Orc Warlords of Faerun (3.5 heavily houseruled DnD player interest check)

Started by Zaer Darkwail, June 12, 2015, 01:47:40 PM

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Zaer Darkwail

It's year 1076 years before Dale Reckoning, Mulhorandi and Unther are in battle with each other and it was during height of their era in age of humanity. However, a ambitious young theurgist Thayd, a last living apprentice of Imaskari mages, opened a portal to another world as means of preparation to launch his revenge upon the rebelling slaves who had abandoned his mentor during moment of need and taken over ruins of the empire province and taken it for their own.

However, as he launched into two countries into rebellion and into fierce fighting, he died accidentally as part of the plot. Leaving no one in Faerun wiser about existence of the portal which he had created and it laid quietly for five years. However, soon portal which was never intended lay dormant for long opened up....opening portal into world of orcs, mighty orcs which have their own culture, advanced civilization filled with conflict between the clans. However, portal opened and curious chieftain entered through....and found world ready for plundering! He, guided by visions of Gruumsh saw ripe world for conquest for orckin and so the chieftain returned and called upon a council made from all mightiest orc clans together and plan for attack upon Mulhorand and Unther.

And thus was born event in history which is known as Orcgate Wars.

The above is inspired by WoW's latest launched expansion; Warlords of Draenor but also realized (by just google search) that Faerun has got this exact plot in it :P. Considering I love Faerun and it's ancient history so thought to make my own take on it. As some of you may know I have quite many games already GM'ed so I would be relieved if someone else takes reins over this idea (but if no one else goes with it I can run with it). Also part of the game inspiration comes from a more freeform writing based stories where orcs invade on human/elf cities and burn/pillage and rape everything on their way.

Now what's the deal? Well, game is going to be 3.5 DnD based war stragedy game ran by Heroes of Battle rules heavily influence the battlefield conditions for the PC's (who all would be playing as orcs). It's up to air do players start as grunts, mid rank champions or even chieftains themselves. Overall level range between these would be;

Grunts; 2th level or less
Mid rank champions; 6-7th level
Chieftains; +13th level but under 18th level

If there is interest, players could play the other side (the humans of Unther and Mulhorandi) against the orc PC's, but in this campaign scenario orcs will have advantage over human side by default. Char gen would use 40 point buy to any chars from any tier and when picking classes think these orcs from other world (which is unnamed yet) have superior magic, weapons and armor what's normal canon for orcs in Faerun (this is time of history where orcs brutally outmatched their opposition), most renown is their ability to call 'avatars' of their gods into battlefield and it caused one point several gods even appear on battlefield and lay waste (Gruumsh slew some Mulhorandi god for good example).

I myself want tone it down so that the 'avatars' of the gods are merely chieftains or champions with close connection to orc pantheon god (people with strong connection to divine) and they are simply so mighty their powers approach god-alike in might. So thus reason all champion/chieftain players would be gestalt chars (and human side would have similar) but with catch that one side of gestalt must be devoted to divine class (favored soul, cleric, paladin, spirit shaman, druid etc). You can multiclass in divine side (like go mystic theurge as wizard 3/cleric 3/mystic theurge 7 as chieftain example) or enter divine PrC's.

Also besides above we would use house rules as presented in this thread's first post (including the 'hentai rape rules' :P).

But if someone else becomes GM they can decide more exact char gen rules but I just made the first post to check interest who would want to play as badass orc warriors (or warrioress, as female orc warriors is a thing in this orc culture). Or if Faerun is not your thing; the above plot can be applied to any homebrew setting and although in canon history orcs eventually lost (became disorganized and started again fight each other), the actual future in long term is in PC's hands and can determine will orc empire become a lasting thing.

Edit; Char gen rules in below in detail.

