Scifi/FantasySandbox! (OPEN! Still recruiting! all types of chars welcome!)

Started by bokotousamurai, June 15, 2015, 10:10:07 PM

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I like 6, 7, 8, 12, and 10

I think 9 is a shiny umbreon?
I'm the coolest nerd there is, and I don't care that that isn't an accomplishment.


na the markings are all wrong and its got a Demonic pointed tail which is whats throwing me off lol

So Ill tally up the votes then as people say what they like lol

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Well...depending on tech level, nothing says he can't switch between forms...
Avatar is by Lemonfont. Will remove it if he asks me to.

Come check the Cyberpunk Images Thread!


I noticed the markings and the tail, but I couldn't honestly think of anything else to compare it to. Black, feline-ish thing with what appears to be dark based powers, good enough for me.
I'm the coolest nerd there is, and I don't care that that isn't an accomplishment.



Mkay keeping a tally up lol asking friends too

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Just wanted to let you all know, I'm going to be gone for the weekend, so if there's no post from me for a couple of days, that's why!  I'll be back Monday ready to produce some fun, smutty, plant-babe material!


Okay so got it down to two for a tiebreaker

Option 8 NSFW (Fox)

Option 12 SFW (Fox)

Both were liked an equal amount so between these two any preferences

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9 was pretty awesome, but out of those two 8 maybe.
PM box is open. So is my discord: Sain#5301


I'm the coolest nerd there is, and I don't care that that isn't an accomplishment.


8 It is mkay then :D

Name/Title: Makoto Viridio
Role: Journeyman Mechanical Engineer/Technician
Species: HomoVulpes (Anthromorphic Fox)
Sexuality: Omnisexual Trap

Standing a Mere 160 cm this blue furred Arctic fox is short even among many females. Demure and quick to blush he has worked hard to get where hes at as a Technician. His wardrobe leans more towards the feminine side of the spectrum though as those clothes feel better in his opinion and its much easier to find something in his size. His looks alone bring much confusion to those around him and many just stop trying and refer to him as a her to make things easier.

When hes working around the machinery of the ships hes on while out spacing hes focused intently taking in every detail of work as he repairs maintains and even upgrades parts of the ships hes on. Though not the best at his trade hes quite adept at it and continues to improve with every ship he comes across from the Small shuttles to the mighty Titan class star ships hes seen many different mechanical wonders. Many of the larger or more advanced ships though are only ones hes seen he wishes one day to work aboard one.

Outside of his work though hes a quiet respectful though shy man. He isn't one to party or join in on the festivities sitting aside somewhat out of the way so he doesn't draw attention to himself. This is due to the fact that hes still young and what other spacers would call pure. This is something he keeps close and tries not to spread around as in the past its become something of a game to see who could get in his skirt first. One day though he hopes to find a special someone to share that with until then he tries his best to save himself. Even if it means demeaning himself to something slightly less lewd.

As for his other physical characteristics hes a mere 137.8 lbs (62.505 KG) and sports a Rather average vulpine shaft of 6x2 inches with the knot growing to 4 inches. His lithe feminine form and small stature make many mistake him for a female on first glance even without the feminine attire he usually wears.

Background: Makoto Viridio born to a loving mother and father on the colony planet Miatov he grew up always looking to the stars. Early on his parents noticed that the boy would never Follow in their footsteps on the plantation and Encouraged him to learn more do more be more than he could be. Mostly self taught and good with tools around the plantation he kept everything in good repair from the Tractors to the Solar gliders. In his free time he was always on the Aethernet watching Holos of Ships in battle or other things taking in the spectacular advancements in technology each had. He took notes at times and Tinkered around in his room crafting little robots and enhancing efficiency in the machines around the plantation.

