Scifi/FantasySandbox! (OPEN! Still recruiting! all types of chars welcome!)

Started by bokotousamurai, June 15, 2015, 10:10:07 PM

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actually portals were the default idea for travel to/from apotheosis, though getting to own your own vessal is more special
I'm the coolest nerd there is, and I don't care that that isn't an accomplishment.


Name/Title: "Sarah", or EVO-PRIME
Role: Official Role is "Communications Officer". Unofficial role is "whatever we need".
Species: Robot, former Human
Sexuality: Pansexual, prefers females and futas

Background: Born a human, she was diagnosed early in life with a terminal disease that not even the pinnacle of modern medicine could cure. From birth, however, she always loved robots-their perfection, their grace. What she wouldn't give to be one...well, she got her wish. The EVO Corporation, a now defunct company, offered an experimental procedure that would upload her mind into a robot shell. She agreed to it, and the process was a success.

That was a long time ago. She woke up from stasis a few years ago, with EVO Corp defunct and her original purpose forgotten. She went on a few adventures with Kalahad, a freelance pilot taking any jobs he could. Their adventures resulted in a small robotics company being utterly destroyed-the Yamna Company attempted to acquire Sarah through force, but Sarah and Kalahad defeated the groups Yamna sent, and their corporate rivals quickly seized an opportunity to put them out of business.

Now, a new group, calling themselves the "Cult of Perfection" have sprung up, and are trying to get their hands on her. She requested to join the Apotheosis both for her protection and the advancement of scientific understanding. The government agreed and put her on board.
Motive/Goals: Discover why the Cult of Perfection is after her, and advance the causes of science.

Ons: Up for anything, but she really likes it when you play with her settings. She also loves Futanari too, and is often a Futa herself.
Offs: Only what her partner doesn't like, she herself isn't repulsed by anything.
Misc: Her form is completely modular, as is her programming. In other words, yes, she is fully functional and anatomically correct.
Avatar is by Lemonfont. Will remove it if he asks me to.

Come check the Cyberpunk Images Thread!


seems right to me, does she have a fave form she defaults to?
I'm the coolest nerd there is, and I don't care that that isn't an accomplishment.


Something like Stargate Universe ship then or the beamer from Treks?

If we have a rival pirate ship my scientist needs to have an ex onboard it with some kind of grudge due to waking up with a tentacle for a dick.
PM box is open. So is my discord: Sain#5301


Quote from: bokotousamurai on June 16, 2015, 05:38:39 PM
seems right to me, does she have a fave form she defaults to?

Yes-the image I gave is her favorite, and she is usually a futanari as well because she rather enjoys having all the parts to play with.
Avatar is by Lemonfont. Will remove it if he asks me to.

Come check the Cyberpunk Images Thread!


yeah, more like the beamer, and you can make your own crew of pirates if you like

muli-chars are welcome
I'm the coolest nerd there is, and I don't care that that isn't an accomplishment.


Name: Satomi Sonozaki
Role: Archivist
Species: Human
Sexuality: Lesbian


Background: Satomi was a simple college student that tended to hide away in her apartment. That all changed however, when she heard through the internet of "Apotheosis", a colony vessel with grand plans to explore the galaxy. The meek girl didn't really like where she lived, as past events of bullying and social pressure led to her lonely self, she saw this as great opportunity to escape it all. Being one of the first to apply, she was chosen to be the landing team's archivist due to her observational and clerical skills.
Motive/Goals: To make a new and better life for herself

Ons: Satomi is a complete virgin, though she has a nice attraction to futanari.
Offs: She is sure she would never like anal, mutilation, and gore though.
Misc: She  has a secret stash of yuri doujins


Awww, no being a sexy alien babe, Yugi?

Anyway, bets on who takes Satomi's virginity. I'm putting 20 bucks on Sarah/EVO-PRIME.
Avatar is by Lemonfont. Will remove it if he asks me to.

Come check the Cyberpunk Images Thread!


oh come on, 50 bucks says she would just wuuuuv to have lady sophie give her a chibi baby
I'm the coolest nerd there is, and I don't care that that isn't an accomplishment.


So currently, 20 bucks from Angie on EVO-PRIME and 50 bucks from bokoto on Captain Sophie.
Avatar is by Lemonfont. Will remove it if he asks me to.

Come check the Cyberpunk Images Thread!



This seems like a fantastic idea!  I've got to do some thinking on what exactly I'd want to make, but if you've not closed up I'd love to join in!


I'm the coolest nerd there is, and I don't care that that isn't an accomplishment.


Awesome!  In that case, I've just got to figure out what kind of alien to be!

Hmmm, hmmm, hmmm... Decisions decisions... We definitely need some off-Earth coloration going on!


I wonder if Satomi would ever want to become a futanari herself...
Avatar is by Lemonfont. Will remove it if he asks me to.

Come check the Cyberpunk Images Thread!


if she did she'd just let herself be everybody's bicycle, possibly as a position in a brothel
I'm the coolest nerd there is, and I don't care that that isn't an accomplishment.


Quote from: Angiejuusan on June 16, 2015, 07:49:06 PM
I wonder if Satomi would ever want to become a futanari herself...

We have the whole universe to find out :)


Always the possibility of a magic ring or two that gives her a cock. Cock rings! Whoo!

Also, I should perhaps make a list of current parts EVO-PRIME has.
Avatar is by Lemonfont. Will remove it if he asks me to.

Come check the Cyberpunk Images Thread!


These are the voyages of the starship Apotheosis. Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new boobies and cocks for our sexy robot, to boldly go where no man has gone before.


Quote from: Nastara on June 16, 2015, 08:10:08 PM
These are the voyages of the starship Apotheosis. Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new boobies and cocks for our sexy robot, to boldly cum where no man has cum before.

Fixed it.
Avatar is by Lemonfont. Will remove it if he asks me to.

Come check the Cyberpunk Images Thread!


Elliquiy needs a 'Like' button, because I want to give you that.


Quote from: Nastara on June 16, 2015, 08:15:21 PM
Elliquiy needs a 'Like' button, because I want to give you that.

Agreed :)


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looking for images, if anyone can find like a space castle that would be perfect
I'm the coolest nerd there is, and I don't care that that isn't an accomplishment.


I'm playing favorites, but definitely the Terra Venture pic :)


if I can find a better picture, what about these two?
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I'm the coolest nerd there is, and I don't care that that isn't an accomplishment.