Scifi/FantasySandbox! (OPEN! Still recruiting! all types of chars welcome!)

Started by bokotousamurai, June 15, 2015, 10:10:07 PM

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Avatar is by Lemonfont. Will remove it if he asks me to.

Come check the Cyberpunk Images Thread!


I like the second, but then again I like the space sails and ship bay of the first. :)


me too, but the first one actually seems like something that you'd find in space
I'm the coolest nerd there is, and I don't care that that isn't an accomplishment.


I'm the coolest nerd there is, and I don't care that that isn't an accomplishment.


I didn't think the ship would be that big. All of the pics look pretty nifty. I'll also have some sheet drafted up once I get home.


And below her work uniform.

Name/Title: Dr Eppendorf (Eppy with friends)
Role: Expedition lead scientist. Organizes rest of the science crew and keeps them from spreading their experiments all over the ship.
Species: Altered Human
Sexuality: Pan. Pretty dominant most of the time.

Description/images: (Click spoiler) Eppy is a light skinned human with somewhat petite breasts and a beautiful average sized cock in place of a clit. She has smartly cut dark hair and grey eyes with a strict piercing glare.
Background: Eppy was given all she needs from a young age and was part of a society where it was trendy to send their children to private tutors and such so that they might become someone important as quickly as possible. Unfortunately that wasn't Eppy's plan. At some point during her doctorate studies in teenage Eppy abandoned her past collections to pursue a life where money and status did not matter as much. She was already amongst the creme of Earth geniuses by the time the stars when they opened up and Mythstromia contacted Earth. Eppy hopped between various projects and ended up developing a lot of body modification technologies in tandem with various other magicraft and genetech researchers. She shamelessly stole the best parts giving herself a permanent 19-year old appearance and some extra bits that she wasn't born with. However after working her last few years with a pirate crew that caused her to spend a year in one of the more notorious orbital prisons of Earth she relearned to appreciate legal work and was overjoyed when she received the invitation to become part of Apotheosis' crew.
Motive/Goals:Eppy has all the funding and toys she needs since she is the lead researcher of Apotheosis. Her main motivations are just having fun with the resources at her disposal while making enough progress that the Captain and others who know less about her field think that she is working really hard. Her experiments are mostly sexual in nature as she wishes to uncover the ultimate truth behind horniness.

Ons: Eppy is a thorough sadist and loves watching others squirm under her feet.
Offs: Having accidentally exposed herself to a dangerously potent aphrodisiac Eppy has difficulties turning off from anything. It's a closely guarded secret however and likely only the captain knows.
Misc: Used to work with a pirate vessel and dated their captain, but after she got offer to join Apotheosis Eppy coldly left the relationship. She thought giving the pirate captain a bunch of tentacles would be a good compensation but the feeling was not mutual. Pirate captain wishes to extract revenge by making Eppy and her friends suffer.
PM box is open. So is my discord: Sain#5301


May we see this image roulette, Sain? :)


I've narrowed it down to these three.
Semi finals

Found also her uniform :D
PM box is open. So is my discord: Sain#5301


that uniform picture is perfect,  but I also like the first, got that 'bad rich girl' thing goin
I'm the coolest nerd there is, and I don't care that that isn't an accomplishment.

Drake Valentine

Is this just female and futa only? Or males allowed on ship? Cause all I am seeing are the formers.

"When I'm Done With You, You'll Be a:
Raped, Bloody, And Humiliated, Little Alice in Wonderland."

Introduction | O&Os | O&Os2 | IM RP Request(Canceled 04/11/2010) | A&As(Updated 10/29/13) | Solo RP Request (Updated 09/20/14)
Pale Eclipse - Group Game Project{Paused} 


Quote from: Sain on June 17, 2015, 07:36:16 AM
I've narrowed it down to these three.
Semi finals

Found also her uniform :D

The first pic seems quite fitting. :)


Quote from: Drake Valentine on June 17, 2015, 07:51:06 AM
Is this just female and futa only? Or males allowed on ship? Cause all I am seeing are the formers.

no males are fine too,
it's pretty much make whatever character you want, and thanks to magitech, people can have any kind of sexual enhancements/changes they want,

this trip could use a femboy cross dresser on its crew actually, like as the nurse or something, im venting)
I'm the coolest nerd there is, and I don't care that that isn't an accomplishment.


Alright, so I'm beginning to percolate an idea.  I definitely want to play an alien (likely futa which I know unfortunately doesn't help our numbers towards variety).  I was considering the possibility of playing some kind of plant-based being.  I'm just kind of highlighting some physical attributes first and will get a character sheet/full description written up soon!


The two on the left are kind of appealing to me, though I'm not 100% positive whether I'll want to have them actually having the tendrils and vines, perhaps depends upon whether that interests people!  Amusingly, I also really like the idea of antenna and the kind of stranger, more empty eyes of the one on the right. (Picture by CheshireCatSmile for Trials in Tainted Space)

I'm liking the eyes for this one and was thinking of taking some talking hints from the Florans (picture by Andarix, Floran by Starbound).  I'm not wanting to go to the full ridiculousness of 'Ssstab ssstab ssstab' or anything, but I'm drawn to the idea of different style of speech, perhaps the old SciFan stand-by of not using pronouns.  Also, with this picture, I'm liking the outfit.

So working on ideas!  Not sure if I should make a post with the half-baked stuff or work on ideas in my head a bit more before pulling the trigger on that!

