TamperMonkey Script

Started by Ssieth, June 09, 2015, 05:27:11 PM

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Quote from: Andronica on June 01, 2020, 09:19:22 AM
Oh I did notice the quotations looked a bit strange! That must be it. :)

Hokay - just committed v1.42.5 to the release location so that should be available to everyone very shortly.  It handles 'smart quotes' for speech styling  :)
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My Tampermonkey Script for Elliquiy

PM me here or find me as ssieth on discord.


Oops - I hadn't pushed the latest version (still a bit of a doofus where GitHub is concerned) but it should be there now if you want to update :)
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My Tampermonkey Script for Elliquiy

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i honestly had no idea there was difference in quotation marks! thank you for looking into it Sseith. >> i use this Script so much i'm kind of lost without it xD


Quote from: Ssieth on June 01, 2020, 09:24:12 AM
Hokay - just committed v1.42.5 to the release location so that should be available to everyone very shortly.  It handles 'smart quotes' for speech styling  :)

Thank you! <33


Quote from: FoxWriter on June 01, 2020, 09:39:28 AM
i honestly had no idea there was difference in quotation marks! thank you for looking into it Sseith. >> i use this Script so much i'm kind of lost without it xD

You're all very welcome :)  I just makes me smile to know that folks are using my software and getting something positive from it :)
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this might be a really silly question but how do i actually update this thing? does it do it automatically or do i reinstall it or?


Quote from: FoxWriter on June 01, 2020, 02:49:57 PM
this might be a really silly question but how do i actually update this thing? does it do it automatically or do i reinstall it or?

It should auto-update given long enough but you can also update by selecting "Get Latest Update" from the "Script Settings" menu :)
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My Tampermonkey Script for Elliquiy

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So...the new version seems to have obliterated all of my custom bookmarks?

Going to see if I can re-sync with your server, cabbit, but something you ought to be aware of.

Update:  So DLing the settings from your server restored all my bookmark headers...but none of the bookmarks themselves.

Big problem, since I had a LOT of links to Staff stuff in there that I use daily.  They're still in my vanilla bookmarks list, so I HAVE them; just that rebuilding the categories is gonna be a PITA.

Furher update:

So if I click on a header, it does seem to populate each custom list correctly- for about .5 seconds. Then it defaults to a blank bookmarks page.
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Quote from: Nowherewoman on June 01, 2020, 04:28:11 PM
So...the new version seems to have obliterated all of my custom bookmarks?

Going to see if I can re-sync with your server, cabbit, but something you ought to be aware of.

Update:  So DLing the settings from your server restored all my bookmark headers...but none of the bookmarks themselves.

Big problem, since I had a LOT of links to Staff stuff in there that I use daily.  They're still in my vanilla bookmarks list, so I HAVE them; just that rebuilding the categories is gonna be a PITA.

Furher update:

So if I click on a header, it does seem to populate each custom list correctly- for about .5 seconds. Then it defaults to a blank bookmarks page.

That sounds really odd.  I've not touched the bookmark code at all.  Let me do another update to add the bookmark data to the debug output and we can see about what in your bookmark data is doing weidness...
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My Tampermonkey Script for Elliquiy

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OK, Nowherewoman.  I've pushed a new version to the server (v1.42.6) that adds the bookmark tagging info to the debug information.

You can switch on the debug info in the settings (near the bottom of general settings).  That adds a bright yellow panel to the bottom of every page and one of the sections on the panel is 'Bookmarks' now.  If you could email that to me at elliquiy@ssieth.co.uk (or any other email you have for me) - I can take a look and see if I can find anything wrong with it :)
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My Tampermonkey Script for Elliquiy

PM me here or find me as ssieth on discord.


Oh - and something you can try in my absence (I am about to go to bed).

First of all make sure you have a copy of your settings (from export as well as cabbit, just in case).  Uninstall the script entirely from TamperMonkey (or whatever other plugin you are using) and then reinstall.  Sometimes it somehow gets tangled with two copies installed at the same time and that causes havoc. 

Once reinstalled, you'll need to import your settings again.
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My Tampermonkey Script for Elliquiy

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Not seeing anything in the debug panel other than my username.  Interestingly, on exporting the settings, it looks as if they're all there, so it seems to be specifically a display issue. Going to try a reinstall.

AH-HAH Moment:  I should have looked at the Tampermonkey panel FIRST. It was showing 2 active instances of the script. Turning one off removed the issue.  So now I should need to remove one of them.
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If that fails, wing me a copy of the data from the export dialog box and I can work from that.  It's a little messier than the debug panel but I have tools that can tease it out a bit :)
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My Tampermonkey Script for Elliquiy

PM me here or find me as ssieth on discord.


