The Forgotten Sons Motorcycle Club, Descanso [Extreme, Male Club Members Needed]

Started by undisclosedtoyou, July 27, 2015, 11:05:48 PM

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Jeffrey "Farmer" Spatz

Age: 30

Occupation:  Seasonal Offshore Oil Rigger;  One Percenter;

Orientation:  Heterosexual;

Position:  Club Member;

Family:  Farmer's old man is Mike Mike Spatz, and he's holed up in Atwater on a 220-year stint for fourteen counts of Felony Murder.  His mother's not associated with the MC, and she's mooching off the government somewhere in Oregon.  Farmer's got an older brother whose gone career marine, and a younger sister who's in college.

Short Bio:  Farmer was honorably discharged with a rank of Corporal from the USMC, and served with some distinction abroad in some real shit holes.  He didn't really take a shining to the discipline, and got into some scraps with some of his fellow service members on account of some dumb shit.  There's a plaque on his goddamn wall that says that he drove a truck across a million miles of Iraqi road, though, but he doesn't like to talk about it.  When he got back, he prospected with the Forgotten Sons, and promptly took the fall for possession with the intent to distribute a kilo of cocaine.  He did his time, got out, and got patched after his five-year stint.

Farmer's in charge of supplying and distributing drugs to offshore rigs, and business is good.


  • PTSD:  Farmer's got himself a bit of shell shock.  He is prone to dramatic mood swings, disproportionate bouts of anger, and suicidal thoughts.
  • Good Person:  Despite his long history of violence, Farmer's unwilling to harm innocent people.
  • Drug and Alcohol Abuse:  Farmer frequently indulges in opioid cocktails and alcohol shots.  He is known for his incredible tolerance for both.
  • Missing Loyalty:  Farmer misses being in the USMC because he felt a very close kinship to his fellow marines;  he has attempted to replace that loyalty with that of the Forgotten Sons.  He is unwilling to forgive transgressions against the club by its own members, and harbors resentment towards a few brothers.
  • Grenadier:  Uncle Sam's trained Farmer as a bonafide killing machine:  in a conventional four-man squad, he worked as the third-man.
  • Hardy:  Despite his propensity to abuse his body, Farmer's redneck strong and tough.
  • Spartan:  Life in the desert, and then life in a federal penitentiary, made Farmer into someone who doesn't need much in the way of personal belongings.

Always seeking 5E games.


Quote from: Nymphadora on July 28, 2015, 06:43:49 PM
My brain is percolating and the plotting has begun! I'm really excited and hope to get to really set to work on my sheet this evening.

I love the visual you put in my head by using the term percolating.

Quote from: GnothiSeauton on July 28, 2015, 07:11:21 PM
Sheridan “Sher” Miller


Age:  Thirty six years old

Occupation:  Part-time bouncer.  Part-time mechanic.

Orientation:  Heterosexual

Position:  Club Member

Family:  All family he has, or immediate family, is deceased or estranged completely from him to the point of no contact whatsoever.  He is aware of a half sister and half brother, results of his father's youth, but neither he, nor they, have any desire to connect with each other.

Short Bio:  The Club has always been a major part of Sheridan's life from the moment he was born.  His father an original member, Sheridan grew up surrounded by the lifestyle and became no stranger to it.  It's what he's known for most of his life. 

His mother a Sweet Butt, she left him with his father to raise him up as she went off chasing a high, and it was at his father's knees that he learned to be a man of the club.  Crime and he have never been strangers, accumulating a criminal record ever since he was a teenager. But while he's been in and out of incarceration, the club has always been there for him, the family he's only known.

Service to the Club and Patch has brought him deeper down the rabbit hole where few go in life.  He's assaulted people with his bare hands.  He's killed, in a variety of ways.  He's tortured others for information.  He's broken into buildings, stolen cars, done just about anything and everything the Club has asked of him, out of the loyalty and sense of family he has for the Forgotten Sons.