Every char must choose do they belong one three factions; Orc Clans, Mulhorand or Unther. Orc clans have (max 6) warchiefs while Mulhorand and Unther have max 3 leaders in each. Leaders in Mulhorand are called god kings/queens, where in Unther they are archmages. Each leader on each faction can have only one champion (read; PC) serving under them and have unlimited number of rank and files. Read on culture material on Mulhorand and Unther if plan play either of those sides. Despite faction differences the chars are generated same way;

Warchief/God king/Archmage
Level: 14, gestalt
Stats: 40 point buy
HD: Max from every level
Feats: Every odd level a feat (pathfinder)
Limits: One side gestalt must be devoted to divine class (paladin, cleric, spirit shaman etc) in Orc Clans and Mulhorand factions, in Unther one side must be devoted to arcane class.

Level: 7, gestalt
Stats: 40 point buy
HD: Max from every level
Feats: Every odd level a feat (pathfinder)
Limits: Must choose Warchief/God king/Archmage which under to serve and have loyalty towards to (at start of game anyway).

Rank and File
Level: 2, gestalt
Stats: 40 point buy
HD: Max from every level
Feats: Every odd level a feat (pathfinder)
Limits: Must choose clan/order/coven which under to serve (and so champion which under command they are likely).

Wealth: Based on char level and no more than 50% of starting wealth can be spend on single item.
Cohorts/Followers: They do not count on champion limit and cohort is measured by CR/HD (whichever is highest) to acquire than HD/class + LA. Same deal with followers. Cohorts can be gestalts but followers are not gestalt. Cohorts use point buy (same as player) while followers use elite stat array. Non-combatants are NPC classes (but they treat NPC levels as 1/2 CR, meaning 1st level follower can be 2th level expert, adept, commoner etc) while combatant can be using aristocrat/warrior NPC classes (for 1/2 CR) or core/PC classes (example your 1st level combat follower could be 2th level warrior or 1st level knight).

Creation of Clan/Order/Coven

If you choose play as Warchief/God king/Archmage in this game, you must create your own clan (orc clan faction), divine order (Mulhorand faction) or coven (Unther faction). Fluff and background story is free to be decided and so is banner (if any). Either case considering we use heroes of battle, the number of followers you get with leadership is increased by x10. Also you can acquire more than 1 cohort but with drawback; every cohort which you take beyond one reduces level of all cohorts by -1. So you can have single 12th level cohort or three 10th level cohorts.

Info on Mulhorand and Unther

Long time ago Imaskar empire (which is Faerun oldest human empires) discovered magic but suffered from food shortage and also plaque which killed their workers. So they opened portal to another world and snatched large number of people (mulans) to serve as their slaves. The slaves were abused and treated poorly and they prayed for their gods (some Mulhorandi pantheon, others Untheric pantheon). Eventually the gods heard them across the barrier which surrounds Faerun but they could not give divine magic nor aid for their followers, so they forced their way through astral plane onto faerun and manifested physically and help mulani slaves to rebel against Imaskar slavemasters while gods themselves walked besides them onto battle. Horus slew greatest Imaskari sorcerer king and it gave end to Imaskari empire, gods were allowed return to their home world but formed link to Faerun to allow priests and god-kings/queens formed in their absence.

Mulani split to two groups; one founded Mulhorand and other founded Unther. The both cultures revere highly divine magic and also arcane magic is respected. They both are arrogant, prideful but difference is that Mulhorandi treat their slaves better and have higher focus on divine power of priests and priestesses (and stomp down arcane traditions) while Untheric treats their slaves more cruel manner and favor arcane magic over divine (but they do got priests also) and also are more aggressive and expansionist thanks their chief deity; Gilgeam being full on himself as conquering war god. So main reason why Mulhorandi and Unther are at war (despite common heritage) is because Unther wants to conquer Mulhorand and enslave them.

Less hair you got on your head, that more noble you are. Only highest ranking god kings/queens are almost bald (baldest being direct avatar; highest divine caster with right lineage directly tied to god itself. Example avatar of Gilgeam is baldest person in Untheric society and everyone else must have eyebrows very least or more hair depending on rank). Slavery is common and accepted in both societies, however Mulhorand have more good aligned deities and thus treatment of slaves is better compared to Unther. Otherwise think Egyptian culture and sense of fashion along with huge as possible egos even amongst slaves (as slaves take pride in serving in highest and most cultured human society in the world, more pride if they serve high ranked noble and more so if said noble is virtuous and divine caster).