Quote from: Ssieth on June 01, 2020, 05:42:44 PM
If that fails, wing me a copy of the data from the export dialog box and I can work from that.  It's a little messier than the debug panel but I have tools that can tease it out a bit :)

Fixed!  Sorry, hun. I failed to grasp Taw Kwon Debug. Boot me in the head!
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Quote from: Nowherewoman on June 01, 2020, 05:44:03 PM
Fixed!  Sorry, hun. I failed to grasp Taw Kwon Debug. Boot me in the head!

Woo!  Glad it's fixed :D
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My Tampermonkey Script for Elliquiy

PM me here or find me as ssieth on discord.


Just for everyone's info- there appears to be something glitchy with Sleep mode in Win10 (glitches in Windows? nooooo!) that can, in certain circumstances, muck up the Chrome/new Tampermonkey combination.  If you start getting Tampermonkey errors when you open the browser, and/or it shows no script installed on the site, try rebooting. Not sure where the issue lies, though it only appeared with the latest TM update.

Sleep mode on Win10 is, in fact, a trashfire. But that's another discussion.
No man has fear- until fear comes for him.

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and mea culpas  (A/As): https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=221151.0


mine is still running on v1.39.0. is that the right version for the new update? i thought Sseith said 1.42.6 but it's not finding new updates?


Quote from: FoxWriter on June 02, 2020, 08:14:54 AM
mine is still running on v1.39.0. is that the right version for the new update? i thought Sseith said 1.42.6 but it's not finding new updates?

Ah - that's the old version from where it used to be hosted.  It's now hosted elsewhere so you will need to select "Get Latest Update" on the "Script Settings" menu :)  That should do the trick although there is risk of it getting to versions installed alongside one another.  If you have problems after updating, prod me and I'll talk you through sorting it :)
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My Tampermonkey Script for Elliquiy

PM me here or find me as ssieth on discord.


Quote from: Ssieth on June 02, 2020, 08:17:32 AM
Ah - that's the old version from where it used to be hosted.  It's now hosted elsewhere so you will need to select "Get Latest Update" on the "Script Settings" menu :)  That should do the trick although there is risk of it getting to versions installed alongside one another.  If you have problems after updating, prod me and I'll talk you through sorting it :)

And I'm braindead today.... that menu item will take you to the old location because the old script doesn't know that you need to go to the new place....


That link should sort ya :)

The latest version is v1.42.6 and you should always be able to check what the latest version is at  https://github.com/Ssieth/eli-userscript/ which has brief version info for every version beyond a certain point.  There's nothing functionally new in v1.42.6 over the previous version (v1.42.5) so if you are on that one I wouldn't recommend bothering with a manual upgrade.
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My Tampermonkey Script for Elliquiy

PM me here or find me as ssieth on discord.


ahh there it goes! thank you very much. lol i thought i was doing it wrong. XD i usually do. as much as i love computers, they kind of hate me lol. (i even managed to screw up a discord update once. that was fun.)


Quote from: FoxWriter on June 02, 2020, 08:20:38 AM
ahh there it goes! thank you very much. lol i thought i was doing it wrong. XD i usually do. as much as i love computers, they kind of hate me lol. (i even managed to screw up a discord update once. that was fun.)

Nah - just me being an idiot and not realising that the old script doesn't know where the new one is ;p

You should be set from now on as I've no plans to move away from using GitHub to maintain the script now.  I moved to GitHub to a) keep proper version control and b) allow other people to edit the script if they wanted :)
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My Tampermonkey Script for Elliquiy

PM me here or find me as ssieth on discord.


i have no idea what a git hub is but i love this script and i missed my blue speech so much. you are the best. absolutely a rockstar ^^


Quote from: FoxWriter on June 02, 2020, 08:23:26 AM
i have no idea what a git hub is but i love this script and i missed my blue speech so much. you are the best. absolutely a rockstar ^^

::bows::  GitHub is an amazing free service that keeps a copy of my script (and every previous version back as far as v1.40.0) so that folks can get hold of it easily and we can all get back to earlier versions if I have a brain-fart and do something more silly than normal at some point and break things badly.
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My Tampermonkey Script for Elliquiy

PM me here or find me as ssieth on discord.


Yes, github is great!
Your script is even better! ;) Another big thanks for all you've done, Sseith. I can't stand when I am on my phone and unable to use the script while moving about E.
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