  • Loyalty:  One of the biggest aspects of his personality is the overwhelming sense of loyalty he has for the Club.  While others might join the club, discover it later in life, Sheridan was born into it, and has been around it for all of his life.  They're his brothers, his uncles, etc., in a sense in his mind, and will do just about anything for them.  The fact that he's done time, and extended time, for not ratting out his “family” has proven that.
  • Intimidating:  To others who don't know him, or aren't familiar, he is known to be intimidating.  He isn't outgoing, isn't the laughing, cheerful sort.  When it comes to Outsiders, or people he deems Outsiders to himself, he is reserved and quiet, with an inquisitive, gaze that analyzes the actions and expressions of others he is unfamiliar with.
  • Lifer:  Having grown up around the club, being immersed in it from birth, Sheridan knows no other, more legit life.  He is a lifer when it comes to the Club, in it until the end.
  • Information Sponge:  Sheridan likes to think of himself as a bit of an information sponge.  He enjoys reading when he can,and loves to learn how and why certain things work, often taking things apart just to put them back together in what freetime he usually has to himself.
  • Thinking Ahead:  Should the end ever come, Sheridan has been making plans and preparation for such an event, putting away a good deal of money in gold and stashing it away in case of emergencies.  This also extends to formulating plans he finds himself involved in, figuring out an exit strategy and attempting to plan for any and all troubles that may arise.
  • Hands-On:  Sheridan likes to work with his hands, both as a mechanic, and when needed for the club in it's more illicit activities.
  • Misogynistic to a Degree:  Though living in a modern world, Sheridan still maintains a bit of a misogynistic attitude when it comes to women being involved in the club and mechanical aspects.  He does not trust women who get close to the club, nor does he like the idea of a woman tinkering with engines, especially his own.  Though he might not be vocal about his beliefs, it is not exactly a secret.
  • Odd Quirks:
    • Though violent when needed, Sheridan keeps a tight lid on it around civilians and others.
    • He might be a bit of a misogynist, but he has no tolerance for violence against women, no matter the circumstances.
    • A history buff, notably on pre-industrial America and the Civil War from reading.
    • Sheridan is not one for romantic relationships, nor is he exactly one that heavily pursues sweet butts and the like.  It's a rare occasion for him to indulge.
    • A total novice when it comes to computers.
    • Drug free and sober.

On and Off's can be found here.  I am generally open to anything with him, unless it's explicitly written out in my Off's section. 

Gnothi, your Sher is approved, I mean comeee onnn, you kill me with all the awesomeness!

Quote from: MissFire on July 28, 2015, 04:58:38 PM
Francoise Appledehli

Age: 23
Occupation: Gunsmith, Arms Dealer
Orientation: Bisexual
Position: Arms Supplier
Family: None
Short Bio: Frankie wasn't raised, per se. Her mother passed away when she was two years old and her father, both struggling with the loss and struggling to make ends meet, was hardly there for his daughter. She more or less raised herself. Most children might grow up bitter and resentful at the lack of parental oversight, but Frank seemed to take it in stride, for some reason. She learned how to survive on her own and when her odd personality precluded her from making many friends, she sought refuge in music. In music she could get lost in her own imagination, letting the beat fill the empty parts of her heart and soul.

After graduating highschool (somehow), she worked a string of dead-end jobs for the better part of a year until deciding, mostly on a whim, to join the army. This also proved to be a no-go for Francoise, as she lacked the discipline to follow order. The only thing that managed to catch her interest were firearms. She proved to be an excellent marksman but was more fascinated with how guns worked, the many varieties of firearm, grades of ammunition, and the required velocity that it would take to explode a man's brain through the back of his skull. She was dishonorably discharged after being caught trying to break into the armory. Now with two passions in her life (music and firearms), she started a collection and became an amateur gunsmith.

This is an expensive hobby, though. Especially when you're half-mad and most people don't even like to be in the same room with you and a gun, much less hand you one. After her father's death (liver failure), she took a meager inheritance, purchased a vintage 1966 Winnebego Brave, and started her own gunsmith and arms dealership on wheels. This let her do three very important things; (1) see the country, (2) be somewhere else when the police showed up, and (3) drive away very fast if a customer became irate, as people who buy illegal weapons are wont to do. Her operation still runs to day and the Forgotten Sons MC are one of her biggest clients.

