We'll start out simple, and complicate things later. (F for M)

Started by Sofia Grace, June 29, 2015, 02:50:52 PM

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Sofia Grace

Hello, ladies and gents!  I’ve been wandering around Elliquiy for over a year now, and I’ve yet to come here to post any ideas.  I assume it’s mainly because I’m horrible at just ‘coming up’ with plots, and usually I like tailoring stories to specifically fit the partner I’m writing with.  However, here I am, with a day off from work and nothing to do, and I can’t seem to find anything to write!  I figured I would at least throw some things on the table and see if I get any bites. 

Please feel free to check out my O/O thread (linked in my signature) as well as my post history to creep on what I like and how I operate.  :)

"What If I Never Let You Go?"

I’m looking to re-vamp this previously started story with someone willing to take on the role of Jackson.  I would be using the same opening post -- please, don't be intimidated by the length of my opener.  I had a very specific history in mind for these two, which is why the opener is so long.  Here is the original ‘scenario’ posted in the ‘one shot stories’ thread:

Grace and Jackson were one of those couples that everyone simply assumed would be married one day - in fact, how were they not married already?  They were high school sweethearts, and each other's first everything.  During Grace's senior year of high school, Jackson (who is two years older and already in college) informs her that he is enlisting in the Marine Corps.  She is crushed, and stressed - not wanting anything to ever happen to him.  He leaves for boot camp and she swears she'll wait for him.  They write letters religiously while he is in boot camp, and when he returns its as though nothing has changed.  Their relationship is strong for the next year - until he is served with orders to deploy on a year-long deployment.  Grace is a wreck - what if he doesn't come home?  Things are wonderful between them for the first six months of the deployment - until she feels like Jackson is acting differently.  Is it just her, or is he calling less?  Does he seem less excited to come home than he was before?  Of course, from Jackson's end, it's simply him being depressed and missing her - but he was never good at expressing feelings.  Grace takes this as him falling out of love, and becomes upset.  At a party with her friends one night trying to get her mind off of the stress, she lets her guard down and sleeps with a close male friend of hers who she knew had been attracted to her for a while - Stephen.  While at the time it seems as though its what she wants - this guy is so caring, and he talks about his feelings! - she regrets it afterward.  When Jackson returns home, Grace breaks it off with him.  She’s not the girl he left back home during that deployment and they both know it.  She’s changed – her morals have changed; her love has changed.  Gone is the girl who obsessed over her boyfriend and waited with baited breath for him to call, text, anything – she’s been replaced with a girl who doesn’t need anyone.  Who has Grace turned into?

Soon after they break up, Jackson finds out from a friend that she had cheated and he is heartbroken.  This translates into deep resentment toward Grace - not to mention she is now dating the guy she cheated with… not that Jackson realizes that he's a rebound.  No matter how many times she tries to contact him to apologize, he won't have it.  Grace fucked up, and she knows it.

Grace and Stephen break up after less than a year - she was never attracted to him, and the entire idea of having been with him sort of grosses her out.  She has never stopped thinking about Jackson, and would take it all back if she could.  The time apart has not only made her miss him, but has also served to give her the space she needed to really evaluate their relationship – it was unhealthy.  Smothering.  They were both controlling and immature.  But despite all of that… she still misses him, and she longs for closure if nothing else.  She's tried contacting him several times since the breakup, and has gotten no response.  He has a girlfriend now, who is the stark opposite of her - and it hurts. 

But what if Jackson misses her, too?  What if he's just too hurt to respond? He's pissed at her for cheating, of course - but part of him wishes he could see her again.  He’s changed so much in the passing years – has she changed, too?

… So on a whim, he texts and asks if she’s available to talk.  She agrees. 

The story would begin here, and the first part would be them meeting up and discussing things – I’m really looking for someone to put effort in, and immerse themselves in the character of Jackson:  Why hasn’t he answered her?  Was he too hurt to answer, or has he really spent all of this time just hating her?  What was it that happened between him?  Did he know about Stephen?  Fill in the blanks.

One thing leads to another, and the two of them hook up – but then what?  His family knows what she did; they despise her.  Her family knows how much of a douche he was when they were together; they aren’t too fond of him.  The story would eventually focus on them trying to re-learn each other and answer the question of whether or not second chances exist.
it's always on your terms
i'm hangin' on every careless word
hopin' it might turn sweet again
like it was in the beginning

Sofia Grace

Two plots added.   O:)

One removed.  The mood has passed! 
it's always on your terms
i'm hangin' on every careless word
hopin' it might turn sweet again
like it was in the beginning

Sofia Grace

it's always on your terms
i'm hangin' on every careless word
hopin' it might turn sweet again
like it was in the beginning