Either case your cohorts and followers create your entire clan numbers/structure, overall there is 50% non-combatants (craftsmen, artisans, slaves, families/children), 30% combat force and 20% in reserve (to guard non-combatants) normally with all factions. Also there is going to be 'income' production based on average skill check modifier by non-combatants (so they are not useless; they literally fund your campaign in war).

However as you create your clan/order/coven, you get choose a single perk which is your 'unique' feature of your clan/order/coven. It gives in-game mechanical benefit which affects followers, cohorts and some cases champions (7th level PC's and also rank and file). You can have max 3 perks but to get more than one perk you must take a drawback (so absolute max is 3 perks and 2 drawbacks). Drawbacks should not be same type (gear, blessing etc) than a perk what you gain (or have already). List of Perks and Drawbacks are in below;


Improved Arms&Armor (gear): All follower units have by default masterwork weapons&armor, cost of enchants on armor and weapons is reduced by -25% (including champions/cohorts gear but not leaders).
Mass Production (gear): Cost to arm followers/other units (for sale) with non-magical equipment is reduced by -25%.
Improved Siege Weapons (gear): All siege weapons are masterwork and cost for any alchemical components for them is reduced -25%.
Fortifications (gear): Thanks skilled artisans and resources combined time and cost to make any bases, fortifications and other structures is -25% less.
Unique Resource (gear): Pick one exotic material (silver, cold iron, crystal), all your follower, cohorts and champions gear can be made from said material. You can also get choose from Mithril, Admanantine or Dragonhide/Dragonbones but instead being free the cost to add these materials are simply reduced following manner; Mithril -50%, Adamanantine -50%, Dragonhide/Dragonbones -90%.

Fertility (blessing): Instead x10 followers you got x15 and can have two cohorts instead one, so long cohorts are blood related to you.
Battle Blooded (blessing): All followers, champions and cohorts can re-roll one dice roll during single battle/confrontation.
Blessing of the Stars (blessing): Followers, cohorts and champions gain re-roll to any roll which is not combat related once per situation/encounter.
God's Favor (blessing): Select a god and pick one domain from said god, all followers, cohorts and champions who are divine casters gain +1 to CL and can maximize healing spells on those who share same faith and also gain said domain as bonus domain (leader must be divine caster to gain this perk and must have domain known to her to pick it up).
Dark Pact (blessing): By making pacts with demons/devils or dark forces you gain their favor and aid. Choosen one following; All followers, cohorts and champions gain summon monster as spell-alike ability usable 1/day (CL equal HD and which one they use depends on CL; a CL 3 allows use summon monster II example); All followers, cohorts and champions gain single vile feat as bonus feat; All followers, cohorts and champions gain fiendish creature template because inbreeding with dark forces.

Resources (wealth): Cost of any non-magical items to be crafted/created is reduced by -25%.
Trade Alliances (wealth): You have +10% greater income and gain -10% discount for any goods you purchase.
Inheritance (wealth): All followers and cohorts starting wealth is based on PC charts than NPC charts.
Magical Treasury (wealth): All followers gain single magic item which value is 1,000gp, champions/cohorts get single item with 7,500gp or less in cost.
Valuable resource (wealth): Your income is +20% higher thanks having access to valuable resource.

Artisan Culture (skill): All your non-combatants gain skill focus to craft/profession of their choice and every 3th level they gain +2 additional bonus to skill which they took skill focus in. All income production by non-combatants is increased by +25%.
Warrior Culture (skill): Instead 50% non-combatants you got only 25% of them (and even them have martial weapon profiency feat for free), leaving you 55% active military force and 20% reserve.
Natural Born Warriors (skill): All combating followers gain +2 to single physical stat.
Natural Scholars (skill): All spellcasting/scholar followers gain +2 to single mental stat.
Arcane Focus (skill): All your followers, cohorts and champions who have arcane casting levels have +1 more CL and have +2 bonus to concentration checks.