Personality: Her presence itself is like shouting. She acts like she's been mainlining Red Bull and crystal meth. She is possessed of an over-abundance of energy, speaks quickly, and is always, always, always doing something. Anything. She's filled with confidence and determination, regardless of whether she's competent or not at whatever she's doing. With such a spastic and high-energy personality, people often expect her to be somewhat of a ditz and those that don't really know her have a hard time believing she can run a business. Frankie is a lot smarter than she looks, though, and from time to time can offer some rather astounding insight.

Forgot to announce this to the board, but your girl was tattooed with the GM's full approval!

Quote from: Deathnote on July 28, 2015, 08:10:12 PM
Ken Wu

Age: 25
Occupation: Line Cook
Orientation: Heterosexual
Position: Prospect
Family: All living relatives are living in Hong Kong

Short Bio:

Personality: Ken could be considered by some to be the "strong, silent" type.  Usually very stoic and serious, he has a surprisingly short temper.  He attempts to be approachable and tries to be friendly with other people, though it's obvious that he's not very good at it.  He can also be surprisingly stubborn and make very reckless decisions at times.  Once he's made up his mind about something, he'll see through it to the end.  Despite not exactly being the brightest bulb in the class, he can be very perceptive and analytical to the point of practically becoming a human lie-detector.  He's most likely to be like this when he has set his mind on a single, tangible goal.  This can be especially true whenever he's helping out a friend due to his great sense of loyalty.

Deathnote!  So, we have an official in game bar now, that works as the front for the MC.  If you need a place for your guy to work, I'd strongly consider you choose this place.  I'll give you the name of the place when I get it.

Quote from: PhantomPistoleer on July 28, 2015, 08:33:13 PM
Jeffrey "Farmer" Spatz

Age: 30

Occupation:  Seasonal Offshore Oil Rigger;  One Percenter;

Orientation:  Heterosexual;

Position:  Club Member;

Family:  Farmer's old man is Mike Mike Spatz, and he's holed up in Atwater on a 220-year stint for fourteen counts of Felony Murder.  His mother's not associated with the MC, and she's mooching off the government somewhere in Oregon.  Farmer's got an older brother whose gone career marine, and a younger sister who's in college.

Short Bio:  Farmer was honorably discharged with a rank of Corporal from the USMC, and served with some distinction abroad in some real shit holes.  He didn't really take a shining to the discipline, and got into some scraps with some of his fellow service members on account of some dumb shit.  There's a plaque on his goddamn wall that says that he drove a truck across a million miles of Iraqi road, though, but he doesn't like to talk about it.  When he got back, he prospected with the Forgotten Sons, and promptly took the fall for possession with the intent to distribute a kilo of cocaine.  He did his time, got out, and got patched after his five-year stint.

Farmer's in charge of supplying and distributing drugs to offshore rigs, and business is good.


  • PTSD:  Farmer's got himself a bit of shell shock.  He is prone to dramatic mood swings, disproportionate bouts of anger, and suicidal thoughts.
  • Good Person:  Despite his long history of violence, Farmer's unwilling to harm innocent people.
  • Drug and Alcohol Abuse:  Farmer frequently indulges in opioid cocktails and alcohol shots.  He is known for his incredible tolerance for both.
  • Missing Loyalty:  Farmer misses being in the USMC because he felt a very close kinship to his fellow marines;  he has attempted to replace that loyalty with that of the Forgotten Sons.  He is unwilling to forgive transgressions against the club by its own members, and harbors resentment towards a few brothers.
  • Grenadier:  Uncle Sam's trained Farmer as a bonafide killing machine:  in a conventional four-man squad, he worked as the third-man.
  • Hardy:  Despite his propensity to abuse his body, Farmer's redneck strong and tough.
  • Spartan:  Life in the desert, and then life in a federal penitentiary, made Farmer into someone who doesn't need much in the way of personal belongings.


