TamperMonkey Script

Started by Ssieth, June 09, 2015, 05:27:11 PM

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Sofia Grace

Quote from: Ket on May 17, 2017, 04:03:52 PM
I find them super handy for group games. Such an easy place to store the header code for each post.

Ugh, yes.  I keep all of my image headers for my roleplays, mentor-related stuff, etc. in my snippets.  I'd be lost without them.  @_@
i am a fire
gasoline, come pour yourself all over me
we'll let this place go down in flames
only one more time

Sofia Grace

Has anyone else been having issues with the Improver being weird the past few days? There's no longer a snippets link above the text box. Obviously I can still access them through the top menu but I thought it was odd.
i am a fire
gasoline, come pour yourself all over me
we'll let this place go down in flames
only one more time


Check what you've called the snippets.  When this happens to me, it's because I've used a symbol, like '(' or '/'.  If you take these out, it should come back. :-)
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Sofia Grace

It's not that the snippets themselves are disappearing... before, I had a little link just above the text box (to the right of where the emojis are) that said 'Snippets' which was this nifty little drop down menu.  I could just click on the title and it automatically pasted the text of the snippet into the text box.  Now that link is gone.  T___T
i am a fire
gasoline, come pour yourself all over me
we'll let this place go down in flames
only one more time


Yes, that's what happens to me if I have anything other than letters or numbers or dashes in the titles of the snippets.  I'd suggest removing the last one you added, and see if it comes back.

Adding screenshots:

This is my normal post reply screen:

This is the snippet I added with characters other than letters, dashes, numbers:

This is what happens to the reply screen until that snippet is deleted.  Note the Snippets Link to the right of the 'Change Color' box is gone. Once the snippet with the symbols is deleted, the link comes back to the reply screen.

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🌹🔥🌹   on 'no writing' hiatus    🌹🔥🌹    not available    🌹🔥🌹    formerly 'Briar Rose' & 'GypsyRose'    🌹🔥🌹


There was a minor patch to E that broke a lot of things. Happened a few days ago. Very recent.

It is possible it may have affected Ssieth's script, though I can't be sure.


There might be a bug with the"Add "All" link to bookmarks" option. After not using it for a few months, I just ticked the option today and I can see the [All] tag beside the threads in my bookmarks, but the "All" option doesn't appear in the thread itself, so I can't view the posts consecutively. :/


Quote from: Andronica on July 24, 2017, 07:10:25 PM
There might be a bug with the"Add "All" link to bookmarks" option. After not using it for a few months, I just ticked the option today and I can see the [All] tag beside the threads in my bookmarks, but the "All" option doesn't appear in the thread itself, so I can't view the posts consecutively. :/


I'm looking at this one at the moment (sorry for long delay but I was entirely absent from E).  Where would you normally expect the 'All' option to appear in the thread?
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My Tampermonkey Script for Elliquiy

PM me here or find me as ssieth on discord.


Quote from: Sofia Grace on July 09, 2017, 11:27:56 PM
It's not that the snippets themselves are disappearing... before, I had a little link just above the text box (to the right of where the emojis are) that said 'Snippets' which was this nifty little drop down menu.  I could just click on the title and it automatically pasted the text of the snippet into the text box.  Now that link is gone.  T___T

OK - sorry - I missed the fact taht some special characters broke snippets.  I've now added some code that strips out special characters from the ID of snippets and that might fix some of the problems.  I would generally advise avoiding skipping using anything other than numbers, letters, spaces and "-", "_" and "!".  Quotes and angle brackets might be especially problematic.  I'll look at doing a bit of a sweep and properly cleansing entries of special characters for both ID and name of snippets.

New version of the fixed script coming soon when I have got a few other bugs looked at
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My Tampermonkey Script for Elliquiy

PM me here or find me as ssieth on discord.


OK - new version of the script is up.

All it has is minor bug fixes.  More coming as I get used to being here again :)
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My Tampermonkey Script for Elliquiy

PM me here or find me as ssieth on discord.


Welcome back, Ssieth!

Thanks for the updates!
A&As UPDATED Oct 26/23

Rate:Weekly give or take
Status: Enjoying myself
Unavailable for new plottings, sorry.
O&Os Please review
♪As flawed as you may think you are, you're perfect to me!♪


Thank you!  And let me say  'thanks' again for the script.  Snippets are especially wonderful!!!!
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🌹🔥🌹   on 'no writing' hiatus    🌹🔥🌹    not available    🌹🔥🌹    formerly 'Briar Rose' & 'GypsyRose'    🌹🔥🌹

Sofia Grace

i am a fire
gasoline, come pour yourself all over me
we'll let this place go down in flames
only one more time


OK - got a new version up with a new feature.... shoutbox substitutions....

The idea is to have a shorthand way of sending something to the shoutbox :)

So you can map ":myoos" to "https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=230523.0" and typing :myoos replaces with your url :)

And so on...

You an find the settings for it in the shoutbox section of the script settings and it's just one line per substitution with a | character separating the text you want to swap out and the text you want to swap in.  So - for the example above:


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My Tampermonkey Script for Elliquiy

PM me here or find me as ssieth on discord.


And another update (to v1.29.0)...

I've added some code to make (currently) the notify/unnotify button work as an AJAX event rather than causing a whole page refresh.  You shouldn't really see any difference other than the page doesn't refresh when you click the button.  I plan to role the same code out for other buttons at some point, this is just the bridgehead :)

  ~~ Ssi
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My Tampermonkey Script for Elliquiy

PM me here or find me as ssieth on discord.