Tribal Society (gear): You have access to poor gear (-1 to hit&dmg, -1 to AC) made from furs and bone. No metal weapons anykind.
Lack of Engineering (gear): You cannot build forts nor siege weapons.
Expensive Production (gear): You can get same gear as others but it's more expensive for you. All armor&weapons cost +25% more and all other items +10%.
Poor quality (gear): Because of hasted production and lack of skill upkeep the pace, all battle gear has half of normal hardness and HP and weapons break upon rolling nat 1 and armor/shields breaks upon confirmed critical hit.

Infertility (blessing/curse): Instead x10 followers you got only standard amount of followers because of losses from past wars, famine or infertility.
Spit upon by Gods (blessing/curse): You have offended your gods someway, all follower, cohort and champion divine casters suffer -1 CL loss and they loose access to all domains expect one from your chosen deity.
Poor health (blessing/curse): Your followers, cohorts and champions suffer -4 saves against disease/fatigue/exhaustion.
Cowardice (blessing/curse): Your followers, cohorts and champions suffer -4 saves against fear and they rout more easily (according heroes of battle).
Distrusted by many (blessing/curse): Because either genuine or false rumors or past dishonorable deals or dark reputation, followers, cohorts and champions suffer -5 to diplomacy and all other clans/orders/covens start unfriendly with them.

Lack of resources (wealth): Because you lack resources, the cost to craft any non-magical items/eguipment is +25%.
Debts (wealth): One way or another you got less money to use. Followers, cohorts and champions have -25% less wealth to use than normal.
Magic is rare (wealth): No one expect champions and cohorts can gain magic items and even then they cost +10% more.
Exploited (wealth): Your income through trading and selling is not your strongest point, you suffer -25% income loss from your non-combatants.

Uneducated (skill): Your income from non-combatants is -25% less because you lack skilled labor.
Peaceful culture (skill): Your people are less warlike and so they have 80% non-combatants and have 15% reserve and 5% for actual military force.
Pathetic (skill): Your people suffer inbreeding or poor health or other past generation genetic faults and so followers have -2 to fort saves.
Insanity (skill): One reason or another your people are not quite.....right on the head. Followers, cohorts and champions suffer -2 to will saves.
Dangerous Practices (skill): Because reckless use of magic, all followers, cohorts and champions who are either divine or arcane casters suffer a wild magic effect when they roll nat 1 in CL check, concentration check or with attack roll with a spell.


Income is largely based on business rules in DMG II but I tell them in detail here as we do not quite follow those rules (but take inspiration). Income is generated by your non-combatant followers. They need achieve profession roll (with indicated profession) past 20 to gain any 'profit' for you by taking 10 (so need +11 or higher modifier in profession to give profit). When counting 5 ranks on profession roll + 1-2 wisdom bonus the most basic bonus is +6 or +7. However if worker has 5 ranks in two supporting skills, he gains +1 bonus to the profit check in question (so total +1 bonus if two supporting skills are 5 ranks). Also if you assign helpers which roll aid another rolls (able to get past 10 in roll) they each one gives +2 modifier to profit check. Maximum number of helpers per worker is equal to worker's charisma (min 1). Working in forts give +0, working in full blown city gives +2 (+4 in metropolis) and -4 in rural/camp areas. Working 8 hours per day in week gives +2 bonus also but if he would work less than 8 hours per week then you suffer -8 modifier. Every failed profit roll stacks a -1 penalty to profit checks (as form of increased struggle until event makes it worser or fixes it).

Example; Gruk the 2th level expert gray orc who has Wis 15 but Cha 10 and skill focus [profession:brewer] with max ranks on said skill works for his warchief to make finest brews for sale. He has been assigned a apprentice as a helper to help him to work and he works in a conquered city and he works eight hours per day in week (so he does not travel nor move anywhere out from city). He has craft (alchemy) and appraise both in 5 ranks (and their supporting skills for brewer). So his total profit check is +16 and so when he takes 10 he gets 26 (if his charisma would be 14 he could get 2 apprentices and increase profit from 26 to 28 thanks additional +2).