I like your Farmer!  We officially have a main plot, and we've worked out the main cash flow for the club.  We've decided that they make their main income from trafficking in people.  The club brings in immigrants from other countries and sell them for cheap labor.  I'm okay with them dabbling in drug running on a scale that requires off shore rigs, so how do you feel about combining the two?  We're going to be porting the people in via shipments on boats, it would be convenient to say that your guy was put in charge of the human trafficking as well.
"Not all who wander are aimless.  Especially not those who seek truth beyond tradition, beyond definition, beyond the image."
O/O's ~ A/A's ~ Avi's



Ansem and I have decided that the main source of income for the club will be in human trafficking.  If this icks you out, I hope you guys choose to stick with us.  What is set in stone now, might not be so solid later on in the story.
"Not all who wander are aimless.  Especially not those who seek truth beyond tradition, beyond definition, beyond the image."
O/O's ~ A/A's ~ Avi's


QuoteI like your Farmer!  We officially have a main plot, and we've worked out the main cash flow for the club.  We've decided that they make their main income from trafficking in people.  The club brings in immigrants from other countries and sell them for cheap labor.  I'm okay with them dabbling in drug running on a scale that requires off shore rigs, so how do you feel about combining the two?  We're going to be porting the people in via shipments on boats, it would be convenient to say that your guy was put in charge of the human trafficking as well.

I am good with combining the two, and am happy to cooperate.
Always seeking 5E games.


Quote from: undisclosedtoyou on July 28, 2015, 08:55:46 PM
Gnothi, your Sher is approved, I mean comeee onnn, you kill me with all the awesomeness!

Woot!  Glad you like, and glad to hear he's approved!

I should note that I'm completely up and open to any and all plotting and planning with him. 
If I can't have you, my love...  I'll destroy you
~World Building Workshop ~ Current Ideas and Requests  ~
~ Preferences ~ Status  ~ Nightmares and Inspirations~
~Gnothi's Stories Without Homes~
A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies... The man who never reads lives only one.

Seeking New Stories


I might make a little wave of interest over here, if that's cool folks?

I only wanna be your self-inflicted wound.
It sees you, baby. The friction between me and you.
Show me what makes you human, I'll show you vulnerable.
You bend, you break, you surrender and melt like solid gold.


Quote from: PhantomPistoleer on July 28, 2015, 09:18:04 PM
I am good with combining the two, and am happy to cooperate.

Oh good!  I'll be PM'ing with subplots at some point during the game, so look forward to that!

Quote from: GnothiSeauton on July 28, 2015, 09:24:15 PM
Woot!  Glad you like, and glad to hear he's approved!

I should note that I'm completely up and open to any and all plotting and planning with him. 

Saying that to a GM is a risky businessssss *whistles*  Lol.  But I'll Pm you about your characters subplots in the future.

Quote from: Tinkertoy on July 28, 2015, 09:25:39 PM
I might make a little wave of interest over here, if that's cool folks?

Wouldn't I be an asshole if I said that it wasn't cool?  Lol.  You're good, Tinker!
"Not all who wander are aimless.  Especially not those who seek truth beyond tradition, beyond definition, beyond the image."
O/O's ~ A/A's ~ Avi's


Quote from: Amelita on July 27, 2015, 11:42:14 PM

Nadia Cole (Lillian McAndrews)

Age: 26
Occupation: undercover FBI agent/Bartender
Orientation: bisexual with preference for men
Position: Hanger On
Family: Daughter of Congressman Michael McAndrews and his socialite wife Charlotte. Twin sister to Henry (deceased at age 26). Henry was part of the club for 6 or 7 years before he was shot, nicknamed Tank (coz he fell into the fish tank of some house he broke into), used the last name Jordan. The members of the club know Nadia is his twin sister, but nothing more about their family or true last name. 
Short Bio: Nadia grew up in Tucson Arizona in absolute (apparent) luxury, very close with her only sibling a twin brother. He disappeared when they were 17, ran away from home. It was a shock, and Nadia became more introverted after that, focused on school and pulled herself out of any social circles. She earned a Master's degree in criminal psychology at 23, entered the FBI agent training in Quantico at 25, and has been in the field for six months. She was stationed in Descanso to collect intelligence on an MC suspected for human trafficking, her preference for riding a motorcycle over cars convenient and the plan was for her to go in as a bartender at a bar known to be frequented by the club's members and take it from there. It took her exactly three hours into the job to find out that one of the guys was her twin brother under a new name, whole new identity, and she found herself compromised.

