"Not your usual suspect" F/F (mostly), NC, ISO hermaphrodite

Started by BeckyAnnn, September 01, 2015, 08:08:53 PM

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Well, hello there fellow writer.  My name is Becky and I am glad my subject line caught your attention and you decided to stop by.  I rarely post story ideas here because quite honestly, I suck at coming up with my own ideas.  I believe I am a fair writer with a vivid imagination and decent ability to be descriptive but I tend to do better running with someone elses inspiration rather than my own.  Feel free to check out my previous posts to get an idea of my writing style and ability. 

IN this post you will find just a single story idea and the only reason I am posting it at all is I haven't been able to find anyone with a similar idea just browsing the boards.  If you are interested and have some ideas shot me a PM or reply below if you like.  I am not that picky in that respect, though I am a bit picky about who I RP with.

I originally posted the idea on the "one-shots" board but I think I might have better luck here. 

One other thing I should mention before we get on to the story idea is that my posting rate has been quite slow of late.  I don't really know why it just is.  So if that will be a problem for you, you may not want to get involved with me right now.  Anyway, on to the story.

Name: Not your usual suspect

Content: Human FxF Non-Con impreg

Scenario: No real story for this yet but I have a hankering to play opposite a female hermaphrodite character who is fully functional as both male and female, including the ability impregnate  her partner.  My character is a young (16-17 year old) school girl. Your character can be anyone you like as long as she fits the above description.  The idea is either no one believes her when she says she was raped and impregnated by your character or the story is so incredible that she fears no one will believe her and so doesn't tell. 

Setting: Could take place anywhere and in anytime though it might work better in an earlier time when the condition is practically unknown and certainly hidden.

Requirements: Preference will be given to a female player simply because that is what I want for this.  That does not, however, automatically exclude a male from playing the role.  It will just be a matter of what kind of interest I get.

Other info: As I said, I have no real story for this yet but it might be fun if it was a bit of a cat and mouse game at first, with the cat (your character) playing with her prey and enjoying the chase almost as much as the conquest.