Drake Valentine

How dark or undark is this roleplay going to be? Essentially, where will it fall under as far as category goes to make sure if my creation isn't too extreme.

"When I'm Done With You, You'll Be a:
Raped, Bloody, And Humiliated, Little Alice in Wonderland."

Introduction | O&Os | O&Os2 | IM RP Request(Canceled 04/11/2010) | A&As(Updated 10/29/13) | Solo RP Request (Updated 09/20/14)
Pale Eclipse - Group Game Project{Paused} 


Quote from: Nastara on June 17, 2015, 08:44:37 AM
Alright, so I'm beginning to percolate an idea.  I definitely want to play an alien (likely futa which I know unfortunately doesn't help our numbers towards variety).  I was considering the possibility of playing some kind of plant-based being.  I'm just kind of highlighting some physical attributes first and will get a character sheet/full description written up soon!


The two on the left are kind of appealing to me, though I'm not 100% positive whether I'll want to have them actually having the tendrils and vines, perhaps depends upon whether that interests people!  Amusingly, I also really like the idea of antenna and the kind of stranger, more empty eyes of the one on the right. (Picture by CheshireCatSmile for Trials in Tainted Space)

I'm liking the eyes for this one and was thinking of taking some talking hints from the Florans (picture by Andarix, Floran by Starbound).  I'm not wanting to go to the full ridiculousness of 'Ssstab ssstab ssstab' or anything, but I'm drawn to the idea of different style of speech, perhaps the old SciFan stand-by of not using pronouns.  Also, with this picture, I'm liking the outfit.

So working on ideas!  Not sure if I should make a post with the half-baked stuff or work on ideas in my head a bit more before pulling the trigger on that!

I really dig the first one on the left.

Quote from: Drake Valentine on June 17, 2015, 08:48:25 AM
How dark or undark is this roleplay going to be? Essentially, where will it fall under as far as category goes to make sure if my creation isn't too extreme.

I can't speak for Bokutou, but most of his rps hover around the trope of "comedic sociopathy" a lot.


Between those two, I was also kind of leaning towards mostly taking traits from that one!

Maybe I should poll the people here: Vine-tentacles or no Vine-tentacles?


Quote from: Nastara on June 17, 2015, 09:06:28 AM
Between those two, I was also kind of leaning towards mostly taking traits from that one!

Maybe I should poll the people here: Vine-tentacles or no Vine-tentacles?

Vine-tentacles. :)


vine tentacles~

as for 'darkenss', we never go into anything extreme, so we'll prolly go for bondage exotic
I'm the coolest nerd there is, and I don't care that that isn't an accomplishment.


Is that some sort of trick question? Vine tentacles of course.
PM box is open. So is my discord: Sain#5301


Three for, zero against!  I think unless more players who are anti-tentacle show up, the fors will have it!


I might hop into this with a guy... One of my few androgynous guys lol.

Maybe something furry maybe not Im not quite sure yet... I do have a Bioluminescient furry pic Ive been meaning to use somewhere...

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Updated my cs btw.

I recommend you check out artist 'ban' for androgynous inspiration on danbooru. He has so many pics that I need to see in games :P
PM box is open. So is my discord: Sain#5301


biolumniscent? Can it make its junk glow?
I'm the coolest nerd there is, and I don't care that that isn't an accomplishment.


guess I should make a male too

Name/Title: Toshiro, Space Samurai
Role:  Handyman(?)
Species: Earthling
Sexuality: Bisexual male

Spoiler: Click to Show/Hide
Background: An odd character, Toshi made a name for himself as the 'street samurai'; a handyman whose skills included combat and crime. Most of the time, he would find himself doing various oddjobs, but every once in a while there would be a street gang who need another fighter, or a bounty that he could get close to, and the occasional legit job that was better suited to a P.I. After gathering some recognition, his exploits had him cross paths with the infinity project, and after rightfully earning a love-hate relationship with Sophia, hopped aboard just to see what would happen.

Toshiro craves stimulation, be it from games and media, sex, drugs, fighting, or just doing whatever fucked up whim enters his head. He shuns stability and is always looking for something new, for better or worse, even if he has to cause it himself.

He continues his 'samurai' work, willing do whatever task they give him, provided they offer rewards or at least proper motivation.

Motive/Goals: Thrill-seeking, entertainment

Ons: domination, femboys, ahego,
Offs: impreg, "being on bottom"
Misc: He takes as an insult to be called an errandboy. Is a coffee connoisseur.

I'm the coolest nerd there is, and I don't care that that isn't an accomplishment.


Oh nice bi-male characters. I might just whip up a brother for Eppy.
PM box is open. So is my discord: Sain#5301


So far here's what I'm looking at for choices.

option 1 NSFW (bioluminescent)
option 2 NSFW (Half Dragon)
option 3 NSFW (Salamander)
option 4 SFW (Shark/half Drake)
option 5 SFW (Half Dragon)
Option 6 SFW (Half Dragon)
Option 7 SFW (Fox)
Option 8 NSFW (Fox)
Option 9 NSFW (Bioluminescent Idk what it is)
Option 10 NSFW (Feline)
Option 11 SFW (Shark/Half Dragon)
Option 12 SFW (Fox)
Option 13 SFW (Fox)
Option 14 SFW (Fox)
Option 15 SFW (Fox)

So Um yeah... which one do you all like? I need a bit of help narrowing it down. I'll get to work on a application officially afterwards cause whichever one's chosen helps spur my Muse into which direction it wants to go... Darn muse is going everywhere at the moment as you can see.

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