TamperMonkey Script

Started by Ssieth, June 09, 2015, 05:27:11 PM

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Great - I see that your display name is up the top of that in a H4 tag so I should be able to do something with that.  Leave it with me and I hope to have something for you relatively soon :)
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My Tampermonkey Script for Elliquiy

PM me here or find me as ssieth on discord.

Mister Morgue

Quote from: Ssieth on October 31, 2019, 04:06:18 PM
Great - I see that your display name is up the top of that in a H4 tag so I should be able to do something with that.  Leave it with me and I hope to have something for you relatively soon :)

Thanks! I really do appreciate you looking into it!


OK - I've got something coded - just testing it now and if it works I'll release an update :)
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My Tampermonkey Script for Elliquiy

PM me here or find me as ssieth on discord.


OK - there's a new version up: v1.39.0

This version should work properly for people who've changed their displayed name :)
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My Tampermonkey Script for Elliquiy

PM me here or find me as ssieth on discord.


Nice turnaround!

I was starting to think that I would use this as a JavaScript learning exercise.  So I guess the questions are:

- do you mind other people playing with your code?
- are there any outstanding feature requests or bugs?


Quote from: BlueOrange on October 31, 2019, 04:43:59 PM
Nice turnaround!

I was starting to think that I would use this as a JavaScript learning exercise.  So I guess the questions are:

- do you mind other people playing with your code?

Not at all - I positively encourage it :)

Quote from: BlueOrange on October 31, 2019, 04:43:59 PM
- are there any outstanding feature requests or bugs?

Hmmm... #1 on the list is that the drafts feature is a bit on the fritz (it's never worked perfectly), especially auto-loading of drafts.

The whole script could do with a bit of a tidy-up, though and there are some features that could probably do with being dropped - like Quick Topics.  They were something I came up with before I really understood that bookmarks do the same thing.
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My Tampermonkey Script for Elliquiy

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Now I just have to find out if I meant it ;)


Quote from: BlueOrange on October 31, 2019, 04:59:53 PM

Now I just have to find out if I meant it ;)

I have to say - I've no idea if OpenUserJS has any tools/setings to foster team development.  I don't mind uploading stuff that other folks have edited in but it would be nice if I don't become a bottleneck if other folks are working on the script :)  I'll take a proper look into it when I get chance :)  In the meantime, if you make any changes I can upload for you :)

And if there's anything in there that's obscure enough you can't fathom it (some of the code is messy enough for sure) then just tap me up in PM and I'll try and work out what I did :)
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My Tampermonkey Script for Elliquiy

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My default answer to that sort of question these days is GitHub. The only thing you don’t get with a free account is privacy, and that doesn’t sound like something you need.

Mister Morgue

Yay! It's working! Thanks so much, Ssieth. I wasn't expecting such a quick fix, but I'm really thankful! I really enjoy the script a lot.

That being said, I use Quick Topics for something entirely separate than my BM. I'm not sure how many others do that. But I use my Quick Topics to link to specific posts in threads, like my tracker for ElliWriMo, since you can edit the quick topic to link to a specific post.

This means I can set it to link to my current tracker, or my current Posts Owed update in my AA's or any other number of things where I might not want to link just to the whole thread but a specific part.

Again, I'm not sure if anyone else does this, or if they even know that they can do this. But, I think it's a nice thing. :D


Quote from: Mister Morgue on October 31, 2019, 10:40:25 PM
Yay! It's working! Thanks so much, Ssieth. I wasn't expecting such a quick fix, but I'm really thankful! I really enjoy the script a lot.

That being said, I use Quick Topics for something entirely separate than my BM. I'm not sure how many others do that. But I use my Quick Topics to link to specific posts in threads, like my tracker for ElliWriMo, since you can edit the quick topic to link to a specific post.

This means I can set it to link to my current tracker, or my current Posts Owed update in my AA's or any other number of things where I might not want to link just to the whole thread but a specific part.

Again, I'm not sure if anyone else does this, or if they even know that they can do this. But, I think it's a nice thing. :D

Ah - fair enough - I will make sure to take a poll of who uses what features before I seriously consider removing anything.  The last thing I want to do is get rid of anything that's actually useful to anyone :)
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My Tampermonkey Script for Elliquiy

PM me here or find me as ssieth on discord.


Quote from: BlueOrange on October 31, 2019, 07:21:21 PM
My default answer to that sort of question these days is GitHub. The only thing you don’t get with a free account is privacy, and that doesn’t sound like something you need.

