Wanted: Mass Effect - Updated!

Started by Arkaniel, August 29, 2015, 11:50:20 AM

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I'm looking for stories set in the expansive Mass Effect Universe.

I play male characters only. I don't have a presence as to the gender of the player joining me, but I prefer female characters as my partners. This can be one on one, or we can play multiple characters each, depending on the scenario.

Mass Effect Scenarios


The Reapers have been defeated. The Galaxy is a place of turmoil, Chaos and Death, civilisations scattered in the wake of Cerberus and Reapers. Cities need rebuilding. The Citadel is gone. The Council is weakened. Asari and Turians lost their supremacy. Heroes have risen from all races and yet... Corruption is never far.

We would play out the rebuilding of the galaxy, finding survivors and making our way through the various factions of survivors trying to take the power in the vacuum left.

This can revolve around the characters from the game, even with Shepard surviving, or it can revolve around a brand new cast of characters we create ourselves.

Human-Quarian Alliance

A very Alternate Universe take on Mass Effect, with no focus on the Reapers. Instead, what if humans were still regarded as third class citizens, barely better than the Quarians. What if Turians and Salarians treated them like unwanted outcasts and feared them like they fear the Krogans. In such a setting, with a Cold War brewing between humans and the Council Races, with Geth being more imperialistic and out to end organic life (oddly enough just like the Catalyst predicted), it would stand to reason humanity found allies in the other third class race, the Quarians.

Characters: a human male played by me, a Quarian female played by you. Can be original, can be male Shepard and Tali Zorah.

Shadow Broker

Set during or just post Mass Effect 1.

What if, belying all odds, the Shadow Broker was a human, played by me, with a vested interest in your character. You can play a female Shepard, Tali, Liara, Miranda or an Original Character human, Asari or Quarian of the female persuasion. This can loosely follow the game events, or we navigate the galaxy and its many adventures after Saren was taken down but without Collectors and with the Reapears delayed for a decade or more. Focus on the Hegemony, Terminus Systems, mercenary bands, a corrupt Alliance, Cerberus,...

If interested, please PM me. Other scenarios/plots are also very possible and everything is open for negotiation or discussion.

Changing Tunes

Mass Effect One ended, Saren was killed, The Reapers delayed... But Shepard died nevertheless and this time, the Illusive Man could resurrect him/her... Follow our own bands of misfits as there is no one to lead the charge when the Collectors and the Reapers start reaping havoc!
