olivia Coleman can do no wrong really and Emma Stone is great), along with some cinematography which my limited understanding suggests is extremely interesting and well done. Add in a dose of clever writing and intrigue along with the "indie" budget and the whole thing smacks of something designed for the Academy.

It was also absolutely dreadful from an enjoyment perspective. It's basically about a bunch of absolutely horrible, grotesque human beings with not one single redeeming quality between them. Every single one of them is out for themselves, vicious and manipulative and just frankly terrible people.

Given that I feel every form of art is supposed to make us feel something, the intention here seems to have been to make you as uncomfortable as possible. The film used these crazy wide-angled shots which make everything seem slightly alien and distorted. The music was horrifically and deliberately jarring. Plus then add in all the characters and their actions and you just leave feeling vaguely disgusted.

So, yeah, they achieved what they wanted I reckon and I guess I can appreciate that from an artistic stand-point. I still maintain it's a terrible film though. Especially because through all that horribleness, it didn't really seem to be saying anything or making any point other than "people are terrible".

On the bright side it sounds like it's a completely distorted and almost certainly completely untrue version of actual history. So that's something at least!


Merry Gentry

Game of thrones - started at Season 1 last week, already on Season 4! 
“And I’d give up forever to touch you, cause I know that you feel me somehow. You’re the closest to heaven that I’ll ever be and I don’t wanna go home right now.”


Watching Northernlion and friends mess about in Minecraft. It's quite a melodrama of people arguing.


Wyld and I watched some Angel and Millennium.


House of Cards.... I couldn't focus to watch Bandersnatch.


UNDER THE SILVER LAKE movie. If you enjoyed it, try Daniel Clowes' comic LIKE A VELVET GLOVE CAST IN IRON

Lady Shadow

Rhythm is something you either have or don't have, but when you have it, you have it all over.
Ambition is like a V8 engine.
~Elvis Presley~


The Count of Monte Cristo. Forgot how good of a movie it is.
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The first two episodes of THE ORVILLE, second season... Didn't enjoy them that much...
