Avenger anyone? (Looking for someone to play Bruce Banner/Hulk)

Started by MissRoziel, September 05, 2015, 03:22:19 PM

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I'm hoping to do a Roleplay set in the marvel universe. 

I don't mind if your a boy or girl, I love the idea of more then one set of characters, I don't mind if you want the second pairing to be M/M or F/F or Hat/Gloves *eyebrow wiggle*

While the character I play across from Bruce will be an OC I am totally willing to also play a character you like for you IE say You have a thing for Tony Stark/Black Widow?  Yep I'll Play him/her for you as well as my OC! :) 

In fact I like playing lots of characters cause it builds a bigger world with bigger stories and I LOVE a good story, I mean don't get me wrong theirs nothing wrong with smut, but a game with just smut dissolves pretty fast :(  and that's super sad (at least in my experience)

Now heres the hard part, This is a fly by the seat of your pants roleplay! meaning we get to make it up as we go!  we set a basic starting plot and just build.  Can it be done?  Yes, My longest role play which was played almost everyday consistently lasted for Five years!  our character managed through four generations, basically our starting characters (An OC, Wolveriene, HankMcoy and my friends OC) Had children, who had children, who had children! :D and since it's marvel very rarely would an of our characters stay dead, by then end we had two clones, a 'zombie', a living doll whose consciousness had been place into the body of a brain dead coma patient, and aliens! (cause aliens are awesome) Oh and deadpool, because seriously you can't have a Marvel game with out a deadpool being awesome and deadpooly ;D


Anyone interested?

Drop me a PM if your up for it  ;D  I generally play only on forums but If you can give me a good reason I will play over PM, but it has to be a pretty good reason.


Any help would be greatly appreciated, I am also taking art commissions to go towards my goal.



Any help would be greatly appreciated, I am also taking art commissions to go towards my goal.



Any help would be greatly appreciated, I am also taking art commissions to go towards my goal.