A drive-by shooting by a rival gang had the local cops sweeping in, Nadia's brother shot dead, and she got in one of the cops' face when they started questioning her which got her taken into custody. As soon as her undercover name was entered into the system, the feds had her transferred saying she was wanted for questioning about a heist and third degree murder. Basically she was removed from the situation without blowing her cover.

She did not reveal to her boss that the man they killed was her brother. She did not reveal to her boss that she'd have been killed herself if not for quick reaction from one of the bikers, 'Sher' Miller. And a few weeks later she went to her boss and begged to be put back on the case, to finish what she started. They didn't know that her motivation was compromised. They didn't know she'd been face to face with a reality she wasn't ready to accept. So they agreed.

Six weeks after the shooting, she returned to Descanso and got her bartending gig back. At the start of the game, she has only been in Descanso for a day.

Personality: Nadia is focused, intelligent, headstrong, tough, bitter and hot tempered. She doesn't like losing, doesn't like being betrayed, and has a rich sense of justice that follows a personal conviction of hers more than the standard word of law. The death of her brother kicked in a shift in her personality, brushed off her sheltering behind the rigid frame of how she was supposed to feel and act according to the FBI, her father, her mother... And now she acts according to her own voice of reason, filled with righteous anger and determination to follow the truths she'd experienced instead of been told. If she could profile herself, she'd probably recommend being put behind bars if only for her own protection. But she's too smart to give her coworkers and bosses a reason to doubt her integrity. Her true loyalties... Are still up for debate.

You already know I give her my stamp of approval!

Quote from: Foxy Oni on July 28, 2015, 02:03:45 AM
Josie Donnelly

Age: 23
Occupation: Mechanic and owner of Black Hawk Choppers
Orientation: Pansexual
Position: Sweet Butt, she's a sucker for bikers
Family: Both her parents are alive and living in Illinois, which is where Josie is originally from. She also has an older brother who works as a veterinarian in Wisconsin.
Short Bio: Although she likes to say she's from the south side of Chicago to sound tougher, Josie was actually raised in the suburban community of Chicago Heights. Her father, Phil Donnelly, was in the military and ran his home with a firm but fair hand. Young Josie was rebellious and starting running with a rough crowd when she was sixteen. Noticing that his daughter was hanging out with wannabe bikers, Phil tried give her a few pointer on motorcycle safety and teach her some basic mechanics in an attempt to bond. This was unsuccessful but Josie did turned out to have a knack for repair work. After graduating high school she ran off to California and worked odd jobs before finding something more permanent as a mechanic. Thanks to her looks as well as her skill, she soon had a solid list of regular customers. After a couple years, Josie opened up her own shop with her savings and her father cosigning on a loan. She named her place Black Hawk Choppers in honor of her hometown hockey team and a pun referring to the helicopters her father used to work on.
Personality: Josie tries really hard to be a bad ass. She has a lot of ink and sports a punk hairstyle. To try to give herself more street cred she makes her childhood sound a lot tougher than it actually was. Josie does whatever it takes to keep her rep up. She has to party harder than any other chick. Josie is quite enamored with the outlaw biker lifestyle. It isn't too hard for a decent looking one percenter to get her to do things... let him crash at her place, do some pro bono repair work, stash drugs and guns... and that's just some of the more polite stuff.     

And because I don't think I approved her officially, but your girls good!
"Not all who wander are aimless.  Especially not those who seek truth beyond tradition, beyond definition, beyond the image."
O/O's ~ A/A's ~ Avi's


Leroy 'L-Mac' MacAllister

Age: 28

Occupation: One percenter. Income comes from the illegal activities of the Club.

Orientation: Heterosexual male.

Position: Club Member; son of founding member; oversees human trafficking circles

Family: His father helped found the Club and is still in good standing. His mother was an Old Lady, who tragically died when he was entering his senior year in high school. His younger brother is a Club Member in good standing, but moving slowly toward being outed. He hasn't heard from his younger sister in six years, when she ran away to California. Word has it she's on her way back.