Now what is exact income and profit and is it riskless? Of course not. The amount of profit is equal to how risky the job is. Continue example from above the city is fairly safe but recently conquered and not part of solid orc territory so it's medium risk, so once per month you roll on event table to see (bad or good stuff) happens which affects the business (and same risk is shared with all businesses as all risk factor is determined by territory). So income is 20 x per point above 20. So Gruk earns 120gp per monthly basis.

Low risk (orc home world or over year held territory, event rolled once per 3 months) is 5gp x per point above 20 and high risk (near active battlefield/during battle/while traveling in hostile territory, roll event table x2 times once per month) is 50gp x per point above 20.

Now as you got x10 more followers, you can get tons of 1st level followers which could be doing profit checks or serve those higher ranked experts as apprentices. So lots of money. However, in this game you do not get 'gold' from income but rather resources. Resources are simply converting gold you would gain from income into ready made products (so Gruk does not give warchief 120gp but could convert that gold into single chain shirt and single longsword and save remaining 5gp for next month resource conversion). Income is used to both gear and purchase new troops (to cover the lost troops from battles or lost/broken gear which cannot be salvaged).

Cost of replacement followers (hiring/cost of training/gearing up/mercs etc) is 1gp x level for non-combatant and 10gp x level for combatant (and they use NPC wealth for gear). This is used as means check 'how long' it takes recover from losses and such (so you do not waste and throw units into fray thoughtless manner).

Now you can let your imagination fly on professions but they all must be valid and those which you can employ and use in location where you house/place your non-combatants to produce profit. Non-combatants which are not in suitable location where they could work or able work at least 2 hour per day produce not income

Edit; We got now OOC and charsheet sections for this game.

Inspirational Art (NSFW)


  You have my attention, Zaer.  This might be fun.  Defiantly not something I have time to GM, though!
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse: http://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_on_genius.html

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl:  https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=135346.msg16474321#msg16474321 (Major update 5/10/2023)

Zaer Darkwail

Nice you voice out interest :). I am willing to turn and run this on Pathfinder if there is interest for that instead 3.5 DnD.


  Well, i like both those systems. 

  Cannonicly it was the grey orcs who came through that gate.  not as strong as orcs--but still stronger than humans--grey orcs had a very keen sense of smell.  That always intrested me about them.  :) 
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse: http://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_on_genius.html

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl:  https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=135346.msg16474321#msg16474321 (Major update 5/10/2023)


I am pretty much terrible at playing Orcs, but I could be convinced to play a series of opposing characters


I'll play in this just for the chance to be all warlordy raiding villages and snatching wenches.

*Eyes Faeli* >:)

Zaer Darkwail

Quote from: Muse on June 13, 2015, 06:51:31 PM
  Well, i like both those systems. 

  Cannonicly it was the grey orcs who came through that gate.  not as strong as orcs--but still stronger than humans--grey orcs had a very keen sense of smell.  That always intrested me about them.  :) 

Yeah, but we could break/ignore the canon and pick whatever orcs we prefer (or even make a custom orc race which is all around superior to regular orc from Faerun).

Quote from: Faeli on June 13, 2015, 07:11:24 PM
I am pretty much terrible at playing Orcs, but I could be convinced to play a series of opposing characters

Well, that's a option but I feel your quite willing to loose against orcs I think >:). Which is all fine.

Quote from: eternaldarkness on June 13, 2015, 07:42:35 PM
I'll play in this just for the chance to be all warlordy raiding villages and snatching wenches.

*Eyes Faeli* >:)

Hehe, that's really point of the game.


Quote from: Zaer Darkwail on July 07, 2015, 01:57:25 AM
*July poke of interest check*

I'm still interested. All I need to know is setting/character creation details such as allowed books and whatnit and I'm ready. I'd love it if Tome of Battle was allowed, since we're supposed to be badass orc warriors.

Zaer Darkwail

Well, if I am GM then almost all possible books are available from 3.5 edition (complete series, race series, exalted deeds/vile darkness, tome of magic, tome of battle, heroes of battle, heroes of horror, all faerun specific splat books, magic item compendium, spell compendium, DMG II, PHB II).