After many years of putting aside money his parents were finally able to procure him a Vessel to leave the colony and head out into space under an apprenticeship with an old friend of theirs from their youth. The gruff old man almost more cybernetic prosthesis than man anymore taught him as much as he could in the upkeep of space-faring ships. Eventually though his withered body and slowing mind made it to where Makoto had to take off on his own and spread his wings so to speak becoming a Spacer. At the age of 15 he was one of the younger Spacers out there but his feminine form and ability with a wrench and plasma torch got him by. He learned that sometimes it was better to keep his head down rather than bring notice to himself. A few times he spaced with some of the more... Distasteful of crews who wanted him more for his body and less for his skills. Though never staying with such crews for long he ended up having to appease their hunger in some form. Not wanting to give them his purity that left his hands and lips to do the hard work.

It was hard at first for him to do such things but after coming to some of the black market planets with flesh trade and Red light districts he learned that it was better off than the alternative. Now hes 20 and still holding onto that treasured piece of purity waiting for the one man or woman to come that is significant enough to reward with such a treasure. Hearing of the ship the Apotheosis he enlisted as a engineer. Showing his background he was granted approval to join the crew on the ships long journey. Perhaps one of the worlds would hold that one creature. Only time would tell.

Motive/Goals: To work aboard every kind of ship at least once and make a name for himself as a Engineer. To find that one special someone to call a lover and not just a fling.

Ons: Twins, Collars, Realistic proportions, Anatomically correct, spanking, Light bondage, Light dom/sub, Cybernetics, Crossdressing, Light biting,
Offs: Vore, gore, noncon, scat, watersports, vomit, Abuse, heavy bondage, torture, drugs, alcohol
Misc: He is slightly Bioluminescent. Though able to control it his eyes glow gold in the dark when hes not actively trying and his blue fur as a slight glow to it. His Semen naturally glows as well. Though normal colored his shaft glows slightly blue due to all the other blue around it making it look like its a Iridescent Teal.

Ill start work on #12 as well so many people saying they like it that its so close between the two Ill just roll with both.

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Nice fox, and i'm interested ins seeing the other

question though: does his "purity" extend to him penetrating another? just wanna be clear
I'm the coolest nerd there is, and I don't care that that isn't an accomplishment.


hes only given fellatio and handjobs anything else is something he desperately tries not to partake in until he finds that special someone. The Fellatio and handjobs were also mostly because it was either that or him getting attacked violently later on he took the lesser of two evils.

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Name/Title: Michi Koury
Role: Xeno-Ethologist
Species: Half-HomoVulpes (Anthromorphic Fox)/Half-Draconem (dragon)
Sexuality: Omnisexual

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The best way to Describe Michi is that he is youthful. From the way he looks to the way he speaks belays much of his age. This might be because of his pedigree as he is the offspring of a Anthromorphic vixen after a dragon took notice of her beauty and claimed her. He grew up knowing neither of his parents an orphan.

Standing 170.2 cm and weighing in at 142.1 lbs (64.455 KG) His athletic build is usually hidden beneath somewhat baggy clothes. Hes a sociable person though finds more comfort around animals than he does humanoids. He feels that the 'Intelligent' Species of the universe are self destructive. His reasoning is that out of all the galaxy you never hear of an animal waging war over something as menial as a few words. Even when food and survival is involved its not on a personal level. Hes spent much of his life learning about Animal behaviors. How they act and their mannerisms Fascinate him to no end and he can go on lengthy talks on the subject alone which end up confusing others around him at times.

He wears light colors in blues and pinks not really caring if its feminine so much as its utility. Cargo Khakis and other pants with many pockets usually filled with a Slew of Wilderness survival tools like a Omni-knife. He likes wearing vests a lot and keeping notes. Not half bad as a cook either when it comes down to it. He fancies himself a thrill seeker at times too being one of the first to volunteer for expeditions onto a planet or through a jungle. If he were honest he would tell you that ships and civilization was stifling to him and that he felt safer in the wilds than around all the volatile Sapiens of the galaxy.

His other biological measurements for those so interested is a 7x2" shaft that has a few barbs on it like a felines but the normal 4" knot of a vulpine. The barbs are one of the few things physically that gives away his draconic heritage.