Short Bio: The Club has always been family. Born into it, specifically born into Club royalty as an elder son has afforded Leroy certain privileges, but he isn't arrogant about his status with the Club. If anything, the way he was raised solidifies his love for anyone who is a member and his loyalty is unwavering to those he considers brothers. Conversely, there is no greater crime than betraying the Club and he would kill anyone who disrespected his family without a moment's notice. It's this fierce loyalty and passion that has him torn between his biological brother and his Club brothers, now that his brother is beginning to act stupidly, often times placing other obligations above those he has to the Club. He knows that if his brother continues down this path, it will be his responsibility to set him straight or put him down.

His mother dying left a huge impact on him, especially since it happened so early in his life. He couldn't recover in time to pass high school and has since reverted to the Club and its methods of illegal income to sustain his living style. Turning to drugs immediately after her passing has led to stints in rehab along with prison and he still struggles with dependency issues, although he has them mostly in check. Losing his mother and seeing the pain it caused his father, despite him being the baddest dude Leroy has ever known, has created intimacy issues with Leroy, specifically toward women. His sister leaving only exasperated this. He finds it hard to stay in committed relationships, and prefers to socialize with Sweet Butts as opposed to finding an Old Lady to settle down with. He also frequents his own human trafficking rings, choosing the women he finds appealing and satisfying his more base desires with abandon.

Personality: Loyal to the point of murder. Puts the Club above everything, maybe even his own blood relatives. Quick with a joke and outwardly jovial, tries to keep the mood light and happy as a way of coping with his deep-seeded pain. Mostly in control of his drug cravings, will indulge in cannabis often but only does the harder stuff, such as cocaine or painkillers, during special events. A short temper, especially when someone he is close to is disrespected. Can get extremely violent, especially when alcohol is involved, so he tries to stay away from booze more than anything. Somewhat of a whore. Very uninhibited when it comes to sex, mostly as a coping mechanism now that his drug use is way down.


Quote from: undisclosedtoyou on July 28, 2015, 09:26:45 PM
Saying that to a GM is a risky businessssss *whistles*  Lol.  But I'll Pm you about your characters subplots in the future.

Haha...  As a GM, I know how that goes. 

Sounds good to me.  My inbox is always open.
If I can't have you, my love...  I'll destroy you
~World Building Workshop ~ Current Ideas and Requests  ~
~ Preferences ~ Status  ~ Nightmares and Inspirations~
~Gnothi's Stories Without Homes~
A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies... The man who never reads lives only one.

Seeking New Stories


Ken Wu

Age: 25
Occupation: Line Cook
Orientation: Heterosexual
Position: Prospect
Family: All living relatives are living in Hong Kong

Short Bio:
Ken joined the USMC straight out of high school, enlisting shortly after turning 18.  He served in the Marine Corps for two years, completing a tour of duty while overseas before he was honorably discharged.  Although he lacked in social skills, he was still able to connect with his fellow marines, especially when they found out that he was a really good cook.  After leaving the marines, he worked part-time as a cook for a small diner in order to pay his way through college, eventually earning a bachelors in criminology.

He entered FBI training in Quantico at 24, but just before completing his training, he got into a fist-fight with one of the instructors.  He was promptly charged and sentenced to six months in Federal prison.  While he was in prison, he befriended a club member of the Forgotten Sons Motorcycle Club.  The club member was attacked and nearly killed by several rival gang members before Ken stepped in to intervene.  Three of the rival gang members were killed in the fight, but fortunately for Ken, it was ruled as self-defense.  After getting out of prison, he traveled around the country on a motorcycle for a while before finding himself in Descanso.  He got a job as a cook at one of the local bars and found himself prospecting for the Forgotten Sons.

Personality: Ken could be considered by some to be the "strong, silent" type.  Usually very stoic and serious, he has a surprisingly short temper.  He attempts to be approachable and tries to be friendly with other people, though it's obvious that he's not very good at it.  He can also be surprisingly stubborn and make very reckless decisions at times.  Once he's made up his mind about something, he'll see through it to the end.  Despite not exactly being the brightest bulb in the class, he can be very perceptive and analytical to the point of practically becoming a human lie-detector.  He's most likely to be like this when he has set his mind on a single, tangible goal.  This can be especially true whenever he's helping out a friend due to his great sense of loyalty.