I love you, I love you, I loooove you! belatedly linked because there might be kids in pictures on the walls :P  But I DO <3 you. Thank you for all the time you're putting into this.

They say best men are moulded out of faults, and, for the most part, become much more the better for being a little bad...
Absences 11/10 ≈ BlindfoldsRequests ≈  On's and Offs
Tentatively Open to a few more 1v1's but also come write with me in Grey Matters--->


Quote from: Ssieth on August 09, 2017, 05:51:51 AM
And another update (to v1.29.0)...

I've added some code to make (currently) the notify/unnotify button work as an AJAX event rather than causing a whole page refresh.  You shouldn't really see any difference other than the page doesn't refresh when you click the button.  I plan to role the same code out for other buttons at some point, this is just the bridgehead :)

  ~~ Ssi

You rock, Ssieth! Thanks for the time and work you are putting into the script!

When you have a moment, could you please explain this? I can sort of tell it will be a good thing but I'm not fully understanding it at the same time.

A&As UPDATED Oct 26/23

Rate:Weekly give or take
Status: Enjoying myself
Unavailable for new plottings, sorry.
O&Os Please review
♪As flawed as you may think you are, you're perfect to me!♪


Quote from: Nymphadora on August 09, 2017, 06:58:31 AM
You rock, Ssieth! Thanks for the time and work you are putting into the script!

When you have a moment, could you please explain this? I can sort of tell it will be a good thing but I'm not fully understanding it at the same time.


Ah - oops - I was on my way to a meeting and hurried that description somewhat.  So.. let me explain (I hope) better....

This version has just the one new change and it's a minor one that is more to prove to me that it _will_ work before I set about doing a wider change :)  It only effects the notify/unnotify button inside threads and it streamlines the user interface of how that works.

Normally when you click that button it has you reload the thread page to perform the actions and that can be a bit slow if you don't have a fast connection or have a really busy thread with lots of images and stuff.  My change has that happen in the background and the page not reloading (and so doesn't reload images at all) so it looks a bit faster and seemless to you and causes a little bit less strain (potentially) on the server. 

It shouldn't make much of a difference to how things work.  It should just make things a little more streamlined in user experience terms and maybe help reduce bandwidth usage and server load a little.

Note for web techie types: I know that the images etc will probably be cached in most instances so server-load/bandwidth for those won't be reduced but there are still some instances where images and other similar resources are re-fetched on a page load so there might be minor improvement for those instances.
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My Tampermonkey Script for Elliquiy

PM me here or find me as ssieth on discord.


Quote from: Ssieth on August 09, 2017, 07:55:02 AM
Ah - oops - I was on my way to a meeting and hurried that description somewhat.  So.. let me explain (I hope) better....

This version has just the one new change and it's a minor one that is more to prove to me that it _will_ work before I set about doing a wider change :)  It only effects the notify/unnotify button inside threads and it streamlines the user interface of how that works.

Normally when you click that button it has you reload the thread page to perform the actions and that can be a bit slow if you don't have a fast connection or have a really busy thread with lots of images and stuff.  My change has that happen in the background and the page not reloading (and so doesn't reload images at all) so it looks a bit faster and seemless to you and causes a little bit less strain (potentially) on the server. 

It shouldn't make much of a difference to how things work.  It should just make things a little more streamlined in user experience terms and maybe help reduce bandwidth usage and server load a little.

Note for web techie types: I know that the images etc will probably be cached in most instances so server-load/bandwidth for those won't be reduced but there are still some instances where images and other similar resources are re-fetched on a page load so there might be minor improvement for those instances.

That helps! Thank you so much for taking a moment to explain it like that. :)
A&As UPDATED Oct 26/23

Rate:Weekly give or take
Status: Enjoying myself
Unavailable for new plottings, sorry.
O&Os Please review
♪As flawed as you may think you are, you're perfect to me!♪


Briefly, before I head to bed.... a new version and a new feature.

v1.30.0 brings 'Speech Styling'.  Basically you can use this to make speech stand out in posts.  So long as the speech is enclosed in double quotes - "".

The settings can be found in the "Style Speech" section of the settings menu and, by default, are set to style speech in blue :)
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My Tampermonkey Script for Elliquiy

PM me here or find me as ssieth on discord.


Yay for newly-resurgent Cabbit goodness!
No man has fear- until fear comes for him.

more me here now!  (O/Os, ideas and junk): https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=215830.0

and mea culpas  (A/As): https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=221151.0


Was anything messed up for other users after the update? I went to test out the new speech styling in one of my threads and noticed all the places where I have changed font colour, style, and size have all been returned to default. Bold still seems unaffected though.

Also, I can no longer open spoilers. :/

Other than that the blue speech text is amazing. <3


Quote from: Andronica on August 12, 2017, 07:46:12 PM
Was anything messed up for other users after the update? I went to test out the new speech styling in one of my threads and noticed all the places where I have changed font colour, style, and size have all been returned to default. Bold still seems unaffected though.

Also, I can no longer open spoilers. :/

Other than that the blue speech text is amazing. <3

Yeah - that would be me making a stupid mistake. Thanks for spotting it :)

It should be fixed in v1.30.1 (which is now live) :)
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My Tampermonkey Script for Elliquiy

PM me here or find me as ssieth on discord.


Awesome, thanks for the quick fix! :D


Quote from: Andronica on August 12, 2017, 09:56:02 PM
Awesome, thanks for the quick fix! :D

You're welcome :)  And thanks for spotting the bug :)
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My Tampermonkey Script for Elliquiy

PM me here or find me as ssieth on discord.