   Still interested in playing, but don't have the time to GM. 
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse: http://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_on_genius.html

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl:  https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=135346.msg16474321#msg16474321 (Major update 5/10/2023)


Sweet! You should run this sucker. My two favorite books (Tome of Battle and Heroes of Horror) are on the list. If you need a co-gm I'd be happy to help too.

Edit: Now I'm thinking about a Gul'Dan-esque orc Dread Necromancer or a White Raven/Tiger Claw Warlord

Zaer Darkwail

Ok, I will step in to GM this one (not to mention I do love Faerun setting albeit this is during ancient era of one). Now question is those who are interested do you want play as warchiefs, champions or as grunts? I limit warchiefs if desired to maximum six of them (and any future applicants past six would then take role of champion under any those warchiefs and past twelve would be playing grunts).

I would rule the Mulhorand/Unther sides have equal split of half on each side (they are on war on each other after all). Mulhorand side would have god kings/queens while Unther side would have council of three archmages (it's title and it's not required to be archmage PrC to have it).

Anycase the levels are; Warchiefs/Archmages/God Kings all are level 14, Champions are level 7th and Grunts/Rank and File soldiers are 2th level. Max HP every level, 40pts point buy and wealth based on level but no item past 50% of wealth in cost (if take crafting feats you get items cheaper but no more powerful than using wealth; so if cap limit for wealth in item wise is 2,000gp you can get said item at 1,000gp and so perhaps four of them instead two what others would get if they spend all wealth on it).

Do remember warchiefs/god kings must have one side gestalt devoted to divine class (do check my house rules thread; lots divine classes got changed or merged with other class) and Unther side must have arcane casting class in one side of their gestalt tree. Otherwise no limits how take levels, PrC's and such.

Also every odd level (1, 3, 5, 7 etc) you gain feat and every 4th level attributes you get two attribute points (but must be spend to two different stats than stack them to single stat). Available races for this game are; planetouched (unther and mulhorand have both, no genasi but aasimar and tieflings and also half-fiends and half-celestials), humans and any orc subrace (gray orcs are most common beyond portal but it's possible they have tanarruk clan over there or deep orc clan which lives in surface etc).

In regards leadership and followers; the followers what you can get (especially for orcs with LA) is measured in CR instead adding LA atop HD of the follower. Same deal with cohorts. Same rule applies to Unther/Mulhorandi who desire to get outsiders as cohorts (or other exotic beings).

Warchiefs/god kings/archmages have commanding rankings of 4 (their supreme leaders of their respective armies but none others are above them or each other), this comes more in play when we employ heroes of battle supplement. Champions are between 2-3 in commander ranking.


You are my new favorite person and clearly very smart. I just saw the vast improvements you made in your house rules. I commend you for being brave enough to do what WotC should have done by just dumping the Fighter class and buffing the other warrior classes. I'll make you an untheric Dread Necro/Warblade ASAP.

Zaer Darkwail

Yeah, Fighter overall was lackluster even if it got some sweet ACF's, but I saw Knight class + fighter creates more solid build for a 'tank' but I left it also open Knight can play offensively (instead depend always shield to soak dmg from ally they can parry and thus open for 2h or dual wield warrior types as well). Naturally any ACF's for fighters can apply to Knight class as fighter sacrificed bonus feats for those features (as they got no other features :P). Also Knight is not tied to the standard code so you could take sneak attack variant of fighter and get Knight who can use improved feint to get sneak attacks (have sort 'bandit' or 'marauder' code). So long it's code which got 3 instances where your tactical or combat options are limited (or limits on behavior in dramatic fashion).


Is there room for non "human/orc" on their sides? Like drow on orc side or say.. Solar on human side?

if the said game is as highmagic as Forgotten Realms, i would think its odd not to add those fantastic elements on highlevel game..

That said, I would be intrested to create non-human/orc character to which ever side needs players.