Sooo this clashes directly with my concept. Ken would have been at Quantico at the same time as Nadia (Lillian to him) so he'd know she's a fed the moment she set foot in Descanso.

RP Etiquette ~ Tumblr ~ Mumbler
~ There is nothing to writing; all you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed ~
Ons & Offs ~ Post Tracker ~ Ladies in Red


Actually, it was on purpose.  He's willing to stay quiet about it if you are.  :p

In fact, I was hoping to talk to you about a possible prior connection.

Foxy DeVille

Quote from: Amelita on July 29, 2015, 09:01:18 AM
Sooo this clashes directly with my concept. Ken would have been at Quantico at the same time as Nadia (Lillian to him) so he'd know she's a fed the moment she set foot in Descanso.

Maybe not. Training is a 20 week program so even if they were there the same year its possible for them to not be at Quantico the exact same time.


Pfft, look at all these people. Who does well in the military? That's for nerds. Only the cool kids get discharged instantly.
"There are five possible operations for any army. If you can fight, fight; if you cannot fight, defend; if you cannot defend, flee; if you cannot flee, surrender; if you cannot surrender, die."
    - Sima Yi


*lives literally like fifteen minutes away from the base and training center at  Quantico, feels bizzare about all the talk about it*
If I can't have you, my love...  I'll destroy you
~World Building Workshop ~ Current Ideas and Requests  ~
~ Preferences ~ Status  ~ Nightmares and Inspirations~
~Gnothi's Stories Without Homes~
A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies... The man who never reads lives only one.

Seeking New Stories



Quote from: Amelita on July 29, 2015, 09:01:18 AM
Sooo this clashes directly with my concept. Ken would have been at Quantico at the same time as Nadia (Lillian to him) so he'd know she's a fed the moment she set foot in Descanso.

Was this cleared up in PM's?

Quote from: Deathnote on July 29, 2015, 09:29:12 AM
Actually, it was on purpose.  He's willing to stay quiet about it if you are.  :p

In fact, I was hoping to talk to you about a possible prior connection.

I feel honor bound to point out that if you go this route, your guy will be toeing a thin line.  If the other brothers find out that he knew she was a fed and didn't immediately tell them, it might cost him his prospect patch, at the very least.  Loyalty to the club above all else, Brah.  Not saying you can't go this route, conflict can be interesting.

I'm going to hold off on giving your guy approval until I hear back about if this has been worked out between you and Ames.

Quote from: MissFire on July 29, 2015, 11:27:56 AM
Pfft, look at all these people. Who does well in the military? That's for nerds. Only the cool kids get discharged instantly.

Funnily enough, I know sooooooo many people in the military who'd agree with you on that! :P

Quote from: GnothiSeauton on July 29, 2015, 11:40:56 AM
*lives literally like fifteen minutes away from the base and training center at  Quantico, feels bizzare about all the talk about it*

Bwahahahahahahhaaa!  No worries.  I live in SD, so this whole games setting gives me the same feeling! 

Quote from: CurvyKitten on July 29, 2015, 11:43:06 AM
I blame Dis for this :P!

Damn straight!  Also, <3! 
"Not all who wander are aimless.  Especially not those who seek truth beyond tradition, beyond definition, beyond the image."
O/O's ~ A/A's ~ Avi's


Quote from: GnothiSeauton on July 29, 2015, 12:39:41 AM
Haha...  As a GM, I know how that goes. 

Sounds good to me.  My inbox is always open.

I'll remember that!
"Not all who wander are aimless.  Especially not those who seek truth beyond tradition, beyond definition, beyond the image."
O/O's ~ A/A's ~ Avi's


Quote from: RedPhoenix on July 28, 2015, 11:56:24 PM
I've had this character kicking around in my head so I'm just gonna post her. I think there may be room for the sexy motorcycle cop who can stir things up if we need it to happen. :) No worries if it doesn't fit though. :)

