
De Mulieribus Claris - [EX]
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Orangeredsun's Story Ideas [MUL]

Started by orangeredsun, October 28, 2008, 05:25:48 PM

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I think instead of me starting multiple topics, I'm just going to use this thread even though right now I have one story idea.

Taken [NC]-An older woman (forty something range) has become recently divorced or widowed. One night her friends take her out where she meets a younger man (18 to early twenties) and then eventually they end up having a one night stand. She thought she was just having a fun carefree night of good sex but she had no idea what she is in for. The man is beside her when she wakes up. Finding slightly odd she shrugs it off and goes to work, expecting the man will be gone by then. He isn’t and in fact as moved some of his stuff into her home. After awhile she comes to realize that he doesn’t plan to leave. Not ever.

I would play the male character while someone else would play the older woman. This is something that could be a lot of drama and short. Or could become indepth and long. This could involve a lot of BDSM with some non-consensual to it being just a horror story with some erotica. It’s really up to what the other writer and I come up with in pm’s. :D

A Tale of Two Teachers [Van-E]-I really don’t have a firm idea about this. It would begin perhaps with one of the teachers being hired to the other’s school and that person showing them the ropes about the place. They are both young so they wouldn’t be worn out by dealing with students. Maybe even idealistic. I was thinking they either teach junior high or high school. It would be a long term process of them starting off as professional friends then spilling over to personal friends then romance. It might become sometimes cheesy with like ‘Oh, you haven’t ever been to prom? We’ll we are both chaperoning so I guess I’ll be your date.’ But then also drama as well. Dealing with all the things teachers have to deal with in the higher grades. Drugs, teen pregnancies, STDs, bullies etc. I would be playing the male teacher and the other person would be playing the female one. Lots of ideas exchanging in the beginning would be great.

Also please check out my on and off's thread and if you have ideas from are very welcome to message me about them!
To On and Off's by Orangeredsun

Link to Escape Without A Choice Story

Link to Tug of War Story

The only thing that the world needs more of is exaggeration. -Salvador Dali


To On and Off's by Orangeredsun

Link to Escape Without A Choice Story

Link to Tug of War Story

The only thing that the world needs more of is exaggeration. -Salvador Dali


Updated with adding the second story idea.
To On and Off's by Orangeredsun

Link to Escape Without A Choice Story

Link to Tug of War Story

The only thing that the world needs more of is exaggeration. -Salvador Dali


To On and Off's by Orangeredsun

Link to Escape Without A Choice Story

Link to Tug of War Story

The only thing that the world needs more of is exaggeration. -Salvador Dali