Zaer Darkwail

Well, for a non-human I would say it's more likely with Mulhorand/Unther because they have high degree of planar entities in both sides (celestial or fiendish) which present their various gods and could have genasi maybe.

However orc side is entirely orcish. There is no humans, drow or any other race in gray orcs homeworld. They are conqueror and racists to extreme and they consider themselves superior. For a drow even work with them it must mean drow must be some kind exile living on surface like mercenary and have made strong impression to one warchiefs in orcs side (so not a chieftain but a champion).

While in either Unther or Mulhorand no non-human is god king or archmage position either (they can be champions). This is era which is after elves decided to retreat and disappear and it's time before netheril was in power (all this predates those events). I could think some evil outsiders could join orcs side to add additional havoc but I intent that orcs and humans are strongest position to be warchiefs/archmages or god kings. So if you play a non-human and non-orc, your limited to 7th level char.


I may be interested. Or, rather, I am definitely interested, but tentatively considering the practicalities, as I'm just now returning to Elliquiy after an hiatus for work. What sort of posting frequency would you expect, and how much dice-rolling would there be?

I have all sorts of ideas for an orcish raider - I love the raiding lifestyle! The idea of a Lawful Evil orc Knight who wants to build an empire, collect all the concubines and prove himself the strongest warrior of all is rather appealing at the moment.
If you're such an iconoclast, where were you when we trashed Constantinople?

Ons/Offs: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=358012.0

Zaer Darkwail

I myself update some threads once or twice per week but IC interactions between chars depend on players themselves. In battles I would try update more regularly like in 48 hour basis and I say we have extensive use of rules (around 50% of the time). But I am also favor skip some dicerollings and proceed on things in highly predictable fashion (like send orcs raid a farming community has no need to open heroes of battle book if there are no troops or PC's involved other end).


I can definitely handle that sort of schedule! I worry that combat and other dicey situations might run rather slowly at that rate, but I'm happy to be patient!

Orc knight it is, then! Personally, I favour starting at the Champion level (7), since that's high enough to offer good opportunities but low enough that there's room to develop. Were the gestalt rules for Champions or only for Chieftains? I'm quite happy without them, but if we're using them, I can work with that.

I'll have a look at subraces and templates to see if anything leaps out at me. I do like the elemental and outsider templates.
If you're such an iconoclast, where were you when we trashed Constantinople?

Ons/Offs: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=358012.0

Zaer Darkwail

Gestalt applies all ranks to the players in this game (may they be grunts or champions). Anycase as champion you need choose which warchief you serve under as (so keep eye for applicants on that role).


Great! I'll be playing a LE knight/favoured soul gestalt, then. I'll go with Champion level, pending how many other players we get and so on. I'll mull over some details and see what happens.
If you're such an iconoclast, where were you when we trashed Constantinople?

Ons/Offs: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=358012.0


Hmm.  Since it doesn't look like anyone's taken a spot as a warchieftain yet, I've got a concept for a character to fill one of those roles.  It would be a lady orc acting as the divine instrument of Luthic, the goddess in the orc pantheon who acts as the patron of fertility, medicine, women and servitude.  She'd be like a mother to her troops, and would possibly literally be the mother of quite a few of them. ;)


Quote from: Kunoichi on July 08, 2015, 12:59:21 PM
Hmm.  Since it doesn't look like anyone's taken a spot as a warchieftain yet, I've got a concept for a character to fill one of those roles.  It would be a lady orc acting as the divine instrument of Luthic, the goddess in the orc pantheon who acts as the patron of fertility, medicine, women and servitude.  She'd be like a mother to her troops, and would possibly literally be the mother of quite a few of them. ;)

Ooh, I like that! Care for  son with empire-building aspirations? If so, I hope you like having lots of grandchildren...
If you're such an iconoclast, where were you when we trashed Constantinople?

Ons/Offs: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=358012.0


Quote from: HopeFox on July 08, 2015, 03:50:47 PM
Ooh, I like that! Care for  son with empire-building aspirations? If so, I hope you like having lots of grandchildren...

That certainly sounds perfectly fine to me. ;D