Gloria Charles

Age: 29
Occupation: Motorcycle Cop, local PD
Orientation: Omni
Position: Casual Nemesis
Family: Estranged Father in Prison, Mother Works in Local Law Office, Little Brother Away at College
Short Bio: Gloria was always a rough kid, she got in trouble constantly in school and was always on the verge of expulsion. Her parents were divorced, her father a fairly unsuccessful drug dealer (think Jesse Pinkman without a Walter White in his life) and her mother a down to earth secretary for a local law firm. When she was with her dad she would raise hell without any sort of check. With her mom she was a little more restrained, but not much. When she was a sophomore in high school her dad finally got busted and due to his lengthy history got sent away for twenty years. Gloria "inherited" his motorcycle by default and quickly fell in love with it. Now in full custody of her mother she got her life together a little and eventually signed on with the army straight out of high school. With no father figure about, Gloria found herself compelled to watch out for her little brother and took on almost a quasi-parent like role with him.

Her history of "wasting" her time playing shooting games ended up with her having excellent hand eye coordination and affinity with complex machines, and she ended up as a helicopter and drone pilot. When deployed to Iraq she flew an AH-64 Apache and got a commendation for piloting a drone and her helicopter simultaneously when her crew was knocked out from the concussion of a nearby blast and the understaffed command had nobody to take the drone back. She managed to fly her crew to safety while keeping her drone on target which let another helicopter destroy them with hellfires. Afterwards however, she was just mad she didn't get to blow the insurgents who were shooting at them up herself.

After that her attitude became a lot more aggressive and complaints slowly filtered up that she was provoking engagements or seeking them out. She was sent to see a psychologist and got in a nasty fight with him, ending with a recommendation that she be removed from active duty. She declined an administrative appointment stateside and was given an honorable discharge. Her little brother was doing very well off at college and would probably make something real of his life, her mother was promoted at work to the office manager and was doing well, but Gloria had little to do herself.

She heard from some old army pals that a lot of law enforcement had jobs for veterans, so she applied with the local PD. The motorcycle cops were always hard pressed to fill their spots due to the notoriety of the local motorcycle gangs, but to Gloria that was a bonus. She easily passed the academy and training and was soon out on her own. She will bust people for hard drugs, but is pretty tolerant of minor offenses and treats people with respect unless they give her a reason not to. She also has a tendency not to charge people with assaulting an officer for little scuffles, especially the ones she wins. This attitude creates tension with her captain who thinks she should be arresting more people, but she has very little worry about being fired, knowing very few people are willing to do her job, so she gets away with a lot.

Personality: Chill, but restless. Gloria is an adrenaline junkie at heart and if nothing else is going on she'll send her police motorcycle screaming down an open road just for the fun of it.  She doesn't hesitate to mix it up but prefers not to reach for her gun except at the shooting range. She is a gym rat and hates paperwork. If she wasn't wearing a badge, she'd probably be an outlaw herself. She gets very defensive about her dad, and doesn't put up with people giving her shit about him. She has a soft spot for kids stuck in drug houses and girls with crappy dads. She cleans up surprisingly well, when given the motivation to.

She looks good to me Red!  Approved.
"Not all who wander are aimless.  Especially not those who seek truth beyond tradition, beyond definition, beyond the image."
O/O's ~ A/A's ~ Avi's


I'm waiting for a few more male characters to fill up member slots, once we've gotten a good number, we'll open up the game for playing.
"Not all who wander are aimless.  Especially not those who seek truth beyond tradition, beyond definition, beyond the image."
O/O's ~ A/A's ~ Avi's



*Nudges freshly made cookies in Joel's direction and looks away whistling.*
"Not all who wander are aimless.  Especially not those who seek truth beyond tradition, beyond definition, beyond the image."
O/O's ~ A/A's ~ Avi's


I have serious problems.  I admit it.


j. pheonix, hettienne park, or t. hardy as detective sounds like a good thing to throw in this mix.


Quote from: Joel on July 29, 2015, 03:25:17 PM
I have serious problems.  I admit it.


j. pheonix, hettienne park, or t. hardy as detective sounds like a good thing to throw in this mix.

I believe we have like two or three law enforcement characters submitted.  So I'm gonna gently nudge you towards making a biker.  We definitely need more male bikers.
"Not all who wander are aimless.  Especially not those who seek truth beyond tradition, beyond definition, beyond the image."
O/O's ~ A/A's ~ Avi's