Yeah - I've been thinking about moving there for a good while now and finally got around to it :)  URL is: https://github.com/Ssieth/eli-userscript for the base of the project and if you would like collaborator access (or if anyone else would for that matter) then just let me know your username and I'll set you up :)

This will have wider implications for other folks as well as the URL for the script will change as new versions are rolled out.  Currently the github version is set to 1.40.0 which is just a we've-moved-to-github version.  Future new releases will be here though.... 

Soooo... if folks using the script can visit this url: https://github.com/Ssieth/eli-userscript/raw/master/eli.user.js, that will update you to the github version and ensure that you get updates in future.
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My Tampermonkey Script for Elliquiy

PM me here or find me as ssieth on discord.


A brief flying visit to let you all know that I've put v1.40.1 up at https://github.com/Ssieth/eli-userscript/raw/master/eli.user.js

There's no changes in there that anyone should notice - just a few bug fixes to make the code more closely conform to the JavaScript standards.  This might have very minor positive impacts on those folks using Chrome (which is more exacting in what it expects than FireFox) but I would imagine probably not.
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My Tampermonkey Script for Elliquiy

PM me here or find me as ssieth on discord.


Reporting that all updated/reinstalled as hoped and seems to be working smoothly. Well done some more, Ssieth!


same here! in fact it was so easy i was convinced i did it wrong and did it three more times because i was convinced it wasn't working. XDDD so effortless.


LOL I forgot to refresh the page, so I thought it hadn't installed properly. Was still showing as 1.39.

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Quote from: Nowherewoman on November 03, 2019, 08:24:34 PM
LOL I forgot to refresh the page, so I thought it hadn't installed properly. Was still showing as 1.39.

<<why iz not hacker

Same here >.> ^ also..it works great on Chrome. Thank you! ^_^


Thanks for the feedback, everyone :)  That helps me draw a line under v1.40.x and know that it's not caused too much in the way of heartache :)
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My Tampermonkey Script for Elliquiy

PM me here or find me as ssieth on discord.


I'll pile on the agreement. It works great and was so easy to update.
Thanks for your work, Ssieth!
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I’m running it in Brave (https://brave.com/), a browser derived from Chrome. Most Chrome extensions work. Privacy, baby!


I wanted to add my belated thanks as well! I only saw this recently (few weeks?) and I'm only getting around to playing with settings now. Many thanks for all the good things you included, and thanks to others for mentioning how you use certain features (lookin' at you in particular, Mister Morgue), because now I think I'll be testing that out, too.

I did want to ask of either Ssieth or anyone with enough JS know-how to give me the fix... is there a way to make it so the "Replies" drop down directs to the first new post, instead of the latest post? With OOC threads or socializing threads, they can be pretty active and I miss an awful lot when it jumps to the last post instead of the newest one. I'm going to keep poking at this, maybe I'll figure it out myself, but if anyone has any suggestions, I'd appreciate it!

EDIT: Quick Topics also seem to be applying the #lastpost hashtag, which doesn't let me link to specific posts.

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You can stop the quick topics from going to the last post, but I think the other option is that it goes to the very first post every time. So, it's not the newest unread post. In order to do that you need to go to the script settings. Instead of hovering over it for the drop down, actually click the word 'script settings' and go down to quick topics and uncheck the box that says "go to last post".


Quote from: atenai on December 21, 2019, 10:48:25 AM
… is there a way to make it so the “Replies” drop down directs to the first new post, instead of the latest post? With OOC threads or socializing threads, they can be pretty active and I miss an awful lot when it jumps to the last post instead of the newest one. I’m going to keep poking at this, maybe I’ll figure it out myself, but if anyone has any suggestions, I’d appreciate it!

EDIT: Quick Topics also seem to be applying the #lastpost hashtag, which doesn’t let me link to specific posts.
That seems a question for Vekseid. We have the #lastpost way to go to the end of a topic. But no “go to the post after the last one I’ve read.” Apps like Mattermost and Slack and Discord are support such a thing. I’m not sure that’s even possible in apps like SMF and ElkArte that live on top of what browsers interpret.


Well, I know it's possible to do in a URL, instead of topicnum.msgnum#msgnum, it's topicnum.new#new. Now that Ama pointed me to where I can turn off the Quick Replies go-to-last-post feature, I can just make sure the URLs marked in Quick Topics have that format (.new#new).

Thank you both!

I just need to stop clicking on replies in the drop-down, I need to click to go to the full list, and then there's the 'new' icon which will take me to the new replies instead.

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Is this still working? I've attempted to download from the last links from Ssieth, and I'm getting errors.

Perhaps I'm doing something wrong or is it no longer working?
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