Background: Michi Koury is a Halfbreed. Part HomoVulpes Part Draconem he was born out of the violent claiming of his mother. Abandoned at birth in a Orphanage on Loutis Prime he was raised there and given the name he holds now. He was different from the other children always exploratory and inquisitive. He asked questions and his eyes shone with an intellect far beyond his years. It was unusual and so the other children bullied him for it. He was the outsider the Weird one of the orphanage and like many adults in responsible positions they weren't always able to keep an eye on him. This lead to him finding refuge in the forests around the orphanage and what sparked his lover for animal behaviors. He made friends in the forest and within a few years due to his Draconem ancestry was tall enough that the other children stopped their bullying. Being able to lift someone older than you in one arm would do wonders when faced with a desire to end bullying.

He eventually was sent off to schooling on Loutis Prime where he did reasonably well in all subjects but particularly excelled in biology and Science. He loved figuring out how things worked on a biological and emotional level and this enjoyment carried on throughout much of his Schooling career. Graduating with honors at the age of 19 before having to find a place to live outside the orphanage. It never really bothered him that he wasn't adopted nor did the talks and rumors around the reasons were ever given more than Fleeting notice. Instead of finding a house in the city though Michi went the other way and procured what he needed to survive in the wilds taking home in the forests. He got accepted into a University after a couple years of rest throwing himself back into Ethology. A few times he had a relationship with a woman or a man but nothing lasting. Their interests held for a time though and he still holds a few as dear friends.

After his masters Degree was given to him in Ethology with a focus in Xeno-behavioral Psychology. It was with this that he was given a offer to join the Apotheosis' Crew. Deciding that a Change of scenery was in order he hopped on the shuttle and set out. The universe before him and his inquisitive mind.

Motive/Goals: To learn as much as he can about Animal Behavior patterns and Animal psychology around the cosmos.

Ons: Twins, Collars, Realistic proportions, Anatomically correct, spanking, Light bondage, Light dom/sub, Cybernetics, Crossdressing, Light biting,
Offs: Vore, gore, noncon, scat, watersports, vomit, Abuse, heavy bondage, torture, drugs, alcohol
Misc: Hes stronger than he looks and has Stamina in spades. Its something he doesn't find unusual as hes lived with it all his live but others around him usually have a hard time keeping up. His Draconic heritage extends his lifespan to that of a normal dragons (or close to it) meaning he wont die from natural means for a very very long time.

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checks out, and yeah that dragon stuffs ok.

UPDATES: added Mythstromia, Earth, and Tartarus (grimdark style world) to planet list
I'm the coolest nerd there is, and I don't care that that isn't an accomplishment.


Silly me I forgot to add in his Shaft... I wonder should I also add in that both of them are Sheathed like normal foxes XD Does it matter here nor there to know that beforehand?

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it doesn't matter, just as long as a partner can know how he's equiped
I'm the coolest nerd there is, and I don't care that that isn't an accomplishment.


True true itll be something then I bring to notice in game if it ever comes about then :P

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hmm, might add another character, we could use a dark elf
I'm the coolest nerd there is, and I don't care that that isn't an accomplishment.


Heh I notice you went and decorated the game title nicely :D

You think we got enough players for now to get the ball to start rolling?
PM box is open. So is my discord: Sain#5301


if we make a char page, we should, we got like what 6 chars minus one for the weekend?
I'm the coolest nerd there is, and I don't care that that isn't an accomplishment.


I'm the coolest nerd there is, and I don't care that that isn't an accomplishment.



*throwing confetti while spinning a noisemaker while blowing into one of those party thing that the name escapes at the moment while stock music of children cheering plays in background*
I'm the coolest nerd there is, and I don't care that that isn't an accomplishment.


Glorious! Give OOC thread so we wont spam recruitment thread full :P
PM box is open. So is my discord: Sain#5301


I'm the coolest nerd there is, and I don't care that that isn't an accomplishment.